Raw File
Tip revision: 26fecbe9cf80fa54a1a82c7b57a763d413c45dcd authored by Pierre Ecormier-Nocca on 05 September 2021, 06:55:44 UTC
Merge pull request #1 from jiangzhongshi/patch-1
Tip revision: 26fecbe
import matplotlib.colors as mcols
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import interpolate
import numpy as np
import skimage
import skimage.morphology
import numba
import cv2
import sys
import pathlib

import QTree
import Animal
import utils
from Region import Region

sols_tautavel = ["J", "L"]

sol = "J"
resource_path = "resources/"
water_threshold = -2
density_threshold = 0.20
tree_obstacle_threshold = 0.3
terrain_cell_width = 1

map_exits = [[0, 1650], # Exits
            [0, 2660],
            [0, 3600],
            [3060, 0],
            [4096, 420],
            [1957, 1121], # Fords
            [1973, 1104],
            [1201, 2578],
            [1231, 2562],
            [1356, 3106],
            [1383, 3093]]
shrub_idx = [0, 2]
tree_idx = [1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15]
plant_idx = [4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17]
if sol == "J":
    resource_path += "tautavel_J/"
    estimated_pop = {"Bison": 2,
                    "Elk": 71,
                    "Deer": 59,
                    "Reindeer": 4,
                    "Mouflon": 10,
                    "Rhino": 4,
                    "Horse": 3}
    estimated_carn = {"Bear": 2,
                    "Wolf": 3,
                    "Lion": 1,
                    "Lynx": 2,
                    "Fox": 2}
elif sol == "L":
    resource_path += "tautavel_L/"
    estimated_pop = {"Bison": 1,
                    "Elk": 12,
                    "Deer": 2,
                    "Reindeer": 78,
                    "Mouflon": 8,
                    "Rhino": 1,
                    "Horse": 1}
    estimated_carn = {"Bear": 2,
                    "Wolf": 3,
                    "Lion": 1,
                    "Lynx": 1,
                    "Fox": 1}
pathlib.Path(resource_path + "visu").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# Load all resources, including heightmap, water, plant densities, etc.
utils.benchStart("Loading images")
smooth = cv2.imread(resource_path + "../raw/dem_filled.tif", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
drain = cv2.imread(resource_path + "../raw/water.tif", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
drain_log = np.log(drain)
idx = (drain_log > water_threshold)
water = np.zeros(drain.shape)
water[idx] = 1

bg_scale = 4
background = utils.makeBackground(smooth, water, ['darkgreen', 'gold', 'darkred', 'black'], bg_scale)
background_bw = utils.makeBackground(smooth, water, ['white', 'black'], bg_scale)

plant_density_count = max(max(shrub_idx), max(tree_idx), max(plant_idx))+1
species_herb = Animal.species_herb
species_carn = Animal.species_carn

plants = []
for i in range(plant_density_count):
    plant = + "flora/plant-%d.tif" % i).astype(np.float32)

# Extract chains of water pixels along rivers
# Similar to vectorizing the water bodies
utils.benchStart("Extracting water chains")

def decimateChains(chains, max_err = 200):
    Decimate chains with Douglas-Peucker algorithm
    max_err is the maximum distance allowed from a point to the simplification
    newchains = []
    for chain in chains:
        vs = chain - chain[0]
        angles = np.arctan2(vs[:,1], vs[:,0])
        vas = angles - angles[-1]
        ds = np.linalg.norm(vs, axis=1)
        errs = np.abs(np.sin(vas) * ds)
        id_far = np.argmax(errs)
        if errs[id_far] > max_err:
            newchains += decimateChains([chain[:id_far+1], chain[id_far:]], max_err)
    return newchains

def numbaFillChain(visited, init, pt):
    chain = [init]
    sx, sy = pt
    while True:
        chain.append([sx, sy])
        if neighbs[sy, sx] != 2:
            return np.array(chain)
        visited[sy, sx] = True
        for kidx in range(9):
            dx = (kidx % 3) - 1
            dy = int(kidx / 3) - 1
            if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
            nsx = sx + dx
            nsy = sy + dy
            if nsx < 0 or nsx >= szw or nsy < 0 or nsy >= szh:
            if not ma[nsy, nsx]: # Not on the medial axis
            if visited[nsy, nsx]: # Already registered
            sx = nsx
            sy = nsy
    return np.array(chain)

def fillChain(junctions):
    visited = np.zeros(ma.shape, np.bool8)
    chains = []
    # Loop through each junction (has neighbors but not 2)
    for it in range(len(junctions)):
        sx, sy = junctions[it]
        visited[sy, sx] = True
        # Find neighbors
        for dx, dy in kernel_idx:
            if sx+dx < 0 or sx+dx >= szw or sy+dy < 0 or sy+dy >= szh:
            if not ma[sy+dy, sx+dx]: # Not on the medial axis
            if visited[sy+dy, sx+dx]: # Already registered
            chain = numbaFillChain(visited, [sx, sy], [sx+dx, sy+dy])
            if len(chain) > 2:
    return chains

szh, szw = water.shape
ma, dfield = skimage.morphology.medial_axis(water, return_distance=True)

