# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license export abspath, basename, dirname, expanduser, contractuser, homedir, isabspath, isdirpath, joinpath, normpath, realpath, relpath, splitdir, splitdrive, splitext, splitpath if Sys.isunix() const path_separator = "/" const path_separator_re = r"/+" const path_directory_re = r"(?:^|/)\.{0,2}$" const path_dir_splitter = r"^(.*?)(/+)([^/]*)$" const path_ext_splitter = r"^((?:.*/)?(?:\.|[^/\.])[^/]*?)(\.[^/\.]*|)$" splitdrive(path::String) = ("",path) elseif Sys.iswindows() const path_separator = "\\" const path_separator_re = r"[/\\]+" const path_absolute_re = r"^(?:[A-Za-z]+:)?[/\\]" const path_directory_re = r"(?:^|[/\\])\.{0,2}$" const path_dir_splitter = r"^(.*?)([/\\]+)([^/\\]*)$" const path_ext_splitter = r"^((?:.*[/\\])?(?:\.|[^/\\\.])[^/\\]*?)(\.[^/\\\.]*|)$" function splitdrive(path::String) m = match(r"^([^\\]+:|\\\\[^\\]+\\[^\\]+|\\\\\?\\UNC\\[^\\]+\\[^\\]+|\\\\\?\\[^\\]+:|)(.*)$", path) String(m.captures[1]), String(m.captures[2]) end else error("path primitives for this OS need to be defined") end """ splitdrive(path::AbstractString) -> (AbstractString, AbstractString) On Windows, split a path into the drive letter part and the path part. On Unix systems, the first component is always the empty string. """ splitdrive(path::AbstractString) """ homedir() -> AbstractString Return the current user's home directory. !!! note `homedir` determines the home directory via `libuv`'s `uv_os_homedir`. For details (for example on how to specify the home directory via environment variables), see the [`uv_os_homedir` documentation](http://docs.libuv.org/en/v1.x/misc.html#c.uv_os_homedir). """ function homedir() path_max = 1024 buf = Vector{UInt8}(undef, path_max) sz = RefValue{Csize_t}(path_max + 1) while true rc = ccall(:uv_os_homedir, Cint, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{Csize_t}), buf, sz) if rc == 0 resize!(buf, sz[]) return String(buf) elseif rc == Base.UV_ENOBUFS resize!(buf, sz[] - 1) else error("unable to retrieve home directory") end end end if Sys.iswindows() isabspath(path::String) = occursin(path_absolute_re, path) else isabspath(path::String) = startswith(path, '/') end """ isabspath(path::AbstractString) -> Bool Determine whether a path is absolute (begins at the root directory). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> isabspath("/home") true julia> isabspath("home") false ``` """ isabspath(path::AbstractString) """ isdirpath(path::AbstractString) -> Bool Determine whether a path refers to a directory (for example, ends with a path separator). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> isdirpath("/home") false julia> isdirpath("/home/") true ``` """ isdirpath(path::String) = occursin(path_directory_re, splitdrive(path)[2]) """ splitdir(path::AbstractString) -> (AbstractString, AbstractString) Split a path into a tuple of the directory name and file name. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> splitdir("/home/myuser") ("/home", "myuser") ``` """ function splitdir(path::String) a, b = splitdrive(path) _splitdir_nodrive(a,b) end # Common splitdir functionality without splitdrive, needed for splitpath. _splitdir_nodrive(path::String) = _splitdir_nodrive("", path) function _splitdir_nodrive(a::String, b::String) m = match(path_dir_splitter,b) m === nothing && return (a,b) a = string(a, isempty(m.captures[1]) ? m.captures[2][1] : m.captures[1]) a, String(m.captures[3]) end """ dirname(path::AbstractString) -> AbstractString Get the directory part of a path. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> dirname("/home/myuser") "/home" ``` See also: [`basename`](@ref) """ dirname(path::AbstractString) = splitdir(path)[1] """ basename(path::AbstractString) -> AbstractString Get the file name part of a path. