STAN VERSION 1.3.0 README ====================================================================== Stan is a C++ library for probability, optimization and sampling. Stan License ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Stan is licensed under the new BSD license (3 clause): $STAN/licenses/stan-license.txt Dependencies ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The test, build, run-time dependencies and their licenses are in: $STAN/licenses/dependencies.txt Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Stan's user's guide and reference manual, including installation instructions and a quick start guide, are in: $STAN/doc/stan-reference.pdf Stan's C++ API guide is in: $STAN/doc/api/html/index.html Building Stan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Stan uses GNU make for builds, with top-level makefile: $STAN/makefile The make targets for building and testing are displayed by: > cd $STAN > make help Demos ------------------- For examples of Stan models, including implementations of the BUGS demos: $STAN/src/models