Raw File
Tip revision: 3835e0a1faa5853939c2967c867dde5cf49d9887 authored by Noah Mitchell on 25 April 2022, 18:57:35 UTC
added code for figures and dependency code
Tip revision: 3835e0a
% Analyze the GCAMP pulses for width of anterior fold using 48YG4 x 
% UAS-GCaMP6s(II) in Antp^NS+RC3 heterozygotes

% Use posterior fold as timing and anterior cap as spatial reference
% Alt: use anterior fold as timing and as spatial reference
% NPMitchell 2021

preview = false ;
previewMethod = false ;
overwrite = false ;
resDirFn = 'anteriorMutantHeterozygotes' ;
pausetime = 3 ;

gutMatlabDir = '/mnt/data/code/gut_matlab/' ;
% gutMatlabDir = '/Users/npmitchell/Dropbox/Soft_Matter/UCSB/gut_morphogenesis/gut_matlab/' ;

addpath(fullfile(gutMatlabDir, 'addpath_recurse')) ;

% datdir = '/mnt/data/confocal_data/gut/Mef2GAL4klarUASGCAMP6sIII/analysis_mef2G4kGCaMP6sIII/' ;
% datdir = '/Users/npmitchell/Desktop/gut/GCaMP6sIII_analysis/Mef2GAL4klarGCaMP6sIII_analysis' ;

expts = {'202107151200_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e2',...
    '202107161818_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e2', ...
    '202107162200_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e3', ...
    '202107171200_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e3', ...
    '202107172106_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e2', ...
    '202107172106_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e3', ...
    '202107172300_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e1', ...
    '202107172300_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e2', ...
    '202107181040_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e1', ...
    ... %'202107181556_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e1', ...  exclude since rocks early
    '202107181556_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e2', ...
    '202107182209_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e1', ...
    '202107261411_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e1', ...     % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191411 e1
    '202107261411_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e1', ...     % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191411 e2
    '202107261723_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e1', ...     % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191723 e1
    '202107261723_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e2', ...     % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191723 e2
    '202107261104_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e1', ...     % LONG EXPOSURE EXPTS
    '202107261104_AntpNSRC3Heteroz_e2', ...
    } ;

% poster frames: 202106211253_e3, 202106211440_e1, 202106211440_e2

clipY0s = {[70, 70+245], ...    % 202107151200 e2
    [76,76+275], ...              % 202107151739 e1 
    [68,68+255], ...             % 202107161150 e3
    [78,78+236], ...             % 202107161818 e2
    [50,50+280], ...              % 202107162200 e3
    [111,111+240], ...               % 202107171200 e3
    [96,96+242], ...            % 202107172106 e2
    [71,71+250], ...            % 202107172106 e3
    [64,64+268], ...              % 202107172300 e1
    [89,89+250], ...              % 202107172300 e2
    [57,57+245], ...              % 202107181040 e2
    ... %[116, 116+234], ...       % 202107181556 e1
    [99,99+242], ...       % 202107181556 e2
    [90,90+240], ...       % 202107182209 e1
    [], ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191411 e1
    [], ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191411 e2
    [], ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191723 e1
    [], ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191723 e2
    [], ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191104 e1
    [], ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191104 e2
    } ;                
clipYAdjs = {[0, 0], [50,-50]}; 
clipXs = {[1, Inf], [1, Inf], [1, Inf], ...
    [1, Inf], [1, Inf], [1, Inf], [1, Inf], ...
    [1, Inf], [1, Inf], [1, Inf], [1, Inf], ...
    [1, Inf], [1, Inf], [1, Inf], [1, Inf]} ;
% Timestep in MINUTES
dts = 1/60 * [91, ...      % 202107151200 e2
    92, ...         % 202107151739 e1
    92, ...         % 202107161150 e3
    93,  ...        % 202107161818 e2
    93, ...         % 202107162200 e3
    93,  ...        % 202107171200 e3
    93.5, 93.5, ... % 202107172106 e2, e3
    93, 93, ...     % 202107172300 e1, e2
    93, ...         % 202107181040 e2
    ... % 90,       202107181556 e1, 
    90, ...       % 202107181556 e2
    93, ...       % 202107182209 e1, e3
    120, ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191411 e1
    120, ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191411 e2
    120, ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191411 e2
    120, ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191723 e1
    120, ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191723 e2
    120, ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191104 e1
    120, ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191104 e2

pcPower = [12, 12, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, ...
dz = [2.5, 2.5, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, ...
    3,3,3,3,3,3] ;
dates = [15,15,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,17, 18,18,18, ...
    19,19,19,19,19,26,26,] ;

