# # Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Revolution Analytics # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ # .options <- new.env(parent=emptyenv()) .revoDoParCluster <- NULL # this explicitly registers a multicore parallel backend registerDoParallel <- function(cl, cores=NULL, ...) { opts <- list(...) optnames <- names(opts) if (is.null(optnames)) optnames <- rep('', length(opts)) # filter out unnamed arguments with a warning unnamed <- ! nzchar(optnames) if (any(unnamed)) { warning('ignoring doParallel package option(s) specified with unnamed argument') opts <- opts[!unnamed] optnames <- optnames[!unnamed] } # filter out unrecognized options with a warning recog <- optnames %in% c('nocompile') if (any(!recog)) { warning(sprintf('ignoring unrecognized doParallel package option(s): %s', paste(optnames[!recog], collapse=', ')), call.=FALSE) opts <- opts[recog] optnames <- optnames[recog] } # clear .options in case registerDoParallel is called multiple times old.optnames <- ls(.options, all.names=TRUE) rm(list=old.optnames, pos=.options) # set new options for (i in seq(along=opts)) { assign(optnames[i], opts[[i]], pos=.options) } if (missing(cl) || is.numeric(cl)) { if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { if (!missing(cl) && is.numeric(cl)) { cl <- makeCluster(cl) } else { if (!missing(cores) && is.numeric(cores)){ cl <- makeCluster(cores) } else { cl <- makeCluster(3) } } assign(".revoDoParCluster", cl, pos=.options) setDoPar(doParallelSNOW, cl, snowinfo) } else { if (!missing(cl) && is.numeric(cl)) { cores <- cl } # register multicore backend setDoPar(doParallelMC, cores, mcinfo) } } else { setDoPar(doParallelSNOW, cl, snowinfo) } } "stopImplicitCluster" <- function() { if (exists(".revoDoParCluster", where=.options) && !is.null(.revoDoParCluster)) { stopCluster(.revoDoParCluster) remove(".revoDoParCluster", where=.options) } } # internal function that determines the number of workers to use workers <- function(data) { if ("cluster" %in% class(data)) { length(data) } else { cores <- data if (!is.null(cores)) { # use the number specified when registering doMC cores } else { cores <- getOption('cores') if (!is.null(cores)) { # use the number specified via the 'cores' option cores } else { # use 1/2 the number detected by parallel cores <- parallel::detectCores() if (cores > 2) { cores <- ceiling(cores/2) } cores } } } } # passed to setDoPar via registerDoParallel, and called by getDoParWorkers, etc mcinfo <- function(data, item) { switch(item, workers=workers(data), name='doParallelMC', version=packageDescription('doParallel', fields='Version'), NULL) } # passed to setDoPar via registerDoParallel, and called by getDoParWorkers, etc snowinfo <- function(data, item) { switch(item, workers=workers(data), name='doParallelSNOW', version=packageDescription('doParallel', fields='Version'), NULL) } comp <- if (getRversion() < "2.13.0") { function(expr, ...) expr } else { function(expr, ...) { if (isTRUE(.options$nocompile)) expr else compiler::compile(expr, ...) } } parSpl <- try(parallel::splitList, silent=TRUE) ## Use the "splitList" function from parallel if it's exported ## Otherwise, use the definition it had in R 3.0.2. "splitList" <- if (inherits(parSpl, "try-error")) { function (x, ncl) lapply(splitIndices(length(x), ncl), function(i) x[i]) } else { parSpl } doParallelMC <- function(obj, expr, envir, data) { # set the default mclapply options preschedule <- TRUE set.seed <- TRUE silent <- FALSE cores <- workers(data) if (!inherits(obj, 'foreach')) stop('obj must be a foreach object') it <- iter(obj) argsList <- as.list(it) accumulator <- makeAccum(it) # make sure all of the necessary libraries have been loaded for (p in obj$packages) library(p, character.only=TRUE) # check for multicore-specific options options <- obj$options$multicore if (!is.null(options)) { nms <- names(options) recog <- nms %in% c('preschedule', 'set.seed', 'silent', 'cores') if (any(!recog)) warning(sprintf('ignoring unrecognized multicore option(s): %s', paste(nms[!recog], collapse=', ')), call.=FALSE) if (!is.null(options$preschedule)) { if (!is.logical(options$preschedule) || length(options$preschedule) != 1) { warning('preschedule must be logical value', call.