Tip revision: 5c6e6dea621fd5b486441c5e649098ad5a6549e6 authored by Flavio Barros on 15 November 2017, 21:16:12 UTC
version 0.7
version 0.7
Tip revision: 5c6e6de
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% Please edit documentation in R/moonroof.R
\format{A data frame with 34 observations on the following 4 variables.
\item{yi}{The number of defects.}
\item{ni}{The sample size.}
\item{ui}{The proportion of defects.} }}
DeVor, R.E.; Chang, T.; Sutherland, J.W., 2007. "Statistical Quality
Design and Control".
A data set used to build an u-charts.
Defect data for moonroof installation example.
See the source.