# 8-connectivity kernel and relative indexes
kernel = np.ones((3,3), dtype=int)
kernel[1,1] = 0
kernel_idx = np.vstack(np.where(kernel)[::-1]).T-1

neighbs = np.zeros(ma.shape, dtype=int)
for x, y in kernel_idx:
    neighbs[0+(y<0):szh-(y>0), 0+(x<0):szw-(x>0)] += ma[0+(y>0):szh-(y<0), 0+(x>0):szw-(x<0)]
neighbs *= ma
junctions = np.vstack(np.where((neighbs > 0) & (neighbs != 2))[::-1]).T
chains = fillChain(junctions)
chains = decimateChains(chains, 50)

# Compute summarized density maps for vegetation
utils.benchStart("Computing presence maps")
shrubs_presence = np.max([plants[i] for i in shrub_idx], axis=0) > density_threshold
trees_presence = np.max([plants[i] for i in tree_idx], axis=0) > density_threshold
plants_presence = np.max([plants[i] for i in plant_idx], axis=0) > density_threshold
trees_obstacles = np.max([plants[i] for i in tree_idx], axis=0) > tree_obstacle_threshold
presence_maps = [shrubs_presence, plants_presence, trees_presence]
presence_colors = ["red", "green", "purple"]
presence_names = ["Shrubs", "Plants", "Trees"]
presence_idx = [shrub_idx, plant_idx, tree_idx]

# Export merged density maps
cmap = plt.get_cmap("Greens")
percentile = 0.05
for i, idxs in enumerate([plant_idx, shrub_idx, tree_idx]):
    plt.subplot(1, 3, i+1)
    density = np.max([plants[i] for i in idxs], axis=0)
    vmin, vmax = utils.computePercentileBounds(density, percentile)
    norm = mcols.Normalize(vmin, vmax)
    out = cmap(norm(density))[:,:,:3]
    out[water == 1] = mcols.to_rgb("royalblue")
plt.subplots_adjust(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, 0.05, 0.05)
plt.savefig(resource_path + "visu/plant_densities.png")

im = smooth / terrain_cell_width
us = np.zeros(im.shape)
vs = np.zeros(im.shape)
us[:,:-1] = im[:,1:] - im[:,:-1]
vs[:-1,:] = im[1:,:] - im[:-1,:]
ds = np.sqrt(us**2 + vs**2)

im2 = np.ones(im.shape)
im2[ds >= .5] = 0
im2[water != 0] = 0
im2[trees_obstacles != 0] = 0

# Compute accessibility maps
utils.benchStart("Extracting regions")
def numbaApplyAlongAxis(func1d, axis, arr):
    assert arr.ndim == 2
    assert axis in [0, 1]
    if axis == 0:
        result = np.empty(arr.shape[1])
        for i in range(len(result)):
            result[i] = func1d(arr[:, i])
        result = np.empty(arr.shape[0])
        for i in range(len(result)):
            result[i] = func1d(arr[i, :])
    return result

def numbaMean(array, axis):
    return numbaApplyAlongAxis(np.mean, axis, array)

def numbaExtractRegions(lbls, nb_lbls, region_size_threshold, accessibility):
    region_pxs = [np.zeros(1, np.int64)]
    region_ellipses = [[0.0]]
    access_regions = [0]
    min_val = 0
    big_lbls = np.ones(lbls.shape) * -1

    vals = lbls.flatten()
    nbins = nb_lbls+2
    order = np.argsort(vals)
    sep = np.sort(np.searchsorted(vals[order], np.arange(nb_lbls+2)))
    for j in range(1, nb_lbls+1):
        if sep[j+1] - sep[j] <= region_size_threshold:
        reg_ids = order[sep[j]:sep[j+1]]
        region_x = reg_ids % lbls.shape[0]
        region_y = (reg_ids / lbls.shape[0]).astype(np.int32)