% Conversion in micron / XY pixels
pix2um = [0.331610137, ...  % 202107151200 e2
    0.331611 , ...      % 202107151739 e1 
    0.32999875, ...     % 202107161150 e3
    0.32999787, ...       % 202107161818 e2
    0.3294632, ...      % 202107162200 e3
    0.330669, ...       % 202107171200 e3
    0.331610638, ...    % 202107172106 e2
    0.331610638, ...    % 202107172106 e3
    0.3305353, ...       %202107172300 e1
    0.3305353, ...       %202107172300 e2
    0.3294627, ...       % 202107181040 e2
    ... % 0.33107218, ...     % 202107181556 e1
    0.33107218, ...     % 202107181556 e1
    0.329999, ...       % 202107182209 e1
    [], ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191411 e1
    [], ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191411 e2
    [], ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191411 e3
    [], ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191723 e1
    [], ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191723 e2
    0.30277471839, ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191104 e1
    0.30277471839, ...                % LONG EXPOSURE 202107191104 e2
     ] ;

% DEFINE FOLD TIME AS time of 10 micron indentation on ventral side at
% 16*2.5um = 40 um into the tissue -- this is basically the saggital plane
% fold X position at frame foldT, in pixels

% position of anterior face when posterior fold self-contact visible
anteriorXs = [147, ...   % 202107151200 e2
    132, ...      % 202107151739 e1 
    171, ...     % 202107161150 e3
    126, ...       % 202107161818 e2
    181, ...       % 202107162200 e3
    175, ...           % 202107171200 e3
    197, ...    % 202107172106 e2
    160, ...    % 202107172106 e3
    159, ...       % 202107172300 e1
    212, ...       % 202107172300 e2
    194, ...       % 202107181040 e2
   ... % 184, ...       % 202107181556 e1
    180, ...       % 202107181556 e2
    164, ...       % 202107182209 e1
    ] ;          
% time of self-contact visible
% fold frame # at which anterior fold begins & is measured
posteriorTs = [22, ...   % 202107151200 e2
    9, ...       % 202107151739 e1 
    19, ...       % 202107161150 e3
    46, ...       % 202107161818 e2
    31,...          % 202107162200 e3
    13, ...       % 202107171200 e3
    37, ...    % 202107172106 e2
    18, ...    % 202107172106 e3
    5,...      %202107172300 e1
    31, ...      %202107172300 e2
    23, ...       % 202107181040 e2
    ... %17, ...       % 202107181556 e1
    46, ...       % 202107181556 e2
    39, ...       % 202107182209 e1
    ] ;          

% x positions of folds --- just for reference
anteriorFoldXs = [270, ... % 202107151200 e2
    254, ...      % 202107151739 e1 
    286, ...     % 202107161150 e3
    246, ...       % 202107161818 e2
    302, ...       % 202107162200 e3
    309, ...         % 202107171200 e3
    329, ... % 202107172106 e2
    273, ...    % 202107172106 e3
    273, ... % 202107172300 e1 -- previously 274
    354,... % 202107172300 e2
    302, ...       % 202107181040 e2 -- previously 306, rounded muscle
    ... %325, ...       % 202107181556 e1
    308, ...       % 202107181556 e2
    270, ...       % 202107182209 e1
    ] ;  

% fold frame # at which anterior fold begins & is measured
anteriorFoldTs = [24, ...   % 202107151200 e2
    13, ...       % 202107151739 e1 
    25, ...       % 202107161150 e3
    54, ...       % 202107161818 e2
    34, ... % 202107162200 e3
    22, ...       % 202107171200 e3
    41, ...    % 202107172106 e2
    23, ...    % 202107172106 e3
    14,... % 202107172300 e1
    37,...  % 202107172300 e2
    28,...    % 202107181040 e2
    ... %21, ...       % 202107181556 e1
    55, ...       % 202107181556 e2
    47, ...       % 202107182209 e1
    ] ;        

% tOffset is the offset time between morphological stage of posterior
% folding and anterior fold onset in heterozygotes (controls)
toffs = (anteriorFoldTs - posteriorTs) .* dts ;
tOffset = mean(toffs) ;
tOffset_std = std(toffs) ;
tOffset_unc = std(toffs) / sqrt(length(toffs)) ;
% xOffset is the offset distance between anterior fold and anterior face 
% of the midgut
xoffs = (anteriorFoldXs - anteriorXs) .* pix2um ;
xOffset = mean(xoffs) ;
xOffset_std = std(xoffs) ;
xOffset_unc = std(xoffs) / sqrt(length(xoffs)) ;
save(fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, 'spacetime_offsets_controls.mat'), ...
    'xoffs', 'xOffset', 'xOffset_std', 'xOffset_unc', ...
    'toffs', 'tOffset', 'tOffset_std', 'tOffset_unc') ;

xfixed_nonFoldRef = linspace(0, 100, 100/0.33) ;
xfixed_antFoldRef = linspace(-50, 50, 100/0.33) ;
save(fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, 'AntpNSRC3HeterozSettings.mat'), ...
    'clipY0s', 'dts', 'pix2um', 'anteriorXs', 'posteriorTs', ...
    'anteriorFoldXs', 'anteriorFoldTs', 'pcPower', 'dz', 'dates', ...
    'expts', 'xfixed_antFoldRef', 'xfixed_nonFoldRef') ;

