# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license # Set tests # Construction, collect @test is(typeof(Set([1,2,3])), Set{Int}) @test is(typeof(Set{Int}([3])), Set{Int}) data_in = (1,"banana", ()) s = Set(data_in) data_out = collect(s) @test is(typeof(data_out), Array{Any,1}) @test all(map(d->in(d,data_out), data_in)) @test length(data_out) == length(data_in) let f17741 = x -> x < 0 ? false : 1 @test isa(Set(x for x = 1:3), Set{Int}) @test isa(Set(sin(x) for x = 1:3), Set{Float64}) @test isa(Set(f17741(x) for x = 1:3), Set{Int}) @test isa(Set(f17741(x) for x = -1:1), Set{Integer}) end # hash s1 = Set(["bar", "foo"]) s2 = Set(["foo", "bar"]) s3 = Set(["baz"]) @test hash(s1) == hash(s2) @test hash(s1) != hash(s3) # isequal @test isequal(Set(), Set()) @test !isequal(Set(), Set([1])) @test isequal(Set{Any}(Any[1,2]), Set{Int}([1,2])) @test !isequal(Set{Any}(Any[1,2]), Set{Int}([1,2,3])) # Comparison of unrelated types seems rather inconsistent @test isequal(Set{Int}(), Set{AbstractString}()) @test !isequal(Set{Int}(), Set{AbstractString}([""])) @test !isequal(Set{AbstractString}(), Set{Int}([0])) @test !isequal(Set{Int}([1]), Set{AbstractString}()) @test isequal(Set{Any}([1,2,3]), Set{Int}([1,2,3])) @test isequal(Set{Int}([1,2,3]), Set{Any}([1,2,3])) @test !isequal(Set{Any}([1,2,3]), Set{Int}([1,2,3,4])) @test !isequal(Set{Int}([1,2,3]), Set{Any}([1,2,3,4])) @test !isequal(Set{Any}([1,2,3,4]), Set{Int}([1,2,3])) @test !isequal(Set{Int}([1,2,3,4]), Set{Any}([1,2,3])) # eltype, similar s1 = similar(Set([1,"hello"])) @test isequal(s1, Set()) @test is(eltype(s1), Any) s2 = similar(Set{Float32}([2.0f0,3.0f0,4.0f0])) @test isequal(s2, Set()) @test is(eltype(s2), Float32) s3 = similar(Set([1,"hello"]),Float32) @test isequal(s3, Set()) @test is(eltype(s3), Float32) # show @test sprint(show, Set()) == "Set{Any}()" @test sprint(show, Set(['a'])) == "Set(['a'])" # isempty, length, in, push, pop, delete # also test for no duplicates s = Set(); push!(s,1); push!(s,2); push!(s,3) @test !isempty(s) @test in(1,s) @test in(2,s) @test length(s) == 3 push!(s,1); push!(s,2); push!(s,3) @test length(s) == 3 @test pop!(s,1) == 1 @test !in(1,s) @test in(2,s) @test length(s) == 2 @test_throws KeyError pop!(s,1) @test pop!(s,1,:foo) == :foo @test length(delete!(s,2)) == 1 @test !in(1,s) @test !in(2,s) @test pop!(s) == 3 @test length(s) == 0 @test isempty(s) # copy data_in = (1,2,9,8,4) s = Set(data_in) c = copy(s) @test isequal(s,c) v = pop!(s) @test !in(v,s) @test in(v,c) push!(s,100) push!(c,200) @test !in(100,c) @test !in(200,s) # sizehint, empty s = Set([1]) @test isequal(sizehint!(s, 10), Set([1])) @test isequal(empty!(s), Set()) # rehash! let # Use a pointer type to have defined behavior for uninitialized # array element s = Set(["a", "b", "c"]) Base.rehash!(s) k = s.dict.keys Base.rehash!(s) @test length(k) == length(s.dict.keys) for i in 1:length(k) if isdefined(k, i) @test k[i] == s.dict.keys[i] else @test !isdefined(s.dict.keys, i) end end s == Set(["a", "b", "c"]) end # start, done, next for data_in in ((7,8,4,5), ("hello", 23, 2.7, (), [], (1,8))) s = Set(data_in) s_new = Set() for el in s push!