        if accessibility is not None:
            region_xy = np.vstack((region_x, region_y)).T
            centers = numbaMean(region_xy, 0).astype(np.int32)
            local_xy = region_xy - centers
            cov = np.cov(local_xy, rowvar=False)
            eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(cov)
            confidence = np.sqrt(eigvals * 4)
            ellipse = [centers[0], centers[1],
                        2*confidence[0], 2*confidence[1],
                        np.arctan2(eigvecs[1,0], eigvecs[0,0])]

            res = accessibility[region_y[0], region_x[0]]

        for idxi in range(len(region_y)):
            big_lbls[region_y[idxi], region_x[idxi]] = min_val
        min_val += 1
    return big_lbls, region_ellipses, access_regions, region_pxs

def extractRegions(image, region_size_threshold=10000, accessibility=None):
    Extract contiguous regions with a flood-fill algorithm
    lbls, nb_lbls = skimage.measure.label(image, return_num=True, connectivity = 1)
    bl, re, ar, pxs = numbaExtractRegions(lbls, nb_lbls, region_size_threshold, accessibility)
    return bl, np.array(re[1:]), np.array(ar[1:]), pxs[1:]

accessibility, garb1, garb2, accessibility_px = extractRegions(im2)

nb_regions = int(accessibility.max() + 1)
vege_lbls = []
vege_ellipses = []
vege_regions = []
vege_pxs = []
reg_sz_thresh = 10000 / (terrain_cell_width ** 2)
for presence_map in presence_maps:
    presence_map = presence_map.astype(
    presence_map[(ds >= .5) | (water != 0) | (trees_obstacles != 0)] = 0

    lbls, region_ellipses, access_regions, region_px = extractRegions(presence_map, region_size_threshold=reg_sz_thresh, accessibility=accessibility)
    lbls[lbls == -1] = -np.inf
    lbls[water != 0] = -1

# Simplify water chains and convert them to nodes
utils.benchStart("Mapping water nodes")

def chainsToEllipses(chains, dfield):
    s0 = np.zeros((len(chains), 2))
    s1 = np.zeros((len(chains), 2))
    ellipses = np.zeros((len(chains), 5))
    for i, chain in enumerate(chains):
        v = np.array(chain[-1]) - chain[0]
        xy = (v * 0.5) + chain[0]
        ellipses[i, :2] = xy
        ellipses[i, 2] = np.linalg.norm(v)
        ellipses[i, 3] = 5 * 2 * np.mean(dfield[chain[:,1], chain[:,0]])
        ellipses[i, 4] = np.arctan2(*v[::-1])
        s0[i] = chain[0]
        s1[i] = chain[-1]
    return ellipses, (s0, s1)

def closestSegments(segments, pts):
    Returns the index of the closest segments to the given points
    mat = np.zeros((len(pts), len(segments[0])))
    s0, s1 = segments
    u = s1 - s0
    l2 = np.sum(u ** 2, 1)
    for i in range(len(s0)):
        raw = - s0[i], u[i]) / l2[i]
        weight = (raw < 0) * (-raw) + (raw > 1) * (raw - 1)
        ts = np.clip(raw, 0, 1)
        projs = s0[i] + np.atleast_2d(ts).T * u[i]
        mat[:,i] = np.sum((projs - pts) ** 2, 1) + weight
    return np.argmin(mat, 1)

# Create a map of pixels on land and adjacent to water
drinks = np.zeros(accessibility.shape, dtype=int)
for i in range(9):
    x, y = (i % 3)-1, int(i / 3)-1
    if x == 0 and y == 0:
    drinks[0+(y<0):szh-(y>0), 0+(x<0):szw-(x>0)] += (water[0+(y>0):szh-(y<0), 0+(x>0):szw-(x<0)] != 0)
drinks *= (accessibility >= 0)

# Compute closest ellipses for each of the pixels near water
contact_where = np.where(drinks!=0)
contact = np.vstack(contact_where[::-1]).T
water_ellipses, water_segments = chainsToEllipses(chains, dfield)
dto = closestSegments(water_segments, contact)

# Store ellipses within in each region
region_vals = accessibility[contact_where]
nb_lbls = int(np.max(region_vals))
dtos = [None] * (nb_lbls+1)
nbins = nb_lbls+2
order = np.argsort(region_vals)
sep = np.sort(np.searchsorted(region_vals[order], np.arange(nb_lbls+2)))
for j in range(0, nb_lbls+1):
    reg_ids = order[sep[j]:sep[j+1]]
    dtos[j] = np.unique(dto[reg_ids]).astype(

