# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # tests for accurate updating of method tables using Base: get_world_counter tls_world_age() = ccall(:jl_get_tls_world_age, UInt, ()) @test typemax(UInt) > get_world_counter() == tls_world_age() > 0 # test simple method replacement begin g265a() = f265a(0) f265a(x::Any) = 1 @test g265a() == 1 @test Base.return_types(g265a, ()) == Any[Int] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265a, ()) == Int f265a(x::Any) = 2.0 @test g265a() == 2.0 @test Base.return_types(g265a, ()) == Any[Float64] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265a, ()) == Float64 end # test signature widening begin f265b(x::Int) = 1 let ty = Any[1, 2.0e0] global g265b(i::Int) = f265b(ty[i]) end @test g265b(1) == 1 @test Base.return_types(g265b, (Int,)) == Any[Int] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265b, (Int,)) == Int f265b(x::Any) = 2.0 @test g265b(1) == 1 @test g265b(2) == 2.0 @test Base.return_types(g265b, (Int,)) == Any[Union{Int, Float64}] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265b, (Int,)) == Union{Int, Float64} end # test signature narrowing begin g265c() = f265c(0) f265c(x::Any) = 1 @test g265c() == 1 @test Base.return_types(g265c, ()) == Any[Int] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265c, ()) == Int f265c(x::Int) = 2.0 @test g265c() == 2.0 @test Base.return_types(g265c, ()) == Any[Float64] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(g265c, ()) == Float64 end # test constructor narrowing mutable struct A265{T} field1::T end A265_() = A265(1) @test (A265_()::A265{Int}).field1 === 1 A265(fld::Int) = A265(Float64(fld)) @test (A265_()::A265{Float64}).field1 === 1.0e0 # test constructor widening mutable struct B265{T} field1::T # dummy arg is present to prevent (::Type{T}){T}(arg) from matching the test calls B265{T}(field1::Any, dummy::Nothing) where {T} = new(field1) # prevent generation of outer ctor end # define some constructors B265(x::Int, dummy::Nothing) = B265{Int}(x, dummy) let ty = Any[1, 2.0e0, 3.0f0] global B265_(i::Int) = B265(ty[i], nothing) end # test for correct answers @test (B265_(1)::B265{Int}).field1 === 1 @test_throws MethodError B265_(2) @test_throws MethodError B265_(3) @test Base.return_types(B265_, (Int,)) == Any[B265{Int}] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(B265_, (Int,)) == B265{Int} # add new constructors B265(x::Float64, dummy::Nothing) = B265{Float64}(x, dummy) B265(x::Any, dummy::Nothing) = B265{UInt8}(x, dummy) # make sure answers are updated @test (B265_(1)::B265{Int}).field1 === 1 @test (B265_(2)::B265{Float64}).field1 === 2.0e0 @test (B265_(3)::B265{UInt8}).field1 === 0x03 @test Base.return_types(B265_, (Int,)) == Any[B265] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(B265_, (Int,)) == B265 # test oldworld call / inference function wfunc(c1,c2) while true (f, args) = take!(c1) put!(c2, f(args...)) end end function put_n_take!(v...) put!(chnls[1], v) take!(chnls[2]) end g265() = [f265(x) for x in 1:3.] wc265 = get_world_counter() f265(::Any) = 1.0 @test wc265 + 1 == get_world_counter() chnls, tasks = Base.channeled_tasks(2, wfunc) t265 = tasks[1] wc265 = get_world_counter() @test put_n_take!(get_world_counter, ()) == wc265 @test put_n_take!(tls_world_age, ()) == wc265 f265(::Int) = 1 @test put_n_take!(get_world_counter, ()) == wc265 + 1 == get_world_counter() == tls_world_age() @test put_n_take!(tls_world_age, ()) == wc265 @test g265() == Int[1, 1, 1] @test Core.Compiler.return_type(f265, (Any,)) == Union{Float64, Int} @test Core.Compiler.return_type(f265, (Int,)) == Int @test Core.Compiler.return_type(f265, (Float64,)) == Float64 @test put_n_take!(g265, ()) == Float64[1.0, 1.0, 1.0] @test put_n_take!(Core.Compiler.return_type, (f265, (Any,))) == Float64 @test put_n_take!(Core.Compiler.return_type, (f265, (Int,))) == Float64 @test put_n_take!(Core.Compiler.return_type, (f265, (Float64,))) == Float64 @test put_n_take!(Core.Compiler.return_type, (f265, (Float64,))) == Float64 # test that reflection ignores worlds @test Base.return_types(f265, (Any,)) == Any[Int, Float64] @test put_n_take!(Base.return_types, (f265, (Any,))) == Any[Int, Float64] # test for method errors h265() = true loc_h265 = "$(@__FILE__):$(@__LINE__() - 1)" @test h265() @test_throws MethodError put_n_take!(h265, ()) @test_throws MethodError fetch(t265) @test istaskdone(t265) let ex = t265.exception @test ex.f == h265 @test ex.args == () @test ex.world == wc265 str = sprint(showerror, ex) wc = get_world_counter() cmps = """ MethodError: no method matching h265() The applicable method may be too new: running in world age $wc265, while current world is $wc.""" @test startswith(str, cmps) cmps = "\n h265() at $loc_h265 (method too new to be called from this world context.)" @test occursin(cmps, str) end # test for generated function correctness # and min/max world computation validity of cache_method f_gen265(x) = 1 @generated g_gen265(x) = f_gen265(x) @generated h_gen265(x) = :(f_gen265(x)) f_gen265(x::Int) = 2 f_gen265(x::Type{Int}) = 3 @generated g_gen265b(x) = f_gen265(x) @test h_gen265(0) == 2 @test g_gen265(0) == 1 @test f_gen265(Int) == 3 @test g_gen265b(0) == 3 # Test that old, invalidated specializations don't get revived for # intermediate worlds by later additions to the method table that # would have capped those specializations if they were still valid f26506(@nospecialize(x)) = 1 g26506(x) = f26506(x[1]) z = Any["ABC"] f26506(x::Int) = 2 g26506(z) # Places an entry for f26506(::String) in mt.name.cache f26506(x::String) = 3 let cache = typeof(f26506).name.mt.cache # The entry we created above should have been truncated @test cache.min_world == cache.max_world end c26506_1, c26506_2 = Condition(), Condition() # Captures the world age result26506 = Any[] t = Task(()->begin wait(c26506_1) push!(result26506, g26506(z)) notify(c26506_2) end) yield(t) f26506(x::Float64) = 4 let cache = typeof(f26506).name.mt.cache # The entry we created above should have been truncated @test cache.min_world == cache.max_world end notify(c26506_1) wait(c26506_2) @test result26506[1] == 3