Raw File
 * \file
 * \copyright
 * Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org)
 *            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
 *              See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
 *              http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license
 * The code of this file is used to decouple the evaluation of matrix elements
 * from the rest of OGS6,
 * not all of OGS6 has to be recompiled every time a small change is done.

#pragma once

#include "NumLib/Function/Interpolation.h"

#include "TESLocalAssemblerInner-fwd.h"
#include "TESOGS5MaterialModels.h"
#include "TESReactionAdaptor.h"

namespace ProcessLib
namespace TES
template <typename Traits>
    const AssemblyParams& ap, const unsigned num_int_pts,
    const unsigned dimension)
    : _d{ap, num_int_pts, dimension}

template <typename Traits>
Eigen::Matrix3d TESLocalAssemblerInner<Traits>::getMassCoeffMatrix(
    const unsigned int_pt)
    // TODO: Dalton's law property
    const double dxn_dxm = Adsorption::AdsorptionReaction::dMolarFraction(
        _d.vapour_mass_fraction, _d.ap.M_react, _d.ap.M_inert);
    const double R = MaterialLib::PhysicalConstant::IdealGasConstant;

    const double M_pp = _d.ap.poro / _d.p * _d.rho_GR;
    const double M_pT = -_d.ap.poro / _d.T * _d.rho_GR;
    const double M_px = (_d.ap.M_react - _d.ap.M_inert) * _d.p / (R * _d.T) *
                        dxn_dxm * _d.ap.poro;

    const double M_Tp = -_d.ap.poro;
    const double M_TT =
        _d.ap.poro * _d.rho_GR * _d.ap.cpG  // TODO: vapour heat capacity
        (1.0 - _d.ap.poro) * _d.solid_density[int_pt] *
            _d.ap.cpS;  // TODO: adsorbate heat capacity
    const double M_Tx = 0.0;

    const double M_xp = 0.0;
    const double M_xT = 0.0;
    const double M_xx = _d.ap.poro * _d.rho_GR;

    Eigen::Matrix3d M;
    M << M_pp, M_pT, M_px, M_Tp, M_TT, M_Tx, M_xp, M_xT, M_xx;

    return M;

template <typename Traits>
typename Traits::LaplaceMatrix
TESLocalAssemblerInner<Traits>::getLaplaceCoeffMatrix(const unsigned /*int_pt*/,
                                                      const unsigned dim)
    const double eta_GR = fluid_viscosity(_d.p, _d.T, _d.vapour_mass_fraction);

    const double lambda_F =
        fluid_heat_conductivity(_d.p, _d.T, _d.vapour_mass_fraction);
    const double lambda_S = _d.ap.solid_heat_cond;

    using Mat = typename Traits::MatrixDimDim;

    typename Traits::LaplaceMatrix L =
        Traits::LaplaceMatrix::Zero(dim * NODAL_DOF, dim * NODAL_DOF);

    // TODO: k_rel
    // L_pp
    Traits::blockDimDim(L, 0, 0, dim, dim) =
        Traits::blockDimDim(_d.ap.solid_perm_tensor, 0, 0, dim, dim) *
        _d.rho_GR / eta_GR;

    // TODO: add zeolite part
    // L_TT
    Traits::blockDimDim(L, dim, dim, dim, dim) =
        Mat::Identity(dim, dim) *
        (_d.ap.poro * lambda_F + (1.0 - _d.ap.poro) * lambda_S);

    // L_xx
    Traits::blockDimDim(L, 2 * dim, 2 * dim, dim, dim) =
        Mat::Identity(dim, dim) * (_d.ap.tortuosity * _d.ap.poro * _d.rho_GR *

    return L;

template <typename Traits>
Eigen::Matrix3d TESLocalAssemblerInner<Traits>::getAdvectionCoeffMatrix(
    const unsigned /*int_pt*/)
    const double A_pp = 0.0;
    const double A_pT = 0.0;

    const double A_px = 0.0;

    const double A_Tp = 0.0;

    const double A_TT = _d.rho_GR * _d.ap.cpG;  // porosity?
    const double A_Tx = 0.0;

    const double A_xp = 0.0;
    const double A_xT = 0.0;
    const double A_xx = _d.rho_GR;  // porosity?

    Eigen::Matrix3d A;
    A << A_pp, A_pT, A_px, A_Tp, A_TT, A_Tx, A_xp, A_xT, A_xx;

    return A;

template <typename Traits>
Eigen::Matrix3d TESLocalAssemblerInner<Traits>::getContentCoeffMatrix(
    const unsigned /*int_pt*/)
    const double C_pp = 0.0;
    const double C_pT = 0.0;

    const double C_px = 0.0;

    const double C_Tp = 0.0;

    const double C_TT = 0.0;
    const double C_Tx = 0.0;

    const double C_xp = 0.0;
    const double C_xT = 0.0;
    const double C_xx = (_d.ap.poro - 1.0) * _d.qR;

    Eigen::Matrix3d C;
    C << C_pp, C_pT, C_px, C_Tp, C_TT, C_Tx, C_xp, C_xT, C_xx;

    return C;

template <typename Traits>
Eigen::Vector3d TESLocalAssemblerInner<Traits>::getRHSCoeffVector(
    const unsigned int_pt)
    const double reaction_enthalpy =
        _d.ap.react_sys->getEnthalpy(_d.p_V, _d.T, _d.ap.M_react);

    const double rhs_p =
        (_d.ap.poro - 1.0) * _d.qR;  // TODO [CL] body force term

    const double rhs_T =
        _d.rho_GR * _d.ap.poro * _d.ap.fluid_specific_heat_source +
        (1.0 - _d.ap.poro) * _d.qR * reaction_enthalpy +
        _d.solid_density[int_pt] * (1.0 - _d.ap.poro) *
    // TODO [CL] momentum production term

    const double rhs_x =
        (_d.ap.poro - 1.0) * _d.qR;  // TODO [CL] what if x < 0.0

