Raw File
// parameter-binding.cpp
#include "parameter-binding.h"

#include "lookup.h"
#include "compiler.h"
#include "type-layout.h"

#include "../../slang.h"

namespace Slang {

struct ParameterInfo;

// Information on ranges of registers already claimed/used
struct UsedRange
    // What parameter has claimed this range?
    ParameterInfo*  parameter = nullptr;

    // Begin/end of the range (half-open interval)
    UInt begin;
    UInt end;
bool operator<(UsedRange left, UsedRange right)
    if (left.begin != right.begin)
        return left.begin < right.begin;
    if (left.end != right.end)
        return left.end < right.end;
    return false;

static bool rangesOverlap(UsedRange const& x, UsedRange const& y)
    SLANG_ASSERT(x.begin <= x.end);
    SLANG_ASSERT(y.begin <= y.end);

    // If they don't overlap, then one must be earlier than the other,
    // and that one must therefore *end* before the other *begins*

    if (x.end <= y.begin) return false;
    if (y.end <= x.begin) return false;

    // Otherwise they must overlap
    return true;

struct UsedRanges
    List<UsedRange> ranges;

    // Add a range to the set, either by extending
    // an existing range, or by adding a new one...
    // If we find that the new range overlaps with
    // an existing range for a *different* parameter
    // then we return that parameter so that the
    // caller can issue an error.
    ParameterInfo* Add(UsedRange const& range)
        ParameterInfo* newParam = range.parameter;
        ParameterInfo* existingParam = nullptr;
        for (auto& rr : ranges)
            if (rangesOverlap(rr, range)
                && rr.parameter
                && rr.parameter != newParam)
                // there was an overlap!
                existingParam = rr.parameter;

        for (auto& rr : ranges)
            if (rr.begin == range.end)
                rr.begin = range.begin;
                return existingParam;
            else if (rr.end == range.begin)
                rr.end = range.end;
                return existingParam;
        return existingParam;

    ParameterInfo* Add(ParameterInfo* param, UInt begin, UInt end)
        UsedRange range;
        range.parameter = param;
        range.begin = begin;
        range.end = end;
        return Add(range);

    bool contains(UInt index)
        for (auto rr : ranges)
            if (index < rr.begin)
                return false;

            if (index >= rr.end)

            return true;

        return false;

    // Try to find space for `count` entries
    UInt Allocate(ParameterInfo* param, UInt count)
        UInt begin = 0;

        UInt rangeCount = ranges.Count();
        for (UInt rr = 0; rr < rangeCount; ++rr)
            // try to fit in before this range...

            UInt end = ranges[rr].begin;

            // If there is enough space...
            if (end >= begin + count)
                // ... then claim it and be done
                Add(param, begin, begin + count);
                return begin;

            // ... otherwise, we need to look at the
            // space between this range and the next
            begin = ranges[rr].end;

        // We've run out of ranges to check, so we
        // can safely go after the last one!
        Add(param, begin, begin + count);
        return begin;

struct ParameterBindingInfo
    size_t              space;
    size_t              index;
    size_t              count;

    kLayoutResourceKindCount = SLANG_PARAMETER_CATEGORY_COUNT,

struct UsedRangeSet : RefObject
    // Information on what ranges of "registers" have already
    // been claimed, for each resource type
    UsedRanges usedResourceRanges[kLayoutResourceKindCount];

// Information on a single parameter
struct ParameterInfo : RefObject
    // Layout info for the concrete variables that will make up this parameter
    List<RefPtr<VarLayout>> varLayouts;

    ParameterBindingInfo    bindingInfo[kLayoutResourceKindCount];

    // The next parameter that has the same name...
    ParameterInfo* nextOfSameName;

    // The translation unit this parameter is specific to, if any
    TranslationUnitRequest* translationUnit = nullptr;

        // Make sure we aren't claiming any resources yet
        for( int ii = 0; ii < kLayoutResourceKindCount; ++ii )
            bindingInfo[ii].count = 0;

struct EntryPointParameterBindingContext
    // What ranges of resources bindings are already claimed for this translation unit
    UsedRangeSet usedRangeSet;

// State that is shared during parameter binding,
// across all translation units
struct SharedParameterBindingContext
    // The base compile request
    CompileRequest* compileRequest;

    // The target request that is triggering layout
    // TODO: We should eventually strip this down to
    // just the subset of fields on the target that
    // can influence layout decisions.
    TargetRequest*  targetRequest;

    LayoutRulesFamilyImpl* defaultLayoutRules;

    // All shader parameters we've discovered so far, and started to lay out...
    List<RefPtr<ParameterInfo>> parameters;

    // The program layout we are trying to construct
    RefPtr<ProgramLayout> programLayout;

    // What ranges of resources bindings are already claimed at the global scope?
    // We store one of these for each declared binding space/set.
    Dictionary<UInt, RefPtr<UsedRangeSet>> globalSpaceUsedRangeSets;

    // What ranges of resource bindings are claimed for particular translation unit?
    // This is only used for varying input/output.
    Dictionary<TranslationUnitRequest*, RefPtr<UsedRangeSet>> translationUnitUsedRangeSets;

    // Which register spaces have been claimed so far?
    UsedRanges usedSpaces;

    // The space to use for auto-generated bindings.
    UInt defaultSpace = 0;

    TargetRequest* getTargetRequest() { return targetRequest; }

static DiagnosticSink* getSink(SharedParameterBindingContext* shared)
    return &shared->compileRequest->mSink;

// State that might be specific to a single translation unit
// or event to an entry point.
struct ParameterBindingContext
    // The translation unit we are processing right now
    TranslationUnitRequest* translationUnit;

    // All the shared state needs to be available
    SharedParameterBindingContext* shared;

    // The type layout context to use when computing
    // the resource usage of shader parameters.
    TypeLayoutContext layoutContext;

    // A dictionary to accellerate looking up parameters by name
    Dictionary<Name*, ParameterInfo*> mapNameToParameterInfo;

    // What stage (if any) are we compiling for?
    Stage stage;

    // The entry point that is being processed right now.
    EntryPointLayout*   entryPointLayout = nullptr;

    // The source language we are trying to use
    SourceLanguage sourceLanguage;

    TargetRequest* getTargetRequest() { return shared->getTargetRequest(); }
    LayoutRulesFamilyImpl* getRulesFamily() { return layoutContext.getRulesFamily(); }

static DiagnosticSink* getSink(ParameterBindingContext* context)
    return getSink(context->shared);

struct LayoutSemanticInfo
    LayoutResourceKind  kind; // the register kind
    UInt                space;
    UInt                index;

    // TODO: need to deal with component-granularity binding...

static bool isDigit(char c)
    return (c >= '0') && (c <= '9');

/// Given a string that specifies a name and index (e.g., `COLOR0`),
/// split it into slices for the name part and the index part.
static void splitNameAndIndex(
    String const&       text,
    UnownedStringSlice& outName,
    UnownedStringSlice& outDigits)
    char const* nameBegin = text.begin();
    char const* digitsEnd = text.end();

    char const* nameEnd = digitsEnd;
    while( nameEnd != nameBegin && isDigit(*(nameEnd - 1)) )
    char const* digitsBegin = nameEnd;

    outName = UnownedStringSlice(nameBegin, nameEnd);
    outDigits = UnownedStringSlice(digitsBegin, digitsEnd);

LayoutSemanticInfo ExtractLayoutSemanticInfo(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    HLSLLayoutSemantic*         semantic)
    LayoutSemanticInfo info;
    info.space = 0;
    info.index = 0;
    info.kind = LayoutResourceKind::None;

    String registerName = semantic->registerName.Content;
    if (registerName.Length() == 0)
        return info;

    // The register name is expected to be in the form:
    //      identifier-char+ digit+
    // where the identifier characters name a "register class"
    // and the digits identify a register index within that class.
    // We are going to split the string the user gave us
    // into these constituent parts:
    UnownedStringSlice registerClassName;
    UnownedStringSlice registerIndexDigits;
    splitNameAndIndex(registerName, registerClassName, registerIndexDigits);

    // All of the register classes we support are single ASCII characters,
    // so we really just care about the first byte, but we want to be
    // careful and only look at it if the register class name is one
    // byte long.
    char registerClassChar = registerClassName.size() == 1 ? *registerClassName.begin() : 0;
    LayoutResourceKind kind = LayoutResourceKind::None;
    switch (registerClassChar)
    case 'b':
        kind = LayoutResourceKind::ConstantBuffer;

    case 't':
        kind = LayoutResourceKind::ShaderResource;

    case 'u':
        kind = LayoutResourceKind::UnorderedAccess;

    case 's':
        kind = LayoutResourceKind::SamplerState;

        getSink(context)->diagnose(semantic->registerName, Diagnostics::unknownRegisterClass, registerClassName);
        return info;

    // For a `register` semantic, the register index is not optional (unlike
    // how it works for varying input/output semantics).
    if( registerIndexDigits.size() == 0 )
        getSink(context)->diagnose(semantic->registerName, Diagnostics::expectedARegisterIndex, registerClassName);

    UInt index = 0;
    for(auto c : registerIndexDigits)
        index = index * 10 + (c - '0');

