// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information. // #pragma once #include "Basics.h" #include "ComputationNode.h" #include "Constants.h" #include "Matrix.h" #include "TensorView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Quantizers.h" #include "InputAndParamNodes.h" namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // PlusNode (summand1, summand2) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class PlusNode : public BinaryElementWiseNode { typedef BinaryElementWiseNode Base; UsingBinaryElementwiseNodeBaseMembers; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"Plus"; } public: DeclareConstructorFromConfigWithNumInputs(PlusNode); PlusNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name) : Base(deviceId, name) { } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { size_t rank = DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto result = ValueTensorFor(rank, fr); auto input0 = InputRef(0).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto input1 = InputRef(1).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); result.AssignSumOf(input0, input1); } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t inputIndex, const FrameRange& fr) override { size_t rank = DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto gradient = GradientTensorFor(rank, fr); auto inputGradient = Input(inputIndex)->GradientTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); // if reduction then mask the respective input(s) (zero out the gaps) if (Input(inputIndex)->ReducesInTimeWrt(shared_from_this())) MaskMissingGradientColumnsToZero(fr); if (Input(inputIndex)->IsGradientOptimized(this)) { if (Input(inputIndex)->ParentGradientReused()) { if (inputGradient.GetSOBPtr() != gradient.GetSOBPtr()) LogicError("Gradients should be reused."); } else inputGradient.AssignCopyOf(gradient); } else inputGradient.AddCopyOf(gradient); } virtual ParentGradientOptimization ImplementsGradientOptimization(const ComputationNodeBase* input) const override { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < GetNumInputs(); i++) { if (Input(i).get() == input) break; } if (i == GetNumInputs()) LogicError("Cannot find input."); return this->InputMatchesOutput(i) ? ParentGradientOptimization::Reuse : ParentGradientOptimization::Overwrite; } }; template class PlusNode; template class PlusNode; template class PlusNode; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // LogPlusNode (summand1, summand2) // Computes ln(exp(summand1) + exp(summand2)) in an overflow safe way. // Useful e.g. for computing softmax over sequence. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class LogPlusNode : public BinaryElementWiseNode { typedef BinaryElementWiseNode Base; UsingBinaryElementwiseNodeBaseMembers; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"LogPlus"; } public: DeclareConstructorFromConfigWithNumInputs(LogPlusNode); LogPlusNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name) : Base(deviceId, name) { } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { size_t rank = DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto result = ValueTensorFor(rank, fr); auto input0 = InputRef(0).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto input1 = InputRef(1).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); result.AssignLogSumOf(input0, input1); } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t inputIndex, const FrameRange& fr) override { size_t rank = DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto gradient = GradientTensorFor(rank, fr); auto inputGradient = InputRef(inputIndex).GradientTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto input0 = InputRef(0).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto input1 = InputRef(1).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); // if reduction then mask the respective input(s) (zero out the gaps) if (Input(inputIndex)->ReducesInTimeWrt(shared_from_this())) MaskMissingGradientColumnsToZero(fr); if (Input(inputIndex)->ReducesInTimeWrt(Input(1 - inputIndex))) Input(1 - inputIndex)->MaskMissingValueColumnsToZero(fr); if (inputIndex == 0) { // d/dx (ln( exp(x) + (exp(y)) = exp(x) / (exp(x) + exp(y)) = 1 / (1 + exp(y-x)) = sigmoid(x-y) if (Input(inputIndex)->IsGradientInitializedBy(this)) inputGradient.AssignElementwiseProductWithLogSumDerivativeOf(gradient, input1, input0); else inputGradient.AddElementwiseProductWithLogSumDerivativeOf(gradient, input1, input0); } else { // d/dy (ln( exp(x) + (exp(y)) = exp(y) / (exp(x) + exp(y)) = 1 / (1 + exp(x-y)) = sigmoid(y-x) if (Input(inputIndex)->IsGradientInitializedBy(this)) inputGradient.AssignElementwiseProductWithLogSumDerivativeOf(gradient, input0, input1); else inputGradient.AddElementwiseProductWithLogSumDerivativeOf(gradient, input0, input1); } } virtual bool InputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients(size_t /*childIndex*/) const override { return true; } virtual ParentGradientOptimization ImplementsGradientOptimization(const ComputationNodeBase*) const override { return ParentGradientOptimization::Overwrite; } }; template class LogPlusNode; template class LogPlusNode; template class LogPlusNode; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // PowNode (base, exponent) // Computes base ** exponent. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class PowNode : public BinaryElementWiseNode { typedef BinaryElementWiseNode Base; UsingBinaryElementwiseNodeBaseMembers; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"Pow"; } public: DeclareConstructorFromConfigWithNumInputs(PowNode); PowNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name) : Base(deviceId, name) { } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { size_t rank = DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto result = ValueTensorFor(rank, fr); auto base = InputRef(0).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto expo = InputRef(1).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); result.AssignPowOf(base, expo); } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t inputIndex, const FrameRange& fr) override { size_t rank = DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto gradient = GradientTensorFor(rank, fr); auto inputGradient = InputRef(inputIndex).GradientTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto base = InputRef(0).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); // if reduction then mask the respective input(s) (zero out the gaps) if (Input(inputIndex)->ReducesInTimeWrt(shared_from_this())) MaskMissingGradientColumnsToZero(fr); if (Input(inputIndex)->ReducesInTimeWrt(Input(1 - inputIndex))) Input(1 - inputIndex)->MaskMissingValueColumnsToZero(fr); if (inputIndex == 0) { auto exponent = InputRef(1).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); // d/dx x**y = y * x**(y-1) inputGradient.AddElementwiseProductWithPowBaseDerivativeOf(gradient, base, exponent); } else { auto result = ValueTensorFor(rank, fr); // d/dy x**y = ln(x) * x**y inputGradient.AddElementwiseProductWithPowExponentDerivativeOf(gradient, result, base); } } }; template class PowNode; template class PowNode; template class PowNode; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // MinusNode (minuend, subtrahend) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class MinusNode : public BinaryElementWiseNode { typedef BinaryElementWiseNode Base; UsingBinaryElementwiseNodeBaseMembers; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"Minus"; } public: DeclareConstructorFromConfigWithNumInputs(MinusNode); MinusNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name) : Base(deviceId, name) { } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { size_t rank = DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto result = ValueTensorFor(rank, fr); auto input0 = InputRef(0).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto input1 = InputRef(1).ValueTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); result.AssignDifferenceOf(input0, input1); } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t inputIndex, const FrameRange& fr) override { size_t rank = DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto gradient = GradientTensorFor(rank, fr); auto inputGradient = Input(inputIndex)->GradientTensorFor(rank, fr.AllowBroadcast()); // if reduction then mask the respective input(s) (zero out the gaps) if (Input(inputIndex)->ReducesInTimeWrt(shared_from_this())) MaskMissingGradientColumnsToZero(fr); ElemType sign = inputIndex == 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f; if (Input(inputIndex)->IsGradientOptimized(this)) { if (Input(inputIndex)->ParentGradientReused()) { if (inputGradient.GetSOBPtr() != gradient.GetSOBPtr()) LogicError("Gradients should be reused."); } else inputGradient.AssignCopyOf(gradient, sign); } else inputGradient.AddCopyOf(gradient, sign); } virtual ParentGradientOptimization ImplementsGradientOptimization(const ComputationNodeBase* input) const override { // only left operand can use gradient overwrite optimization return (Input(0).get() == input && this->InputMatchesOutput(0)) ? ParentGradientOptimization::Reuse : ParentGradientOptimization::Overwrite; } }; template class MinusNode; template class MinusNode; template class MinusNode; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ElementTimesNode (factor1, factor2) // This allows broadcasting, and can thus also scale with a row, a column, or a scalar, // as well as multiplying with a diagonal matrix (if represented as a column vector). // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class ElementTimesNode : public BinaryElementWiseNode { typedef BinaryElementWiseNode Base; UsingBinaryElementwiseNodeBaseMembers; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"ElementTimes"; } public: DeclareConstructorFromConfigWithNumInputs(ElementTimesNode); ElementTimesNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name) : Base(deviceId, name) { } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { