\name{design.cyclic} \alias{design.cyclic} \title{ Cyclic designs } \description{ The cyclic design is a incomplete blocks designs, it is generated from a incomplete block initial of the size k, the plan is generated and randomized. The efficient and robust cyclic designs for 6 to 30 treatments, replications <= 10. } \usage{ design.cyclic(trt, k, r, number = 1, rowcol = FALSE, seed = 0, kinds = "Super-Duper") } \arguments{ \item{trt}{ vector treatments } \item{k}{ block size} \item{r}{ Replications } \item{number}{ number of first plot } \item{rowcol}{ TRUE: row-column design } \item{seed}{ init seed random } \item{kinds}{ random method } } \details{ Number o treatment 6 to 30. (r) Replication 2 to 10. (k) size of block 2 to 10. replication = i*k, "i" is value integer. } \value{ \item{trt }{vector, name of the treatments} \item{k }{Constant, numeric} \item{number }{Constant, numeric} \item{seed }{Constant, numeric} \item{kinds}{ character } } \references{ Kuehl, Robert(2000), Design of Experiments. 2nd ed., Duxbury. John, J.A. (1981) Efficient Cyclic Design. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 43, No. 1, pp, 76-80. } \author{ Felipe de Mendiburu } \seealso{\code{\link{design.bib}}, \code{\link{design.lattice}}, \code{\link{design.alpha}} } \examples{ library(agricolae) trt<-letters[1:8] # block size = 2, replication = 6 plan1 <- design.cyclic(trt,k=2, r=6) names(plan1) # groups 1,2,3 plan1$design[[1]] plan1$design[[2]] plan1$design[[3]] plan1$book # row-column design plan2 <- design.cyclic(trt,k=2, r=6, rowcol=TRUE) plan2$design } \keyword{ design }