    UInt space = 0;
    if( auto registerSemantic = dynamic_cast<HLSLRegisterSemantic*>(semantic) )
        auto const& spaceName = registerSemantic->spaceName.Content;
        if(spaceName.Length() != 0)
            UnownedStringSlice spaceSpelling;
            UnownedStringSlice spaceDigits;
            splitNameAndIndex(spaceName, spaceSpelling, spaceDigits);

            if( spaceSpelling != UnownedTerminatedStringSlice("space") )
                getSink(context)->diagnose(semantic->registerName, Diagnostics::expectedSpace, spaceSpelling);
            else if( spaceDigits.size() == 0 )
                getSink(context)->diagnose(semantic->registerName, Diagnostics::expectedSpaceIndex);
                for(auto c : spaceDigits)
                    space = space * 10 + (c - '0');

    // TODO: handle component mask part of things...
    if( semantic->componentMask.Content.Length() != 0 )
        getSink(context)->diagnose(semantic->componentMask, Diagnostics::componentMaskNotSupported);

    info.kind = kind;
    info.index = (int) index;
    info.space = space;
    return info;

static Name* getReflectionName(VarDeclBase* varDecl)
    if (auto reflectionNameModifier = varDecl->FindModifier<ParameterGroupReflectionName>())
        return reflectionNameModifier->nameAndLoc.name;

    return varDecl->getName();

// Information tracked when doing a structural
// match of types.
struct StructuralTypeMatchStack
    DeclRef<VarDeclBase>        leftDecl;
    DeclRef<VarDeclBase>        rightDecl;
    StructuralTypeMatchStack*   parent;

static void diagnoseParameterTypeMismatch(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    StructuralTypeMatchStack*   inStack)

    // The bottom-most entry in the stack should represent
    // the shader parameters that kicked things off
    auto stack = inStack;
        stack = stack->parent;

    getSink(context)->diagnose(stack->leftDecl, Diagnostics::shaderParameterDeclarationsDontMatch, getReflectionName(stack->leftDecl));
    getSink(context)->diagnose(stack->rightDecl, Diagnostics::seeOtherDeclarationOf, getReflectionName(stack->rightDecl));

// Two types that were expected to match did not.
// Inform the user with a suitable message.
static void diagnoseTypeMismatch(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    StructuralTypeMatchStack*   inStack)
    auto stack = inStack;
    diagnoseParameterTypeMismatch(context, stack);

    auto leftType = GetType(stack->leftDecl);
    auto rightType = GetType(stack->rightDecl);

    if( stack->parent )
        getSink(context)->diagnose(stack->leftDecl, Diagnostics::fieldTypeMisMatch, getReflectionName(stack->leftDecl), leftType, rightType);
        getSink(context)->diagnose(stack->rightDecl, Diagnostics::seeOtherDeclarationOf, getReflectionName(stack->rightDecl));

        stack = stack->parent;
        if( stack )
            while( stack->parent )
                getSink(context)->diagnose(stack->leftDecl, Diagnostics::usedInDeclarationOf, getReflectionName(stack->leftDecl));
                stack = stack->parent;
        getSink(context)->diagnose(stack->leftDecl, Diagnostics::shaderParameterTypeMismatch, leftType, rightType);

// Two types that were expected to match did not.
// Inform the user with a suitable message.
static void diagnoseTypeFieldsMismatch(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    DeclRef<Decl> const&        left,
    DeclRef<Decl> const&        right,
    StructuralTypeMatchStack*   stack)
    diagnoseParameterTypeMismatch(context, stack);

    getSink(context)->diagnose(left, Diagnostics::fieldDeclarationsDontMatch, left.GetName());
    getSink(context)->diagnose(right, Diagnostics::seeOtherDeclarationOf, right.GetName());

    if( stack )
        while( stack->parent )
            getSink(context)->diagnose(stack->leftDecl, Diagnostics::usedInDeclarationOf, getReflectionName(stack->leftDecl));
            stack = stack->parent;

static void collectFields(
    DeclRef<AggTypeDecl>        declRef,
    List<DeclRef<StructField>>& outFields)
    for( auto fieldDeclRef : getMembersOfType<StructField>(declRef) )


static bool validateTypesMatch(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    Type*                       left,
    Type*                       right,
    StructuralTypeMatchStack*   stack);

static bool validateIntValuesMatch(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    IntVal*                     left,
    IntVal*                     right,
    StructuralTypeMatchStack*   stack)
        return true;

    // TODO: are there other cases we need to handle here?

    diagnoseTypeMismatch(context, stack);
    return false;

static bool validateValuesMatch(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    Val*                        left,
    Val*                        right,
    StructuralTypeMatchStack*   stack)
    if( auto leftType = dynamic_cast<Type*>(left) )
        if( auto rightType = dynamic_cast<Type*>(right) )
            return validateTypesMatch(context, leftType, rightType, stack);

    if( auto leftInt = dynamic_cast<IntVal*>(left) )
        if( auto rightInt = dynamic_cast<IntVal*>(right) )
            return validateIntValuesMatch(context, leftInt, rightInt, stack);

    if( auto leftWitness = dynamic_cast<SubtypeWitness*>(left) )
        if( auto rightWitness = dynamic_cast<SubtypeWitness*>(right) )
            return true;

    diagnoseTypeMismatch(context, stack);
    return false;

static bool validateGenericSubstitutionsMatch(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    GenericSubstitution*        left,
    GenericSubstitution*        right,
    StructuralTypeMatchStack*   stack)
    if( !left )
        if( !right )
            return true;

        diagnoseTypeMismatch(context, stack);
        return false;

    UInt argCount = left->args.Count();
    if( argCount != right->args.Count() )
        diagnoseTypeMismatch(context, stack);
        return false;

    for( UInt aa = 0; aa < argCount; ++aa )
        auto leftArg = left->args[aa];
        auto rightArg = right->args[aa];

        if(!validateValuesMatch(context, leftArg, rightArg, stack))
            return false;

    return true;

static bool validateThisTypeSubstitutionsMatch(
    ParameterBindingContext*    /*context*/,
    ThisTypeSubstitution*       /*left*/,
    ThisTypeSubstitution*       /*right*/,
    StructuralTypeMatchStack*   /*stack*/)
    // TODO: actual checking.
    return true;

static bool validateSpecializationsMatch(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    SubstitutionSet             left,
    SubstitutionSet             right,
    StructuralTypeMatchStack*   stack)
    auto ll = left.substitutions;
    auto rr = right.substitutions;
        // Skip any global generic substitutions.
        if(auto leftGlobalGeneric = ll.As<GlobalGenericParamSubstitution>())
            ll = leftGlobalGeneric->outer;
        if(auto rightGlobalGeneric = rr.As<GlobalGenericParamSubstitution>())
            rr = rightGlobalGeneric->outer;

        // If either ran out, then we expect both to have run out.
        if(!ll || !rr)
            return !ll && !rr;

        auto leftSubst = ll;
        auto rightSubst = rr;

        ll = ll->outer;
        rr = rr->outer;

        if(auto leftGeneric = leftSubst.As<GenericSubstitution>())
            if(auto rightGeneric = rightSubst.As<GenericSubstitution>())
                if(validateGenericSubstitutionsMatch(context, leftGeneric, rightGeneric, stack))
        else if(auto leftThisType = leftSubst.As<ThisTypeSubstitution>())
            if(auto rightThisType = rightSubst.As<ThisTypeSubstitution>())
                if(validateThisTypeSubstitutionsMatch(context, leftThisType, rightThisType, stack))

        return false;

    return true;

// Determine if two types "match" for the purposes of `cbuffer` layout rules.
static bool validateTypesMatch(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    Type*                       left,
    Type*                       right,
    StructuralTypeMatchStack*   stack)
        return true;

    // It is possible that the types don't match exactly, but
    // they *do* match structurally.

    // Note: the following code will lead to infinite recursion if there
    // are ever recursive types. We'd need a more refined system to
    // cache the matches we've already found.

    if( auto leftDeclRefType = left->As<DeclRefType>() )
        if( auto rightDeclRefType = right->As<DeclRefType>() )
            // Are they references to matching decl refs?
            auto leftDeclRef = leftDeclRefType->declRef;
            auto rightDeclRef = rightDeclRefType->declRef;

            // Do the reference the same declaration? Or declarations
            // with the same name?
            // TODO: we should only consider the same-name case if the
            // declarations come from translation units being compiled
            // (and not an imported module).
            if( leftDeclRef.getDecl() == rightDeclRef.getDecl()
                || leftDeclRef.GetName() == rightDeclRef.GetName() )
                // Check that any generic arguments match
                if( !validateSpecializationsMatch(
                    stack) )
                    return false;

                // Check that any declared fields match too.
                if( auto leftStructDeclRef = leftDeclRef.As<AggTypeDecl>() )
                    if( auto rightStructDeclRef = rightDeclRef.As<AggTypeDecl>() )
                        List<DeclRef<StructField>> leftFields;
                        List<DeclRef<StructField>> rightFields;

                        collectFields(leftStructDeclRef, leftFields);
                        collectFields(rightStructDeclRef, rightFields);

                        UInt leftFieldCount = leftFields.Count();
                        UInt rightFieldCount = rightFields.Count();

                        if( leftFieldCount != rightFieldCount )
                            diagnoseTypeFieldsMismatch(context, leftDeclRef, rightDeclRef, stack);
                            return false;

                        for( UInt ii = 0; ii < leftFieldCount; ++ii )
                            auto leftField = leftFields[ii];
                            auto rightField = rightFields[ii];

                            if( leftField.GetName() != rightField.GetName() )
                                diagnoseTypeFieldsMismatch(context, leftDeclRef, rightDeclRef, stack);
                                return false;

                            auto leftFieldType = GetType(leftField);
                            auto rightFieldType = GetType(rightField);

                            StructuralTypeMatchStack subStack;
                            subStack.parent = stack;
                            subStack.leftDecl = leftField;
                            subStack.rightDecl = rightField;