ForwardPropImpl(*this, fr, true/*allowBroadcast*/); } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t inputIndex, const FrameRange& fr) override { BackpropToImpl(*this, inputIndex, fr, true/*allowBroadcast*/); } virtual bool InputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients(size_t /*childIndex*/) const override { return true; } virtual ParentGradientOptimization ImplementsGradientOptimization(const ComputationNodeBase*) const override { return ParentGradientOptimization::Overwrite; } template static void ForwardPropImpl(classType& c, const FrameRange& fr, bool allowBroadcast) { size_t rank = c.DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto result = c.ValueTensorFor(rank, fr); auto input0 = c.InputRef(0).ValueTensorFor(rank, allowBroadcast ? fr.AllowBroadcast() : fr); auto input1 = c.InputRef(1).ValueTensorFor(rank, allowBroadcast ? fr.AllowBroadcast() : fr); result.AssignElementwiseProductOf(input0, input1); } template static void BackpropToImpl(classType& c, const size_t inputIndex, const FrameRange& fr, bool allowBroadcast) { size_t rank = c.DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto gradient = c.GradientTensorFor(rank, fr); auto inputGradient = c.Input( inputIndex)->GradientTensorFor(rank, allowBroadcast ? fr.AllowBroadcast() : fr); auto otherInputValue = c.Input(1 - inputIndex)->ValueTensorFor (rank, allowBroadcast ? fr.AllowBroadcast() : fr); // if reduction then mask the respective input(s) (zero out the gaps) if (c.Input(inputIndex)->ReducesInTimeWrt(c.shared_from_this())) c.MaskMissingGradientColumnsToZero(fr); if (c.Input(inputIndex)->ReducesInTimeWrt(c.Input(1 - inputIndex))) c.Input(1 - inputIndex)->MaskMissingValueColumnsToZero(fr); if (c.Input(inputIndex)->IsGradientInitializedBy(&c)) inputGradient.AssignElementwiseProductOf(gradient, otherInputValue); else inputGradient.AddElementwiseProductOf(gradient, otherInputValue); } }; template class ElementTimesNode; template class ElementTimesNode; template class ElementTimesNode; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimesNodeBase (A, B, outputRank=1) // shared code of TimesNode and TransposeTimesNode (which transposes A) // The common case, W * v with weights W and minibatch data v is efficiently // implemented as a per-minibatch BLAS GEMM call. // If A is minibatch data, then this operation is currently not efficient. // TODO: Implement this with TensorView::DoElementwiseProductOf() and stride magic // TODO: Transpose flags for all matrices, inputs and outputs? // TODO: allow outputRank < 0 meaning to denote "all but", from right // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class TimesNodeBase : public ComputationNode, public NumInputs<2> { friend class ElementTimesNode; typedef ComputationNode Base; UsingComputationNodeMembers; using Base::OperationName; \ public: enum : int { NoInferredInputRank = -1, // the default, do not infer left operand input rank from right operand ReduceSequenceAxisWithoutInferredInputRank = -2, // reduce sequence axis. Currently only support cases like (m x k) x (k) -> (m) for sequences }; public: TimesNodeBase(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name, size_t outputRank = 1, int inferInputRankToMap = NoInferredInputRank) : Base(deviceId, name), m_outputRank(outputRank), m_inferInputRankToMap(inferInputRankToMap), m_beingUnrolled(false) { } virtual void CopyTo(ComputationNodeBasePtr nodeP, const std::wstring& newName, const CopyNodeFlags flags) const override { Base::CopyTo(nodeP, newName, flags); if (flags & CopyNodeFlags::copyNodeValue) { auto node = dynamic_pointer_cast>(nodeP); node->m_outputRank = m_outputRank; node->m_inferInputRankToMap = m_inferInputRankToMap; } } void Save(File& fstream) const { Base::Save(fstream); fstream << m_outputRank; fstream << m_inferInputRankToMap; } virtual void Load(File& fstream, size_t modelVersion) override { Base::Load(fstream, modelVersion); if (modelVersion >= CNTK_MODEL_VERSION_3) fstream >> m_outputRank; else m_outputRank = 1; if (modelVersion >= CNTK_MODEL_VERSION_12) fstream >> m_inferInputRankToMap; else m_inferInputRankToMap = NoInferredInputRank; } protected: // if the left argument of the matrix product (A) has a time axis, it can only be applied sample by sample // where each sample is treated as a separate matrix object (as a consequence, it then also applies to B and the result as well) TensorView OneSampleTensorFor(int inputIndex/*-1 for output*/, bool gradient/*instead of value*/, const FrameRange& fr) { auto input = inputIndex < 0 ? this : Input(inputIndex).get(); auto data = gradient ? input->GradientPtr() : input->ValuePtr(); size_t rank = input->GetSampleLayout().GetRank(); if (inputIndex == 0 && m_transpose && rank == 1) // transposing a 1D tensor implies it is really a 2D tensor. Note that m_transpose applies to left operand only. rank = 2; if (!InputRef(0).HasMBLayout()) // left input is no MB data: run normally return input->DataTensorFor(data, rank, fr); auto tensorShape = input->GetOneSampleTensorSliceFor(rank, fr); return TensorView(data, tensorShape); } static std::pair CalcOutputMatrixSize(const size_t leftRank , const size_t rightRank, const TensorShape& outShape) { size_t outRank = outShape.GetRank(); size_t m = 1; size_t n = 1; size_t firstReducedDim = leftRank - (leftRank + rightRank - outRank) / 2; for (size_t i = 0; i < firstReducedDim; i++) m *= outShape.GetDim(i); for (size_t i = firstReducedDim; i < outRank; i++) n *= outShape.GetDim(i); return std::make_pair(m, n); } private: // Check if TimesNodeBase could be simplified to ElementTimes to avoid unroll when: // 1. input0: is rank-1 and transposed, or is rank-2 with Dim(0)==1 // 2. input1: is rank-1 // 3. output: rank-1 and reduced to a scalar (Dim(0)==1) // 4. m_transpose (becomes Matrix::InnerProduct), or both input being dense bool IsReduceableDotProduct(const FrameRange& fr, bool& hasSparse) { const auto& shape0 = InputRef(0).GetSampleLayout(); const auto& shape1 = InputRef(1).GetSampleLayout(); const auto& shapeOut = GetSampleLayout(); bool input0Sparse = (InputRef(0).Value().GetMatrixType() != DENSE); bool input1Sparse = (InputRef(1).Value().GetMatrixType() != DENSE); bool input0_ok = (shape0.GetRank() == 1 && m_transpose) || (shape0.GetRank() == 2 && shape0.GetDim(0) == 1); bool input1_ok = (shape1.GetRank() == 1); bool outputScalar = (shapeOut.GetRank() == 1) && (shapeOut.GetDim(0) == 1); bool notBothSparse = !(input0Sparse && input1Sparse); hasSparse = (input0Sparse || input1Sparse); return input0_ok && input1_ok && outputScalar && notBothSparse && (m_transpose || !hasSparse); } void RequestReduceSequenceAxisMatricesIfNeeded(MatrixPool& matrixPool) { if (!ReduceSequenceAxis()) return; for (int i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { RequestMatrixFromPool(m_tempScatterIndices[i], matrixPool, InputRef(i).GetMBLayout()->GetNumCols(), true); const auto& packedData = InputRef(i).Value(); if (packedData.GetMatrixType() == DENSE) RequestMatrixFromPool(m_tempUnpackedValue[i], matrixPool, InputRef(i).GetSampleLayout().GetNumElements(), true); else m_tempUnpackedValue[i] = std::make_shared>(packedData.GetNumRows(), packedData.GetNumCols(), packedData.GetDeviceId(), packedData.GetMatrixType(), packedData.GetFormat()); } } void ReleaseReduceSequenceAxisMatricesIfNeeded(MatrixPool& matrixPool) { if (!ReduceSequenceAxis()) return; for (int i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { ReleaseMatrixToPool(m_tempScatterIndices[i], matrixPool); if (InputRef(i).Value().GetMatrixType() == DENSE) ReleaseMatrixToPool(m_tempUnpackedValue[i], matrixPool); else m_tempUnpackedValue[i].reset(); } } void ForwardProp_ReduceSequenceAxis() { // Input are stored as (m * k) x b*(batch axis) x s*(sequence axis) and k x b* x s* // We unpack them to (m * k) x s* x b* and k x s* x b* // Then perform b* matrix multiplies to get m x b* with both k and s* being resolved auto inputMBLayout = InputRef(0).GetMBLayout(); auto numSequences = inputMBLayout->GetNumSequences(); // b* auto maxNumTimeSteps = inputMBLayout->GetNumTimeSteps(); // s* size_t m = InputRef(0).GetSampleLayout()[0]; size_t k = InputRef(1).GetSampleLayout()[0]; if (InputRef(1).Value().GetMatrixType() == SPARSE) LogicError("Right operand cannot be sparse in times reduce sequence axis"); GetMBLayout()->InitAsFrameMode(numSequences); UpdateFunctionValuesSize(); TensorView unpackedInput[NumInputs]; for (int i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { ElemType gapPadValue = 0; unpackedInput[i] = ComputationNode::Unpack( InputRef(i).GetSampleLayout(), InputRef(i).Value(), inputMBLayout, m_tempUnpackedValue[i], m_tempScatterIndices[i], std::shared_ptr>(nullptr), /*batchMajor=*/ false, &gapPadValue); } // note the unpacked input is not the normal MBLayout (batchMajor) so do ColumnSlice directly const Matrix& mat0 = unpackedInput[0].GetSOB(); const Matrix& mat1 = unpackedInput[1].GetSOB(); // unroll in the batch axis, we may use batched GEMM in future for (int s = 0; s < numSequences; s++) { Matrix mat0Slice = mat0.ColumnSlice(s * maxNumTimeSteps, maxNumTimeSteps); // (m * k) x s* mat0Slice.Reshape(m, k * maxNumTimeSteps); // m x (k * s*) Matrix mat1Slice = mat1.ColumnSlice(s * maxNumTimeSteps, maxNumTimeSteps); // k x s* mat1Slice.Reshape(k * maxNumTimeSteps, 1); // (k * s*) x 1 Matrix value = Value().ColumnSlice(s, 1); Matrix::Multiply(mat0Slice, false, mat1Slice, false, value); } } void BackpropTo_ReduceSequenceAxis(size_t inputIndex) { auto input0MBLayout = InputRef(0).GetMBLayout(); auto numSequences = input0MBLayout->GetNumSequences(); // b* auto maxNumTimeSteps = input0MBLayout->GetNumTimeSteps(); // s* size_t m = InputRef(0).GetSampleLayout()[0]; size_t k = InputRef(1).GetSampleLayout()[0]; TensorView unpackedInput[NumInputs]; bool unpacked[NumInputs]; for (int i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) { ElemType gapPadValue = 