nExpts = length(expts) ;
assert(length(anteriorFoldXs) == nExpts)
assert(length(anteriorFoldTs) == nExpts)
assert(length(anteriorXs) == nExpts)
assert(length(posteriorTs) == nExpts)
assert(length(pix2um) == nExpts)
assert(length(clipY0s) == nExpts)

for refID = [2,1]
    if refID == 1
        % onset of POSTERIOR folding in minutes
        t0 = dts .* posteriorTs ;
        refStr = '_nonFoldRef' ;
        xfixed = xfixed_nonFoldRef ;
        fixXticks = [0, 25, 50, 75, 100] ;
        xlimFix = [0, 100] ;
        % onset of ANTERIOR folding in minutes
        t0 = dts .* anteriorFoldTs ;
        refStr = '_antFoldRef' ;
        xfixed = xfixed_antFoldRef ;
        fixXticks = [-40, -20, 0, 20, 40] ;
        xlimFix = [-50,50] ;

    % Fixed xlimits in microns
    ylimFix = [] ;
    ylimFixAll = [-15, 90] ;
    cLimits = [0, 10] ;

    % Filtering of drift deltaX options
    capDeltaX = [0, 0, 0, ...
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ;
    medFiltDeltaXW = [0, 0, 0, ...
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ;

    % Antp domain is about 40 microns, broadens on dorsal side.
    close all

    % If drift in X, define it here as [frame#, offsetX] 
    for ee = 1:length(expts)
        fns1 = dir(fullfile(datdir, expts{ee}, 'images', '*c001.png')) ;
        fns2 = dir(fullfile(datdir, expts{ee}, 'images', '*c002.png')) ;
        fns3 = dir(fullfile(datdir, expts{ee}, 'images', '*c003.png')) ;

        % For each yrange
        for clipyPairIdx = 1:length(clipYAdjs)
            if refID == 1
                outfn = sprintf([expts{ee} '_results_Yrange%d' refStr '.mat'], clipyPairIdx) ;
                outfn = sprintf([expts{ee} '_results_Yrange%d' refStr '.mat'], clipyPairIdx) ;
            if ~exist(fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, outfn), 'file') || overwrite
                if ~exist(fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, outfn), 'file')  
                    disp(['results not on disk: ee = ' num2str(ee)])
                    disp(['overwriting: ee = ' num2str(ee)])
                % this y range is defined
                clipY = clipY0s{ee} + clipYAdjs{clipyPairIdx} ;
                clipX = clipXs{ee} ;
                if refID == 1
                    foldX = anteriorXs(ee) ;
                    foldT = posteriorTs(ee) ;
                    foldX = anteriorFoldXs(ee) ;
                    foldT = anteriorFoldTs(ee) ;

                % Look at differences along y for each timepoint
                ntps = length(fns1) ;
                cmap = viridis(ntps) ;
                timestamps = dts(ee) * (0:ntps-1) ;
                timestamps = timestamps - t0(ee) ;

                % Hack
                % if clipyPairIdx == 1
                %     deltaX = zeros(ntps, 1) ;
                % end

                for ii = 1:ntps
                    im1 = double(imread(fullfile(fns1(ii).folder, fns1(ii).name))) ;
                    im2 = double(imread(fullfile(fns3(ii).folder, fns2(ii).name))) ;
                    im3 = double(imread(fullfile(fns3(ii).folder, fns3(ii).name))) ;

                    if isfinite(clipX(2))
                        c1 = im1(clipY(1):clipY(2), clipX(1):clipX(2)) ;
                        c2 = im2(clipY(1):clipY(2), clipX(1):clipX(2)) ;
                        c3 = im3(clipY(1):clipY(2), clipX(1):clipX(2)) ;
                        c1 = im1(clipY(1):clipY(2), clipX(1):end) ;
                        c2 = im2(clipY(1):clipY(2), clipX(1):end) ;
                        c3 = im3(clipY(1):clipY(2), clipX(1):end) ;

                    % mean image
                    curr = (c1 + c2 + c3) / 3 ; 

                    if ii == 50

                    % top-hat TRANSFORM 
                    % First do top-hat FILTERING, then subtract
                    % -- make an elliptical strel
                    % diffA = imgaussfilt(c2, 0.1 / pix2um(ee))
                    % diffB = 
                    % diffC = 
                    % c2fs = gaussian_spectral_filter(c2, 50)
                    % c1fs = gaussianEllipse_spectral_filter(c1, 100, 10) ;
                    % c2fs = gaussianEllipse_spectral_filter(c2, 100, 10) ;
                    % c3fs = gaussianEllipse_spectral_filter(c3, 100, 10) ;
                    % s12 = abs(c1fs - c2fs) ; 
                    % s13 = abs(c1fs - c3fs) ;
                    % s23 = abs(c2fs - c3fs) ;