                            if(!validateTypesMatch(context, leftFieldType,rightFieldType, &subStack))
                                return false;

                // Everything seemed to match recursively.
                return true;

    // If we are looking at `T[N]` and `U[M]` we want to check that
    // `T` is structurally equivalent to `U` and `N` is the same as `M`.
    else if( auto leftArrayType = left->As<ArrayExpressionType>() )
        if( auto rightArrayType = right->As<ArrayExpressionType>() )
            if(!validateTypesMatch(context, leftArrayType->baseType, rightArrayType->baseType, stack) )
                return false;

            if(!validateValuesMatch(context, leftArrayType->ArrayLength, rightArrayType->ArrayLength, stack))
                return false;

            return true;

    diagnoseTypeMismatch(context, stack);
    return false;

// This function is supposed to determine if two global shader
// parameter declarations represent the same logical parameter
// (so that they should get the exact same binding(s) allocated).
static bool doesParameterMatch(
    ParameterBindingContext* context,
    RefPtr<VarLayout>   varLayout,
    ParameterInfo* parameterInfo)
    // Any "varying" parameter should automatically be excluded
    // Note that we use the `typeLayout` field rather than
    // looking at resource information on the variable directly,
    // because this may be called when binding hasn't been performed.
    for (auto rr : varLayout->typeLayout->resourceInfos)
        switch (rr.kind)
        case LayoutResourceKind::VertexInput:
        case LayoutResourceKind::FragmentOutput:
            return false;


    StructuralTypeMatchStack stack;
    stack.parent = nullptr;
    stack.leftDecl = varLayout->varDecl;
    stack.rightDecl = parameterInfo->varLayouts[0]->varDecl;

    validateTypesMatch(context, varLayout->typeLayout->type, parameterInfo->varLayouts[0]->typeLayout->type, &stack);

    return true;


// Given a GLSL `layout` modifier, we need to be able to check for
// a particular sub-argument and extract its value if present.
template<typename T>
static bool findLayoutArg(
    RefPtr<ModifiableSyntaxNode>    syntax,
    UInt*                           outVal)
    for( auto modifier : syntax->GetModifiersOfType<T>() )
        if( modifier )
            *outVal = (UInt) strtoull(modifier->valToken.Content.Buffer(), nullptr, 10);
            return true;
    return false;

template<typename T>
static bool findLayoutArg(
    DeclRef<Decl>   declRef,
    UInt*           outVal)
    return findLayoutArg<T>(declRef.getDecl(), outVal);


static bool isGLSLBuiltinName(VarDeclBase* varDecl)
    return getText(getReflectionName(varDecl)).StartsWith("gl_");

RefPtr<Type> tryGetEffectiveTypeForGLSLVaryingInput(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    VarDeclBase*                varDecl)
    if (isGLSLBuiltinName(varDecl))
        return nullptr;

    auto type = varDecl->getType();
    if( varDecl->HasModifier<InModifier>() || type->As<GLSLInputParameterGroupType>())
        // Special case to handle "arrayed" shader inputs, as used
        // for Geometry and Hull input
        switch( context->stage )
        case Stage::Geometry:
        case Stage::Hull:
        case Stage::Domain:
            // Tessellation `patch` variables should stay as written
            if( !varDecl->HasModifier<GLSLPatchModifier>() )
                // Unwrap array type, if prsent
                if( auto arrayType = type->As<ArrayExpressionType>() )
                    type = arrayType->baseType.Ptr();


        return type;

    return nullptr;

RefPtr<Type> tryGetEffectiveTypeForGLSLVaryingOutput(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    VarDeclBase*                varDecl)
    if (isGLSLBuiltinName(varDecl))
        return nullptr;

    auto type = varDecl->getType();
    if( varDecl->HasModifier<OutModifier>() || type->As<GLSLOutputParameterGroupType>())
        // Special case to handle "arrayed" shader outputs, as used
        // for Hull Shader output
        // Note(tfoley): there is unfortunate code duplication
        // with the `in` case above.
        switch( context->stage )
        case Stage::Hull:
            // Tessellation `patch` variables should stay as written
            if( !varDecl->HasModifier<GLSLPatchModifier>() )
                // Unwrap array type, if prsent
                if( auto arrayType = type->As<ArrayExpressionType>() )
                    type = arrayType->baseType.Ptr();


        return type;

    return nullptr;

    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    VarDeclBase*                varDecl)
    auto layoutContext = context->layoutContext;
    auto rules = layoutContext.getRulesFamily();
    auto type = varDecl->getType();

    // A GLSL shader parameter will be marked with
    // a qualifier to match the boundary it uses
    // In the case of a parameter block, we will have
    // consumed this qualifier as part of parsing,
    // so that it won't be present on the declaration
    // any more. As such we also inspect the type
    // of the variable.

    // We want to check for a constant-buffer type with a `push_constant` layout
    // qualifier before we move on to anything else.
    if( varDecl->HasModifier<PushConstantAttribute>() && type->As<ConstantBufferType>() )
        return CreateTypeLayout(

    // TODO(tfoley): We have multiple variations of
    // the `uniform` modifier right now, and that
    // needs to get fixed...
    if( varDecl->HasModifier<HLSLUniformModifier>() || type->As<ConstantBufferType>() )
        return CreateTypeLayout(

    if( varDecl->HasModifier<GLSLBufferModifier>() || type->As<GLSLShaderStorageBufferType>() )
        return CreateTypeLayout(

    if (auto effectiveVaryingInputType = tryGetEffectiveTypeForGLSLVaryingInput(context, varDecl))
        // We expect to handle these elsewhere
        SLANG_DIAGNOSE_UNEXPECTED(getSink(context), varDecl, "GLSL varying input");
        return CreateTypeLayout(

    if (auto effectiveVaryingOutputType = tryGetEffectiveTypeForGLSLVaryingOutput(context, varDecl))
        // We expect to handle these elsewhere
        SLANG_DIAGNOSE_UNEXPECTED(getSink(context), varDecl, "GLSL varying output");
        return CreateTypeLayout(

    // A `const` global with a `layout(constant_id = ...)` modifier
    // is a declaration of a specialization constant.
    if( varDecl->HasModifier<GLSLConstantIDLayoutModifier>() )
        return CreateTypeLayout(

    // GLSL says that an "ordinary" global  variable
    // is just a (thread local) global and not a
    // parameter
    return nullptr;

    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    VarDeclBase*                varDecl)
    auto layoutContext = context->layoutContext;
    auto rules = layoutContext.getRulesFamily();
    auto type = varDecl->getType();

    // We want to check for a constant-buffer type with a `push_constant` layout
    // qualifier before we move on to anything else.
    if (varDecl->HasModifier<PushConstantAttribute>() && type->As<ConstantBufferType>())
        return CreateTypeLayout(

    // HLSL `static` modifier indicates "thread local"
        return nullptr;

    // HLSL `groupshared` modifier indicates "thread-group local"
        return nullptr;

    // TODO(tfoley): there may be other cases that we need to handle here

    // An "ordinary" global variable is implicitly a uniform
    // shader parameter.
    return CreateTypeLayout(

// Determine how to lay out a global variable that might be
// a shader parameter.
// Returns `nullptr` if the declaration does not represent
// a shader parameter.

    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    VarDeclBase*                varDecl)
    switch( context->sourceLanguage )
    case SourceLanguage::Slang:
    case SourceLanguage::HLSL:
        return getTypeLayoutForGlobalShaderParameter_HLSL(context, varDecl);

    case SourceLanguage::GLSL:
        return getTypeLayoutForGlobalShaderParameter_GLSL(context, varDecl);

        SLANG_UNEXPECTED("unhandled source language");


enum EntryPointParameterDirection
    kEntryPointParameterDirection_Input  = 0x1,
    kEntryPointParameterDirection_Output = 0x2,
typedef unsigned int EntryPointParameterDirectionMask;

struct EntryPointParameterState
    String*                             optSemanticName = nullptr;
    int*                                ioSemanticIndex = nullptr;
    EntryPointParameterDirectionMask    directionMask;
    int                                 semanticSlotCount;
    Stage                               stage = Stage::Unknown;
    bool                                isSampleRate = false;
    SourceLoc                           loc;

static RefPtr<TypeLayout> processEntryPointParameter(
    ParameterBindingContext*        context,
    RefPtr<Type>          type,
    EntryPointParameterState const& state,
    RefPtr<VarLayout>               varLayout);

static void collectGlobalScopeGLSLVaryingParameter(
    ParameterBindingContext*        context,
    RefPtr<VarDeclBase>             varDecl,
    RefPtr<Type>                    effectiveType,
    EntryPointParameterDirection    direction)
    int defaultSemanticIndex = 0;

    EntryPointParameterState state;
    state.directionMask = direction;
    state.ioSemanticIndex = &defaultSemanticIndex;
    state.stage = context->stage;
    state.loc = varDecl->loc;

    RefPtr<VarLayout> varLayout = new VarLayout();
    varLayout->varDecl = makeDeclRef(varDecl.Ptr());

    varLayout->typeLayout = processEntryPointParameter(

    // Now add it to our list of reflection parameters, so
    // that it can get a location assigned later...

