% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/par_est_fns.R \name{fit_params} \alias{fit_params} \title{Functions to estimate parameters of probability distributions by fitting the distributions using optim()} \usage{ fit_params(x, type, optim_control = list(maxit = 1000)) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Vector containing the discrete observations} \item{type}{Keyword for the probability distribution the data is to be fitted against. Possible values are ("pois", "nb", "del", pig", "pb", "pois2", "nb2", "del2", "pig2" "pb2", "zipois", "zinb", "zidel", "zipg", zipb", "zipois2", "zinb2", "zidel2", "zipig2", zipb2")} \item{optim_control}{List of options to override presets in the optim function; Set to list(maxit = 1000) by default. For more details, please refer to the 'control' parameter in the standard 'optim' function in package 'stats'.} } \description{ Functions to estimate parameters of probability distributions by fitting the distributions using optim() } \examples{ x1 <- rnbinom(100, size = 13, mu = 9) p1 <- fit_params(x1, "nb") s <- sample(x = c(0,1), size = 100, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.3,0.7)) x2 <- s*x1 + (1-s) * rnbinom(100, size = 15, mu = 53) p2 <- fit_params(x2, "nb2") } \keyword{estimation} \keyword{parameter}