Raw File
Title: weld.h
Author: Ignacio CastaƄo
Date: 07/10/2002
License: Public Domain

#ifndef _WELD_H_
#define _WELD_H_


/** @file weld.h
* @brief Weld function to remove array duplicates in linear time.
namespace std {
    struct hash_Vector3d {
        size_t operator()(Vector3d v) {
            const unsigned int * h = (const unsigned int *)(&v);
            unsigned int f = (h[0]+h[1]*11-(h[2]*17))&0x7fffffff;     // avoid problems with +-0
            return (f>>22)^(f>>12)^(f);
	struct hash_Vector3f {
        size_t operator()(Vector3f v) {
            const unsigned int * h = (const unsigned int *)(&v);
            unsigned int f = (h[0]+h[1]*11-(h[2]*17))&0x7fffffff;     // avoid problems with +-0
            return (f>>22)^(f>>12)^(f);


#include <vector>		// vector<T>
#include <functional>	// equal_to<T>


inline size_t NextPowerOfTwo(size_t x)
	size_t p = 1;
	while( x > p ) {
		p += p;
	return p;

/** Generic welding routine. This function welds the elements of the vector p
* and returns the cross references in the xrefs array. To compare the elements
* it uses the standard hash and key_equal functors.
* This code is based on the ideas of Ville Miettinen and Pierre Terdiman.
template <class T, class HashFunction, class BinaryPredicate>
size_t weld( std::vector<T> & p, std::vector<size_t> & xrefs, HashFunction hash, BinaryPredicate equal )
	size_t const NIL = size_t(~0);							// linked list terminator symbol.
	size_t const N = p.size();								// # of input vertices.
	size_t outputCount = 0;									// # of output vertices
	size_t hashSize = NextPowerOfTwo(N);					// size of the hash table
	size_t * const hashTable = new size_t[hashSize + N];	// hash table + linked list
	size_t * const next = hashTable + hashSize;				// use bottom part as linked list

	memset( hashTable, NIL, hashSize*sizeof(size_t) );		// init hash table (NIL = 0xFFFFFFFF so memset works)

	// xrefs and p have the same size.

	for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)

		const T & e = p[i];
		size_t hashValue = hash(e) & (hashSize-1);
		size_t offset = hashTable[hashValue];

		// traverse linked list
		while( offset != NIL && !equal(p[offset], e) )
			offset = next[offset];

		xrefs[i] = offset;

		// no match found - copy vertex & add to hash
		if( offset == NIL ) {

			// save xref
			xrefs[i] = outputCount;

			// copy vertex
			p[outputCount] = e;

			// link to hash table
			next[outputCount] = hashTable[hashValue];

			// update hash heads and increase output counter
			hashTable[hashValue] = outputCount++;

	// cleanup
	delete [] hashTable;

	// drop duplicates.

	// number of output vertices
	return outputCount;

template <class T, class HashFunction, class BinaryPredicate>
size_t uniqueVector( std::vector<T> & p, std::vector<int> & xrefs, HashFunction hash, BinaryPredicate equal )
	size_t const NIL = size_t(~0);							// linked list terminator symbol.
	size_t const N = p.size();								// # of input vertices.
	size_t outputCount = 0;									// # of output vertices
	size_t hashSize = NextPowerOfTwo(N);					// size of the hash table
	size_t * const hashTable = new size_t[hashSize + N];	// hash table + linked list
	size_t * const next = hashTable + hashSize;				// use bottom part as linked list

	memset( hashTable, NIL, hashSize*sizeof(size_t) );		// init hash table (NIL = 0xFFFFFFFF so memset works)

	// xrefs and p have the same size.

	for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)

		const T & e = p[i];
		size_t hashValue = hash(e) & (hashSize-1);
		size_t offset = hashTable[hashValue];

		// traverse linked list
		while( offset != NIL && !equal(p[offset], e) )
			offset = next[offset];

		xrefs[i] = offset;

		// no match found - copy vertex & add to hash
		if( offset == NIL ) {

			// save xref
			xrefs[i] = outputCount;

			// copy vertex
			p[outputCount] = e;

			// link to hash table
			next[outputCount] = hashTable[hashValue];

			// update hash heads and increase output counter
			hashTable[hashValue] = outputCount++;
			xrefs[i] = -1;

	// cleanup
	delete [] hashTable;

	// drop duplicates.

	// number of output vertices
	return outputCount;

/** Reorder the given array accoding to the indices given in xrefs.
* Use this after weld to reorder an array according to its result:
* @code
* size_t num = weld(points, xrefs);
* reorder(texcoords, num, xrefs);
* @endcode
template <class T>
void reorder(std::vector<T> & array, const std::vector<size_t> & xrefs, const size_t num)
	std::vector<T> new_array;

	for(size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
		new_array[i] = array[xrefs[i]];

	// replace old array by the new one.
	std::swap(array, new_array);

#endif // _PI_WELDING_H_
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