(s_new, el) end @test isequal(s, s_new) t = tuple(s...) @test length(t) == length(s) for e in t @test in(e,s) end end # union @test isequal(union(),Set()) @test isequal(union(Set([1])),Set([1])) s = ∪(Set([1,2]), Set([3,4])) @test isequal(s, Set([1,2,3,4])) s = union(Set([5,6,7,8]), Set([7,8,9])) @test isequal(s, Set([5,6,7,8,9])) s = Set([1,3,5,7]) union!(s,(2,3,4,5)) @test isequal(s,Set([1,2,3,4,5,7])) # intersect @test isequal(intersect(Set([1])),Set([1])) s = ∩(Set([1,2]), Set([3,4])) @test isequal(s, Set()) s = intersect(Set([5,6,7,8]), Set([7,8,9])) @test isequal(s, Set([7,8])) @test isequal(intersect(Set([2,3,1]), Set([4,2,3]), Set([5,4,3,2])), Set([2,3])) # setdiff @test isequal(setdiff(Set([1,2,3]), Set()), Set([1,2,3])) @test isequal(setdiff(Set([1,2,3]), Set([1])), Set([2,3])) @test isequal(setdiff(Set([1,2,3]), Set([1,2])), Set([3])) @test isequal(setdiff(Set([1,2,3]), Set([1,2,3])), Set()) @test isequal(setdiff(Set([1,2,3]), Set([4])), Set([1,2,3])) @test isequal(setdiff(Set([1,2,3]), Set([4,1])), Set([2,3])) s = Set([1,3,5,7]) setdiff!(s,(3,5)) @test isequal(s,Set([1,7])) s = Set([1,2,3,4]) setdiff!(s, Set([2,4,5,6])) @test isequal(s,Set([1,3])) # ordering @test Set() < Set([1]) @test Set([1]) < Set([1,2]) @test !(Set([3]) < Set([1,2])) @test !(Set([3]) > Set([1,2])) @test Set([1,2,3]) > Set([1,2]) @test !(Set([3]) <= Set([1,2])) @test !(Set([3]) >= Set([1,2])) @test Set([1]) <= Set([1,2]) @test Set([1,2]) <= Set([1,2]) @test Set([1,2]) >= Set([1,2]) @test Set([1,2,3]) >= Set([1,2]) @test !(Set([1,2,3]) >= Set([1,2,4])) @test !(Set([1,2,3]) <= Set([1,2,4])) # issubset, symdiff for (l,r) in ((Set([1,2]), Set([3,4])), (Set([5,6,7,8]), Set([7,8,9])), (Set([1,2]), Set([3,4])), (Set([5,6,7,8]), Set([7,8,9])), (Set([1,2,3]), Set()), (Set([1,2,3]), Set([1])), (Set([1,2,3]), Set([1,2])), (Set([1,2,3]), Set([1,2,3])), (Set([1,2,3]), Set([4])), (Set([1,2,3]), Set([4,1]))) @test issubset(intersect(l,r), l) @test issubset(intersect(l,r), r) @test issubset(l, union(l,r)) @test issubset(r, union(l,r)) @test isequal(union(intersect(l,r),symdiff(l,r)), union(l,r)) end @test ⊆(Set([1]), Set([1,2])) @test ⊊(Set([1]), Set([1,2])) @test !⊊(Set([1]), Set([1])) @test ⊈(Set([1]), Set([2])) @test symdiff(Set([1,2,3,4]), Set([2,4,5,6])) == Set([1,3,5,6]) # unique u = unique([1,1,2]) @test in(1,u) @test in(2,u) @test length(u) == 2 @test unique(iseven, [5,1,8,9,3,4,10,7,2,6]) == [5,8] @test unique(n->n % 3, [5,1,8,9,3,4,10,7,2,6]) == [5,1,9] # allunique @test allunique([]) @test allunique(Set()) @test allunique([1,2,3]) @test allunique([:a,:b,:c]) @test allunique(Set([1,2,3])) @test !allunique([1,1,2]) @test !allunique([:a,:b,:c,:a]) @test allunique(4:7) @test allunique(1:1) @test allunique(4.0:0.3:7.0) @test allunique(4:-1:5) # empty range @test allunique(7:-1:1) # negative step # filter s = Set([1,2,3,4]) @test isequal(filter(isodd,s), Set([1,3])) filter!(isodd, s) @test isequal(s, Set([1,3])) # first @test_throws ArgumentError first(Set()) @test first(Set(2)) == 2 # pop! let s = Set(1:5) @test 2 in s @test pop!(s, 2) == 2 @test !(2 in s) @test_throws KeyError pop!(s, 2) @test pop!(s, 2, ()) == () @test 3 in s @test pop!(s, 3, ()) == 3 @test !(3 in s) end @test pop!(Set(1:2), 2, nothing) == 2 @test length(Set(['x',120])) == 2