    ParameterInfo* parameterInfo = new ParameterInfo();
    parameterInfo->translationUnit = context->translationUnit;

// Collect a single declaration into our set of parameters
static void collectGlobalGenericParameter(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    RefPtr<GlobalGenericParamDecl>         paramDecl)
    RefPtr<GenericParamLayout> layout = new GenericParamLayout();
    layout->decl = paramDecl;
    layout->index = (int)context->shared->programLayout->globalGenericParams.Count();
    context->shared->programLayout->globalGenericParamsMap[layout->decl->getName()->text] = layout.Ptr();

// Collect a single declaration into our set of parameters
static void collectGlobalScopeParameter(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    RefPtr<VarDeclBase>         varDecl)
    // HACK: We need to intercept GLSL varying `in` and `out` here, way earlier
    // in the process, so that we can avoid all kinds of nastiness that would
    // otherwise be applied to them.
    if (context->sourceLanguage == SourceLanguage::GLSL)
        if (auto effectiveVaryingInputType = tryGetEffectiveTypeForGLSLVaryingInput(context, varDecl))
            collectGlobalScopeGLSLVaryingParameter(context, varDecl, effectiveVaryingInputType, kEntryPointParameterDirection_Input);

        if (auto effectiveVaryingOutputType = tryGetEffectiveTypeForGLSLVaryingOutput(context, varDecl))
            collectGlobalScopeGLSLVaryingParameter(context, varDecl, effectiveVaryingOutputType, kEntryPointParameterDirection_Output);

    // We use a single operation to both check whether the
    // variable represents a shader parameter, and to compute
    // the layout for that parameter's type.
    auto typeLayout = getTypeLayoutForGlobalShaderParameter(

    // If we did not find appropriate layout rules, then it
    // must mean that this global variable is *not* a shader
    // parameter.

    // Now create a variable layout that we can use
    RefPtr<VarLayout> varLayout = new VarLayout();
    varLayout->typeLayout = typeLayout;
    varLayout->varDecl = DeclRef<Decl>(varDecl.Ptr(), nullptr).As<VarDeclBase>();

    // This declaration may represent the same logical parameter
    // as a declaration that came from a different translation unit.
    // If that is the case, we want to re-use the same `VarLayout`
    // across both parameters.
    // First we look for an existing entry matching the name
    // of this parameter:
    auto parameterName = getReflectionName(varDecl);
    ParameterInfo* parameterInfo = nullptr;
    if( context->mapNameToParameterInfo.TryGetValue(parameterName, parameterInfo) )
        // If the parameters have the same name, but don't "match" according to some reasonable rules,
        // then we need to bail out.
        if( !doesParameterMatch(context, varLayout, parameterInfo) )
            parameterInfo = nullptr;

    // If we didn't find a matching parameter, then we need to create one here
    if( !parameterInfo )
        parameterInfo = new ParameterInfo();
        context->mapNameToParameterInfo.AddIfNotExists(parameterName, parameterInfo);
        varLayout->flags |= VarLayoutFlag::IsRedeclaration;

    // Add this variable declaration to the list of declarations for the parameter

static RefPtr<UsedRangeSet> findUsedRangeSetForSpace(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    UInt                        space)
    RefPtr<UsedRangeSet> usedRangeSet;
    if (context->shared->globalSpaceUsedRangeSets.TryGetValue(space, usedRangeSet))
        return usedRangeSet;

    usedRangeSet = new UsedRangeSet();
    context->shared->globalSpaceUsedRangeSets.Add(space, usedRangeSet);
    return usedRangeSet;

// Record that a particular register space (or set, in the GLSL case)
// has been used in at least one binding, and so it should not
// be used by auto-generated bindings that need to claim entire
// spaces.
static void markSpaceUsed(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    UInt                        space)
    context->shared->usedSpaces.Add(nullptr, space, space+1);

static UInt allocateUnusedSpaces(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    UInt                        count)
    return context->shared->usedSpaces.Allocate(nullptr, count);

static RefPtr<UsedRangeSet> findUsedRangeSetForTranslationUnit(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    TranslationUnitRequest*     translationUnit)
    if (!translationUnit)
        return findUsedRangeSetForSpace(context, 0);

    RefPtr<UsedRangeSet> usedRangeSet;
    if (context->shared->translationUnitUsedRangeSets.TryGetValue(translationUnit, usedRangeSet))
        return usedRangeSet;

    usedRangeSet = new UsedRangeSet();
    context->shared->translationUnitUsedRangeSets.Add(translationUnit, usedRangeSet);
    return usedRangeSet;

static void addExplicitParameterBinding(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    RefPtr<ParameterInfo>       parameterInfo,
    VarDeclBase*                varDecl,
    LayoutSemanticInfo const&   semanticInfo,
    UInt                        count,
    RefPtr<UsedRangeSet>        usedRangeSet = nullptr)
    auto kind = semanticInfo.kind;

    auto& bindingInfo = parameterInfo->bindingInfo[(int)kind];
    if( bindingInfo.count != 0 )
        // We already have a binding here, so we want to
        // confirm that it matches the new one that is
        // incoming...
        if( bindingInfo.count != count
            || bindingInfo.index != semanticInfo.index
            || bindingInfo.space != semanticInfo.space )
            getSink(context)->diagnose(varDecl, Diagnostics::conflictingExplicitBindingsForParameter, getReflectionName(varDecl));

            auto firstVarDecl = parameterInfo->varLayouts[0]->varDecl.getDecl();
            if( firstVarDecl != varDecl )
                getSink(context)->diagnose(firstVarDecl, Diagnostics::seeOtherDeclarationOf, getReflectionName(firstVarDecl));

        // TODO(tfoley): `register` semantics can technically be
        // profile-specific (not sure if anybody uses that)...
        bindingInfo.count = count;
        bindingInfo.index = semanticInfo.index;
        bindingInfo.space = semanticInfo.space;

        if (!usedRangeSet)
            usedRangeSet = findUsedRangeSetForSpace(context, semanticInfo.space);

            // Record that the particular binding space was
            // used by an explicit binding, so that we don't
            // claim it for auto-generated bindings that
            // need to grab a full space
            markSpaceUsed(context, semanticInfo.space);
        auto overlappedParameterInfo = usedRangeSet->usedResourceRanges[(int)semanticInfo.kind].Add(
            semanticInfo.index + count);

        if (overlappedParameterInfo)
            auto paramA = parameterInfo->varLayouts[0]->varDecl.getDecl();
            auto paramB = overlappedParameterInfo->varLayouts[0]->varDecl.getDecl();

            getSink(context)->diagnose(paramA, Diagnostics::parameterBindingsOverlap,

            getSink(context)->diagnose(paramB, Diagnostics::seeDeclarationOf, getReflectionName(paramB));

static void addExplicitParameterBindings_HLSL(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    RefPtr<ParameterInfo>       parameterInfo,
    RefPtr<VarLayout>           varLayout)
    auto typeLayout = varLayout->typeLayout;
    auto varDecl = varLayout->varDecl;

    // If the declaration has explicit binding modifiers, then
    // here is where we want to extract and apply them...

    // Look for HLSL `register` or `packoffset` semantics.
    for (auto semantic : varDecl.getDecl()->GetModifiersOfType<HLSLLayoutSemantic>())
        // Need to extract the information encoded in the semantic
        LayoutSemanticInfo semanticInfo = ExtractLayoutSemanticInfo(context, semantic);
        auto kind = semanticInfo.kind;
        if (kind == LayoutResourceKind::None)

        // TODO: need to special-case when this is a `c` register binding...

        // Find the appropriate resource-binding information
        // inside the type, to see if we even use any resources
        // of the given kind.

        auto typeRes = typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(kind);
        int count = 0;
        if (typeRes)
            count = (int) typeRes->count;
            // TODO: warning here!

        addExplicitParameterBinding(context, parameterInfo, varDecl, semanticInfo, count);

static void addExplicitParameterBindings_GLSL(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    RefPtr<ParameterInfo>       parameterInfo,
    RefPtr<VarLayout>           varLayout)
    auto typeLayout = varLayout->typeLayout;
    auto varDecl = varLayout->varDecl;

    // The catch in GLSL is that the expected resource type
    // is implied by the parameter declaration itself, and
    // the `layout` modifier is only allowed to adjust
    // the index/offset/etc.

    // We also may need to store explicit binding info in a different place,
    // in the case of varying input/output, since we don't want to collect
    // things globally;
    RefPtr<UsedRangeSet> usedRangeSet;

    TypeLayout::ResourceInfo* resInfo = nullptr;
    LayoutSemanticInfo semanticInfo;
    semanticInfo.index = 0;
    semanticInfo.space = 0;
    if( (resInfo = typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::DescriptorTableSlot)) != nullptr )
        // Try to find `binding` and `set`
        auto attr = varDecl.getDecl()->FindModifier<GLSLBindingAttribute>();
        if (!attr)
        semanticInfo.index = attr->binding;
        semanticInfo.space = attr->set;
    else if( (resInfo = typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::VertexInput)) != nullptr )
        // Try to find `location` binding
        if(!findLayoutArg<GLSLLocationLayoutModifier>(varDecl, &semanticInfo.index))

        usedRangeSet = findUsedRangeSetForTranslationUnit(context, parameterInfo->translationUnit);
    else if( (resInfo = typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::FragmentOutput)) != nullptr )
        // Try to find `location` binding
        if(!findLayoutArg<GLSLLocationLayoutModifier>(varDecl, &semanticInfo.index))

        usedRangeSet = findUsedRangeSetForTranslationUnit(context, parameterInfo->translationUnit);
    else if( (resInfo = typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::SpecializationConstant)) != nullptr )
        // Try to find `constant_id` binding
        if(!findLayoutArg<GLSLConstantIDLayoutModifier>(varDecl, &semanticInfo.index))

    // If we didn't find any matches, then bail

    auto kind = resInfo->kind;
    auto count = resInfo->count;
    semanticInfo.kind = kind;

    addExplicitParameterBinding(context, parameterInfo, varDecl, semanticInfo, int(count), usedRangeSet);

// Given a single parameter, collect whatever information we have on
// how it has been explicitly bound, which may come from multiple declarations
void generateParameterBindings(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    RefPtr<ParameterInfo>       parameterInfo)
    // There must be at least one declaration for the parameter.
    SLANG_RELEASE_ASSERT(parameterInfo->varLayouts.Count() != 0);

    // Iterate over all declarations looking for explicit binding information.
    for( auto& varLayout : parameterInfo->varLayouts )
        // Handle HLSL `register` and `packoffset` modifiers
        addExplicitParameterBindings_HLSL(context, parameterInfo, varLayout);

        // Handle GLSL `layout` modifiers
        addExplicitParameterBindings_GLSL(context, parameterInfo, varLayout);

// Generate the binding information for a shader parameter.
static void completeBindingsForParameter(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    RefPtr<ParameterInfo>       parameterInfo)
    // For any resource kind used by the parameter
    // we need to update its layout information
    // to include a binding for that resource kind.
    // We will use the first declaration of the parameter as
    // a stand-in for all the declarations, so it is important
    // that earlier code has validated that the declarations
    // "match".