0; unpackedInput[i] = ComputationNode::Unpack( InputRef(i).GetSampleLayout(), InputRef(i).Value(), input0MBLayout, // the same for both operands m_tempUnpackedValue[i], m_tempScatterIndices[i], std::shared_ptr>(nullptr), /*batchMajor=*/ false, &gapPadValue); unpacked[i] = ((input0MBLayout->GetNumTimeSteps() > 1) && (input0MBLayout->GetNumSequences() > 1)); } const auto& unpackedInputValue = unpackedInput[1 - inputIndex].GetSOB(); ElemType beta = InputRef(inputIndex).IsGradientInitializedBy(this) ? (ElemType)0 : (ElemType)1; // note the unpacked input is not the normal MBLayout (batchMajor), so do ColumnSlice directly if (inputIndex == 0) { Matrix tempGradientUnpacked(m * k, maxNumTimeSteps * numSequences, InputRef(inputIndex).GetDeviceId()); Matrix& inputGradientUnpacked = unpacked[inputIndex] ? tempGradientUnpacked : InputRef(inputIndex).Gradient(); for (int s = 0; s < numSequences; s++) { Matrix inputGradientSlice = inputGradientUnpacked.ColumnSlice(s * maxNumTimeSteps, maxNumTimeSteps); // (m * k) x s* inputGradientSlice.Reshape(m, k * maxNumTimeSteps); // m x (k * s*) Matrix inputValueSlice = unpackedInputValue.ColumnSlice(s * maxNumTimeSteps, maxNumTimeSteps); // k x s* inputValueSlice.Reshape(k * maxNumTimeSteps, 1); // (k * s*) x 1 Matrix gradientSlice = Gradient().ColumnSlice(s, 1); // m x 1 Matrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(1, gradientSlice, false, inputValueSlice, true, unpacked[inputIndex] ? (ElemType)0 : beta, inputGradientSlice); } if (unpacked[inputIndex]) InputRef(inputIndex).Gradient().DoGatherColumnsOf(beta, *m_tempScatterIndices[inputIndex], inputGradientUnpacked, (ElemType)1); } else { Matrix tempGradientUnpacked(k, maxNumTimeSteps * numSequences, InputRef(inputIndex).GetDeviceId()); Matrix& inputGradientUnpacked = unpacked[inputIndex] ? tempGradientUnpacked : InputRef(inputIndex).Gradient(); for (int s = 0; s < numSequences; s++) { Matrix inputGradientSlice = inputGradientUnpacked.ColumnSlice(s * maxNumTimeSteps, maxNumTimeSteps); // k x s* inputGradientSlice.Reshape(k * maxNumTimeSteps, 1); // (k * s*) x 1 Matrix inputValueSlice = unpackedInputValue.ColumnSlice(s * maxNumTimeSteps, maxNumTimeSteps); // (m * k) x s* inputValueSlice.Reshape(m, k * maxNumTimeSteps); // m x (k * s*) Matrix gradientSlice = Gradient().ColumnSlice(s, 1); // m x 1 Matrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(1, inputValueSlice, true, gradientSlice, false, unpacked[inputIndex] ? (ElemType)0 : beta, inputGradientSlice); } if (unpacked[inputIndex]) InputRef(inputIndex).Gradient().DoGatherColumnsOf(beta, *m_tempScatterIndices[inputIndex], inputGradientUnpacked, (ElemType)1); } } public: virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { // If argument A is minibatch data, then this must be performed frame-by-frame, sequence-by-sequence, one GEMM call each. // This will be inefficient. We hope this will be the baseline of a future, more efficient TensorView-based implementation. auto inputMBLayout = InputRef(0).GetMBLayout(); if (!fr.IsOneColumnWrt(inputMBLayout)) { if (ReduceSequenceAxis()) { // only works in PAR mode if (!fr.IsAllFrames()) RuntimeError("%ls %ls operation can perform sequence axis reduction only for all frames.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); if (inputMBLayout->HasSequenceBeyondBegin() || inputMBLayout->HasSequenceBeyondEnd()) RuntimeError("%ls %ls operation cannot perform sequence axis reduction for truncated sequence.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); ForwardProp_ReduceSequenceAxis(); return; } // speed up using ElementTimes or InnerProduct to avoid unroll if possible bool hasSparse; if (IsReduceableDotProduct(fr, hasSparse)) { // for sparse transposed, use InnerProduct if (hasSparse) { Matrix value = ValueFor(fr); Matrix input0 = InputRef(0).ValueFor(fr); Matrix input1 = InputRef(1).ValueFor(fr); if (input0.GetMatrixType() == SPARSE) Matrix::InnerProduct(input0, input1, value, true/*isColWise*/); else Matrix::InnerProduct(input1, input0, value, true/*isColWise*/); // TODO: better move this special-casing into TensorView::AssignElementwiseProductOf() } else { ElementTimesNode::ForwardPropImpl(*this, fr, true/*allowBroadcast*/); } return; } if (fr.IsBatchMatmul(inputMBLayout) && fr.IsBatchMatmul(InputRef(1).GetMBLayout()) && !hasSparse) { auto mn = CalcOutputMatrixSize(InputRef(0).GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), InputRef(1).GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), GetSampleLayout()); Matrix value = ValueFor(fr); Matrix input0 = InputRef(0).ValueFor(fr); Matrix input1 = InputRef(1).ValueFor(fr); Matrix::BatchMatMul(ElemType(0.0), input0, m_transpose, mn.first, input1, false, mn.second, value, true); return; } // recursively call ourselves for each individual time and sequence // note this is not performant, warn user about the slow path being used if (Base::HasEnvironmentPtr() && Base::Environment().traceLevel > 0) std::call_once(m_unrollWarningOnceFlag, [this]{ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %ls %ls operation: being unrolled, execution may be slow\n", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); }); auto timeRange = fr.GetTimeRange(); auto sequenceRange = fr.GetSequenceRange(); m_beingUnrolled = true; for (auto t = timeRange.first; t < timeRange.second; t++) for (auto s = sequenceRange.first; s < sequenceRange.second; s++) ForwardProp(fr.WithTimeStep(t).Sequence(s)); m_beingUnrolled = false; return; } // TensorView::DoMatrixProductOf() will reduce each tensor object into a 2D tensor (or fail if it cannot) // and recreate actual Matrix objects (in case of sparse, they must be identical to the original tensor storage object). // Transposition is applied after flattening into 2D, but only allowed if the input sample is 2D anyway. auto input0 = OneSampleTensorFor(0, /*gradient=*/false, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto input1 = OneSampleTensorFor(1, /*gradient=*/false, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto output = OneSampleTensorFor(-1, /*gradient=*/false, fr); output.AssignMatrixProductOf(false/*transC*/, input0, m_transpose/*transA*/, input1, false/*transB*/, 1.0f, this->m_pQuantizedMultiplier); } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t inputIndex, const FrameRange& fr) override { // special treatment if A is minibatch data; see Forward() for comment if (!fr.IsOneColumnWrt(InputRef(0).GetMBLayout())) { if (ReduceSequenceAxis()) { // only works in PAR mode if (!fr.IsAllFrames()) RuntimeError("%ls %ls operation can perform sequence axis reduction only for all frames.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); BackpropTo_ReduceSequenceAxis(inputIndex); return; } // speed up using ElementTimes or InnerProduct to avoid unroll if possible bool hasSparse; if (IsReduceableDotProduct(fr, hasSparse)) { if (hasSparse) { Matrix gradient = GradientFor(fr); Matrix inputValue = InputRef(1 - inputIndex).ValueFor(fr); Matrix inputGradient = InputRef(inputIndex).GradientFor(fr); Matrix::ColumnwiseScaleAndWeightedAdd( (ElemType)1.0, inputValue, gradient, Input(inputIndex)->IsGradientInitializedBy(this) ? (ElemType)0.0 : (ElemType)1.0, inputGradient); // TODO: better move this special-casing into TensorView::AssignElementwiseProductOf() // Note: We do not need to mask gaps here, since this code branch operates sample by sample (no reduction over samples). } else { ElementTimesNode::BackpropToImpl(*this, inputIndex, fr, true/*allowBroadcast*/); } return; } ElemType beta = Input(inputIndex)->IsGradientInitializedBy(this) ? (ElemType)0.0 : (ElemType)1.0; if (inputIndex == 0) { if (fr.IsBatchMatmul(InputRef(0).GetMBLayout()) && fr.IsBatchMatmul(InputRef(1).GetMBLayout()) && !hasSparse) { Matrix outputGradient = GradientFor(fr); Matrix input1 = InputRef(1).ValueFor(fr); Matrix input0Gradient = InputRef(0).GradientFor(fr); if (!m_transpose) { auto mn = CalcOutputMatrixSize(GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), InputRef(1).GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), InputRef(0).GetSampleLayout()); Matrix::BatchMatMul(beta, outputGradient, false, mn.first, input1, true, mn.second, input0Gradient, true); } else { auto mn = CalcOutputMatrixSize(InputRef(1).GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), InputRef(0).GetSampleLayout()); Matrix::BatchMatMul(beta, input1, false, mn.first, outputGradient, true, mn.second, input0Gradient, true); } return; } } else if (inputIndex == 1) { if (fr.IsBatchMatmul(InputRef(0).GetMBLayout()) && fr.IsBatchMatmul(InputRef(1).GetMBLayout()) && !hasSparse) { auto mn = CalcOutputMatrixSize(InputRef(0).GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), InputRef(1).GetSampleLayout()); Matrix input0 = InputRef(0).ValueFor(fr); Matrix input1Gradient = InputRef(1).GradientFor(fr); Matrix outputGradient = GradientFor(fr); Matrix::BatchMatMul(beta, input0, !m_transpose, mn.first, outputGradient, false, mn.second, input1Gradient, true); return; } } // note this is not performant, warn user about the slow path being used if (Base::HasEnvironmentPtr() && Base::Environment().traceLevel > 0) std::call_once(m_unrollWarningOnceFlag, [this] { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %ls %ls operation: being unrolled in backprop, execution may be slow\n", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); }); auto timeRange = fr.GetTimeRange(); auto sequenceRange = fr.GetSequenceRange(); // when unroll, parent overwrite gradient should be ignored m_beingUnrolled = true; if (Input(inputIndex)->IsGradientInitializedBy(this)) { Input(inputIndex)->Gradient().SetValue(0); } for (auto t = timeRange.first; t < timeRange.second; t++) // step left to right to allow to build a sparse matrix for (auto s = sequenceRange.first; s < sequenceRange.second; s++) BackpropTo(inputIndex, fr.WithTimeStep(t).Sequence(s)); m_beingUnrolled = false; return; } // this potentially computes inner products over time, so we must mask