FADAlib: an open source C++ library for fuzzy array dataflow analysis.
*. Copyright:
Open source code under LGPL copyright.
* Marouane Balaoucha (UVSQ - France),
* Christophe Alias (INRIA - France)
* Denis Barthou (UVSQ - France)
* Sid Touati (UVSQ - France)
*. Used software:
FADAlib is partly based on a code from Christophe Alias (INRIA), which is a C++ implementation of ADA (Array Dataflow analysis [*]).
In addition, FADAlib uses piplib (
[*] P. Feautrier, Dataflow analysis of scalar and array references, International Journal of Parallel Programming 20 (1) (1991) 23–52.
0. Prerequis :
You need PipLib to be installed. Also, The boost header files.
graphviz tool suites (especially 'dot'), and 'latex2html' have to be installed if you want pretty printed results within html pages. And 'firefox' for vizualization.
1. Installation :
Refer to instructions in 'INSTALL'
2. Using FADAtool:
$ fadatool [options]
Where options are :
=> Options relative to the FADA processing :
'--structural-analysis' or '-s' : apply the structural analysis.
=> Options relative to the printing :
'--format=FORMAT' : where 'FORMAT' in {'html+tex','html+dot', 'console'}
'--dir=dir' or '-d dir' : set 'dir' as working and output directory ('./' is taken as default). if doesn't exist it will be created
'--tree' or '-T' : print definitions in Quasi Affine Selection trees.
'--bottom' or '-b' : consider a node 'bottom' for not initialized variables in the dataflow graph.
'--log' or'-L' : write results in a file.
'--fuzzy' or '-f' : remove constraints involving new parameters.
'--graph' or '-g' : generate a dataflow graph.
'--verbose' or '-v' : print extra information for debugging.
'--help' or '-h' : print a help screen and exit.
'--version' or '-V' : print the version and exit.
'--input=file' or '-i file' : specify the input file.
Examples :
$ fadatool -i input.c
Perform dataflow analysis, results are printed in the standard output file.
$ fadatool -i input.c --format=html+tex
Results are provided in html pages created in the directory 'dir'