from __future__ import generator_stop import datetime import io import csv import json from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTime, Float, Text, Boolean, func, inspect from sqlalchemy.orm import validates from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from psiturk.db import db_session from .psiturk_config import PsiturkConfig from typing import List from itertools import groupby from .tasks import do_campaign_round from apscheduler.jobstores.base import JobLookupError config = PsiturkConfig() config.load_config() TABLENAME = config.get('Database Parameters', 'table_name') CODE_VERSION = config.get('Task Parameters', 'experiment_code_version') # Base class Base = declarative_base() Base.query = db_session.query_property() def object_as_dict(self, filter_these: list = None): if filter_these is None: filter_these = [] return {c.key: getattr(self, c.key) for c in inspect(self).mapper.column_attrs if c.key not in filter_these} Base.object_as_dict = object_as_dict class Participant(Base): """ Object representation of a participant in the database. """ __tablename__ = TABLENAME uniqueid = Column(String(128), primary_key=True) assignmentid = Column(String(128), nullable=False) workerid = Column(String(128), nullable=False) hitid = Column(String(128), nullable=False) ipaddress = Column(String(128)) browser = Column(String(128)) platform = Column(String(128)) language = Column(String(128)) cond = Column(Integer) counterbalance = Column(Integer) codeversion = Column(String(128)) beginhit = Column(DateTime) beginexp = Column(DateTime) endhit = Column(DateTime) bonus = Column(Float, default=0) status = Column(Integer, default=1) mode = Column(String(128)) if 'postgres://' in config.get('Database Parameters', 'database_url').lower(): datastring = Column(Text) else: datastring = Column(Text(4294967295)) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.uniqueid = "{workerid}:{assignmentid}".format(**kwargs) self.status = 1 self.codeversion = CODE_VERSION self.beginhit = for key in kwargs: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) def __repr__(self): return "Subject(uniqueid|%s, condition|%s, status|%s, codeversion|%s)" % ( self.uniqueid, self.cond, self.status, self.codeversion) def get_trial_data(self): try: trialdata = json.loads(self.datastring)["data"] except (TypeError, ValueError): # There was no data to return. print(("No trial data found in record:", self)) return "" try: with io.StringIO() as outstring: csvwriter = csv.writer(outstring) for trial in trialdata: csvwriter.writerow( ( self.uniqueid, trial["current_trial"], trial["dateTime"], json.dumps(trial["trialdata"]) ) ) return outstring.getvalue() except: print(("Error reading record:", self)) return "" def get_event_data(self): try: eventdata = json.loads(self.datastring)["eventdata"] except (ValueError, TypeError): # There was no data to return. print(("No event data found in record:", self)) return "" try: with io.StringIO() as outstring: csvwriter = csv.writer(outstring) for event in eventdata: csvwriter.writerow( ( self.uniqueid, event["eventtype"], event["interval"], event["value"], event["timestamp"] ) ) return outstring.getvalue() except: print(("Error reading record:", self)) return "" def get_question_data(self): try: questiondata = json.loads(self.datastring)["questiondata"] except (TypeError, ValueError): # There was no data to return. print(("No question data found in record:", self)) return "" try: with io.StringIO() as outstring: csvwriter = csv.writer(outstring) for question in questiondata: csvwriter.writerow( ( self.uniqueid, question, questiondata[question] ) ) return outstring.getvalue() except: print(("Error reading record:", self)) return "" @classmethod def count_completed(cls, codeversion, mode): completed_statuses = [3, 4, 5, 7] return cls.query.with_entities(func.count()).filter( cls.status.in_(completed_statuses), cls.codeversion == codeversion, cls.mode == mode ).scalar() @classmethod def count_workers_grouped(cls, query=None, group_bys: List[str] = None): if group_bys is None: group_bys = ['codeversion', 'mode', 'status'] group_by_labels = group_bys + ['count'] group_bys = [getattr(cls, group_by) for group_by in group_bys] if not query: query = cls.query for group_by in group_bys: query = query.group_by(group_by).order_by(group_by.desc()) entities = group_bys + [func.count()] query = query.with_entities(*entities) results = query.all() def list_to_grouped_dicts(results): parsed_results = {} for k, group in groupby(results, lambda row: row[0]): # k will be codeversion group = list(group) if len(group[0]) > 2: parsed_results[k] = list_to_grouped_dicts([row[1:] for row in group]) else: parsed_results.update({k: v for k, v in group}) return parsed_results # TODO: Is this call actually doing anything? Looks like it is ignored. parsed_results = list_to_grouped_dicts(results) zipped_results = [dict(zip(group_by_labels, row)) for row in results] return zipped_results @classmethod def all_but_datastring(cls): query = cls.query query = query.with_entities(*[c for c in cls.__table__.c if != 'datastring']) return query.all() class Hit(Base): """ """ __tablename__ = 'amt_hit' hitid = Column(String(128), primary_key=True) class Campaign(Base): """ """ __tablename__ = 'campaign' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) codeversion = Column(String(128), nullable=False) mode = Column(String(128), nullable=False) goal = Column(Integer, nullable=False) minutes_between_rounds = Column(Integer, nullable=False) assignments_per_round = Column(Integer, nullable=False) hit_reward = Column(Float, nullable=False) hit_duration_hours = Column(Float, nullable=False) is_active = Column(Boolean, default=True) created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) ended = Column(DateTime, default=None) @validates('goal', 'minutes_between_rounds', 'assignments_per_round', 'hit_duration_hours') def validate_greater_than_zero(self, key, value): if key == 'goal': self._validate_greater_than_already_completed(value) assert value > 0, 'Property `{}` must be greater than 0'.format(key) return value @validates('hit_reward') def validate_hit_reward(self, key, hit_reward): assert hit_reward >= 0, \ f'Hit reward must be greater than or equal to zero, got {hit_reward}' return hit_reward def _validate_greater_than_already_completed(self, goal): count_completed = Participant.count_completed( codeversion=self.codeversion, mode=self.mode) assert goal > count_completed, \ f'Goal ({goal}) must be greater than the count of '\ f'already-completed {count_completed}).' @validates('mode') def validate_mode(self, key, mode): assert mode in ['sandbox', 'live'], 'Mode {} not recognized.'.format(mode) return mode @validates('is_active') def validate_is_active(self, key, is_active): if is_active: assert not self.active_campaign_exists(), 'No no, there can be only one active campaign.' return is_active def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.codeversion = CODE_VERSION for key in kwargs: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) @property def campaign_job_id(self): return 'campaign-{}'.format( def end(self): self.is_active = False self.ended = from .experiment import app try: app.apscheduler.remove_job(self.campaign_job_id) except JobLookupError: pass return self @classmethod def active_campaign_exists(cls): subquery = cls.query.filter(cls.is_active.is_(True)).exists() query = db_session.query(subquery) _return = query.scalar() return _return @classmethod def launch_new_campaign(cls, **kwargs): kwargs['is_active'] = True new_campaign = cls(**kwargs) db_session.add(new_campaign) db_session.commit() _kwargs = { 'campaign': new_campaign, 'job_id': new_campaign.campaign_job_id } from .experiment import app app.apscheduler.add_job( id=new_campaign.campaign_job_id, func=do_campaign_round, kwargs=_kwargs, trigger='interval', minutes=new_campaign.minutes_between_rounds, ) return new_campaign