# Store nodes per region
utils.benchStart("Organizing data per region")
regions = []
for reg_i in range(nb_regions):
    veges = []
    veges_px = []
    for vege_i in range(len(presence_maps)):
        idx = (vege_regions[vege_i] == reg_i)
        sub_ells = vege_ellipses[vege_i][idx]
        sub_pxs = [vege_pxs[vege_i][i] for i,take in enumerate(idx) if take]
    sub_water = np.zeros((0, 5))
    water_px = []
    if reg_i < len(dtos):
        sub_water = water_ellipses[dtos[reg_i]]
        for ellipse_i in dtos[reg_i]:
            water_px.append(contact[(dto == ellipse_i) & (region_vals == reg_i)])
    regions.append(Region(reg_i, veges, veges_px, sub_water, water_px))

total_pop = sum(estimated_pop.values()) + sum(estimated_carn.values())
estimated_density = {name:num/sum(estimated_pop.values()) for name,num in estimated_pop.items()}
carn_density = {name:num/total_pop for name,num in estimated_carn.items()}

# Compute density maps for animals
utils.benchStart("Competition algorithm for animals")
for region in regions:
total = 0
instance_count = np.zeros(len(species_herb))
tgt_density = [estimated_density[] for animal in species_herb]
region_pop = np.zeros((len(species_herb), len(regions)))
region_herds = np.empty((len(species_herb), len(regions)), dtype=list)
for y in range(len(species_herb)):
    for x in range(len(regions)):
        region_herds[y, x] = []

while True:
    idx, grp_sz = Animal.getCandidateId(instance_count, total, tgt_density, species_herb)
    animal = species_herb[idx]
    fit =, animal, grp_sz, cell_width_sq=terrain_cell_width**2)
    region_idx = np.argmax(fit)
    if int(fit[region_idx]) == 0:
    region = regions[region_idx]
    region.resources[0] -= animal.shrub_req * (Animal.YEARLY_RATIO / (terrain_cell_width ** 2)) * grp_sz
    region.resources[1] -= animal.plant_req * (Animal.YEARLY_RATIO / (terrain_cell_width ** 2)) * grp_sz
    region.resources[2] -= animal.tree_req * (Animal.YEARLY_RATIO / (terrain_cell_width ** 2)) * grp_sz
    instance_count[idx] += grp_sz
    total += grp_sz
    region_pop[idx, region_idx] += grp_sz
    region_herds[idx, region_idx].append(grp_sz)

tgt_carn_density = [carn_density[] for animal in species_carn]
region_surplus = (region_pop.T * [sp.surplus * np.mean(sp.mass) for sp in species_herb]).T / 365.0
carn_herds = np.empty((len(species_carn), len(regions)), dtype=list)
carn_pop = np.zeros((len(species_carn), len(regions)))
carn_count = np.zeros(len(species_carn))
for y in range(len(species_carn)):
    for x in range(len(regions)):
        carn_herds[y, x] = []
while True:
    idx, grp_sz = Animal.getCandidateId(carn_count, total, tgt_carn_density, species_carn)
    animal = species_carn[idx]
    carn_fitness =, species_carn[idx], grp_sz, region_surplus, cell_width_sq=terrain_cell_width**2)
    best_reg = np.argmax(carn_fitness)
    if int(carn_fitness[best_reg]) == 0:
    region_surplus[:,best_reg] -= animal.herbivores_req * grp_sz * region_surplus[:,best_reg] / region_surplus[:,best_reg].sum()
    carn_count[idx] += grp_sz
    total += grp_sz
    carn_pop[idx, best_reg] += grp_sz
    carn_herds[idx, best_reg].append(grp_sz)

utils.benchStart("Exporting animal density maps")
meat_map = np.zeros(accessibility.shape)
density_cmap = plt.get_cmap("Oranges")
resized_maps = []
sub_species = np.array([3, 1, 8])
for specie_i in np.arange(len(species_herb)):
    specie = species_herb[specie_i]
    density_map = np.zeros(accessibility.shape)
    for region_i, reg in enumerate(regions):
        pop = region_pop[specie_i, region_i]
        for vege_i, veges_px in enumerate(reg.veges_px):
            type_ratio = specie.reqs[vege_i] / specie.sum_reqs
            if type_ratio == 0:
            szs = np.array([len(x) for x in veges_px])
            ratios = type_ratio * (szs / np.sum(szs))
            weights = pop * ratios
            for idx, weight in enumerate(weights):
                pxs = veges_px[idx]
                ys = pxs // np.size(accessibility, 0)
                xs = pxs % np.size(accessibility, 0)
                density_map[ys, xs] += weight / szs[idx]
                meat_map[ys, xs] += np.mean(species_herb[0].mass) * weight / szs[idx]
    density_map = cv2.resize(density_map, background.shape[:2], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
max_density = np.max([dmap.max() for dmap in resized_maps])
for i, density_map in enumerate(resized_maps):
    if i not in sub_species:
    specie = species_herb[i]
    out = background_bw.copy()
    if density_map.max() > 0:
        colored_density = density_cmap(density_map / max_density)
        idxs = density_map > 0
        out[idxs] = colored_density[idxs][:,:3]
    plt.subplot(1, len(sub_species), np.where(sub_species == i)[0][0] + 1)

