\name{pcaCoDa} \alias{pcaCoDa} \title{ Robust principal component analysis for compositional data } \description{ This function applies robust principal component analysis for compositional data. } \usage{ pcaCoDa(x, method = "robust") } \arguments{ \item{x}{ compositional data } \item{method}{ either \dQuote{robust} (default) or \dQuote{standard}} } \details{ The compositional data set is transformed using the ilr tranformation. Afterwards, robust principal component analysis is performed. Resulting loadings and scores are back-transformed to the clr space where the compositional biplot can be shown. } \value{ \item{scores }{scores in clr space} \item{loadings }{loadings in clr space} \item{eigenvalues }{eigenvalues of the clr covariance matrix} \item{method }{method} \item{princompOutputClr }{output of \code{princomp} needed in \code{plot.pcaCoDa}} } \references{ Filzmoser, P., Hron, K., Reimann, C. (2009) Principal Component Analysis for Compositional Data with Outliers. \emph{Environmetrics}, \bold{20}, 621-632. } \author{ K. Hron, P. Filzmoser, M. Templ } \seealso{\code{\link{print.pcaCoDa}}, \code{\link{plot.pcaCoDa}} } \examples{ data(expenditures) p1 <- pcaCoDa(expenditures) p1 plot(p1) } \keyword{ multivariate }