We support output geocoded displacement time-series product into [HDF-EOS5](http://hdfeos.org) format via `save_hdfeos5.py`. This is designed to easily share the InSAR time-series product to the broader community. ```bash save_hdfeos5.py geo_timeseries_ERA5_ramp_demErr.h5 --tc geo_temporalCoherence.h5 --asc geo_avgSpatialCoh.h5 -m geo_maskTempCoh.h5 -g geo_geometryRadar.h5 save_hdfeos5.py timeseries_ERA5_ramp_demErr.h5 --tc temporalCoherence.h5 --asc avgSpatialCoh.h5 -m maskTempCoh.h5 -g inputs/geometryGeo.h5 ``` ### 1. File structure ### ``` / Root level group Attributes metadata in dict /HDFEOS/GRIDS/timeseries timeseries group /observation /displacement 3D array of float32 in size of (n, l, w) in meter /date 1D array of string in size of (n, ) in YYYYMMDD format. /bperp 1D array of float32 in size of (n, ) in meter /quality /mask 2D array of bool_ in size of ( l, w). /temporalCoherence 2D array of float32 in size of ( l, w). /avgSpatialCoherence 2D array of float32 in size of ( l, w). /geometry /height 2D array of float32 in size of ( l, w) in meter. /incidenceAngle 2D array of float32 in size of ( l, w) in degree. /slantRangeDistance 2D array of float32 in size of ( l, w) in meter. /azimuthAngle 2D array of float32 in size of ( l, w) in degree. (optional) /shadowMask 2D array of bool in size of ( l, w). (optional) /waterMask 2D array of bool in size of ( l, w). (optional) /bperp 3D array of float32 in size of (n, l, w) in meter. (optional) ``` ### 2. Metadata Besides [the attributes used in MintPy](./api/attributes.md), we add extra metadata inheritated from [UNAVCO InSAR Product Archive](https://winsar.unavco.org/insar/) ([format specification](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fm6RY8aL4hhRa88M9cd_Ejh6OL3YfibfjN1UQ7TWsmI/edit?usp=sharing)) as below: #### 2.1 required & manual The following metadata requires manual specification in the custom template file, e.g. [WellsEnvD2T399.txt](./templates/WellsEnvD2T399.txt). + **mission:** short name of the air-/space-borne SAR (constellation) mission, e.g. ALOS, ALOS2, CSK, ENV, ERS, JERS, NISAR, RS1, RS2, S1, TSX, UAV [auto-grabbed for tops/stripmap/alosStack only] + **beam_mode:** short name of the beam mode as used by the space agency, e.g. IW for Sentinel-1, SM for stripmap, SL for spotlight, etc. [auto-grabbed for tops/stripmapStack only] + **relative_orbit:** relative orbit (track / path) number [auto-grabbed for tops/stripmapStack only] + **first/last_frame:** first and last frame number (same if only one frame) [auto-grabbed for tops/alosStack only] #### 2.2 recommended & manual + **beam_swath:** value used by the space agency, e.g. 1/2/3 for Sentinel-1 IW (default: 0) + **processing_dem:** DEM data source used during processing, e.g. SRTM, ASTER, NED (default: Unknown) ... + **unwrap_method:** method used for phase unwrapping, e.g. snaphu (default: Unknown) + **atmos_correct_method:** method/model used for atmospheric correction (default: None) #### 2.3 auto-grabbed / hardwired by script + **first/last_date:** ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) [auto-grabbed] + **data_footprint:** WKT formatted polygon outlining the area covered by the data [precise; for geocoded file only; auto-grabbed from Y/X_FIRST/STEP]. This is temporary and should be merged into scene_footprint. + **scene_footprint:** WKT formatted polygon outlining the area covered by the data [coarse; auto-grabbed from LON/LAT_REF1/2/3/4] + **processing_type:** data product processing level, e.g. INTERFEROGRAM, LOS_VELOCITY, LOS_TIMESERIES [hardwired as LOS_TIMESERIES] + **history:** creation date and time in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) [auto-grabbed] + **processing_software:** method/software used to generate interferograms/offsets (default: isce) [auto-grabbed from PROCESSOR] + **post_processing_software:** method/software used to generate time-series or velocity field [hardwired as MintPy]. + **flight_direction:** flight direction of the satellite platform, A(scending) or D(escending) (default: Unknown) [auto-grabbed from ORBIT_DIRECTION] + **look_direction:** R(ight) or L(eft) [auto-grabbed from ANTENNA_SIDE] + **polarization:** transmit and received polarization of the radar wave: HH, VV, HH+VV, etc. (default: Unknown) [auto-grabbed from POLARIZATION] + **prf:** pulse repetition frequency (default: 0) [auto-grabbed from PRF] + **wavelength:** radar wavelength [auto-grabbed from WAVELENGTH] ### 3. Filename convention ### Inherited from [UNAVCO InSAR Product Archive](https://winsar.unavco.org/insar/) ([format specification](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fm6RY8aL4hhRa88M9cd_Ejh6OL3YfibfjN1UQ7TWsmI/edit?usp=sharing)), we use the filename convention below: <SAT>\_<SW>\_<RELORB>\_<FRAME1>(\_<FRAME2>)\_<DATE1>\_<DATE2>(\_<SUB>).he5 E.g. S1_IW12_128_0593_0597_20141213_20170928.he5 | Items | Descriptions | Values | | --------- | ------------ | -------| | <SAT> | Mission name | ALOS, ALOS2, CSK, ENV, ERS, JERS, NISAR, RS1, RS2, S1, TSX, UAV | | <SW> | Beam mode with swath number | SM2 (for ENV), IW3 (for S1) | | <RELORB> | Relative orbit (track) number | 3 digits with zero padding | | <FRAME1> | Start frame number | 4 digits with zero padding | | <FRAME2> | End frame number | 4 digits with zero padding; shown only if it's different from \ | | <DATE1> | Start date | YYYYMMDD | | <DATE2> | End date | YYYYMMDD; "XXXXXXXX" if update mode is ON. | | <SUB> | Subset range | N{:05d}_S{:05d}_W{:05d}_E{:05d} in degrees; number with precision of 3 digits after decimal * 1000; e.g. S00500_N01300_W001200_E005800; shown only if data is cropped. | ### 4. Web Viewer ### HDF-EOS5 file format is used as the input of the University of Miami's web viewer for InSAR time-series products. Below is a screenshot of the web viewer for the dataset on Kuju volcano from ALOS-1 acending track 422.


[![InSAR Web Viewer](https://yunjunzhang.files.wordpress.com/2019/06/web_viewer_kujualosat422.png)](http://insarmaps.miami.edu/)