for specie_i in sub_species[sub_species > len(species_herb)]:
    carn_i = specie_i - len(species_herb)
    specie = species_carn[carn_i]
    density_map = np.zeros(accessibility.shape)
    for region_i, reg in enumerate(regions):
        pop = carn_pop[carn_i, region_i]
        if pop == 0:
        for vege_i, veges_px in enumerate(reg.veges_px):
            type_ratio = specie.reqs[vege_i] / specie.sum_reqs
            if type_ratio == 0:
            szs = np.array([len(x) for x in veges_px])
            ratios = type_ratio * (szs / np.sum(szs))
            weights = pop * ratios
            for idx, weight in enumerate(weights):
                pxs = veges_px[idx]
                ys = pxs // np.size(accessibility, 0)
                xs = pxs % np.size(accessibility, 0)
                density_map[ys, xs] += weight / szs[idx]
        type_ratio = specie.reqs[-1] / specie.sum_reqs
        access_idxs = accessibility == region_i
        density_map[access_idxs] += pop * meat_map[access_idxs] * type_ratio / np.sum(meat_map[access_idxs])
    density_map = cv2.resize(density_map, background.shape[:2], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
    colored_density = density_cmap(density_map / max_density)
    idxs = density_map > 0
    out = background_bw.copy()
    out[idxs] = colored_density[idxs][:,:3]
    plt.subplot(1, len(sub_species), np.where(sub_species == specie_i)[0][0] + 1)
plt.subplots_adjust(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, 0.05, 0.05)
plt.savefig(resource_path + "visu/animal_densities.png")

# Compute trail weights based on usage, animal count and weight
utils.benchStart("Computing trail weights")

def getResourceWeight(res_ratio, res_type, specie):
    Resource weight = (ratio resource size / total resource in region) * (need for this resource / total needs)
    request = 0.2
    if res_type == -2:
        request = 0.2
    if res_type >= 0:
        request = (specie.reqs[res_type] / specie.sum_reqs)
    return res_ratio * request
def getTrailWeight(type_a, ratio_a, type_b, ratio_b, region_pops):
    Trail weight = \sum_s Ps(A) * Ps(B) * N_animals(s) * mass(s)
    out = 0
    for specie_i, specie in enumerate(species_herb):
        animal_count = int(region_pops[specie_i])
        if animal_count == 0:
        weight = getResourceWeight(ratio_a, type_a, specie)
        weight *= getResourceWeight(ratio_b, type_b, specie)
        weight *= animal_count * np.mean(specie.mass)
        out += weight
    return out

for region_i, reg in enumerate(regions):
    weights = {}
    ratios_water = reg.water[:,2] / np.sum(reg.water[:,2])
    local_exits = [(x, y) for x, y in map_exits if accessibility[y, x] == reg.idx]
    for vege_i, ells_i in enumerate(reg.veges):
        if len(ells_i) == 0:
        areas_i = np.pi * (ells_i[:,2]*.5) * (ells_i[:,3]*.5)
        ratios_i = areas_i / np.sum(areas_i)
        for sub_i in range(len(reg.veges[vege_i])):
            for vege_j in range(vege_i, len(reg.veges)):
                ells_j = reg.veges[vege_j]
                if len(ells_j) == 0:
                areas_j = np.pi * (ells_j[:,2]*.5) * (ells_j[:,3]*.5)
                ratios_j = areas_j / np.sum(areas_j)
                start_j = 0 if vege_j != vege_i else sub_i + 1
                for sub_j in range(start_j, len(reg.veges[vege_j])):
                    weight = getTrailWeight(vege_i, ratios_i[sub_i], vege_j, ratios_j[sub_j], region_pop[:,region_i])
                    weight_id = (vege_i, sub_i, vege_j, sub_j)
                    if weight > 0:
                        weights[weight_id] = weight
            for sub_j, ells_j in enumerate(reg.water):
                weight = getTrailWeight(vege_i, ratios_i[sub_i], -1, ratios_water[sub_j], region_pop[:,region_i])
                weight_id = (vege_i, sub_i, -1, sub_j)
                if weight > 0:
                    weights[weight_id] = weight
            for x, y in local_exits:
                weight = getTrailWeight(vege_i, ratios_i[sub_i], -1, 1.0/len(local_exits), region_pop[:,region_i])
                weight_id = (-2, utils.pt2idx(accessibility, (y, x)), vege_i, sub_i)
                if weight > 0:
                    weights[weight_id] = weight
    reg.weights = weights