    SLANG_RELEASE_ASSERT(parameterInfo->varLayouts.Count() != 0);
    auto firstVarLayout = parameterInfo->varLayouts.First();
    auto firstTypeLayout = firstVarLayout->typeLayout;

    for(auto typeRes : firstTypeLayout->resourceInfos)
        // Did we already apply some explicit binding information
        // for this resource kind?
        auto kind = typeRes.kind;
        auto& bindingInfo = parameterInfo->bindingInfo[(int)kind];
        if( bindingInfo.count != 0 )
            // If things have already been bound, our work is done.

        auto count = typeRes.count;

        // We need to special-case the scenario where
        // a parameter wants to claim an entire register
        // space to itself (for a parameter block), since
        // that can't be handled like other resources.
        if (kind == LayoutResourceKind::RegisterSpace)
            // We need to snag a register space of our own.

            UInt space = allocateUnusedSpaces(context, count);

            bindingInfo.count = count;
            bindingInfo.index = space;

            // TODO: what should we store as the "space" for
            // an allocation of register spaces? Either zero
            // or `space` makes sense, but it isn't clear
            // which is a better choice.
            bindingInfo.space = 0;

        else if (kind == LayoutResourceKind::GenericResource)
            bindingInfo.space = 0;
            bindingInfo.count = 1;
            bindingInfo.index = 0;

        // Auto-generated bindings will all go in the same space,
        // which was allocated up front.
        // We don't currently worry about running out of room in
        // this space; if the user declares enough parameters
        // to overflow the range then we will have other problems
        // on our hands.
        // The one case that might seem like a challenge is unsized
        // arrays, since these conceptually require a (countably)
        // infinite register range.
        // This turns out not to be a problem that this code
        // needs to handle, for two reasons:
        // 1) In the D3D case, an unbounded-size array should be
        // computed to require one (or more) whole register spaces,
        // and so we'd end up in the `RegisterSpace` case above.
        // 2) In the Vulkan case, an unbounded-size array of
        // resources still uses only a single binding, so we
        // won't run out of space.
        UInt space = context->shared->defaultSpace;

        RefPtr<UsedRangeSet> usedRangeSet;
        switch (kind)
            usedRangeSet = findUsedRangeSetForSpace(context, space);

        case LayoutResourceKind::VertexInput:
        case LayoutResourceKind::FragmentOutput:
            usedRangeSet = findUsedRangeSetForTranslationUnit(context, parameterInfo->translationUnit);

        bindingInfo.count = count;
        bindingInfo.index = usedRangeSet->usedResourceRanges[(int)kind].Allocate(parameterInfo, (int) count);

        bindingInfo.space = space;

    if (firstTypeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::GenericResource))


    // At this point we should have explicit binding locations chosen for
    // all the relevant resource kinds, so we can apply these to the
    // declarations:

    for(auto& varLayout : parameterInfo->varLayouts)
        for(auto k = 0; k < kLayoutResourceKindCount; ++k)
            auto kind = LayoutResourceKind(k);
            auto& bindingInfo = parameterInfo->bindingInfo[k];

            // skip resources we aren't consuming
            if(bindingInfo.count == 0)

            // Add a record to the variable layout
            auto varRes = varLayout->AddResourceInfo(kind);
            varRes->space = (int) bindingInfo.space;
            varRes->index = (int) bindingInfo.index;

static void collectGlobalScopeParameters(
    ParameterBindingContext*    context,
    ModuleDecl*          program)
    // First enumerate parameters at global scope
    // We collect two things here:
    // 1. A shader parameter, which is always a variable
    // 2. A global entry-point generic parameter type (`__generic_param`),
    //    which is a GlobalGenericParamDecl
    // We collect global generic type parameters in the first pass,
    // So we can fill in the correct index into ordinary type layouts 
    // for generic types in the second pass.
    for (auto decl : program->Members)
        if (auto genParamDecl = decl.As<GlobalGenericParamDecl>())
            collectGlobalGenericParameter(context, genParamDecl);
    for (auto decl : program->Members)
        if (auto varDecl = decl.As<VarDeclBase>())
            collectGlobalScopeParameter(context, varDecl);

    // Next, we need to enumerate the parameters of
    // each entry point (which requires knowing what the
    // entry points *are*)

    // TODO(tfoley): Entry point functions should be identified
    // by looking for a generated modifier that is attached
    // to global-scope function declarations.

struct SimpleSemanticInfo
    String  name;
    int     index;

SimpleSemanticInfo decomposeSimpleSemantic(
    HLSLSimpleSemantic* semantic)
    auto composedName = semantic->name.Content;

    // look for a trailing sequence of decimal digits
    // at the end of the composed name
    UInt length = composedName.Length();
    UInt indexLoc = length;
    while( indexLoc > 0 )
        auto c = composedName[indexLoc-1];
        if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )

    SimpleSemanticInfo info;

    if( indexLoc == length )
        // No index suffix
        info.name = composedName;
        info.index = 0;
        // The name is everything before the digits
        info.name = composedName.SubString(0, indexLoc);
        info.index = strtol(composedName.SubString(indexLoc, length - indexLoc).begin(), nullptr, 10);
    return info;

static RefPtr<TypeLayout> processSimpleEntryPointParameter(
    ParameterBindingContext*        context,
    RefPtr<Type>          type,
    EntryPointParameterState const& inState,
    RefPtr<VarLayout>               varLayout,
    int                             semanticSlotCount = 1)
    EntryPointParameterState state = inState;
    state.semanticSlotCount = semanticSlotCount;

    auto optSemanticName    =  state.optSemanticName;
    auto semanticIndex      = *state.ioSemanticIndex;

    String semanticName = optSemanticName ? *optSemanticName : "";
    String sn = semanticName.ToLower();

    RefPtr<TypeLayout> typeLayout =  new TypeLayout();
    if (sn.StartsWith("sv_")
        || sn.StartsWith("nv_"))
        // System-value semantic.

        if (state.directionMask & kEntryPointParameterDirection_Output)
            // Note: I'm just doing something expedient here and detecting `SV_Target`
            // outputs and claiming the appropriate register range right away.
            // TODO: we should really be building up some representation of all of this,
            // once we've gone to the trouble of looking it all up...
            if( sn == "sv_target" )
                // TODO: construct a `ParameterInfo` we can use here so that
                // overlapped layout errors get reported nicely.

                auto usedResourceSet = findUsedRangeSetForSpace(context, 0);
                usedResourceSet->usedResourceRanges[int(LayoutResourceKind::UnorderedAccess)].Add(nullptr, semanticIndex, semanticIndex + semanticSlotCount);

                // We also need to track this as an ordinary varying output from the stage,
                // since that is how GLSL will want to see it.
                auto rules = context->getRulesFamily()->getVaryingOutputRules();
                SimpleLayoutInfo layout = GetLayout(
                typeLayout->addResourceUsage(layout.kind, layout.size);

        if (state.directionMask & kEntryPointParameterDirection_Input)
            if (sn == "sv_sampleindex")
                state.isSampleRate = true;

        // Remember the system-value semantic so that we can query it later
        if (varLayout)
            varLayout->systemValueSemantic = semanticName;
            varLayout->systemValueSemanticIndex = semanticIndex;

        // TODO: add some kind of usage information for system input/output
        // user-defined semantic

        if (state.directionMask & kEntryPointParameterDirection_Input)
            auto rules = context->getRulesFamily()->getVaryingInputRules();
            SimpleLayoutInfo layout = GetLayout(
            typeLayout->addResourceUsage(layout.kind, layout.size);

        if (state.directionMask & kEntryPointParameterDirection_Output)
            auto rules = context->getRulesFamily()->getVaryingOutputRules();
            SimpleLayoutInfo layout = GetLayout(
            typeLayout->addResourceUsage(layout.kind, layout.size);

    if (state.isSampleRate
        && (state.directionMask & kEntryPointParameterDirection_Input)
        && (context->stage == Stage::Fragment))
        if (auto entryPointLayout = context->entryPointLayout)
            entryPointLayout->flags |= EntryPointLayout::Flag::usesAnySampleRateInput;

    *state.ioSemanticIndex += state.semanticSlotCount;
    typeLayout->type = type;

    return typeLayout;

static RefPtr<TypeLayout> processEntryPointParameterDecl(
    ParameterBindingContext*        context,
    Decl*                           decl,
    RefPtr<Type>                    type,
    EntryPointParameterState const& inState,
    RefPtr<VarLayout>               varLayout)
    SimpleSemanticInfo semanticInfo;
    int semanticIndex = 0;

