#pragma once
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#define ZERO_TOLERANCE 1e-8
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Point_3;
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector_3;
struct Segment_3{
Segment_3(Point_3 p0 = Point_3(0,0,0), Point_3 p1 = Point_3(0,0,1)) { p[0] = p0; p[1] = p1; }
Point_3 p[2];
Point_3 point(int idx){ return p[idx]; }
Vector_3 direction() { return (p[1] - p[0]).normalized(); }
struct Line_3{
Line_3(Segment_3 s = Segment_3()) { point = s.point(0); direction = s.direction(); }
Vector_3 point;
Vector_3 direction;
struct Plane_3{
Plane_3(Point_3 point = Vector_3(0,0,0), Vector_3 normal = Vector_3(0,0,1)) : p(point), n(normal.normalized()){
double px = p.x(), py = p.y(), pz = p.z();
double dx = n.x(), dy = n.y(), dz = n.z();
pa = dx; pb = dy; pc = dz; pd = -dx*px - dy*py - dz*pz;
Point_3 p;
Vector_3 n;
double pa, pb, pc, pd;
double a() const { return pa; }
double b() const { return pb; }
double c() const { return pc; }
double d() const { return pd; }
static inline double squared_distance( Plane_3 plane, Point_3 point )
double dist = Vector_3(point - plane.p) );
return dist * dist; // squared
static inline double squared_distance_of_parallel( Line_3 mLine0, Line_3 mLine1 )
Vector_3 diff = mLine0.point - mLine1.point;
double b0 =;
double c = diff.squaredNorm();
double s0, s1, sqrDist;
// Lines are parallel, select any closest pair of points.
s0 = -b0;
s1 = (double)0;
sqrDist = b0*s0 + c;
// Account for numerical round-off errors.
if (sqrDist < (double)0) sqrDist = (double)0;
return sqrDist;
static inline double squared_distance( Line_3 mLine0, Line_3 mLine1 )
Vector_3 diff = mLine0.point - mLine1.point;
double a01 =;
double b0 =;
double c = diff.squaredNorm();
double det = std::abs(1.0 - a01*a01);
double b1, s0, s1, sqrDist;
if (det >= ZERO_TOLERANCE)
// Lines are not parallel.
b1 =;
double invDet = ((double)1)/det;
s0 = (a01*b1 - b0)*invDet;
s1 = (a01*b0 - b1)*invDet;
sqrDist = s0*(s0 + a01*s1 + ((double)2)*b0) + s1*(a01*s0 + s1 + ((double)2)*b1) + c;
// Lines are parallel, select any closest pair of points.
s0 = -b0;
s1 = (double)0;
sqrDist = b0*s0 + c;
// Account for numerical round-off errors.
if (sqrDist < (double)0) sqrDist = (double)0;
return sqrDist;
static inline Vector_3 cross_product( Vector_3 v1, Vector_3 v2 )
return v1.cross(v2);
static inline Vector_3 cross_product( Segment_3 s1, Segment_3 s2 )
return s1.direction().cross(s2.direction());