# Compute paths between resources

def computeShortestPath(reg, qtree, minbounds, maxbounds, path_idx, path_weight):
    xmin, ymin = minbounds
    xmax, ymax = maxbounds
    vege_i, sub_i, vege_j, sub_j = path_idx
    if vege_i == -2:
        sy, sx = utils.idx2pt(accessibility, sub_i)
        sidx = np.random.choice(reg.veges_px[vege_i][sub_i])
        sy, sx = utils.idx2pt(accessibility, sidx)
    start = qtree.findLeaf(sx - xmin, sy - ymin)
    if start is None:
        print("Error: could not find path:", path_id, path_weight, tgt_out)
        return None
    if vege_j == -1: # Water node
        eidx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(reg.water_px[sub_j])))
        ex, ey = reg.water_px[sub_j][eidx]
        eidx = np.random.choice(reg.veges_px[vege_j][sub_j])
        ey, ex = utils.idx2pt(accessibility, eidx)
    end = qtree.findLeaf(ex - xmin, ey - ymin)
    if start.aStar(end):
        segs = []
        curr = end
        total_length = 0
        while curr != start:
            if len(segs) == 0:
                segs.append((curr.x, curr.y,
            segs.append((curr.previous.x, curr.previous.y,
            total_length += np.linalg.norm( -
            curr = curr.previous
        path = {"start":(sx, sy), "end":(int(ex), int(ey)), "weight":path_weight, "length": total_length, "segs":segs}
        return path
    return None

region_paths = []
max_id = int(accessibility.max()) + 1
for region_id in range(max_id):
    py, px = np.where(accessibility == region_id)
    xmin = np.min(px)
    xmax = np.max(px)
    ymin = np.min(py)
    ymax = np.max(py)

    sqszx = 2 << int(np.floor(np.log2(xmax - xmin)))
    sqszy = 2 << int(np.floor(np.log2(ymax - ymin)))
    sqsz = max(sqszx, sqszy)
    im = np.ones((sqsz, sqsz), np.bool)
    im[0:ymax+1-ymin, 0:xmax+1-xmin] = accessibility[ymin:ymax+1, xmin:xmax+1] != region_id

    utils.benchStart("Computing QuadTree for region {}".format(region_id))
    qtree = QTree.QTreeNode(im, im.shape[0])

    utils.benchStart("Trails for region {}".format(region_id))
    paths = {}
    reg = regions[region_id]
    reg_weight_items = list(reg.weights.items())
    reg_weight_items.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
    total_weight = sum([x[1] for x in reg_weight_items])
    cum_weight = 0
    for path_idx, path_weight in reg_weight_items:
        print("\rPath {}/{}".format(len(paths)+1, len(reg.weights)), end="")
        cum_weight += path_weight
        if cum_weight / total_weight > 0.99:
        path = computeShortestPath(reg, qtree, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), path_idx, path_weight)
        if path is not None:
            paths[path_idx] = path
    region_paths.append({"id": region_id,
                         "qtree": qtree,
                         "min": (xmin, ymin),
                         "max": (xmax, ymax),
                         "paths": paths})