    EntryPointParameterState state = inState;

    // If there is no explicit semantic already in effect, *and* we find an explicit
    // semantic on the associated declaration, then we'll use it.
    if( !state.optSemanticName )
        if( auto semantic = decl->FindModifier<HLSLSimpleSemantic>() )
            semanticInfo = decomposeSimpleSemantic(semantic);
            semanticIndex = semanticInfo.index;

            state.optSemanticName = &semanticInfo.name;
            state.ioSemanticIndex = &semanticIndex;

    if (decl)
        if (decl->FindModifier<HLSLSampleModifier>())
            state.isSampleRate = true;

    // Default case: either there was an explicit semantic in effect already,
    // *or* we couldn't find an explicit semantic to apply on the given
    // declaration, so we will just recursive with whatever we have at
    // the moment.
    return processEntryPointParameter(context, type, state, varLayout);

static RefPtr<TypeLayout> processEntryPointParameter(
    ParameterBindingContext*        context,
    RefPtr<Type>                    type,
    EntryPointParameterState const& state,
    RefPtr<VarLayout>               varLayout)
    if (varLayout)
        varLayout->stage = state.stage;

    // The default handling of varying parameters should not apply
    // to geometry shader output streams; they have their own special rules.
    if( auto gsStreamType = type->As<HLSLStreamOutputType>() )

        auto elementType = gsStreamType->getElementType();

        int semanticIndex = 0;

        EntryPointParameterState elementState;
        elementState.directionMask = kEntryPointParameterDirection_Output;
        elementState.ioSemanticIndex = &semanticIndex;
        elementState.isSampleRate = false;
        elementState.optSemanticName = nullptr;
        elementState.semanticSlotCount = 0;
        elementState.stage = state.stage;
        elementState.loc = state.loc;

        auto elementTypeLayout = processEntryPointParameter(context, elementType, elementState, nullptr);

        RefPtr<StreamOutputTypeLayout> typeLayout = new StreamOutputTypeLayout();
        typeLayout->type = type;
        typeLayout->rules = elementTypeLayout->rules;
        typeLayout->elementTypeLayout = elementTypeLayout;

        for(auto resInfo : elementTypeLayout->resourceInfos)

        return typeLayout;

    // Raytracing shaders have a slightly different interpretation of their
    // "varying" input/output parameters, since they don't have the same
    // idea of previous/next stage as the rasterization shader types.
    if( state.directionMask & kEntryPointParameterDirection_Output )
        // Note: we are silently treating `out` parameters as if they
        // were `in out` for this test, under the assumption that
        // an `out` parameter represents a write-only payload.

            // Not a raytracing shader.

        case Stage::Intersection:
        case Stage::RayGeneration:
            // Don't expect this case to have any `in out` parameters.
            getSink(context)->diagnose(state.loc, Diagnostics::dontExpectOutParametersForStage, getStageName(state.stage));

        case Stage::AnyHit:
        case Stage::Callable:
        case Stage::ClosestHit:
        case Stage::Miss:
            // `in out` or `out` parameter is payload
            return CreateTypeLayout(context->layoutContext.with(
            // Not a raytracing shader.

        case Stage::Intersection:
        case Stage::RayGeneration:
        case Stage::Miss:
        case Stage::Callable:
            // Don't expect this case to have any `in` parameters.
            // TODO: For a miss or callable shader we could interpret
            // an `in` parameter as indicating a payload that the
            // programmer doesn't intend to write to.
            getSink(context)->diagnose(state.loc, Diagnostics::dontExpectInParametersForStage, getStageName(state.stage));

        case Stage::AnyHit:
        case Stage::ClosestHit:
            // `in` parameter is hit attributes
            return CreateTypeLayout(context->layoutContext.with(

    // If there is an available semantic name and index,
    // then we should apply it to this parameter unconditionally
    // (that is, not just if it is a leaf parameter).
    auto optSemanticName    =  state.optSemanticName;
    if (optSemanticName && varLayout)
        // Always store semantics in upper-case for
        // reflection information, since they are
        // supposed to be case-insensitive and
        // upper-case is the dominant convention.
        String semanticName = *optSemanticName;
        String sn = semanticName.ToUpper();

        auto semanticIndex      = *state.ioSemanticIndex;

        varLayout->semanticName = sn;
        varLayout->semanticIndex = semanticIndex;
        varLayout->flags |= VarLayoutFlag::HasSemantic;

    // Scalar and vector types are treated as outputs directly
    if(auto basicType = type->As<BasicExpressionType>())
        return processSimpleEntryPointParameter(context, basicType, state, varLayout);
    else if(auto vectorType = type->As<VectorExpressionType>())
        return processSimpleEntryPointParameter(context, vectorType, state, varLayout);
    // A matrix is processed as if it was an array of rows
    else if( auto matrixType = type->As<MatrixExpressionType>() )
        auto rowCount = GetIntVal(matrixType->getRowCount());
        return processSimpleEntryPointParameter(context, matrixType, state, varLayout, (int) rowCount);
    else if( auto arrayType = type->As<ArrayExpressionType>() )
        // Note: Bad Things will happen if we have an array input
        // without a semantic already being enforced.
        auto elementCount = (UInt) GetIntVal(arrayType->ArrayLength);

        // We use the first element to derive the layout for the element type
        auto elementTypeLayout = processEntryPointParameter(context, arrayType->baseType, state, varLayout);

        // We still walk over subsequent elements to make sure they consume resources
        // as needed
        for( UInt ii = 1; ii < elementCount; ++ii )
            processEntryPointParameter(context, arrayType->baseType, state, nullptr);

        RefPtr<ArrayTypeLayout> arrayTypeLayout = new ArrayTypeLayout();
        arrayTypeLayout->elementTypeLayout = elementTypeLayout;
        arrayTypeLayout->type = arrayType;

        for (auto rr : elementTypeLayout->resourceInfos)
            arrayTypeLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(rr.kind)->count = rr.count * elementCount;

        return arrayTypeLayout;
    // Ignore a bunch of types that don't make sense here...
    else if (auto textureType = type->As<TextureType>()) { return nullptr;  }
    else if(auto samplerStateType = type->As<SamplerStateType>()) { return nullptr;  }
    else if(auto constantBufferType = type->As<ConstantBufferType>()) { return nullptr;  }
    // Catch declaration-reference types late in the sequence, since
    // otherwise they will include all of the above cases...
    else if( auto declRefType = type->As<DeclRefType>() )
        auto declRef = declRefType->declRef;

        if (auto structDeclRef = declRef.As<StructDecl>())
            RefPtr<StructTypeLayout> structLayout = new StructTypeLayout();
            structLayout->type = type;

            // Need to recursively walk the fields of the structure now...
            for( auto field : GetFields(structDeclRef) )
                RefPtr<VarLayout> fieldVarLayout = new VarLayout();
                fieldVarLayout->varDecl = field;

                auto fieldTypeLayout = processEntryPointParameterDecl(

                    fieldVarLayout->typeLayout = fieldTypeLayout;

                    for (auto rr : fieldTypeLayout->resourceInfos)
                        SLANG_RELEASE_ASSERT(rr.count != 0);

                        auto structRes = structLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(rr.kind);
                        fieldVarLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(rr.kind)->index = structRes->count;
                        structRes->count += rr.count;

                structLayout->mapVarToLayout.Add(field.getDecl(), fieldVarLayout);

            return structLayout;
        else if (auto globalGenericParam = declRef.As<GlobalGenericParamDecl>())
            auto genParamTypeLayout = new GenericParamTypeLayout();
            // we should have already populated ProgramLayout::genericEntryPointParams list at this point,
            // so we can find the index of this generic param decl in the list
            genParamTypeLayout->type = type;
            genParamTypeLayout->paramIndex = findGenericParam(context->shared->programLayout->globalGenericParams, globalGenericParam.getDecl());
            return genParamTypeLayout;
            SLANG_UNEXPECTED("unhandled type kind");
    // If we ran into an error in checking the user's code, then skip this parameter
    else if( auto errorType = type->As<ErrorType>() )
        return nullptr;

    SLANG_UNEXPECTED("unhandled type kind");

static void collectEntryPointParameters(
    ParameterBindingContext*        context,
    EntryPointRequest*              entryPoint,
    SubstitutionSet                 typeSubst)
    FuncDecl* entryPointFuncDecl = entryPoint->decl;
    if (!entryPointFuncDecl)
        // Something must have failed earlier, so that
        // we didn't find a declaration to match this
        // entry point request.