    Eigen::Vector3d rhs;
    rhs << rhs_p, rhs_T, rhs_x;

    return rhs;

template <typename Traits>
void TESLocalAssemblerInner<Traits>::initReaction(const unsigned int_pt)
    auto const& rate = _d.reaction_adaptor->initReaction(int_pt);
    _d.qR = rate.reaction_rate;
    _d.reaction_rate[int_pt] = rate.reaction_rate;
    _d.solid_density[int_pt] = rate.solid_density;

template <typename Traits>
void TESLocalAssemblerInner<Traits>::preEachAssembleIntegrationPoint(
    const unsigned int_pt,
    const std::vector<double>& localX,
    typename Traits::ShapeMatrices const& sm)
#ifndef NDEBUG
    // fill local data with garbage to aid in debugging
    _d.p = _d.T = _d.vapour_mass_fraction = _d.p_V = _d.rho_GR = _d.qR =

    NumLib::shapeFunctionInterpolate(localX, sm.N, _d.p, _d.T,

    // pre-compute certain properties
    _d.p_V = _d.p * Adsorption::AdsorptionReaction::getMolarFraction(
                        _d.vapour_mass_fraction, _d.ap.M_react, _d.ap.M_inert);


    assert(_d.p > 0.0);
    assert(_d.T > 0.0);
    assert(0.0 <= _d.vapour_mass_fraction && _d.vapour_mass_fraction <= 1.0);

    _d.rho_GR = fluid_density(_d.p, _d.T, _d.vapour_mass_fraction);

template <typename Traits>
void TESLocalAssemblerInner<Traits>::assembleIntegrationPoint(
    unsigned integration_point,
    std::vector<double> const& localX,
    typename Traits::ShapeMatrices const& sm,
    const double weight,
    Eigen::Map<typename Traits::LocalMatrix>& local_M,
    Eigen::Map<typename Traits::LocalMatrix>& local_K,
    Eigen::Map<typename Traits::LocalVector>& local_b)
    preEachAssembleIntegrationPoint(integration_point, localX, sm);

    auto const N =
        static_cast<unsigned>(sm.dNdx.cols());  // number of integration points
    auto const D =
        static_cast<unsigned>(sm.dNdx.rows());  // global dimension: 1, 2 or 3

    assert(N * NODAL_DOF == local_M.cols());

    auto const laplaceCoeffMat = getLaplaceCoeffMatrix(integration_point, D);
    assert(laplaceCoeffMat.cols() == D * NODAL_DOF);
    auto const massCoeffMat = getMassCoeffMatrix(integration_point);
    auto const advCoeffMat = getAdvectionCoeffMatrix(integration_point);
    auto const contentCoeffMat = getContentCoeffMatrix(integration_point);

    // calculate velocity
    assert((unsigned)sm.dNdx.rows() == _d.velocity.size() &&
           (unsigned)sm.dNdx.cols() == _d.velocity[0].size());

    auto const velocity =
        (Traits::blockDimDim(laplaceCoeffMat, 0, 0, D, D) *
         (sm.dNdx * Eigen::Map<const typename Traits::Vector1Comp>(localX.data(),
                                                                  N)  // grad_p
    assert(velocity.size() == D);

    for (unsigned d = 0; d < D; ++d)
        _d.velocity[d][integration_point] = velocity[d];

    auto const detJ_w_im_NT =
        (sm.detJ * weight * sm.integralMeasure * sm.N.transpose()).eval();
    auto const detJ_w_im_NT_N = (detJ_w_im_NT * sm.N).eval();
    assert(detJ_w_im_NT_N.rows() == N && detJ_w_im_NT_N.cols() == N);

    auto const detJ_w_im_NT_vT_dNdx =
        (detJ_w_im_NT * velocity.transpose() * sm.dNdx).eval();
    assert(detJ_w_im_NT_vT_dNdx.rows() == N && detJ_w_im_NT_vT_dNdx.cols() == N);

    for (unsigned r = 0; r < NODAL_DOF; ++r)
        for (unsigned c = 0; c < NODAL_DOF; ++c)
            Traits::blockShpShp(local_K, N * r, N * c, N, N).noalias() +=
                sm.detJ * weight * sm.integralMeasure * sm.dNdx.transpose() *
                    Traits::blockDimDim(laplaceCoeffMat, D * r, D * c, D, D) *
                    sm.dNdx  // end Laplacian part
                + detJ_w_im_NT_N * contentCoeffMat(r, c) +
                detJ_w_im_NT_vT_dNdx * advCoeffMat(r, c);
            Traits::blockShpShp(local_M, N * r, N * c, N, N).noalias() +=
                detJ_w_im_NT_N * massCoeffMat(r, c);

    auto const rhsCoeffVector = getRHSCoeffVector(integration_point);

    for (unsigned r = 0; r < NODAL_DOF; ++r)
        Traits::blockShp(local_b, N * r, N).noalias() +=
            rhsCoeffVector(r) * sm.N.transpose() * sm.detJ * weight *

template <typename Traits>
void TESLocalAssemblerInner<Traits>::preEachAssemble()
    if (_d.ap.iteration_in_current_timestep == 1)
        if (_d.ap.number_of_try_of_iteration ==
            1)  // TODO has to hold if the above holds.
            _d.solid_density_prev_ts = _d.solid_density;
            _d.reaction_rate_prev_ts = _d.reaction_rate;

            _d.solid_density = _d.solid_density_prev_ts;

}  // namespace TES

}  // namespace ProcessLib
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