                    c1fg = imgaussfilt(c1, 1 / pix2um(ee)) ;
                    c2fg = imgaussfilt(c2, 1 / pix2um(ee)) ;
                    c3fg = imgaussfilt(c3, 1 / pix2um(ee)) ;
                    d12 = abs(c1fg - c2fg) ; 
                    d13 = abs(c1fg - c3fg) ;
                    d23 = abs(c2fg - c3fg) ;
                    if ii == 24 && false                
                        npanel = 5 ;
                        subplot(npanel, 1, 1)
                        imshow(mat2gray(c2, [1, 40]))
                        subplot(npanel, 1, 2)
                        imshow(mat2gray(c2fs, [0, 40]))
                        subplot(npanel, 1, 3)
                        imshow(mat2gray(c2fg, [0, 40]))
                        subplot(npanel, 1, 4)
                        imshow(mat2gray(d12+d23+d13, [0, 20]))
                        subplot(npanel, 1, 5)
                        imshow(mat2gray(g12+g23+g13, [0, 20]))
                        plot(sum(d12+d23+d13, 1)) ; hold on;
                        plot(sum(g12+g23+g13, 1))
                    % KEEP BIGGER FEATURES
                    % lOpening = 2 ;  % DV extent of opening
                    % wOpening = 2 ;  % AP extent of opening
                    % se_nlong = round(lOpening / pix2um(ee)) ;
                    % se_nwide = round(wOpening / pix2um(ee)) ;
                    % % se0 = strel('disk', se_nlong) ;
                    % % se_nwide = round(wObjects / pix2um(ee)) ; % 2um diameter / pix2um
                    % % se_sampl = round(size(se0.Neighborhood, 2) / se_nwide) ;
                    % % seN = se0.Neighborhood(:, 1:se_sampl:end) ;
                    % se = strel('arbitrary', ones([se_nlong, se_nwide])) ;
                    % hatt1 = imtophat(d12, se) ;
                    % d12new = d12 - hatt1 ;
                    % figure(1); 
                    % subplot(2, 2, 1); imagesc(d12); axis equal; colorbar
                    % subplot(2, 2, 2); imagesc(hatt1); axis equal; colorbar
                    % subplot(2, 2, 3); imagesc(d12-hatt1); axis equal; colorbar
                    % subplot(2, 2, 4); imagesc(hatt1-d12); axis equal; colorbar

                    % BLUR to KEEP BIGGER FEATURES
                    d12new = imgaussfilt(d12, 0.5 / pix2um(ee)) ;
                    d13new = imgaussfilt(d13, 0.5 / pix2um(ee)) ;
                    d23new = imgaussfilt(d23, 0.5 / pix2um(ee)) ;
                    % d12blur = (d12blur - mean(d12blur) > 0) .* d12blur ;

                    % KEEP SMALLER FEATURES
                    lOpening = 20 ;  % DV extent of opening
                    wOpening = 20 ;  % AP extent of opening
                    se_nlong = round(lOpening / pix2um(ee)) ;
                    se_nwide = round(wOpening / pix2um(ee)) ;
                    % se0 = strel('disk', se_nlong) ;
                    % se_nwide = round(wObjects / pix2um(ee)) ; % 2um diameter / pix2um
                    % se_sampl = round(size(se0.Neighborhood, 2) / se_nwide) ;
                    % seN = se0.Neighborhood(:, 1:se_sampl:end) ;
                    se = strel('arbitrary', ones([se_nlong, se_nwide])) ;
                    hatt12 = imtophat(d12new, se) ;
                    hatt23 = imtophat(d23new, se) ;
                    hatt13 = imtophat(d13new, se) ;

                    if previewMethod && mod(ii, 25) == 0
                        subplot(2, 2, 1); imagesc(d12new); axis equal; colorbar
                        subplot(2, 2, 2); imagesc(hatt12); axis equal; colorbar
                        subplot(2, 2, 3); imagesc(d12new-hatt12); axis equal; colorbar
                        subplot(2, 2, 4); imagesc(hatt12-d12new); axis equal; colorbar
                        sgtitle('d12 and hatt12')
                        subplot(2, 2, 1); imagesc(d23new); axis equal; colorbar
                        subplot(2, 2, 2); imagesc(hatt23); axis equal; colorbar
                        subplot(2, 2, 3); imagesc(d23new-hatt23); axis equal; colorbar
                        subplot(2, 2, 4); imagesc(hatt23-d23new); axis equal; colorbar
                        sgtitle('d23 and hatt23')
                        subplot(2, 2, 1); imagesc(d13new); axis equal; colorbar
                        subplot(2, 2, 2); imagesc(hatt13); axis equal; colorbar
                        subplot(2, 2, 3); imagesc(d13new-hatt13); axis equal; colorbar
                        subplot(2, 2, 4); imagesc(hatt13-d13new); axis equal; colorbar
                        sgtitle('d13 and hatt13')
                        plot(sum(hatt12, 1)); hold on; 
                        plot(sum(hatt23, 1)); hold on; 
                        plot(sum(hatt13, 1)); hold on; 
                        sgtitle('hatt12, hatt23, hatt13')