=FALSE) } else { if (obj$verbose) cat(sprintf('setting mc.preschedule option to %d\n', options$preschedule)) preschedule <- options$preschedule } } if (!is.null(options$set.seed)) { if (!is.logical(options$set.seed) || length(options$set.seed) != 1) { warning('set.seed must be logical value', call.=FALSE) } else { if (obj$verbose) cat(sprintf('setting mc.set.seed option to %d\n', options$set.seed)) set.seed <- options$set.seed } } if (!is.null(options$silent)) { if (!is.logical(options$silent) || length(options$silent) != 1) { warning('silent must be logical value', call.=FALSE) } else { if (obj$verbose) cat(sprintf('setting mc.silent option to %d\n', options$silent)) silent <- options$silent } } if (!is.null(options$cores)) { if (!is.numeric(options$cores) || length(options$cores) != 1 || options$cores < 1) { warning('cores must be numeric value >= 1', call.=FALSE) } else { if (obj$verbose) cat(sprintf('setting mc.cores option to %d\n', options$cores)) cores <- options$cores } } } # define the "worker" function, compiling expr if possible c.expr <- comp(expr, env=envir, options=list(suppressUndefined=TRUE)) FUN <- function(args) tryCatch(eval(c.expr, envir=args, enclos=envir), error=function(e) e) # execute the tasks results <- mclapply(argsList, FUN, mc.preschedule=preschedule, mc.set.seed=set.seed, mc.silent=silent, mc.cores=cores) # call the accumulator with all of the results tryCatch(accumulator(results, seq(along=results)), error=function(e) { cat('error calling combine function:\n') print(e) NULL }) # check for errors errorValue <- getErrorValue(it) errorIndex <- getErrorIndex(it) # throw an error or return the combined results if (identical(obj$errorHandling, 'stop') && !is.null(errorValue)) { msg <- sprintf('task %d failed - "%s"', errorIndex, conditionMessage(errorValue)) stop(simpleError(msg, call=expr)) } else { getResult(it) } } makeDotsEnv <- function(...) { list(...) function() NULL } .doSnowGlobals <- new.env(parent=emptyenv()) getparentenv <- function(pkgname) { parenv <- NULL # if anything goes wrong, print the error object and return # the global environment tryCatch({ # pkgname is NULL in many cases, as when the foreach loop # is executed interactively or in an R script if (is.character(pkgname)) { # load the specified package if (require(pkgname, character.only=TRUE)) { # search for any function in the package pkgenv <- as.environment(paste0('package:', pkgname)) for (sym in ls(pkgenv)) { fun <- get(sym, pkgenv, inherits=FALSE) if (is.function(fun)) { env <- environment(fun) if (is.environment(env)) { parenv <- env break } } } if (is.null(parenv)) { stop('loaded ', pkgname, ', but parent search failed', call.=FALSE) } else { message('loaded ', pkgname, ' and set parent environment') } } } }, error=function(e) { cat(sprintf('Error getting parent environment: %s\n', conditionMessage(e))) }) # return the global environment by default if (is.null(parenv)) globalenv() else parenv } workerInit <- function(expr, exportenv, pkgname, packages, attach=FALSE) { assign('expr', expr, .doSnowGlobals) assign('exportenv', exportenv, .doSnowGlobals) exportEnv <- .doSnowGlobals$exportenv parent.env(exportEnv) <- getparentenv(pkgname) if (attach) { attach(exportEnv) } tryCatch({ for (p in packages) library(p, character.only=TRUE) NULL # indicates success }, error=function(e) { # a character string indicates an error conditionMessage(e) }) } workerCleanup <- function() { if ("exportEnv" %in% search()) { detach(exportEnv) } } evalWrapper <- function(args) { lapply(names(args), function(n) assign(n, args[[n]], pos=.doSnowGlobals$exportenv)) tryCatch(eval(.doSnowGlobals$expr, envir=.doSnowGlobals$exportenv), error=function(e) e) } # This function takes the place of workerInit and evalWrapper when # preschedule is enabled. It is executed by the master via clusterApply # such that there is a single chunked task for each worker in the # cluster, rather than using clusterCall to initialize the workers and # clusterApplyLB to compute the tasks one-by-one. This strategy can be # significantly more efficient when there are many small tasks, and is # very similar to the default behavior of mclapply. workerPreschedule <- function(largs, expr, exportenv, pkgname, packages) { parent.env(exportenv) <- getparentenv(pkgname) task <- function(args) { lapply(names(args), function(n) assign(n, args[[n]], pos=exportenv)) eval(expr, envir=exportenv) } tryCatch({ # load all necessary packages for (p in packages) library(p, character.only=TRUE) # execute all of the tasks