    // Create the layout object here
    auto entryPointLayout = new EntryPointLayout();
    entryPointLayout->profile = entryPoint->profile;
    entryPointLayout->entryPoint = entryPointFuncDecl;

    context->entryPointLayout = entryPointLayout;


    // Okay, we seemingly have an entry-point function, and now we need to collect info on its parameters too
    // TODO: Long-term we probably want complete information on all inputs/outputs of an entry point,
    // but for now we are really just trying to scrape information on fragment outputs, so lets do that:
    // TODO: check whether we should enumerate the parameters before the return type, or vice versa

    int defaultSemanticIndex = 0;

    EntryPointParameterState state;
    state.ioSemanticIndex = &defaultSemanticIndex;
    state.optSemanticName = nullptr;
    state.semanticSlotCount = 0;
    state.stage = entryPoint->getStage();

    for( auto m : entryPointFuncDecl->Members )
        auto paramDecl = m.As<VarDeclBase>();

        // We have an entry-point parameter, and need to figure out what to do with it.
        state.loc = paramDecl->loc;

        // TODO: need to handle `uniform`-qualified parameters here
        if (paramDecl->HasModifier<HLSLUniformModifier>())

        state.directionMask = 0;

        // If it appears to be an input, process it as such.
        if( paramDecl->HasModifier<InModifier>() || paramDecl->HasModifier<InOutModifier>() || !paramDecl->HasModifier<OutModifier>() )
            state.directionMask |= kEntryPointParameterDirection_Input;

        // If it appears to be an output, process it as such.
        if(paramDecl->HasModifier<OutModifier>() || paramDecl->HasModifier<InOutModifier>())
            state.directionMask |= kEntryPointParameterDirection_Output;

        RefPtr<VarLayout> paramVarLayout = new VarLayout();
        paramVarLayout->varDecl = makeDeclRef(paramDecl.Ptr());

        auto paramTypeLayout = processEntryPointParameterDecl(

        // Skip parameters for which we could not compute a layout

        paramVarLayout->typeLayout = paramTypeLayout;

        for (auto rr : paramTypeLayout->resourceInfos)
            auto entryPointRes = entryPointLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(rr.kind);
            paramVarLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(rr.kind)->index = entryPointRes->count;
            entryPointRes->count += rr.count;

        entryPointLayout->mapVarToLayout.Add(paramDecl, paramVarLayout);

    // If we have a non-`void` output type for the entry point, then process it as
    // an output parameter.
    auto resultType = entryPointFuncDecl->ReturnType.type;
    if( !resultType->Equals(resultType->getSession()->getVoidType()) )
        state.loc = entryPointFuncDecl->loc;
        state.directionMask = kEntryPointParameterDirection_Output;

        RefPtr<VarLayout> resultLayout = new VarLayout();

        auto resultTypeLayout = processEntryPointParameterDecl(

        if( resultTypeLayout )
            resultLayout->typeLayout = resultTypeLayout;

            for (auto rr : resultTypeLayout->resourceInfos)
                auto entryPointRes = entryPointLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(rr.kind);
                resultLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(rr.kind)->index = entryPointRes->count;
                entryPointRes->count += rr.count;

        entryPointLayout->resultLayout = resultLayout;

// When doing parameter binding for global-scope stuff in GLSL,
// we may need to know what stage we are compiling for, so that
// we can handle special cases appropriately (e.g., "arrayed"
// inputs and outputs).
static Stage
    TranslationUnitRequest* translationUnit)
    // In the specific case where we are compiling GLSL input,
    // and have only a single entry point, use the stage
    // of the entry point.
    // TODO: now that we've dropped official GLSL support,
    // we probably should drop this as well.
    if( translationUnit->sourceLanguage == SourceLanguage::GLSL )
        if( translationUnit->entryPoints.Count() == 1 )
            return translationUnit->entryPoints[0]->getStage();

    return Stage::Unknown;

static void collectModuleParameters(
    ParameterBindingContext*    inContext,
    ModuleDecl*          module)
    // Each loaded module provides a separate (logical) namespace for
    // parameters, so that two parameters with the same name, in
    // distinct modules, should yield different bindings.
    ParameterBindingContext contextData = *inContext;
    auto context = &contextData;

    context->translationUnit = nullptr;

    context->stage = Stage::Unknown;

    // All imported modules are implicitly Slang code
    context->sourceLanguage = SourceLanguage::Slang;

    // A loaded module cannot define entry points that
    // we'll expose (for now), so we just need to
    // consider global-scope parameters.
    collectGlobalScopeParameters(context, module);

static void collectParameters(
    ParameterBindingContext*        inContext,
    CompileRequest*                 request)
    // All of the parameters in translation units directly
    // referenced in the compile request are part of one
    // logical namespace/"linkage" so that two parameters
    // with the same name should represent the same
    // parameter, and get the same binding(s)
    ParameterBindingContext contextData = *inContext;
    auto context = &contextData;

    for( auto& translationUnit : request->translationUnits )
        context->translationUnit = translationUnit;
        context->stage = inferStageForTranslationUnit(translationUnit.Ptr());
        context->sourceLanguage = translationUnit->sourceLanguage;

        // First look at global-scope parameters
        collectGlobalScopeParameters(context, translationUnit->SyntaxNode.Ptr());

        // Next consider parameters for entry points
        for( auto& entryPoint : translationUnit->entryPoints )
            context->stage = entryPoint->getStage();
            collectEntryPointParameters(context, entryPoint.Ptr(), SubstitutionSet());
        context->entryPointLayout = nullptr;

    // Now collect parameters from loaded modules
    for (auto& loadedModule : request->loadedModulesList)
        collectModuleParameters(context, loadedModule->moduleDecl.Ptr());

void generateParameterBindings(
    TargetRequest*     targetReq)
    CompileRequest* compileReq = targetReq->compileRequest;

    // Try to find rules based on the selected code-generation target
    auto layoutContext = getInitialLayoutContextForTarget(targetReq);

    // If there was no target, or there are no rules for the target,
    // then bail out here.
    if (!layoutContext.rules)

    RefPtr<ProgramLayout> programLayout = new ProgramLayout();
    programLayout->targetRequest = targetReq;

    targetReq->layout = programLayout;

    // Create a context to hold shared state during the process
    // of generating parameter bindings
    SharedParameterBindingContext sharedContext;
    sharedContext.compileRequest = compileReq;
    sharedContext.defaultLayoutRules = layoutContext.getRulesFamily();
    sharedContext.programLayout = programLayout;

    // Create a sub-context to collect parameters that get
    // declared into the global scope
    ParameterBindingContext context;
    context.shared = &sharedContext;
    context.translationUnit = nullptr;
    context.layoutContext = layoutContext;
    // Walk through AST to discover all the parameters
    collectParameters(&context, compileReq);

    // Now walk through the parameters to generate initial binding information
    for( auto& parameter : sharedContext.parameters )
        generateParameterBindings(&context, parameter);

    // Determine if there are any global-scope parameters that use `Uniform`
    // resources, and thus need to get packaged into a constant buffer.
    // Note: this doesn't account for GLSL's support for "legacy" uniforms
    // at global scope, which don't get assigned a CB.
    bool needDefaultConstantBuffer = false;
    for( auto& parameterInfo : sharedContext.parameters )
        SLANG_RELEASE_ASSERT(parameterInfo->varLayouts.Count() != 0);
        auto firstVarLayout = parameterInfo->varLayouts.First();

        // Does the field have any uniform data?
        if( firstVarLayout->typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform) )
            needDefaultConstantBuffer = true;

    // Next, we want to determine if there are any global-scope parameters
    // that don't just allocate a whole register space to themselves; these
    // parameters will need to go into a "default" space, which should always
    // be the first space we allocate.
    // As a starting point, we will definitely need a "default" space if
    // we are creating a default constant buffer, since it should get
    // a binding in that "default" space.
    bool needDefaultSpace = needDefaultConstantBuffer;
    if (!needDefaultSpace)
        for (auto& parameterInfo : sharedContext.parameters)
            SLANG_RELEASE_ASSERT(parameterInfo->varLayouts.Count() != 0);
            auto firstVarLayout = parameterInfo->varLayouts.First();

            // Does the parameter have any resource usage that isn't just
            // allocating a whole register space?
            for (auto resInfo : firstVarLayout->typeLayout->resourceInfos)
                if (resInfo.kind != LayoutResourceKind::RegisterSpace)
                    needDefaultSpace = true;

    // If we need a space for default bindings, then allocate it here.
    if (needDefaultSpace)
        UInt defaultSpace = 0;

        // Check if space #0 has been allocated yet. If not, then we'll
        // want to use it.
        if (sharedContext.usedSpaces.contains(0))
            // Somebody has already put things in space zero.
            // TODO: There are two cases to handle here:
            // 1) If there is any free register ranges in space #0,
            // then we should keep using it as the default space.
            // 2) If somebody went and put an HLSL unsized array into space #0,
            // *or* if they manually placed something like a paramter block
            // there (which should consume whole spaces), then we need to
            // allocate an unused space instead.
            // For now we don't deal with the concept of unsized arrays, or
            // manually assigning parameter blocks to spaces, so we punt
            // on this and assume case (1).

            defaultSpace = 0;
            // Nobody has used space zero yet, so we need
            // to make sure to reserve it for defaults.
            defaultSpace = allocateUnusedSpaces(&context, 1);

            // The result of this allocation had better be that
            // we got space #0, or else something has gone wrong.
            SLANG_ASSERT(defaultSpace == 0);

        sharedContext.defaultSpace = defaultSpace;

    // If there are any global-scope uniforms, then we need to
    // allocate a constant-buffer binding for them here.
    ParameterBindingInfo globalConstantBufferBinding;
    globalConstantBufferBinding.index = 0;
    globalConstantBufferBinding.space = 0;
    if( needDefaultConstantBuffer )
        // TODO: this logic is only correct for D3D targets, where
        // global-scope uniforms get wrapped into a constant buffer.

        UInt space = sharedContext.defaultSpace;
        auto usedRangeSet = findUsedRangeSetForSpace(&context, space);

        globalConstantBufferBinding.index =
                (int)LayoutResourceKind::ConstantBuffer].Allocate(nullptr, 1);

        globalConstantBufferBinding.space = space;

    // Now walk through again to actually give everything
    // ranges of registers...
    for( auto& parameter : sharedContext.parameters )
        completeBindingsForParameter(&context, parameter);

    // TODO: need to deal with parameters declared inside entry-point
    // parameter lists at some point...