                    if ii == 1 
                        if isfinite(clipX(2))
                            wX = clipX(2)-clipX(1) + 1 ;
                            wX = size(c1, 2)-clipX(1) + 1 ;
                        dd = ones(length(fns1), wX) ;
                        ss = ones(length(fns1), wX) ;
                        tophats = ones(length(fns1), wX) ;
                        xshifted = zeros(length(fns1), wX) ;
                        xx = pix2um(ee) * (0:wX-1) ;
                        dinterp = zeros(ntps, size(xfixed, 2)) ; 
                        sinterp = zeros(ntps, size(xfixed, 2)) ;
                        deltaX = zeros(ntps, 1) ;
                    elseif clipyPairIdx < 3
                        % Find offset in x wrt previous image
                            error('current and previous frames are identical')
                            [deltaX(ii), ~] = ExtPhaseCorrelation(curr, prev) ;
                            LX = clipXs{ee}(2) - clipXs{ee}(1) ;
                            if abs(deltaX(ii)) > capDeltaX(ee)
                                deltaX(ii) = 0 ;
                            if deltaX(ii) > LX * 0.5 
                                deltaX(ii) = mod(deltaX(ii), LX) ;
                            elseif deltaX(ii) < -LX* 0.5 
                                deltaX(ii) = -mod(abs(deltaX(ii)), LX) ;                    
                            disp('WARNING: could not compute phase corr!')
                            deltaX(ii) = 0 ;
                        deltaXfn = sprintf([expts{ee} '_results_Yrange%d.mat'], 2) ;
                        load(fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, deltaXfn), 'deltaX')

                    % s1 = sum(c1, 1) ;
                    % s2 = sum(c2, 1) ;
                    % s3 = sum(c3, 1) ;                 
                    % d12 = abs(s1 - s2); 
                    % d13 = abs(s1 - s3) ;
                    % d23 = abs(s2 - s3) ;
                    % d12 = abs(sum(c1 - c2, 1)) ; 
                    % d13 = abs(sum(c1 - c3, 1)) ;
                    % d23 = abs(sum(c2 - c3, 1)) ;

                    % Save as image
                    assert(max(hatt12(:)) < 255)
                    diffDir = sprintf(fullfile(fns1(ii).folder, 'diffs_clipY%02d'), clipyPairIdx) ;
                    if ~exist(diffDir, 'dir')
                     fn12 = fullfile(diffDir, [fns1(ii).name(1:end-4) '_d12' refStr '.png']) ;
                     fn23 = fullfile(diffDir, [fns1(ii).name(1:end-4) '_d23' refStr '.png']) ;
                     fn13 = fullfile(diffDir, [fns1(ii).name(1:end-4) '_d13' refStr '.png']) ;
                     if ~exist(fn12, 'file') 
                         disp('writing hatt12/23/13')
                         imwrite(uint16(hatt12 * 2^8), fn12) ;
                         imwrite(uint16(hatt23 * 2^8), fn23) ;
                         imwrite(uint16(hatt13 * 2^8), fn13) ;
                    % Save transient signal in matrix
                    sh12 = sum(hatt12, 1) ;
                    sh23 = sum(hatt23, 1) ; 
                    sh13 = sum(hatt13, 1) ;
                    ddii = mean([sh12; sh23; sh13], 1) ;
                    tophats(ii, :) = ddii ;

                    % Background estimation
                    sii = min([sh12; sh23; sh13], [], 1) ;
                    ss(ii, :) = sii ;
                    dd(ii, :) = ddii - sii ;

                    % Save image for phase correlation with next image
                    prev = curr ;

                % Median filter deltaX
                if medFiltDeltaXW(ee) > 0
                    deltaX = movmedian(deltaX, medFiltDeltaXW(ee)) ;

                % Register the position so that (1) stabilized and (2) 0um is anterior fold
                for ii = 1:ntps
                    % recall dd and ss for this tp
                    ddii = dd(ii, :) ;
                    sii = ss(ii, :) ;

                    % Save shifted ap positions in matrix
                    xshiftii = xx+sum(deltaX(1:ii)) ;
                    xshifted(ii, :) = xshiftii ;
                % Now overall offset
                xshiftPix = xshifted(foldT, foldX) ;
                xshifted = xshifted - xshiftPix ;

                for ii = 1:ntps
                    % recall dd and ss for this tp
                    ddii = dd(ii, :) ;
                    sii = ss(ii, :) ;

                    % Save shifted ap positions in matrix
                    xshiftii = xshifted(ii, :) ;

                    % Interpolate shifted results
                    dinterp(ii, :) = interp1(xshiftii, ddii, xfixed) ;
                    sinterp(ii, :) = interp1(xshiftii, sii, xfixed) ;

                    % Factor in translation of the embryo over the timecourse
                    plot(xx+sum(deltaX(1:ii)), dd(ii, :), 'color', cmap(ii, :)) ; hold on;