def registerEdge(dictionary, v1, v2):
    def registerDirEdge(v1, v2):
        if v1 not in dictionary:
            sub = {}
            dictionary[v1] = sub
            sub = dictionary[v1]
        if v2 not in sub:
            sub[v2] = 1
            sub[v2] += 1
    registerDirEdge(v1, v2)
    registerDirEdge(v2, v1)
def getMostUsedEdge(hist):
    idx, count = max(hist.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])
    cx, cy, csz, nx, ny, nsz = idx
    return (cx, cy, csz), (nx, ny, nsz)
def segToIdx(v1, v2):
    cx, cy, csz = v1
    nx, ny, nsz = v2
    item = (cx, cy, csz, nx, ny, nsz)
    if nx < cx or (nx == cx and ny < cy):
        item = (nx, ny, nsz, cx, cy, csz)
    return item
def popEdge(hist, by_vert, v1, v2):
    idx = segToIdx(v1, v2)
    if idx in hist:
    return idx
def followTrail(hist, by_vert, v1):
    trail = [v1]
    while True:
        items = by_vert[v1].items()
        if len(items) == 0:
        v2 = max(items, key=lambda x:x[1])[0]
        popEdge(hist, by_vert, v1, v2)
        v1 = v2
    return trail
def cellCenter(cell):
    cx, cy, csz = cell
    return np.array([cx + (csz >> 1), cy + (csz >> 1)])
def prolongTrail(trails, first_appearance, t0, t1):
    Find extension of trail starting/ending at t0->t1 in previously extracted trails
    Extension with lowest angle is kept
    v1 = cellCenter(t0)
    v2 = cellCenter(t1)
    seg = (v2 - v1) / np.linalg.norm(v2 - v1)
    first_app = first_appearance[t0]
    orig_trail = trails[first_app[0]]
    candidates = []
    if first_app[1] > 0:
        candidates.append(orig_trail[first_app[1] - 1])
    if first_app[1] < len(orig_trail) - 1:
        candidates.append(orig_trail[first_app[1] + 1])
    cand_centers = [cellCenter(candidate) for candidate in candidates]
    cand_segs = [(v1 - v) / np.linalg.norm(v1 - v) for v in cand_centers]
    cand_dot = [, seg) for cand_seg in cand_segs]
    return candidates[np.argmax(cand_dot)]

# Refine paths into trails
utils.benchStart("Refining trails")
region_weights = region_pop.sum(0)
region_weights = region_weights / region_weights.max()
trail_map = np.zeros(tuple(np.array(accessibility.shape) // bg_scale), dtype=np.uint8)
for region_item in region_paths:
    region_id = region_item["id"]
    xmin, ymin = region_item["min"]
    xmax, ymax = region_item["max"]
    paths = region_item["paths"].values()
    hist = {}
    by_vert = {}
    for i,path_obj in enumerate(paths):
        segs = path_obj["segs"]
        weight = path_obj["weight"]
        for j in range(len(segs) - 1):
            v1 = segs[j]
            v2 = segs[j+1]
            registerEdge(by_vert, v1, v2)
            item = segToIdx(v1, v2)
            if item not in hist:
                hist[item] = weight
                hist[item] += weight
    if len(hist.values()) == 0:
    weights_hist = hist.copy() # Make a copy since hist will be emptied
    trails = []
    first_appearance = {}
    to_draw = []
    while len(hist):
        v1, v2 = getMostUsedEdge(hist)
        start = popEdge(hist, by_vert, v1, v2)
        trail = followTrail(hist, by_vert, v1)[::-1]
        trail += followTrail(hist, by_vert, v2)
        # Extend trail to previously instanciated ones for interpolation
        if len(trail) > 1 and trail[0] in first_appearance:
            trail = [prolongTrail(trails, first_appearance, trail[0], trail[1])] + trail
        if len(trail) > 1 and trail[-1] in first_appearance:
            trail = trail + [prolongTrail(trails, first_appearance, trail[-1], trail[-2])]
        # Register first appearance of vertices to connect subpaths
        for i, item in enumerate(trail):
            if item not in first_appearance:
                first_appearance[item] = (len(trails), i)
        xs = np.array([cx + (csz >> 1) for cx, cy, csz in trail])
        ys = np.array([cy + (csz >> 1) for cx, cy, csz in trail])
        # Extract/interpolate weights
        wx = []
        wy = []
        maxusage = max(weights_hist.values())
        seglens = np.sqrt((xs[1:]-xs[:-1])**2 + (ys[1:]-ys[:-1])**2)
        cumlens = np.cumsum(seglens)
        currlen = 0
        for i in range(len(trail)-1):
            usage = weights_hist[segToIdx(trail[i], trail[i+1])]
            weight = usage / maxusage
            if i == 0:
            wx.append(currlen + seglens[i] * 0.5)
            if i == len(trail)-2:
                wx.append(currlen + seglens[i])
            currlen += seglens[i]
        subdiv = int(max((wx[-1] - wx[0]) / 5, 5))
        wx2 = np.linspace(wx[0], wx[-1], subdiv)
        wx2 = wx2[:-1] + (wx2[1]-wx2[0]) * .5
        spl = interpolate.interp1d(wx, wy)
        wy2 = spl(wx2)
        if len(xs) > 3:
            fint, u = interpolate.splprep([xs, ys], s=0)
            xint, yint = interpolate.splev(np.linspace(0, 1, subdiv), fint)
            xint = xs
            yint = ys
        for i in range(len(xint) - 1):
            lx1 = int(xint[i] + xmin)
            lx2 = int(xint[i+1] + xmin)
            ly1 = int(yint[i] + ymin)
            ly2 = int(yint[i+1] + ymin)
            th = int(10 * (wy2[i]+1))
            col = int(255 * (wy2[i] ** .9))
            if wy2[i] < 0.01:
                col = 0
            to_draw.append(((lx1, ly1), (lx2, ly2), col, th))
    to_draw.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
    for p1, p2, col, th in to_draw:
        if th > 0 and col > 0:
            p1 = tuple(np.array(p1) // bg_scale)
            p2 = tuple(np.array(p2) // bg_scale)
            cv2.line(trail_map, p1, p2, col, thickness=th // bg_scale)
alpha = trail_map / 256.0
alpha = np.dstack((alpha, alpha, alpha))
trails_full = background * (1.0 - alpha) + 1.0 * alpha + 'visu/trails.png', np.uint8(trails_full * 256))

