# Cookbook 3: Temperature-dependent Viscosity [CitcomS] steps = 200 ; number of time steps [CitcomS.controller] monitoringFrequency = 25 ; how often outputs are created [CitcomS.solver] datafile = cookbook3 ; prefix of output filenames rayleigh = 1e6 ; Rayleigh number # Modify the layout of the mesh. [CitcomS.solver.mesher] nprocx = 2 nprocy = 2 nodex = 17 nodey = 17 nodez = 9 # Assign the viscosities. [CitcomS.solver.visc] VISC_UPDATE = on num_mat = 4 visc0 = 1,1,1,1 TDEPV = on viscE = 0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2 viscT = 0,0,0,0 VMIN = on visc_min = 1.0 VMAX = on visc_max = 100.0