gaps to 0 if (Input(inputIndex)->ReducesInTimeWrt(shared_from_this())) MaskMissingGradientColumnsToZero(fr); if (Input(inputIndex)->ReducesInTimeWrt(Input(1 - inputIndex))) Input(1 - inputIndex)->MaskMissingValueColumnsToZero(fr); bool overwriteInputGradient = (Input(inputIndex)->IsGradientInitializedBy(this) && !m_beingUnrolled); if (inputIndex == 0) // left derivative { if (InputRef(1).Value().GetMatrixType() == SPARSE && InputRef(0).GetPreferredGradientMatrixType() == UNDETERMINED && Gradient().GetMatrixType() == DENSE) { // Special case for DENSE * SPARSE -> DENSE, which leads to a SPARSE gradient for input0 (common for embedding) // We need a sparse matrix for the gradient. We allocate a new one instead of switching the type in place // since switching in place may affect other nodes who share this matrix due to memory sharing // // Note this normally only happen once (per minibatch) for embedding cases where all calculations are dense * sparse // This is needed in addition to AllocateGradientMatricesForInputs as some sparse inputs that are not input_variable // cannot be determined as sparse when AllocateGradientMatricesForInputs happens. auto& currentInput0GradientMatrixRef = InputRef(0).Gradient(); auto newInput0SparseGradientMatrix = std::make_shared>( currentInput0GradientMatrixRef.GetNumRows(), currentInput0GradientMatrixRef.GetNumCols(), currentInput0GradientMatrixRef.GetPreferredDeviceId(), SPARSE, MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseBlockCol); // no need not set sparse with value from dense as its just cleared to zero when PreferredGradientMatrixType == UNDETERMINED InputRef(0).GradientPtrRef() = newInput0SparseGradientMatrix; InputRef(0).SetPreferredGradientMatrixType(SPARSE); } else if (InputRef(1).Value().GetMatrixType() == DENSE && InputRef(0).GetPreferredGradientMatrixType() != DENSE) { // for dense * dense, if we found previously gradient accumulated with sparse for input0, switch to dense // this is a rare case and the performance is not optimized if (InputRef(0).GetPreferredGradientMatrixType() == SPARSE) InputRef(0).Gradient().SwitchToMatrixType(DENSE, matrixFormatDense, !overwriteInputGradient); InputRef(0).SetPreferredGradientMatrixType(DENSE); } auto input0Gradient = OneSampleTensorFor(0, /*gradient=*/true, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto input1 = OneSampleTensorFor(1, /*gradient=*/false, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto outputGradient = OneSampleTensorFor(-1, /*gradient=*/true, fr); if (overwriteInputGradient) input0Gradient.AssignMatrixProductOf(m_transpose/*transC*/, outputGradient, false/*transA*/, input1, true/*transB*/); else input0Gradient.AddMatrixProductOf(m_transpose/*transC*/, outputGradient, false/*transA*/, input1, true/*transB*/); } else if (inputIndex == 1) // right derivative { auto input0 = OneSampleTensorFor(0, /*gradient=*/false, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto input1Gradient = OneSampleTensorFor(1, /*gradient=*/true, fr.AllowBroadcast()); auto outputGradient = OneSampleTensorFor(-1, /*gradient=*/true, fr); if (InputRef(1).Gradient().GetMatrixType() == SPARSE) { // we only support dense * sparse to have sparse gradient for input0, so if input1 has sparse gradient, switch to dense // this is a rare case and the performance is not optimized InputRef(1).Gradient().SwitchToMatrixType(DENSE, matrixFormatDense, !overwriteInputGradient); } InputRef(1).SetPreferredGradientMatrixType(DENSE); if (overwriteInputGradient) input1Gradient.AssignMatrixProductOf(false/*transC*/, input0, !m_transpose/*transA*/, outputGradient, false/*transB*/); else input1Gradient.AddMatrixProductOf(false/*transC*/, input0, !m_transpose/*transA*/, outputGradient, false/*transB*/); } } virtual bool OutputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients() const override { return false; } // but both *inputs* are used, so we don't overload the InputUsed-() function which defaults to 'true' virtual ParentGradientOptimization ImplementsGradientOptimization(const ComputationNodeBase*) const override { return ParentGradientOptimization::Overwrite; } virtual void /*ComputationNodeBase::*/ Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass) override { Base::Validate(isFinalValidationPass); if (ReduceSequenceAxis()) { // generate MBLayout without sequence axis if (!Input(0)->HasMBLayout() || !Input(1)->HasMBLayout() || *(Input(0)->GetMBLayout()) != *(Input(1)->GetMBLayout())) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation can perform sequence axis reduction only on matching dynamic axes for both operands (which have the same layouts).", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); const auto& input0SampleLayout = InputRef(0).GetSampleLayout(); const auto& input1SampleLayout = InputRef(1).GetSampleLayout(); if ((input0SampleLayout.GetRank() > 1 && input0SampleLayout[1] != input1SampleLayout[0]) || (input1SampleLayout.GetRank() > 1 && input1SampleLayout[1] != 1) || (input0SampleLayout.GetRank() <= 1 && input1SampleLayout[0] != 1) || m_transpose) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation can perform sequence axis reduction only in forms of (m x k) * (k x 1), without transpose.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); if (m_pMBLayout == nullptr) { m_pMBLayout = make_shared(); // this generates a new layout m_pMBLayout->SetUniqueAxisName(ComputationNodeBase::DefaultNoSequenceAxisName); } } else { InferMBLayoutFromInputsForStandardCase(isFinalValidationPass); } bool transpose = m_transpose; // (assigning to a non-const variable avoids a compiler warning C4127: conditional expression is constant) // get tensor shapes auto dimsA = Input(0)->GetSampleLayout().GetDims(); auto dimsB = Input(1)->GetSampleLayout().GetDims(); string dimsAstring = string(Input(0)->GetSampleLayout()); // for error messages string dimsBstring = string(Input(1)->GetSampleLayout()); // validate and infer if (isFinalValidationPass || (dimsA.size() > 0 && dimsB.size() > 0)) // only if we got at least some input dimensions to work with or need to wrap up { // if transposing then only support actual matrices or column vectors if (transpose) { if (dimsA.size() == 1) // column vector transposed becomes a 2D tensor dimsA.push_back(1); else if (dimsA.size() != 2) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: Transposition requires a 2D tensor (matrix) or a 1D tensor (column vector), instead of a [%s].", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str(), dimsAstring.c_str()); else if (m_outputRank != 1) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: The outputRank (%d) must be 1 when transposing.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str(), (int)m_outputRank); // swap them temporarily, to get transposition out of the way for validation std::swap(dimsA[0], dimsA[1]); } if (m_outputRank > dimsA.size()) // note: it may be equal in case of dyadic product uv' InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: outputRank %d exceeds left argument's shape [%s].", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str(), (int)m_outputRank, dimsAstring.c_str()); auto numReductionDims = dimsA.size() - m_outputRank; // we reduce over the remaining dims; this is their number. Can be 0 in case of dyadic product uv' if (numReductionDims > dimsB.size()) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: right argument shape [%s] has too few dimensions for outputRank %d.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str(), dimsBstring.c_str(), (int)m_outputRank); #if 1 // support for legacy models when only the matrix dimensions had to match // Note: This is non-ambiguous w.r.t. valid new configurations because this condition would otherwise just be considered an error. // But it will fail to discover trailing reduction dimensions that are 1. We assume that no such legacy models exist. // Note: This is very ugly [Wayne Xiong]. I agree [fseide]. if (dimsA.size() == 2 && !transpose && m_outputRank == 1 && dimsA[1] != dimsB[0] && dimsB[0] != 0) { // search whether we can interpret dimsA[1] as the flattening of the first dimensions size_t dim = 1; for (size_t k = 0; k < dimsB.size(); k++) { dim *= dimsB[k]; if (dim == dimsA[1]) { // OK, we have an explanation: Patch dimsA and back-patch the sample layout of Input(0) numReductionDims = k + 1; dimsA.resize(m_outputRank + numReductionDims); for (size_t kk = 0; kk < numReductionDims; kk++) dimsA[m_outputRank + kk] = dimsB[kk]; Input(0)->SetDims(TensorShape(dimsA), false); fprintf(stderr, "\n%ls %ls operation: For legacy compatibility, the sample layout of left input (%ls %ls operation) was patched to [%s] (from [%s])\n", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str(), Input(0)->NodeName().c_str(), Input(0)->OperationName().c_str(), string(Input(0)->GetSampleLayout()).c_str(), dimsAstring.c_str()); dimsAstring = string(Input(0)->GetSampleLayout()); // for error messages break; // we will continue with this patched up model from here on } } } #endif // validate or automatically infer dimension inference for learnable parameters for (size_t k = 0; k < m_outputRank; k++) // outputRank dimensions cannot be inferred if (dimsA[k] == 0) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: The outputRank (%d) dimensions in left argument's shape [%s] must not be 0.