                % First plot -- raw curves
                set(gcf, 'Visible', 'off')
                xlabel('ap position [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                ylabel('GCAMP transient signal [a.u.]', 'interpreter', 'latex')    
                title('Transient GCAMP activity')
                cb = colorbar ;
                caxis([min(timestamps), max(timestamps)])
                ylabel(cb, 'time [min]')
                outfigfn = sprintf(fullfile(datdir, expts{ee}, ['00_difference_Yrange%d' refStr '.png']), clipyPairIdx) ;
                saveas(gcf, outfigfn) 

                if preview
                    set(gcf, 'visible', 'on')
                % Kymograph -- pre shift
                imagesc(xx, timestamps, dd)
                xlabel('ap position [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                ylabel('time [min]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                title('Transient GCAMP activity')
                cb = colorbar ;
                ylabel(cb, '$ \delta I $ [a.u.]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                outfigfn = sprintf(fullfile(datdir, expts{ee}, ['01_difference_kymo_Yrange%d' refStr '.png']), clipyPairIdx) ;
                saveas(gcf, outfigfn)

                if preview
                    set(gcf, 'visible', 'on')
                % Shifted kymo
                for row = 1:ntps
                    imagesc(xshifted(row, :), timestamps(row), dd(row, :));
                    hold on;
                xlabel('stabilized ap position [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                ylabel('time [min]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                title('Transient GCAMP signal', ...
                    'interpreter', 'latex')
                if ~isempty(ylimFix)
                    ylim([min(timestamps), max(timestamps)])
                cb = colorbar ;
                ylabel(cb, '$ \delta I $ [a.u.]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                outfigfn = sprintf(fullfile(datdir, expts{ee}, ['02_difference_kymoShift_Yrange%d' refStr '.png']), clipyPairIdx) ;
                saveas(gcf, outfigfn)

                if preview
                    set(gcf, 'visible', 'on')

                % PLot deltaX
                subplot(2, 1, 1)
                plot(timestamps, deltaX, '.-') ;
                ylabel('$\delta x$ [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                xlabel('time [min]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                subplot(2, 1, 2)
                plot(timestamps, cumsum(deltaX), '.-') ;
                ylabel('$\int \delta x$ [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                xlabel('time [min]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                outfigfn = sprintf(fullfile(datdir, expts{ee}, ['02b_shift_deltaX_Yrange%d' refStr '.png']), clipyPairIdx) ;
                saveas(gcf, outfigfn)

                % Plot interpolated results
                timeGrid = timestamps' .* ones(size(dinterp)) ;
                apGrid = xfixed .* ones(size(dinterp)) ;
                imagesc(xfixed, timestamps, dinterp) ;
                if ~isempty(ylimFix)
                    ylim([min(timestamps), max(timestamps)])
                xlabel('stabilized, re-gridded ap position [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                ylabel('time [min]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                title('Transient GCAMP signal [registered frame]', ...
                    'interpreter', 'latex')
                cb = colorbar ;
                ylabel(cb, '$ \delta I $ [a.u.]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                outfigfn = sprintf(fullfile(datdir, expts{ee}, ...
                    ['03_difference_kymoShiftInterp_Yrange%d' refStr '.png']), clipyPairIdx) ;
                saveas(gcf, outfigfn)
                saveas(gcf, ...
                    fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, sprintf(['expt%02d_kymo_clipY%d' refStr '.png'], ...
                    ee, clipyPairIdx)))

                if preview
                    set(gcf, 'visible', 'on')
                % Average over time
                % Get t=0 idx
                [~, tidx0] = min(abs(timestamps)) ;
                end5 = find(timestamps - 5 > 0, 1);
                end10 = find(timestamps - 10 > 0, 1);
                end15 = find(timestamps - 15 > 0, 1);
                end20 = find(timestamps - 20 > 0, 1);
                end25 = find(timestamps - 25 > 0, 1);
                end30 = find(timestamps - 30 > 0, 1);
                end45 = find(timestamps - 45 > 0, 1);
                end60 = find(timestamps - 60 > 0, 1);
                activity00 = mean(dinterp(1:tidx0, :))' ;
                activity05 = mean(dinterp(tidx0:end5, :))' ;
                activity10 = mean(dinterp(tidx0:end10, :))' ;
                activity15 = mean(dinterp(tidx0:end15, :))' ;
                activity20 = mean(dinterp(tidx0:end20, :))' ;
                activity25 = mean(dinterp(tidx0:end25, :))' ;
                activity30 = mean(dinterp(tidx0:end30, :))' ;
                activity45 = mean(dinterp(tidx0:end45, :))' ;
                activity60 = mean(dinterp(tidx0:end60, :))' ;
                legends = {'$\langle t<$0 minutes$\rangle$', ...
                    '$\langle 0<t<$5 minutes$\rangle$', ...
                    '$\langle 0<t<$10 minutes$\rangle$', ...
                    '$\langle 0<t<$15 minutes$\rangle$', ...
                    '$\langle 0<t<$20 minutes$\rangle$', ...
                    '$\langle 0<t<$25 minutes$\rangle$', ...
                    '$\langle 0<t<$30 minutes$\rangle$'} ;
                colors = flipud(viridis(7)) ;

