Raw File
<tool id="interactive_tool_metashark" tool_type="interactive" name="metashark" version="1.7" profile="22.01">
    <description>Metadata Shiny Automated Resource and Knowledge</description>
        <container type="docker">eliearnaud/metashark:1.7.0</container>
        <entry_point name="metashark visualisation" requires_domain="True">

        mkdir -p /srv/shiny-server/data/ &&
        cp '$infile' /srv/shiny-server/data/inputdata.txt &&
        R -e "options('shiny.port'=3838,shiny.host='');MetaShARK::runMetashark()"

        <param name="infile" type="data" multiple="true" format="tabular,csv" label="Input biodiversity data file(s)"/>
        <data name="outfile" format="txt" />

`MetaShARK <https://github.com/earnaud/MetaShARK-v2>`_ is a R Shiny App to automate metadata creation in Ecological Metadata Language (E>

Example input file (csv ot tabular)::

"ID"    "x"     "y"     "test"
01      -60.291838      46.328137       2
02      -114.58927      35.022485       3
03      -93.37406       30.00586        4
04      -79.336288      43.682218       5
05      -109.156024     31.904185       2
06      -71.098031      42.297408       9
07      -110.927215     32.18203        12

           <citation type="bibtex">@misc{githubsurvey2018,
           author       = {Elie Arnaud},
           title        = {{Metadata Shiny Automated Resource and Knowledge}},
           publisher    = {Github},
           url          = {https://github.com/earnaud/MetaShARK-v2}
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