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str(), (int)m_outputRank, dimsAstring.c_str()); // infer rank of dimsA // For purpose of dimension inference, Times() accepts an optional parameter inferInputRankToMap (default -1=unspecified). // The last 'inferInputRankToMap' axes are considered those that the matrix product should keep (Times() // is applied one by one, like a "map" operation) rather than reducing over. // Specifically, inferInputRankToMap=0 means to reduce over all input axes, e.g. for an image input that // should be flattened. // Examples: // [I x Inferred] * [J x K], inferInputRankToMap=n/a --> Inferred := J, result is [I x K] // [I x Inferred] * [W x H x C], inferInputRankToMap=n/a --> Inferred := W, result is [I x H x C] (not desired) // [I x Inferred x Inferred] * [W x H x C], inferInputRankToMap=n/a --> Inf x Inf := [W x H], result is [I x C] // [I x Inferred] * [W x H x C], inferInputRankToMap=0 --> Inferred := W x H x C, result is [I] (desired) // [I x Inferred] * [W x H x C x R], inferInputRankToMap=1 --> Inferred := W x H x C, result is [I x R] (desired) // If W's shape is too short, it will be padded with 0 (i.e. inferred in a subsequent step). // (the second check below (dimsA.back() == 0) is required to infer dimensions correctly for fixed input tensors where a new dimension is added, // e.g. when adding an ROI dimension to a pretrained weights tensor of a dense layer after ROI pooling) if (m_inferInputRankToMap >= 0 && dimsA.back() == 0) // if given, we pad if needed { if ((size_t)m_inferInputRankToMap >= dimsB.size() && isFinalValidationPass) // at least one axis must be left to reduce over InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: 'inferInputRankToMap' argument %d must be less than rank of second operand [%s].", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str(), m_inferInputRankToMap, dimsBstring.c_str()); assert(dimsA.size() == m_outputRank + numReductionDims); while (numReductionDims + (size_t)m_inferInputRankToMap < dimsB.size()) { dimsA.push_back(0); numReductionDims++; } } // fill in the missing ones // We fill in dimensions given as 0. The tensor rank is not inferred here (that is done above). for (size_t k = m_outputRank; k < dimsA.size(); k++) { auto& dimA = dimsA[k]; auto& dimB = dimsB[k - m_outputRank]; if (isFinalValidationPass && dimB == 0) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: Right [%s] operand must not have zero dimensions.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str(), dimsBstring.c_str()); else if (dimA == 0) dimA = dimB; // infer dimension else if (isFinalValidationPass && dimA != dimB) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: Left [%s] and right [%s] operands' shapes are not compatible.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str(), dimsAstring.c_str(), dimsBstring.c_str()); } // now determine result dimensions auto dimsC = dimsA; dimsC.resize(m_outputRank); // output dims for (size_t k = numReductionDims; k < dimsB.size(); k++) dimsC.push_back(dimsB[k]); // input dims SetDims(TensorShape(dimsC), HasMBLayout()); // update dimensions of A if (transpose) std::swap(dimsA[0], dimsA[1]); // update if LearnableParameter Input(0)->ValidateInferInputDimsFrom(TensorShape(dimsA)); } } void RequestMatricesBeforeForwardProp(MatrixPool& matrixPool) override { Base::RequestMatricesBeforeForwardProp(matrixPool); RequestReduceSequenceAxisMatricesIfNeeded(matrixPool); } void ReleaseMatricesAfterForwardProp(MatrixPool& matrixPool) override { Base::ReleaseMatricesAfterForwardProp(matrixPool); ReleaseReduceSequenceAxisMatricesIfNeeded(matrixPool); } void RequestMatricesBeforeBackprop(MatrixPool& matrixPool) override { Base::RequestMatricesBeforeBackprop(matrixPool); RequestReduceSequenceAxisMatricesIfNeeded(matrixPool); } void ReleaseMatricesAfterBackprop(MatrixPool& matrixPool) override { Base::ReleaseMatricesAfterBackprop(matrixPool); ReleaseReduceSequenceAxisMatricesIfNeeded(matrixPool); } size_t OutputRank() const { return m_outputRank; } int InferInputRankToMap() const { return m_inferInputRankToMap; } protected: shared_ptr> m_pQuantizedMultiplier; private: size_t m_outputRank; int m_inferInputRankToMap; // -1 (not specified) or says how to expand shape of W, to keep this many mapping dims bool m_beingUnrolled; std::once_flag m_unrollWarningOnceFlag; bool ReduceSequenceAxis() const { return m_inferInputRankToMap == ReduceSequenceAxisWithoutInferredInputRank; } static const int NumInputs = 2; shared_ptr> m_tempScatterIndices[NumInputs]; shared_ptr> m_tempUnpackedValue[NumInputs]; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // TimesNode (A, B, outputRank=1) -- matrix product // Right operand and output can have MB layout, while left operand cannot. // This is generalized to tensors, in that B's leading dimension(s) must match // the trailing dimension(s) of A, and those dimensions get flattened into a single // dimension, after which the regular matrix product is applied. // Leading dimension(s) of A and trailing ones of B remain unchanged. // For example: // [I x J x K] * [J x K x L x *] = [I x L x *] // How many dimensions must match is controlled by an optional parameter // 'outputRank', where all but the first 'outputRank' dimensions of A must match. // 'outputRank' defaults to 1, which is used in the above example. // Example for outputRank = 2: // [I x J x K] * [K x L x M x *] = [I x J x L x M x *] // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class TimesNode : public TimesNodeBase { typedef TimesNodeBase Base; UsingComputationNodeMembersBoilerplate; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"Times"; } public: TimesNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name, size_t outputRank = 1, int inferInputRankToMap = Base::NoInferredInputRank) : Base(deviceId, name, outputRank, inferInputRankToMap) { } TimesNode(const ScriptableObjects::IConfigRecordPtr configp) : TimesNode(configp->Get(L"deviceId"), L"", configp->Get(L"outputRank"), configp->Get(L"inferInputRankToMap")) { AttachInputsFromConfig(configp, this->GetExpectedNumInputs()); } }; template class TimesNode; template class TimesNode; template class TimesNode; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // TransposeTimesNode (A', B) // Right operand and output can have MB layout, while left operand cannot. // This differs from TimesNode in that A is transposed, where A must be a // rank-1 or rank-2 tensor. // A common use of transposition is trace(X'X) where X is a matrix of samples. // This can be more efficiently implemented as ReduceSum (ElementTimes (X, X)) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class TransposeTimesNode : public TimesNodeBase { typedef TimesNodeBase Base; UsingComputationNodeMembersBoilerplate; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"TransposeTimes"; } public: DeclareConstructorFromConfigWithNumInputs(TransposeTimesNode); TransposeTimesNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name, size_t outputRank = 1) : Base(deviceId, name, outputRank, Base::NoInferredInputRank) { if (outputRank != 1) LogicError("TransposeTimes does not yet support outputRank other than 1"); } }; template class TransposeTimesNode; template class TransposeTimesNode; template class TransposeTimesNode; // Fixed-point matrix product. This scales inputs to 16bit signed integers by Symmetric quantizers, performs // integer multiplication using SSE/AVX2, and transforms the results back. // Only dense untransposed matrix multiplication will be quantized. If at least one matrix is sparse then it will fall back to un-quantized default evaluation // Currently it works for CPU only. On GPU logicError will be thrown. // One way to include this node to the network is with the Edit command: // ... // node => if node.name == 'LSTMoutput1.output' then QuantizedTimes(node.inputs[0], node.inputs[1], bitShiftA=1, bitShiftB=2) else node, // ... // bitShift(A|B) - bit shift parameters of quantizers for matrices A and B, see the quantizers for more details. Decreases the maximum range of quantziation by 2^bitShift to prevent integer overflow during BLAS routines. // bitShift=0 doesn't change the range; higher bitShift will decrease precision of quantization, but will make BLAS routines less prone to overflow. // Other parameters - refer to the base multiplication class template class QuantizedTimesNode : public TimesNodeBase { typedef TimesNodeBase Base; UsingComputationNodeMembersBoilerplate; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"QuantizedTimes"; } private: // Quantizer bit shift for matrices A and B size_t m_bitShiftA; size_t m_bitShiftB; public: QuantizedTimesNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name, size_t bitShiftA = 1, size_t bitShiftB = 1, size_t outputRank = 1, int inferInputRankToMap = Base::NoInferredInputRank) : Base(deviceId, name, outputRank, inferInputRankToMap), m_bitShiftA(bitShiftA), m_bitShiftB(bitShiftB) { // TODO support multiplication on GPUs as well. if (deviceId != CPUDEVICE) LogicError("Quantized operation is supposed to be used on CPU device only."); shared_ptr> pQA(new SymmetricQuantizer(m_bitShiftA)); shared_ptr> qQB(new SymmetricQuantizer(m_bitShiftB)); this->m_pQuantizedMultiplier = shared_ptr>(new QuantizedMultiplier(pQA, qQB)); } QuantizedTimesNode(const ScriptableObjects::IConfigRecordPtr configp) : QuantizedTimesNode(configp->Get(L"deviceId"), L"", configp->Get(L"bitShiftA"), configp->Get(L"bitShiftB"), configp->Get(L"outputRank"), configp->Get(L"inferInputRankToMap")) { AttachInputsFromConfig(configp, this->GetExpectedNumInputs()); } virtual void CopyTo(ComputationNodeBasePtr nodeP, const std::wstring& newName, const CopyNodeFlags flags) const override { Base::CopyTo(nodeP, newName, flags); if (flags & CopyNodeFlags::copyNodeValue) { auto node = dynamic_pointer_cast>(nodeP); node->m_bitShiftA = m_bitShiftA; node->m_bitShiftB = m_bitShiftB; } } void Save(File& fstream) const { Base::Save(fstream); fstream << m_bitShiftA; fstream << m_bitShiftB; } virtual void Load(File& fstream, size_t modelVersion) override { Base::Load(fstream, modelVersion); fstream >> m_bitShiftA; fstream >> m_bitShiftB; } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { if (dynamic_pointer_cast>(Input(0))) this->m_pQuantizedMultiplier->SetIsAConstant(true); if (dynamic_pointer_cast>(Input(1))) this->m_pQuantizedMultiplier->SetIsBConstant(true); Base::ForwardProp(fr); } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t /*inputIndex*/, const FrameRange& /*fr*/) override { // This operation is intended only for inference NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } }; template class QuantizedTimesNode; template class QuantizedTimesNode; template class QuantizedTimesNode; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // SumElementsNode (input) // Sums up all elements in the input across all samples into a single scalar. // When applied to minibatch data, this will sum across all sequences in the // minibatch, like a training-criterion node. This is one of the few operations // that cross the boundary between input sequences. // Note that SGD itself aggregates over samples in a criterion node. // So the only proper use of this node is for multi-task learning, where // different nodes have different numbers of samples (sequence lenth). // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class SumElementsNode : public ComputationNodeNonLooping /*ComputationNode*/, public NumInputs<1> { typedef ComputationNodeNonLooping Base; UsingComputationNodeMembersBoilerplate; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"SumElements"; } public: DeclareConstructorFromConfigWithNumInputs(SumElementsNode); SumElementsNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name) : Base(deviceId, name) { } virtual void /*ComputationNodeNonLooping::*/ ForwardPropNonLooping() override { FrameRange fr(InputRef(0).GetMBLayout()); // TODO: change to TensorView and AssignCopyOf() with reduction Value().AssignSumOfElements(InputRef(0).MaskedValueFor(fr)); // since we are reducing over frames, we must first mask gaps in input to zero } virtual void /*ComputationNodeNonLooping::*/ BackpropToNonLooping(size_t inputIndex) override { FrameRange fr(InputRef(0).GetMBLayout()); InputRef(0).GradientFor(fr) += Gradient(); // here the assumption is that gradientValues are 1x1 matrix } virtual bool OutputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients() const override { return false; } virtual bool InputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients(size_t /*childIndex*/) const override { return false; } virtual void /*ComputationNodeBase::*/ Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass) override { ValidateUnaryReduce(isFinalValidationPass); } }; template class SumElementsNode; template class SumElementsNode; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // TransposeDimensions (input, axis1, axis2) // - swaps index dimensions axis1 and axis2. The values are 1-based; 1 stands for the leading dimension. // - new dimensions can be created; e.g. a column vector can be transposed into a row vector, which is a [1 x N] tensor // - transposing into the time dimension is currently not supported // - internally implemented with tensor lib by shuffling dimensions with their strides // - input may be minibatch data or not // Transpose (input) = TransposeDimensions (input, 1, 2) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class TransposeDimensionsNode : public ComputationNode /*ComputationNode*/, public NumInputs<1> { typedef ComputationNode Base; UsingComputationNodeMembersBoilerplate; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"TransposeDimensions"; } public: TransposeDimensionsNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name, int axis1 = 1, int axis2 = 2) : Base(deviceId, name), m_axis1(axis1), m_axis2(axis2), m_perm({}) { } TransposeDimensionsNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name, const std::vector& perm) : Base(deviceId, name), m_axis1(0), m_axis2(0), m_perm({}) { if (!std::all_of(perm.begin(), perm.end(), [](int p) {return p >= 1; })) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: _internal_ indices for axes must be >= 1.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); // undo the annoying +1 std::transform(perm.begin(), perm.end(), std::back_inserter(m_perm), [](const int& p) { return (size_t)(p - 1); }); } TransposeDimensionsNode(const ScriptableObjects::IConfigRecordPtr configp) : TransposeDimensionsNode(configp->Get(L"deviceId"), L"", configp->Get(L"axis1"), configp->Get(L"axis2")) { AttachInputsFromConfig(configp, this->GetExpectedNumInputs()); } void Save(File& fstream) const { Base::Save(fstream); fstream << m_axis1 << m_axis2; if (m_axis1 == 0 && m_axis2 == 0) { fstream << m_perm.size(); for (const auto p : m_perm) fstream << p; } } virtual void Load(File& fstream, size_t modelVersion) override { Base::Load(fstream, modelVersion); if (modelVersion >= CNTK_MODEL_VERSION_3) { fstream >> m_axis1 >> m_axis2; if (modelVersion >= CNTK_MODEL_VERSION_25 && m_axis1 == 0 && m_axis2 == 0) { size_t size = 0; fstream >> size; m_perm.resize(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) fstream >> m_perm[i]; } } else m_axis1 = 1, m_axis2 = 2; // default } int Axis1() const { return m_axis1; } int Axis2() const { return m_axis2; } private: // compute the transposed tensor shape (in-place) void TransposeShape(TensorShape& shape) const { if (m_axis1 > 0 && m_axis2 > 0) { size_t i = m_axis1 - 1; size_t j = m_axis2 - 1; shape.SwapDimsInPlace(i, j); } else /* if (m_axis1 == 0 && m_axis2 == 0) */ { shape.PermuteDimsInPlace(m_perm); } } // get the transposed input shape // Using this shape yields the same tensor but index positions are swapped. TensorShape GetTransposedTensorSliceFor(size_t rank, const FrameRange& fr) { auto shape = InputRef(0).GetTensorSliceFor(rank, fr); TransposeShape(shape); return shape; } // verify that the argument is a valid permutation // We pass by value because the function mutates perm static bool IsPermutation(std::vector perm) { std::sort(perm.begin(), perm.end()); for (auto i = 0; i < perm.size(); ++i) if (i != perm[i]) return false; return true; } public: virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { size_t rank = DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto output = ValueTensorFor( rank, fr); auto input = TensorView(InputRef(0).ValuePtr(), GetTransposedTensorSliceFor(rank, fr)); output.AssignCopyOf(input); } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t inputIndex, const FrameRange& fr) override { size_t rank = DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto outputGradient = GradientTensorFor( rank, fr); auto inputGradient = TensorView(InputRef(0).GradientPtr(), GetTransposedTensorSliceFor(rank, fr)); inputGradient.AddCopyOf(outputGradient); } virtual bool OutputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients() const override { return false; } virtual bool InputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients(size_t /*childIndex*/) const override { return false; } virtual void /*ComputationNodeBase::*/ Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass) override { assert(m_inputs.size() == 1); ComputationNodeBase::Validate(isFinalValidationPass); InferMBLayoutFromInputsForStandardCase(isFinalValidationPass); // input shape auto shape = Input(0)->GetSampleLayout(); if (m_perm.size() == 0 && shape.GetRank() > 0) { // we are swapping two axes // validate indices if (m_axis1 < 1 || m_axis2 < 1) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: Indices to transpose must be >= 1.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); size_t i = m_axis1 - 1; size_t j = m_axis2 - 1; if (i >= shape.GetRank() && j >= shape.GetRank()) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: At least one index must refer to an existing index.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); // pad // Permutation is allowed to create new dimensions, specifically to be able to transpose a [N] column vector into a [1 x N] row vector. // One can also use SplitDimensions() for this, but this seems a natural thing to do. size_t maxij = std::max(i, j); if (maxij >= shape.GetRank()) shape.PadRankInPlace(maxij + 1); } else { //we are transposing a tensor using a permutation if (m_axis1 != 0 || m_axis2 != 0) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: Cannot transpose via permutation and axes indices != 0", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); //verify shapes are matching if (m_perm.size() != shape.GetRank()) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: Specified permutation doesn't match operand", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); //verify it is a permutation if (!TransposeDimensionsNode::IsPermutation(m_perm)) InvalidArgument("%ls %ls operation: Specified permutation is not a permutation of (0, 1, ..., rank - 1)", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); } // apply the permutation TransposeShape(shape); // drop the strides, since output is dense (swapped strides will be used with the input in ForwardProp()) SetDims(TensorShape(shape.GetDims()), HasMBLayout()); } private: int m_axis1, m_axis2; // the two dimensions (axes, 1-based) to swap std::vector m_perm; // permutation to use for transposition }; template class TransposeDimensionsNode; template class TransposeDimensionsNode; template class TransposeDimensionsNode; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CosDistanceNode (left, right) // column-wise cos distance // TODO: Would it be useful to allow one of the two to be a single column? // TODO: Allow to reduce only over a single dimension, or a subset. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class CosDistanceNode : public ComputationNode, public NumInputs<2> { typedef ComputationNode Base; UsingComputationNodeMembersBoilerplate; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"CosDistance"; } public: DeclareConstructorFromConfigWithNumInputs(CosDistanceNode); CosDistanceNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name) : Base(deviceId, name) { } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t inputIndex, const FrameRange& fr) override { // functionValues, invNorm0, invNorm1 - output from the EvaluateNode() method // temp, rightTerm, leftTerm - temporary matrices if (inputIndex == 0) // left derivative m_temp->AssignElementProductOf(*m_invNorm0, *m_invNorm0); else // right derivative m_temp->AssignElementProductOf(*m_invNorm1, *m_invNorm1); int rank = DetermineElementwiseTensorRank(); auto tempView = TensorView(m_temp, ValueTensorFor(rank, fr).GetShape()); tempView.AssignElementwiseProductOf(ValueTensorFor(rank, fr), tempView); tempView.AssignElementwiseProductOf(GradientTensorFor(rank, fr), tempView); auto gradientView = Input(inputIndex)->GradientTensorFor(rank, fr); gradientView.AddElementwiseProductOf(tempView, Input(inputIndex)->ValueTensorFor(rank, fr), -1); m_temp->AssignElementProductOf(*m_invNorm0, *m_invNorm1); tempView.AssignElementwiseProductOf(GradientTensorFor(rank, fr), tempView); gradientView.AddElementwiseProductOf(tempView, Input(1 - inputIndex)->ValueTensorFor(rank, fr)); } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { Matrix sliceInput0Value = InputRef(0).ValueFor(fr); Matrix sliceInput1Value = InputRef(1).ValueFor(fr); Matrix sliceOutputValue = ValueFor(fr); m_invNorm0->AssignVectorNorm2Of(sliceInput0Value, true); m_invNorm0->AssignElementInverseOf(*m_invNorm0); m_invNorm1->AssignVectorNorm2Of(sliceInput1Value, true); m_invNorm1->AssignElementInverseOf(*m_invNorm1); sliceOutputValue.AssignInnerProductOf(sliceInput0Value, sliceInput1Value, true); sliceOutputValue.ElementMultiplyWith(*m_invNorm0); sliceOutputValue.ElementMultiplyWith(*m_invNorm1); } virtual void /*ComputationNodeBase::*/ Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass) override { Base::Validate(isFinalValidationPass); InferMBLayoutFromInputsForStandardCase(isFinalValidationPass); ValidateInferBinaryInputDims(); // TODO: We could do something more interesting with tensors. // E.g. apply a cos distance of a whole set of data with a single reference. SetDims(TensorShape::Scalar(Environment().IsV2Library()), Input(1)->HasMBLayout()); } virtual void CopyTo(ComputationNodeBasePtr nodeP, const std::wstring& newName, const CopyNodeFlags flags) const override { Base::CopyTo(nodeP, newName, flags); if (flags & CopyNodeFlags::copyNodeValue) { auto node = dynamic_pointer_cast>(nodeP); node->m_invNorm0->SetValue(*m_invNorm0); node->m_invNorm1->SetValue(*m_invNorm1); node->m_temp->SetValue(*m_temp); } } // request matrices needed to do node function value evaluation virtual void RequestMatricesBeforeForwardProp(MatrixPool& matrixPool) { Base::RequestMatricesBeforeForwardProp(matrixPool); RequestMatrixFromPool(m_invNorm0, matrixPool, 1, true, true); RequestMatrixFromPool(m_invNorm1, matrixPool, 1, true, true); } // request matrices that are needed for gradient computation virtual void RequestMatricesBeforeBackprop(MatrixPool& matrixPool) { Base::RequestMatricesBeforeBackprop(matrixPool); RequestMatrixFromPool(m_temp, matrixPool, 1, true, true); } // release gradient and temp matrices that no longer needed after all the children's gradients are computed. virtual void ReleaseMatricesAfterBackprop(MatrixPool& matrixPool) { Base::ReleaseMatricesAfterBackprop(matrixPool); ReleaseMatrixToPool(m_invNorm0, matrixPool); ReleaseMatrixToPool(m_invNorm1, matrixPool); ReleaseMatrixToPool(m_temp, matrixPool); } private: // invNorm nodes tranfer data between ForwardProp and BackpropTo shared_ptr> m_invNorm0; shared_ptr> m_invNorm1; // the rest are temporaries, values don't need to be maintained shared_ptr> m_temp; }; template class CosDistanceNode; template class CosDistanceNode; template class CosDistanceNode; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // KhatriRaoProductNode (left, right) // Compute an outer product of column vectors (for each sample). // TODO: This is a special kind of tensor product, and calls for a tensor representation. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class KhatriRaoProductNode : public ComputationNode, public NumInputs<2> { typedef ComputationNode Base; UsingComputationNodeMembersBoilerplate; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"KhatriRaoProduct"; } public: DeclareConstructorFromConfigWithNumInputs(KhatriRaoProductNode); KhatriRaoProductNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name) : Base(deviceId, name) { } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t inputIndex, const FrameRange& fr) override { Matrix sliceOutputGrad = GradientFor(fr); if (inputIndex == 0) // left derivative { Matrix sliceInput0Grad = InputRef(0).GradientFor(fr); Matrix sliceInput1Value = InputRef(1).ValueFor(fr); sliceInput0Grad.AddColumnReshapeProductOf(sliceOutputGrad, sliceInput1Value, false); } else // right derivative { Matrix sliceInput0Value = InputRef(0).ValueFor(fr); Matrix sliceInput1Grad = InputRef(1).GradientFor(fr); sliceInput1Grad.AddColumnReshapeProductOf(sliceOutputGrad, sliceInput0Value, true); } } virtual bool OutputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients() const override { // The KhatriRaoProductNode does not require its output value for computing // the gradients of its input nodes return false; } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { ValueFor(fr).AssignKhatriRaoProductOf(InputRef(0).ValueFor(fr), InputRef(1).ValueFor(fr)); } virtual void /*ComputationNodeBase::*/ Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass) override { Base::Validate(isFinalValidationPass); InferMBLayoutFromInputsForStandardCase(isFinalValidationPass); size_t rows0 = Input(0)->GetSampleMatrixNumRows(); size_t rows1 = Input(1)->GetSampleMatrixNumRows(); // after KhatriRaoProduct the structure is lost // TODO: ^^ Is that correct? Should we use a tensor here, TensorShape(rows0, rows1)? SetDims(TensorShape(rows0 * rows1), HasMBLayout()); } }; template class KhatriRaoProductNode; template class KhatriRaoProductNode; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CosDistanceWithNegativeSamplesNode (left, right, shift, neg) // // Left and right forms pairs of positive samples. They are symmetric but usually // the search key is used as the left. For example, Left is search query and right is document. // The negative samples are formed on the fly by shifting the right side. // The 'shift' indicates how many samples in the right node you should shift to form each negative sample pair. // It is often choose to be one. 'Neg' indicates how many negative samples you want to generate. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class CosDistanceWithNegativeSamplesNode : public ComputationNode, public NumInputs<4> { typedef ComputationNode Base; UsingComputationNodeMembersBoilerplate; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"CosDistanceWithNegativeSamples"; } public: DeclareConstructorFromConfigWithNumInputs(CosDistanceWithNegativeSamplesNode); CosDistanceWithNegativeSamplesNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name) : Base(deviceId, name) { } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t inputIndex, const FrameRange& fr) override { Matrix sliceInput0Value = InputRef(0).ValueFor(fr); Matrix sliceInput1Value = InputRef(1).ValueFor(fr); Matrix sliceOutputValue = ValueFor(fr); Matrix sliceInputGrad = Input(inputIndex)->GradientFor(fr); Matrix sliceThisGrad = GradientFor(fr); BackpropToS(inputIndex, *m_invNorm0, *m_invNorm1, sliceOutputValue, *m_temp, *m_rightTerm, *m_leftTerm, *m_invNormSquare, sliceInput0Value, sliceInput1Value, InputRef(2).Value(), InputRef(3).Value(), sliceInputGrad, sliceThisGrad); } // functionValues, invNorm0, invNorm1 - output from the EvaluateNode() method // temp, rightTerm, leftTerm - temporary matrices // in0, in1, in2, in3 - input functionValues from other nodes // inputGradientValues(x) - gradients to update, where x matches inputIndex /*TODO: merge with call site*/ void BackpropToS(const size_t inputIndex, const Matrix& invNorm0, const Matrix& invNorm1, const Matrix& functionValues, Matrix& temp, Matrix& rightTerm, Matrix& leftTerm, Matrix& invNormSquare, // the temporary variables const Matrix& in0, const Matrix& in1, const Matrix& in2, const Matrix& in3, Matrix& inputGradientValues, Matrix& thisGradientValues) { size_t shift = (size_t) in2.Get00Element(); size_t negNumber = (size_t) in3.Get00Element(); size_t numCols = in0.GetNumCols(); // used in computing right child's graident if (inputIndex == 0) // left derivative { invNormSquare.AssignElementProductOf(invNorm0, invNorm0); for (long m = 0; m < negNumber + 1; m++) { temp.GetARowByIndex(functionValues, m); // set this matrx to be the m-th row in functionValues temp.ElementMultiplyWith(invNormSquare); Matrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(temp, in0, rightTerm, 0, true); if (m == 0) { temp.AssignElementProductOf(invNorm0, invNorm1); Matrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(temp, in1, leftTerm, 0, true); } else { size_t currshift = m + shift - 1; // for current line, how much should we shift temp.AssignElementProductOfWithShift(invNorm0, invNorm1, currshift); // this is a row vector Matrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(temp, in1, leftTerm, currshift, true); } leftTerm -= rightTerm; temp.GetARowByIndex(thisGradientValues, m); Matrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(temp, leftTerm, rightTerm, 0, true); inputGradientValues += rightTerm; } } else // right part { invNormSquare.AssignElementProductOf(invNorm1, invNorm1); // this matrix should be save and unchanged. It should not be changed for (long m = 0; m < negNumber + 1; m++) { temp.GetARowByIndex(functionValues, m); // set this matrx to be the m-th row in functionValues if (m == 0) // this is the first line. computation should be symmetric { // the following is for the right part temp.ElementMultiplyWith(invNormSquare); Matrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(temp, in1, rightTerm, 0, true); // the following is for the left part temp.AssignElementProductOf(invNorm0, invNorm1); Matrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(temp, in0, leftTerm, 0, true); leftTerm -= rightTerm; temp.GetARowByIndex(thisGradientValues, m); Matrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(temp, leftTerm, rightTerm, 0, true); inputGradientValues += rightTerm; } else // this requires