                plot(xfixed, activity00, 'color', colors(1, :)); hold on;
                plot(xfixed, activity05, 'color', colors(2, :))
                plot(xfixed, activity10, 'color', colors(3, :))
                plot(xfixed, activity15, 'color', colors(4, :))
                plot(xfixed, activity20, 'color', colors(5, :))
                plot(xfixed, activity25, 'color', colors(6, :))
                plot(xfixed, activity30, 'color', colors(7, :))
                legend(legends, 'interpreter', 'latex')
                xlabel('stabilized ap position [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                ylabel('GCAMP transient activity [a.u.]', 'interpreter', 'latex')    
                title('Transient GCAMP activity', ...
                    'interpreter', 'latex')
                outfigfn = sprintf(fullfile(datdir, expts{ee}, ['07_difference_meanBgSub_Yrange%d' refStr '.png']), clipyPairIdx) ;
                saveas(gcf, outfigfn) 

                if preview
                    set(gcf, 'visible', 'on')
                % Filter in space
                close all
                w1um = round(1 / pix2um(ee)) ;
                plot(xfixed, movmedian(activity00, w1um), 'color', colors(1, :)); 
                hold on;
                plot(xfixed, movmedian(activity05, w1um), 'color', colors(2, :)); 
                plot(xfixed, movmedian(activity10, w1um), 'color', colors(3, :)); 
                plot(xfixed, movmedian(activity15, w1um), 'color', colors(4, :)); 
                plot(xfixed, movmedian(activity20, w1um), 'color', colors(5, :)); 
                plot(xfixed, movmedian(activity25, w1um), 'color', colors(6, :)); 
                plot(xfixed, movmedian(activity30, w1um), 'color', colors(7, :)); 
                legend(legends, 'interpreter', 'latex')
                xlabel('stabilized ap position [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                ylabel('GCAMP transient activity [a.u.]', 'interpreter', 'latex')    
                title('Transient GCAMP activity, filtered in space 1 $\mu$m', ...
                    'interpreter', 'latex')
                outfigfn = sprintf(fullfile(datdir, ...
                    expts{ee}, ...
                    ['08_difference_meanBgSubSm_Yrange%d' refStr '.png']), clipyPairIdx) ;
                saveas(gcf, outfigfn) 
                saveas(gcf, fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, ...
                    sprintf(['expt%02d_means_clipY%d_%s' refStr '.png'], ...
                    ee, clipyPairIdx, expts{ee})))

                if preview
                    set(gcf, 'visible', 'on')
                % Save result
                save(fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, outfn), 'xx', 'xshifted', 'dd', 'deltaX', ...
                    'xfixed', 'dinterp', 'sinterp', 'timeGrid', 'apGrid', ...
                    'activity00', 'activity05', 'activity10', ...
                    'activity15', 'activity20', ...
                    'activity25', 'activity30', ...
                    'activity45', 'activity60')
                load(fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, outfn), 'xx', 'xshifted', 'dd', 'deltaX', ...
                    'xfixed', 'dinterp', 'sinterp', 'timeGrid', 'apGrid')
                timestamps = unique(timeGrid)' ;


    %% Average all experiments together
    expts2include = 1:length(expts);
    for clipyPairIdx = 1:2
        colors = define_colors(nExpts) ;
        fixTimeStamps = -20:1.5:90.5 ;  % minutes
        kymoM = zeros(length(xfixed), length(fixTimeStamps)) ;
        nsamples = kymoM ;

        % For different averaging
        avgMin = [15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60] ;
        allres = [] ;
        for avgID = 1:length(avgMin)
            edmy = 1 ;
            disp(['Performing ' num2str(avgMin(avgID)) ' min average'])
            close all
            statAll = zeros(length(xfixed), length(expts2include)) ;
            for ee = expts2include
                disp(['loading ee = ' num2str(ee)])
                outfn = sprintf([expts{ee} '_results_Yrange%d' refStr '.mat'], clipyPairIdx) ;
                resfn = fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, outfn) ;
                load(resfn, 'xfixed', 'activity15', ...
                    'activity20', 'activity25', 'activity30', ...
                    'activity45', 'activity60', ...
                    'timeGrid', 'dinterp')
                timestamps = unique(timeGrid) ;
                acts = {activity15, activity20, activity25, ...
                    activity30, activity45, activity60} ;

                w1um = round(1 / pix2um(ee)) ;
                activity = movmedian(acts{avgID}, w1um) ;
                padd = round(5/pix2um(ee)) ;

                % no need for this anymore -- all x are xfixed already
                % keep = xfixed > xlimFix(1) & xfixed < xlimFix(2) ;
                % idx2keep = find(keep) ;
                % normIdx = (idx2keep(1) : idx2keep(1)+padd) ;
                % normIdx = [normIdx, idx2keep(end)-padd:idx2keep] ;

                normVal = nanmedian(activity) ;
                bgVal = mean(mink([activity(1:padd); activity(end-padd:end)], 10)) ;
                maxVal = maxk(activity(1+padd:end-padd), 10) ;
                maxVal = mean(maxVal) ;
                anorm = (activity - bgVal) / (maxVal - bgVal); 