# Compute daily plannings
utils.benchStart("Computing daily plannings")

def getRandomResource(specie, reg):
    cs = np.cumsum(np.array(specie.reqs) / specie.sum_reqs)
    res_type = np.sum(np.random.random() >= cs)
    if res_type < len(reg.veges_px):
        cs_resource = np.cumsum([len(x) for x in reg.veges_px[res_type]])
        res_id = np.sum((np.random.random() * cs_resource[-1]) >= cs_resource)
        res_type = -2
        res_id = 0
    return res_type, res_id
def sortedPathIdx(vg_i, sub_i, vg_j, sub_j):
    if vg_i == -1 or (vg_j < vg_i and vg_j >= 0) or (vg_i == vg_j and sub_j < sub_i):
        return (vg_j, sub_j, vg_i, sub_i)
    return (vg_i, sub_i, vg_j, sub_j)
def getRegionPath(reg, vg_i, sub_i, vg_j, sub_j):
    regpaths = region_paths[reg.idx]
    paths = regpaths["paths"]
    path_idx = sortedPathIdx(vg_i, sub_i, vg_j, sub_j)
    if path_idx in paths:
        return paths[path_idx]
    # If the path was not already computed, compute it now
    path = computeShortestPath(reg, regpaths["qtree"], regpaths["min"], regpaths["max"], path_idx, 0.0)
    if path is not None:
        paths[path_idx] = path
        return path
    return None
def getFullPlan(specie, reg, plan):
    out = []
    total = 0
    for i in range(len(plan)):
        p1 = plan[i]
        out.append({"type":int(p1[0]), "nodeidx": int(p1[1]), "duration": int(p1[2])})
        total += p1[2]
        if i < len(plan) - 1:
            p2 = plan[i + 1]
            if p1[0] == -2 or p2[0] == -2:
                out.append({"type":-1, "nodeidx":-1, "duration": 30})
                path = getRegionPath(reg, p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1])
                if path is not None:
                    length = path["length"]
                    time = 60 * length / (specie.walk_speed*1000)
                    total += time
                    out.append({"type":-1, "nodeidx":-1, "duration": int(time)})
    return out
herds_by_id = []
for sp_i, sp in enumerate(region_herds):
    for reg_i, herds in enumerate(sp):
        for herd in herds:
            herds_by_id.append((reg_i, sp_i, herd))
for sp_i, sp in enumerate(carn_herds):
    for reg_i, herds in enumerate(sp):
        for herd in herds:
            herds_by_id.append((reg_i, sp_i + len(species_herb), herd))
plans_obj = []
for reg_i, sp_i, count in herds_by_id:
    if sp_i < len(species_herb):
        specie = species_herb[sp_i]
        specie = species_carn[sp_i - len(species_herb)]
    reg = regions[reg_i]
    full_duration = 0
    plan = []
    water_cs = np.cumsum(reg.water[:,2] / np.sum(reg.water[:,2]))
    for i in range(specie.water_req):
        if i > 0:
            res_type, res_id = getRandomResource(specie, reg)
            duration = np.random.rand() * 60 + 90
            full_duration += duration
            plan.append((res_type, res_id, duration))
        duration = np.random.rand() * 60 + 90
        full_duration += duration
        plan.append((-1, np.sum(np.random.random() >= water_cs), duration))
    while full_duration / 60 < 18:
        res_type, res_id = getRandomResource(specie, reg)
        duration = np.random.rand() * 60 + 90
        full_duration += duration
        plan.insert(np.random.randint(len(plan)+1), (res_type, res_id, duration))
    full_plan = getFullPlan(specie, reg, plan)
    plans_obj.append({"sp_i": sp_i, "reg_i": reg_i, "count": count, "plan": full_plan})
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