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> basename("/home/myuser/example.jl") "example.jl" ``` See also: [`dirname`](@ref) """ basename(path::AbstractString) = splitdir(path)[2] """ splitext(path::AbstractString) -> (AbstractString, AbstractString) If the last component of a path contains a dot, split the path into everything before the dot and everything including and after the dot. Otherwise, return a tuple of the argument unmodified and the empty string. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> splitext("/home/myuser/example.jl") ("/home/myuser/example", ".jl") julia> splitext("/home/myuser/example") ("/home/myuser/example", "") ``` """ function splitext(path::String) a, b = splitdrive(path) m = match(path_ext_splitter, b) m === nothing && return (path,"") a*m.captures[1], String(m.captures[2]) end function pathsep(paths::AbstractString...) for path in paths m = match(path_separator_re, String(path)) m !== nothing && return m.match[1:1] end return path_separator end """ splitpath(path::AbstractString) -> Vector{String} Split a file path into all its path components. This is the opposite of `joinpath`. Returns an array of substrings, one for each directory or file in the path, including the root directory if present. !!! compat "Julia 1.1" This function requires at least Julia 1.1. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> splitpath("/home/myuser/example.jl") 4-element Array{String,1}: "/" "home" "myuser" "example.jl" ``` """ function splitpath(p::String) drive, p = splitdrive(p) out = String[] isempty(p) && (pushfirst!(out,p)) # "" means the current directory. while !isempty(p) dir, base = _splitdir_nodrive(p) dir == p && (pushfirst!(out, dir); break) # Reached root node. if !isempty(base) # Skip trailing '/' in basename pushfirst!(out, base) end p = dir end if !isempty(drive) # Tack the drive back on to the first element. out[1] = drive*out[1] # Note that length(out) is always >= 1. end return out end joinpath(a::AbstractString) = a """ joinpath(parts...) -> AbstractString Join path components into a full path. If some argument is an absolute path or (on Windows) has a drive specification that doesn't match the drive computed for the join of the preceding paths, then prior components are dropped. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> joinpath("/home/myuser", "example.jl") "/home/myuser/example.jl" ``` """ joinpath(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString, c::AbstractString...) = joinpath(joinpath(a,b), c...) function joinpath(a::String, b::String) isabspath(b) && return b A, a = splitdrive(a) B, b = splitdrive(b) !isempty(B) && A != B && return string(B,b) C = isempty(B) ? A : B isempty(a) ? string(C,b) : occursin(path_separator_re, a[end:end]) ? string(C,a,b) : string(C,a,pathsep(a,b),b) end joinpath(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString) = joinpath(String(a), String(b)) """ normpath(path::AbstractString) -> AbstractString Normalize a path, removing "." and ".." entries. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> normpath("/home/myuser/../example.jl") "/home/example.jl" ``` """ function normpath(path::String) isabs = isabspath(path) isdir = isdirpath(path) drive, path = splitdrive(path) parts = split(path, path_separator_re) filter!(x->!isempty(x) && x!=".", parts) while true clean = true for j = 1:length(parts)-1 if parts[j] != ".." && parts[j+1] == ".." deleteat!(parts, j:j+1) clean = false break end end clean && break end if isabs while !isempty(parts) && parts[1] == ".." popfirst!(parts) end elseif isempty(parts) push!(parts, ".") end path = join(parts, path_separator) if isabs path = path_separator*path end if isdir && !isdirpath(path) path *= path_separator end string(drive,path) end normpath(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString...) = normpath(joinpath(a,b...)) """ abspath(path::AbstractString) -> AbstractString Convert a path to an absolute path by adding the current directory if necessary. Also normalizes the path as in [`normpath`](@ref). """ abspath(a::String) = normpath(isabspath(a) ? a : joinpath(pwd(),a)) """ abspath(path::AbstractString, paths::AbstractString...) -> AbstractString Convert a set of paths to an absolute path by joining them together and adding the current directory if necessary. Equivalent to `abspath(joinpath(path, paths...))