    // Next we need to create a type layout to reflect the information
    // we have collected.

    // We will lay out any bare uniforms at the global scope into
    // a single constant buffer. This is appropriate for HLSL global-scope
    // uniforms, and Vulkan GLSL doesn't allow uniforms at global scope,
    // so it should work out.
    // For legacy GLSL targets, we'd probably need a distinct resource
    // kind and set of rules here, since legacy uniforms are not the
    // same as the contents of a constant buffer.
    auto globalScopeRules = context.getRulesFamily()->getConstantBufferRules();

    RefPtr<StructTypeLayout> globalScopeStructLayout = new StructTypeLayout();
    globalScopeStructLayout->rules = globalScopeRules;

    UniformLayoutInfo structLayoutInfo = globalScopeRules->BeginStructLayout();
    for( auto& parameterInfo : sharedContext.parameters )
        SLANG_RELEASE_ASSERT(parameterInfo->varLayouts.Count() != 0);
        auto firstVarLayout = parameterInfo->varLayouts.First();

        // Does the field have any uniform data?
        auto layoutInfo = firstVarLayout->typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform);
        size_t uniformSize = layoutInfo ? layoutInfo->count : 0;
        if( uniformSize != 0 )
            // Make sure uniform fields get laid out properly...

            UniformLayoutInfo fieldInfo(

            size_t uniformOffset = globalScopeRules->AddStructField(

            for( auto& varLayout : parameterInfo->varLayouts )
                varLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform)->index = uniformOffset;


        for( auto& varLayout : parameterInfo->varLayouts )
            globalScopeStructLayout->mapVarToLayout.Add(varLayout->varDecl.getDecl(), varLayout);

    RefPtr<TypeLayout> globalScopeLayout = globalScopeStructLayout;

    // If there are global-scope uniforms, then we need to wrap
    // up a global constant buffer type layout to hold them
    if( needDefaultConstantBuffer )
        auto globalConstantBufferLayout = createParameterGroupTypeLayout(

        globalScopeLayout = globalConstantBufferLayout;

    // We now have a bunch of layout information, which we should
    // record into a suitable object that represents the program
    RefPtr<VarLayout> globalVarLayout = new VarLayout();
    globalVarLayout->typeLayout = globalScopeLayout;
    if (needDefaultConstantBuffer)
        auto cbInfo = globalVarLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::ConstantBuffer);
        cbInfo->space = globalConstantBufferBinding.space;
        cbInfo->index = globalConstantBufferBinding.index;
    programLayout->globalScopeLayout = globalVarLayout;

StructTypeLayout* getGlobalStructLayout(
    ProgramLayout*  programLayout);

RefPtr<ProgramLayout> specializeProgramLayout(
    TargetRequest * targetReq,
    ProgramLayout* programLayout, 
    SubstitutionSet typeSubst)
    RefPtr<ProgramLayout> newProgramLayout;
    newProgramLayout = new ProgramLayout();
    newProgramLayout->targetRequest = targetReq;
    newProgramLayout->globalGenericParams = programLayout->globalGenericParams;

    List<RefPtr<TypeLayout>> paramTypeLayouts;
    auto globalStructLayout = getGlobalStructLayout(programLayout);
    RefPtr<StructTypeLayout> structLayout = new StructTypeLayout();
    RefPtr<TypeLayout> globalScopeLayout = structLayout;
    structLayout->uniformAlignment = globalStructLayout->uniformAlignment;
    // Try to find rules based on the selected code-generation target
    auto layoutContext = getInitialLayoutContextForTarget(targetReq);

    // If there was no target, or there are no rules for the target,
    // then bail out here.
    if (!layoutContext.rules)
        return newProgramLayout;

    // we need to initialize a layout context to mark used registers
    SharedParameterBindingContext sharedContext;
    sharedContext.compileRequest = targetReq->compileRequest;
    sharedContext.defaultLayoutRules = layoutContext.getRulesFamily();
    sharedContext.programLayout = newProgramLayout;

    // Create a sub-context to collect parameters that get
    // declared into the global scope
    ParameterBindingContext context;
    context.shared = &sharedContext;
    context.translationUnit = nullptr;
    context.layoutContext = layoutContext;
    for (auto & translationUnit : targetReq->compileRequest->translationUnits)
        for (auto & entryPoint : translationUnit->entryPoints)
            collectEntryPointParameters(&context, entryPoint, typeSubst);
        context.entryPointLayout = nullptr;

    auto constantBufferRules = context.getRulesFamily()->getConstantBufferRules();
    structLayout->rules = constantBufferRules;
    UniformLayoutInfo structLayoutInfo;
    structLayoutInfo.alignment = globalStructLayout->uniformAlignment;
    structLayoutInfo.size = 0;
    bool anyUniforms = false;
    Dictionary<RefPtr<VarLayout>, RefPtr<VarLayout>> varLayoutMapping;
    for (uint32_t varId = 0; varId < globalStructLayout->fields.Count(); varId++)
        auto &varLayout = globalStructLayout->fields[varId];
        // To recover layout context, we skip generic resources in the first pass
        if (varLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::GenericResource))
        SLANG_ASSERT(varLayout->resourceInfos.Count() == varLayout->typeLayout->resourceInfos.Count());
        auto uniformInfo = varLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform);
        auto tUniformInfo = varLayout->typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform);
        if (uniformInfo)
            anyUniforms = true;
            structLayoutInfo.size = Math::Max(structLayoutInfo.size, uniformInfo->index + tUniformInfo->count);
        for (UInt i = 0; i < varLayout->resourceInfos.Count(); i++)
            auto resInfo = varLayout->resourceInfos[i];
            auto tresInfo = varLayout->typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(resInfo.kind);
            auto usedRangeSet = findUsedRangeSetForSpace(&context, resInfo.space);
            markSpaceUsed(&context, resInfo.space);
                nullptr, // we don't need to track parameter info here
                resInfo.index + tresInfo->count);
        structLayout->fields[varId] = varLayout;
        varLayoutMapping[varLayout] = varLayout;
    auto originalGlobalCBufferInfo = programLayout->globalScopeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::ConstantBuffer);
    VarLayout::ResourceInfo globalCBufferInfo;
    globalCBufferInfo.kind = LayoutResourceKind::None;
    globalCBufferInfo.space = 0;
    globalCBufferInfo.index = 0;
    if (originalGlobalCBufferInfo)
        globalCBufferInfo.kind = LayoutResourceKind::ConstantBuffer;
        globalCBufferInfo.space = originalGlobalCBufferInfo->space;
        globalCBufferInfo.index = originalGlobalCBufferInfo->index;
    // we have the context restored, can continue to layout the generic variables now
    for (uint32_t varId = 0; varId < globalStructLayout->fields.Count(); varId++)
        auto &varLayout = globalStructLayout->fields[varId];
        if (varLayout->typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::GenericResource))
            RefPtr<Type> newType = varLayout->typeLayout->type->Substitute(typeSubst).As<Type>();
            RefPtr<TypeLayout> newTypeLayout = CreateTypeLayout(
            auto layoutInfo = newTypeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform);
            size_t uniformSize = layoutInfo ? layoutInfo->count : 0;
            if (uniformSize)
                if (globalCBufferInfo.kind == LayoutResourceKind::None)
                    // user defined a uniform via a global generic type argument
                    // but we have not reserved a binding for the global uniform buffer
                    UInt space = 0;
                    auto usedRangeSet = findUsedRangeSetForSpace(&context, space);
                    globalCBufferInfo.kind = LayoutResourceKind::ConstantBuffer;
                    globalCBufferInfo.index =
                            (int)LayoutResourceKind::ConstantBuffer].Allocate(nullptr, 1);
                    globalCBufferInfo.space = space;
            RefPtr<VarLayout> newVarLayout = new VarLayout();
            RefPtr<ParameterInfo> paramInfo = new ParameterInfo();
            newVarLayout->varDecl = varLayout->varDecl;
            newVarLayout->stage = varLayout->stage;
            newVarLayout->typeLayout = newTypeLayout;
            completeBindingsForParameter(&context, paramInfo);
            // update uniform layout
            if (uniformSize != 0)
                // Make sure uniform fields get laid out properly...
                UniformLayoutInfo fieldInfo(
                size_t uniformOffset = layoutContext.getRulesFamily()->getConstantBufferRules()->AddStructField(
                newVarLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform)->index = uniformOffset;
                anyUniforms = true;
            structLayout->fields[varId] = newVarLayout;
            varLayoutMapping[varLayout] = newVarLayout;
    for (auto mapping : globalStructLayout->mapVarToLayout)
        RefPtr<VarLayout> updatedVarLayout = mapping.Value;
        varLayoutMapping.TryGetValue(updatedVarLayout, updatedVarLayout);
        structLayout->mapVarToLayout[mapping.Key] = updatedVarLayout;

    // If there are global-scope uniforms, then we need to wrap
    // up a global constant buffer type layout to hold them
    RefPtr<VarLayout> globalVarLayout = new VarLayout();
    if (anyUniforms)
        auto globalConstantBufferLayout = createParameterGroupTypeLayout(

        globalScopeLayout = globalConstantBufferLayout;
        auto cbInfo = globalVarLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::ConstantBuffer);
        *cbInfo = globalCBufferInfo;
    globalVarLayout->typeLayout = globalScopeLayout;
    programLayout->globalScopeLayout = globalVarLayout;
    newProgramLayout->globalScopeLayout = globalVarLayout;
    return newProgramLayout;
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