lapply(largs, task) }, error=function(e) { # only one exception was thrown, but we don't know which one, # so we'll return it for all of the tasks lapply(seq_along(largs), function(i) e) }) } doParallelSNOW <- function(obj, expr, envir, data) { cl <- data preschedule <- FALSE attachExportEnv <- FALSE if (!inherits(obj, 'foreach')) stop('obj must be a foreach object') it <- iter(obj) accumulator <- makeAccum(it) # check for snow-specific options options <- obj$options$snow if (!is.null(options)) { nms <- names(options) recog <- nms %in% c('preschedule', 'attachExportEnv') if (any(!recog)) warning(sprintf('ignoring unrecognized snow option(s): %s', paste(nms[!recog], collapse=', ')), call.=FALSE) if (!is.null(options$preschedule)) { if (!is.logical(options$preschedule) || length(options$preschedule) != 1) { warning('preschedule must be logical value', call.=FALSE) } else { if (obj$verbose) cat(sprintf('bundling all tasks into %d chunks\n', length(cl))) preschedule <- options$preschedule } } if (!is.null(options$attachExportEnv)) { if (!is.logical(options$attachExportEnv) || length(options$attachExportEnv) != 1) { warning('attachExportEnv must be logical value', call.=FALSE) } else { if (obj$verbose) cat("attaching export environment\n") attachExportEnv <- options$attachExportEnv } } } # setup the parent environment by first attempting to create an environment # that has '...' defined in it with the appropriate values exportenv <- tryCatch({ qargs <- quote(list(...)) args <- eval(qargs, envir) environment(do.call(makeDotsEnv, args)) }, error=function(e) { new.env(parent=emptyenv()) }) noexport <- union(obj$noexport, obj$argnames) getexports(expr, exportenv, envir, bad=noexport) vars <- ls(exportenv) if (obj$verbose) { if (length(vars) > 0) { cat('automatically exporting the following variables', 'from the local environment:\n') cat(' ', paste(vars, collapse=', '), '\n') } else { cat('no variables are automatically exported\n') } } # compute list of variables to export export <- unique(obj$export) ignore <- intersect(export, vars) if (length(ignore) > 0) { warning(sprintf('already exporting variable(s): %s', paste(ignore, collapse=', '))) export <- setdiff(export, ignore) } # add explicitly exported variables to exportenv if (length(export) > 0) { if (obj$verbose) cat(sprintf('explicitly exporting variables(s): %s\n', paste(export, collapse=', '))) for (sym in export) { if (!exists(sym, envir, inherits=TRUE)) stop(sprintf('unable to find variable "%s"', sym)) val <- get(sym, envir, inherits=TRUE) if (is.function(val) && (identical(environment(val), .GlobalEnv) || identical(environment(val), envir))) { # Changing this function's environment to exportenv allows it to # access/execute any other functions defined in exportenv. This # has always been done for auto-exported functions, and not # doing so for explicitly exported functions results in # functions defined in exportenv that can't call each other. environment(val) <- exportenv } assign(sym, val, pos=exportenv, inherits=FALSE) } } # send exports to workers c.expr <- comp(expr, env=envir, options=list(suppressUndefined=TRUE)) # packageName function added in R 3.0.0 pkgname <- if (exists('packageName', mode='function')) packageName(envir) else NULL if (! preschedule) { # send exports to workers r <- clusterCall(cl, workerInit, c.expr, exportenv, pkgname, obj$packages, attachExportEnv) for (emsg in r) { if (!is.null(emsg)) stop('worker initialization failed: ', emsg) } # execute the tasks argsList <- as.list(it) results <- clusterApplyLB(cl, argsList, evalWrapper) # clean up the workers if (attachExportEnv){ clusterCall(cl, workerCleanup) } } else { # convert argument iterator into a list of lists argsList <- splitList(as.list(it), length(cl)) # execute the tasks results <- do.call(c, clusterApply(cl, argsList, workerPreschedule, c.expr, exportenv, pkgname, obj$packages)) } # call the accumulator with all of the results tryCatch(accumulator(results, seq(along=results)), error=function(e) { cat('error calling combine function:\n') print(e) }) # check for errors errorValue <- getErrorValue(it) errorIndex <- getErrorIndex(it) # throw an error or return the combined results if (identical(obj$errorHandling, 'stop') && !is.null(errorValue)) { msg <- sprintf('task %d failed - "%s"', errorIndex, conditionMessage(errorValue)) stop(simpleError(msg, call=expr)) } else { getResult(it) } }