confounderPlot <- function(data, S, x, y, labels, returnS=FALSE, plotLegend=TRUE, col, pch, font, xlim, ylim, ...){ # data: data frame with variables of interest # S: similarity matrix; if missing it will be calculated from data # x: predictor of main interest, for which confounders / collinearities shall be detected # y: outcome variable # labels: variable names used for plotting - have to be in corresponding order with columns of data! # returnS: shall similarity matrix be returned # similarity matrix if(missing(S)) S <- similarity.variables(data) if(!identical(names(data), colnames(S))) stop("names of 'data' and 'S' must coincide") if(missing(labels)) labels <- names(data) names(labels) <- names(data) # color: categorical/continuous variables if(missing(col)){ dc <- sapply(data, data.class) col <- ifelse(dc == "numeric", "black", "purple") } # highlight x and y (bold) if(missing(font)) font <- ifelse(names(data) %in% c(x,y), 2, 1) # graphical parameters if(missing(pch)) pch <- 16 if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- c(0,1.05) if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- c(0,1.05) # plot par(mar=c(5,4,4,7)) #plot(0:1, 0:1, type="n", xlab=paste("similarity to", labels[x]), ylab=paste("similarity to", labels[y]), ...) #text(x=S[x,], y=S[y,], labels=labels, col=col, font=font, xpd=T) plot(S[x,], S[y,], ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, frame=FALSE, pch=pch, col=col, xlab=paste("similarity to", labels[x]), ylab=paste("similarity to", labels[y]), ...) text(x=S[x,], y=S[y,] + 0.03, labels=labels, col=col, font=font, xpd=T) rect(0, 0, 1, 1, lty=3) if(plotLegend) legend(1.05, 0.9, c("continuous", "categorical"), col=c("black", "purple"), text.col=c("black", "purple"), xpd=T) if(returnS) return(S) }