`. """ abspath(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString...) = abspath(joinpath(a,b...)) if Sys.iswindows() function realpath(path::AbstractString) p = cwstring(path) buf = zeros(UInt16, length(p)) while true n = ccall((:GetFullPathNameW, "kernel32"), stdcall, UInt32, (Ptr{UInt16}, UInt32, Ptr{UInt16}, Ptr{Cvoid}), p, length(buf), buf, C_NULL) systemerror(:realpath, n == 0) x = n < length(buf) # is the buffer big enough? resize!(buf, n) # shrink if x, grow if !x x && return transcode(String, buf) end end function longpath(path::AbstractString) p = cwstring(path) buf = zeros(UInt16, length(p)) while true n = ccall((:GetLongPathNameW, "kernel32"), stdcall, UInt32, (Ptr{UInt16}, Ptr{UInt16}, UInt32), p, buf, length(buf)) systemerror(:longpath, n == 0) x = n < length(buf) # is the buffer big enough? resize!(buf, n) # shrink if x, grow if !x x && return transcode(String, buf) end end else # !windows function realpath(path::AbstractString) p = ccall(:realpath, Ptr{UInt8}, (Cstring, Ptr{UInt8}), path, C_NULL) systemerror(:realpath, p == C_NULL) str = unsafe_string(p) Libc.free(p) return str end end # os-test """ realpath(path::AbstractString) -> AbstractString Canonicalize a path by expanding symbolic links and removing "." and ".." entries. """ realpath(path::AbstractString) if Sys.iswindows() # on windows, ~ means "temporary file" expanduser(path::AbstractString) = path contractuser(path::AbstractString) = path else function expanduser(path::AbstractString) y = iterate(path) y === nothing && return path c, i = y c != '~' && return path y = iterate(path, i) y === nothing && return homedir() y[1] == '/' && return homedir() * path[i:end] throw(ArgumentError("~user tilde expansion not yet implemented")) end function contractuser(path::AbstractString) home = homedir() if path == home return "~" elseif startswith(path, home) return joinpath("~", relpath(path, home)) else return path end end end """ expanduser(path::AbstractString) -> AbstractString On Unix systems, replace a tilde character at the start of a path with the current user's home directory. """ expanduser(path::AbstractString) """ contractuser(path::AbstractString) -> AbstractString On Unix systems, if the path starts with `homedir()`, replace it with a tilde character. """ contractuser(path::AbstractString) """ relpath(path::AbstractString, startpath::AbstractString = ".") -> AbstractString Return a relative filepath to `path` either from the current directory or from an optional start directory. This is a path computation: the filesystem is not accessed to confirm the existence or nature of `path` or `startpath`. """ function relpath(path::String, startpath::String = ".") isempty(path) && throw(ArgumentError("`path` must be specified")) isempty(startpath) && throw(ArgumentError("`startpath` must be specified")) curdir = "." pardir = ".." path == startpath && return curdir path_arr = split(abspath(path), path_separator_re) start_arr = split(abspath(startpath), path_separator_re) i = 0 while i < min(length(path_arr), length(start_arr)) i += 1 if path_arr[i] != start_arr[i] i -= 1 break end end pathpart = join(path_arr[i+1:something(findlast(x -> !isempty(x), path_arr), 0)], path_separator) prefix_num = something(findlast(x -> !isempty(x), start_arr), 0) - i - 1 if prefix_num >= 0 prefix = pardir * path_separator relpath_ = isempty(pathpart) ? (prefix^prefix_num) * pardir : (prefix^prefix_num) * pardir * path_separator * pathpart else relpath_ = pathpart end return isempty(relpath_) ? curdir : relpath_ end relpath(path::AbstractString, startpath::AbstractString) = relpath(String(path), String(startpath)) for f in (:isabspath, :isdirpath, :splitdir, :splitdrive, :splitext, :normpath, :abspath) @eval $f(path::AbstractString) = $f(String(path)) end