% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/dataset_gridded.R \name{dataset_gridded} \alias{dataset_gridded} \title{Check if a dataset is gridded} \usage{ dataset_gridded( uuid = NULL, min_dis = 0.05, min_per = 50, min_dis_count = 30, return = "logical", warn = TRUE ) } \arguments{ \item{uuid}{(vector) A character vector of GBIF datasetkey uuids.} \item{min_dis}{(numeric) (default 0.02) Minimum distance in degrees to accept as gridded.} \item{min_per}{(integer)(default 50\%) Minimum percentage of points having same nearest neighbor distance to be considered gridded.} \item{min_dis_count}{(default 30) Minimum number of unique points to accept an assessment of 'griddyness'.} \item{return}{(character) (default "logical"). Choice of "data" will return a data.frame of more information or "logical" will return just TRUE or FALSE indicating whether a dataset is considered 'gridded".} \item{warn}{(logical) indicates whether to warn about missing values or bad values.} } \value{ A logical \code{vector} indicating whether a dataset is considered gridded. Or if \code{return="data"}, a \code{data.frame} of more information. } \description{ Check if a dataset is gridded } \details{ Gridded datasets are a known problem at GBIF. Many datasets have equally-spaced points in a regular pattern. These datasets are usually systematic national surveys or data taken from some atlas (“so-called rasterized collection designs”). This function uses the percentage of unique lat-long points with the most common nearest neighbor distance to identify gridded datasets. \href{https://data-blog.gbif.org/post/finding-gridded-datasets/}{https://data-blog.gbif.org/post/finding-gridded-datasets/} I recommend keeping the default values for the parameters. } \examples{ \dontrun{ dataset_gridded("9070a460-0c6e-11dd-84d2-b8a03c50a862") dataset_gridded(c("9070a460-0c6e-11dd-84d2-b8a03c50a862", "13b70480-bd69-11dd-b15f-b8a03c50a862")) } }