                % AVERAGE KYMO
                if avgID == 1
                    dnorm = (dinterp - normVal) / (maxVal - normVal) ;
                    intrp = griddedInterpolant({timestamps, xfixed'}, dnorm, 'nearest', 'none') ;
                    [tt, xx] = ndgrid(fixTimeStamps, xfixed) ;
                    newKymo = intrp(tt, xx) ;
                    nsamples = nsamples + ~isnan(newKymo)' ;
                    newKymo(isnan(newKymo)) = 0 ;
                    kymoM = kymoM + newKymo' ;

                if avgID == 4
                hold on; 
                plot(xfixed, anorm, 'color', colors(edmy, :)); 
                statAll(:, edmy) = anorm ;
                hold on;

                if ee == expts2include(1)
                    xall = xfixed ;
                % min(xfixed(keep))
                % max(xfixed(keep))

                % Collate all results into table
                % keep4all = ismember(xall, xfixed(keep)) ;
                allres(:, edmy) = anorm ;
                edmy = edmy + 1;
            xlabel('ap position from anterior fold [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
            ylabel('normalized transient GCAMP activity [a.u.]', ...
                'interpreter', 'latex')
            title(sprintf('transient calcium activity, %d min average', avgMin(avgID)), ...
                'interpreter', 'latex')
            resfn = fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, 'gcamp_activity_results') ;
            saveas(gcf, [resfn sprintf(['_clipY%d_avg%d' refStr '.png'], clipyPairIdx, avgMin(avgID))])
            saveas(gcf, [resfn sprintf(['_clipY%d_avg%d' refStr '.pdf'], clipyPairIdx, avgMin(avgID))])

            % Take stats
            close all
            fig = figure('units','centimeters','position',[0,0,6,10]);

            % kymo panel
            subplot(2, 1, 1)
            kymoM(~isfinite(kymoM)) = NaN;
            kymoMean = (kymoM - min(kymoM(:))) ./ nsamples  ;
            imagesc(xfixed, fixTimeStamps, kymoMean' ); 
            % xlabel('ap position from anterior fold [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
            ylabel('time from fold onset [min]', 'interpreter', 'latex')

            hold on;
            redcolor = colors(2, :) ;
            plot(xlimFix, 0*xlimFix + 5, '--', 'color', redcolor)
            plot(xlimFix, 0*xlimFix - 5, '--', 'color', redcolor)
            plot(xlimFix, 0*xlimFix, '-', 'color', redcolor)
            set(gca, 'xticklabels', [])

            % curve panel
            subplot(2, 1, 2)
            avgact = mean(statAll, 2, 'omitnan') ;
            stdact = std(statAll, 0, 2, 'omitnan') ;
            lineProps = {'-','color', colors(1, :)} ;
            factor = 1.0 / max(avgact(:)) ;
            avgact = movmean(avgact, 3) ;
            stdact = movmedian(stdact, 15) ;
            h1=shadedErrorBar(xfixed, avgact*factor, stdact*factor, 'lineProps', lineProps) ;
            % ylim([min(avgact*factor - stdact*factor), max(avgact*factor + stdact*factor)])
            ylim([-0.25, 1.25])
            xlabel('ap position from anterior fold [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
            ylabel('GCaMP activity [a.u.]', ...
                'interpreter', 'latex')
            title(sprintf('%d min average', avgMin(avgID)), ...
                'interpreter', 'latex')
            resfn = fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, 'gcamp_mean_results') ;
            saveas(gcf, [resfn sprintf(['_clipY%d_avg%d' refStr '.png'], clipyPairIdx, avgMin(avgID))])
            saveas(gcf, [resfn sprintf(['_clipY%d_avg%d' refStr '.pdf'], clipyPairIdx, avgMin(avgID))])

            % Plot mean kymo for first pass
            if avgID == 1
                close all; 
                chelixMap = cubehelix(128,0.43,-0.68,1.3,0.4,[0,1.0],[0,1.0]) ;
                kymoMean = (kymoM - min(kymoM(:))) ./ nsamples  ;
                imagesc(xfixed, fixTimeStamps, kymoMean' ); 
                cb = colorbar;
                xlabel('ap position from anterior fold [$\mu$m]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                ylabel('time from fold onset [min]', 'interpreter', 'latex')
                ylabel(cb,'transient GCAMP activity [a.u.]')
                resfn = fullfile(datdir, resDirFn, 'gcamp_kymo_results') ;
                saveas(gcf, [resfn sprintf(['_clipY%d' refStr '.png'], clipyPairIdx)])
                saveas(gcf, [resfn sprintf(['_clipY%d' refStr '.pdf'], clipyPairIdx)])
                saveas(gcf, [resfn sprintf(['_clipY%d_cubeHelix' refStr '.png'], clipyPairIdx)])
                saveas(gcf, [resfn sprintf(['_clipY%d_cubeHelix' refStr '.pdf'], clipyPairIdx)])


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