shift { size_t currshift = (m + shift - 1) % numCols; size_t reverseshift = numCols - currshift; leftTerm.AssignElementProductOfWithShift(invNormSquare, temp, reverseshift); // use leftTerm as a temp variable here Matrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(leftTerm, in1, rightTerm, 0, true); temp.AssignElementProductOfWithShift(invNorm1, invNorm0, reverseshift); Matrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(temp, in0, leftTerm, reverseshift, true); leftTerm -= rightTerm; temp.GetARowByIndex(thisGradientValues, m); Matrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(temp, leftTerm, rightTerm, reverseshift, false); inputGradientValues += rightTerm; } } } } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { Matrix sliceInput0Value = InputRef(0).ValueFor(fr); Matrix sliceInput1Value = InputRef(1).ValueFor(fr); Matrix sliceOutputValue = ValueFor(fr); ForwardPropS(*m_invNorm0, *m_invNorm1, sliceOutputValue, sliceInput0Value, sliceInput1Value, InputRef(2).Value(), InputRef(3).Value(), *m_leftTerm, *m_rightTerm); } /*TODO: merge with call site*/ void ForwardPropS(Matrix& invNorm0, Matrix& invNorm1, Matrix& functionValues, Matrix& in0, Matrix& in1, Matrix& in2, Matrix& in3, Matrix& leftTermTemp, Matrix& rightTermTemp) { invNorm0.AssignVectorNorm2Of(in0, true); // seems to modify input (in0) invNorm0.AssignElementInverseOf(invNorm0); invNorm1.AssignVectorNorm2Of(in1, true); // seems to modify the input (in1) invNorm1.AssignElementInverseOf(invNorm1); size_t shift = (size_t) in2.Get00Element(); size_t negNumber = (size_t) in3.Get00Element(); // mutiply invNorm0 and invNorm1 with shift and neg. // The result is a matrix of (numberneg+1, invNorm0.Cols) leftTermTemp.AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg(invNorm0, invNorm1, shift, negNumber); // compute the right values // Again, the output is a matrix of (negNumber+1, invNorm0.cols) rightTermTemp.AssignInnerProductOfWithShiftNeg(in0, in1, true, shift, negNumber); // compute the evaluation result matrix by multiply these two matrices, element by element // we get a (negNumber+1, n) matrix functionValues.AssignElementProductOf(leftTermTemp, rightTermTemp); } virtual void /*ComputationNodeBase::*/ Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass) override { Base::Validate(isFinalValidationPass); InferMBLayoutFromInputsForStandardCase(isFinalValidationPass); ValidateInferBinaryInputDims(); if (isFinalValidationPass && (Input(0)->GetSampleMatrixNumRows() != Input(1)->GetSampleMatrixNumRows() || !Input(0)->IsMBLayoutCompatibleWith(Input(1)))) { LogicError("The tensor dimension in the %ls %ls operation does not match.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); } auto input3AsLearnableParameterNode = Input(3)->template As>(); if (isFinalValidationPass && (!input3AsLearnableParameterNode || input3AsLearnableParameterNode->GetLearningRateMultiplier() != 0) || (Input(3)->GetSampleLayout().GetNumElements() != 1)) LogicError("%ls %ls operation expects a constant scalar for Input(3) which corresponds to number of negative samples.", NodeName().c_str(), OperationName().c_str()); // input(2) is shift, input(3) is the #neg size_t negNumber = (size_t) Input(3)->Get00Element(); // TODO: This calls for a tensor representation! SetDims(TensorShape(negNumber + 1), HasMBLayout()); } virtual void CopyTo(ComputationNodeBasePtr nodeP, const std::wstring& newName, const CopyNodeFlags flags) const override { Base::CopyTo(nodeP, newName, flags); if (flags & CopyNodeFlags::copyNodeValue) { auto node = dynamic_pointer_cast>(nodeP); node->m_invNorm0->SetValue(*m_invNorm0); node->m_invNorm1->SetValue(*m_invNorm1); node->m_invNormSquare->SetValue(*m_invNormSquare); node->m_leftTerm->SetValue(*m_leftTerm); node->m_rightTerm->SetValue(*m_rightTerm); node->m_temp->SetValue(*m_temp); } } // request matrices needed to do node function value evaluation virtual void RequestMatricesBeforeForwardProp(MatrixPool& matrixPool) { Base::RequestMatricesBeforeForwardProp(matrixPool); RequestMatrixFromPool(m_invNorm0, matrixPool); RequestMatrixFromPool(m_invNorm1, matrixPool); RequestMatrixFromPool(m_leftTerm, matrixPool); RequestMatrixFromPool(m_rightTerm, matrixPool); } // request matrices that are needed for gradient computation virtual void RequestMatricesBeforeBackprop(MatrixPool& matrixPool) { Base::RequestMatricesBeforeBackprop(matrixPool); RequestMatrixFromPool(m_invNormSquare, matrixPool); RequestMatrixFromPool(m_temp, matrixPool); } // release gradient and temp matrices that no longer needed after all the children's gradients are computed. virtual void ReleaseMatricesAfterBackprop(MatrixPool& matrixPool) { Base::ReleaseMatricesAfterBackprop(matrixPool); ReleaseMatrixToPool(m_invNorm0, matrixPool); ReleaseMatrixToPool(m_invNorm1, matrixPool); ReleaseMatrixToPool(m_leftTerm, matrixPool); ReleaseMatrixToPool(m_rightTerm, matrixPool); ReleaseMatrixToPool(m_invNormSquare, matrixPool); ReleaseMatrixToPool(m_temp, matrixPool); } private: // invNorm nodes tranfer data between ForwardProp and BackpropTo shared_ptr> m_invNorm0; shared_ptr> m_invNorm1; shared_ptr> m_leftTerm; shared_ptr> m_rightTerm; // the rest are temporaries, values don't need to be maintained shared_ptr> m_invNormSquare; shared_ptr> m_temp; }; template class CosDistanceWithNegativeSamplesNode; template class CosDistanceWithNegativeSamplesNode; template class CosDistanceWithNegativeSamplesNode; template void UpdateRunningAverage(ComputationNode& newInput, TensorView& runningAverage, size_t& runningCount); class MPIWrapper; struct DistGradHeader; template void AggregateAccumulatorValuesAndUpdateEvaluation( shared_ptr net, set> evalNodesWhichAccumulateResult, shared_ptr gradHeader, shared_ptr mpi, size_t packThresholdSizeInBytes = (size_t)DEFAULT_PACK_THRESHOLD_SIZE_IN_BYTES); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EpochAccumulatorNode calculates mean values of all samples used in forward pass. // During training, mean sample value is calculated in each epoch. Value of the node will contain mean sample value of // its input node values since the beginning of epoch. // This node is useful for creating "per class" metrics like average class recall or mean intersection over union (mean // IOU) which is standard metric in semantic labeling. // For mean IOU, we calculate ratio true_positives / (true_positives + false_negatives + false_positives) for all target // classes and then get mean of those values. true_positives, false_negatives, false_positives should be calculated over // the whole data set. Here we cannot calculate mean IOU per sample and then average the result. Instead, we use // EpochAccumulatorNode to store those values over the whole data set. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class EpochAccumulatorNode : public ComputationNodeNonLooping, public NumInputs<1> { typedef ComputationNodeNonLooping Base; UsingComputationNodeMembersBoilerplate; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"EpochAccumulator"; } public: EpochAccumulatorNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name); EpochAccumulatorNode(const ScriptableObjects::IConfigRecordPtr configp); virtual void BackpropToNonLooping(size_t inputIndex) override; virtual bool OutputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients() const override { return false; } virtual bool InputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients(size_t /*childIndex*/) const override { return false; } virtual void OnEpochStart() override; virtual void /*ComputationNodeNonLooping::*/ ForwardPropNonLooping() override; virtual void CopyTo(ComputationNodeBasePtr nodeP, const std::wstring& newName, const CopyNodeFlags flags) const override; virtual void Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass); // Returns tensor view for the accumulator matrix. If accumulator matrix memory is not allocated // accumulator matrix will be resized (memory will be allocated). TensorView EnsureAccumlator(); protected: friend void AggregateAccumulatorValuesAndUpdateEvaluation( shared_ptr net, set> evalNodesWhichAccumulateResult, shared_ptr gradHeader, shared_ptr mpi, size_t packThresholdSize); void Reset(); size_t GetNumberOfSamples() const { return m_numSamples; } void SetNumberOfSamples(size_t samples) { m_numSamples = samples; } shared_ptr> GetAccumulator() { return m_accumulator; } // Copies internal accumulator to the output. void CopyAccumulatorToValue(); shared_ptr> m_accumulator; size_t m_numSamples; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CastNode converts data types from InputType to ElemType // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- template class CastNode : public UnaryElementWiseNode { typedef UnaryElementWiseNode Base; UsingUnaryElementwiseNodeBaseMembers; static const std::wstring TypeName() { return L"Cast"; } public: DeclareConstructorFromConfig(CastNode); CastNode(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const wstring& name) : Base(deviceId, name) { } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override { auto result = ValueFor(fr); auto input = static_cast&>(*m_inputs[0].get()).ValueFor(fr); result.CastAssignValuesOf(input); } virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ BackpropTo(const size_t /*inputIndex*/, const FrameRange& fr) override { auto grad = GradientFor(fr); auto inputGrad = static_cast&>(*m_inputs[0].get()).GradientFor(fr); inputGrad.CastAssignValuesOf(grad); } virtual void /*ComputationNodeBase::*/ Validate(bool isFinalValidationPass) override { ValidateUnaryMap(isFinalValidationPass); } virtual bool OutputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients() const override { return false; } virtual bool InputUsedInComputingInputNodesGradients(size_t /*childIndex*/) const override { return false; } }; template class CastNode; template class CastNode; template class CastNode; template class CastNode; template class CastNode; template class CastNode; }}}