Structural Directives

Conditional display of hero


List of heroes


Expression is true and ngIf is true. This paragraph is in the DOM.

Expression is false and ngIf is false. This paragraph is not in the DOM.

Expression sets display to "block". This paragraph is visible.

Expression sets display to "none". This paragraph is hidden but still in the DOM.

NgIf with template

<ng-template> element



*ngIf with a <ng-container>

I turned the corner and saw {{}}. I waved and continued on my way.

I turned the corner and saw {{}}. I waved and continued on my way.

<select> with <span>

Pick your favorite hero ()

<select> with <ng-container>

Pick your favorite hero ()


<div *ngFor="let hero of heroes; let i=index; let odd=odd; trackBy: trackById" [class.odd]="odd">

({{i}}) {{}}

<ng-template ngFor let-hero [ngForOf]="heroes" let-i="index" let-odd="odd" [ngForTrackBy]="trackById"/>

({{i}}) {{}}


Pick your favorite hero


NgSwitch with <ng-template>






The condition is currently {{condition}}.

(A) This paragraph is displayed because the condition is false.

(B) Although the condition is true, this paragraph is displayed because appUnless is set to false.

UnlessDirective with template

Show this sentence unless the condition is true.

(A) <p *appUnless="condition" class="code unless">

(A) <ng-template [appUnless]="condition">