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 * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is SpiderMonkey nanojit.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * the Mozilla Corporation.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Jeff Walden <jwalden+code@mit.edu>
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 * This file is best viewed with 128 columns:
 * Definitions of LIR opcodes.  If you need to allocate an opcode, look
 * for one defined using OP_UN() and claim it.
 * Includers must define an OPxyz macro of the following form:
 *   #define OPxyz(op, number, repKind, retType) ...
 * Selected arguments can then be used within the macro expansions.
 * - op         Opcode name, token-pasted after "LIR_" to form an LOpcode.
 * - number     Opcode number, used as the LOpcode enum value.
 * - repKind    Indicates how the instruction is represented in memory;  XYZ
 *              corresponds to LInsXYZ and LRK_XYZ.
 * - retType    Type (LTy) of the value returned by the instruction.
 * - isCse      0 if the opcode can never be CSE'd safely, 1 if it always
 *              can, -1 if things are more complicated -- in which case
 *              isCseOpcode() shouldn't be called on this opcode.
 * Opcodes use type-indicators suffixes that are loosly based on C type names:
 * - 'c': "char",  ie. 8-bit integer
 * - 's': "short", ie. 16-bit integer
 * - 'i': "int",   ie. 32-bit integer
 * - 'q': "quad",  ie. 64-bit integer
 * - 'u': "unsigned", is used as a prefix on integer type-indicators when necessary
 * - 'f': "float", ie. 32-bit floating point value
 * - 'd': "double", ie. 64-bit floating point value
 * - 'p': "pointer", ie. a int on 32-bit machines, a quad on 64-bit machines
 * 'p' opcodes are all aliases of int and quad opcodes, they're given in LIR.h
 * and chosen according to the platform pointer size.
 * Certain opcodes aren't supported on all platforms, so OPxyz must be one of
 * the following:
 *   OP___: for opcodes supported on all platforms.
 *   OP_UN: for opcodes not yet used on any platform.
 *   OP_32: for opcodes supported only on 32-bit platforms.
 *   OP_64: for opcodes supported only on 64-bit platforms.
 *   OP_SF: for opcodes supported only on SoftFloat platforms.
 *   OP_86: for opcodes supported only on i386/X64.

#define OP_UN(n)                     OP___(__##n, n, None, V,    -1)

#ifdef NANOJIT_64BIT
#   define OP_32(a, b, c, d, e)     OP_UN(b)
#   define OP_64                    OP___
#   define OP_32                    OP___
#   define OP_64(a, b, c, d, e)     OP_UN(b)

#   define OP_SF                    OP___
#   define OP_SF(a, b, c, d, e)     OP_UN(b)

#if defined NANOJIT_IA32 || defined NANOJIT_X64
#   define OP_86                    OP___
#   define OP_86(a, b, c, d, e)     OP_UN(b)

// Miscellaneous operations
OP___(start,     0, Op0,  V,    0)  // start of a fragment

// A register fence causes no code to be generated, but it affects register
// allocation so that no registers are live when it is reached.
OP___(regfence,  1, Op0,  V,    0)

OP___(skip,      2, Sk,   V,    0)  // links code chunks

OP_32(parami,    3, P,    I,    0)  // load an int parameter (register or stack location)
OP_64(paramq,    4, P,    Q,    0)  // load a quad parameter (register or stack location)

OP___(allocp,    5, I,    P,    0)  // allocate stack space (result is an address)

OP___(reti,      6, Op1,  V,    0)  // return an int
OP_64(retq,      7, Op1,  V,    0)  // return a quad
OP___(retd,      8, Op1,  V,    0)  // return a double

OP___(livei,     9, Op1,  V,    0)  // extend live range of an int
OP_64(liveq,    10, Op1,  V,    0)  // extend live range of a quad
OP___(lived,    11, Op1,  V,    0)  // extend live range of a double

OP___(file,     12, Op1,  V,    0)  // source filename for debug symbols
OP___(line,     13, Op1,  V,    0)  // source line number for debug symbols

OP___(comment,  14, Op1,  V,    0)  // a comment shown, on its own line, in LIR dumps

// Loads and stores
OP___(ldc2i,    17, Ld,   I,   -1)  // load char and sign-extend to an int
OP___(lds2i,    18, Ld,   I,   -1)  // load short and sign-extend to an int
OP___(lduc2ui,  19, Ld,   I,   -1)  // load unsigned char and zero-extend to an unsigned int
OP___(ldus2ui,  20, Ld,   I,   -1)  // load unsigned short and zero-extend to an unsigned int
OP___(ldi,      21, Ld,   I,   -1)  // load int
OP_64(ldq,      22, Ld,   Q,   -1)  // load quad
OP___(ldd,      23, Ld,   D,   -1)  // load double
OP___(ldf2d,    24, Ld,   D,   -1)  // load float and extend to a double

OP___(sti2c,    25, St,   V,    0)  // store int truncated to char
OP___(sti2s,    26, St,   V,    0)  // store int truncated to short
OP___(sti,      27, St,   V,    0)  // store int
OP_64(stq,      28, St,   V,    0)  // store quad
OP___(std,      29, St,   V,    0)  // store double
OP___(std2f,    30, St,   V,    0)  // store double as a float (losing precision)


// Calls
OP___(callv,    33, C,    V,   -1)  // call subroutine that returns void
OP___(calli,    34, C,    I,   -1)  // call subroutine that returns an int
OP_64(callq,    35, C,    Q,   -1)  // call subroutine that returns a quad
OP___(calld,    36, C,    D,   -1)  // call subroutine that returns a double

// Branches and labels
// 'jt' and 'jf' must be adjacent so that (op ^ 1) gives the opposite one.
// Static assertions in LIR.h check this requirement.
OP___(j,        37, Op2,  V,    0)  // jump always
OP___(jt,       38, Op2,  V,    0)  // jump if true
OP___(jf,       39, Op2,  V,    0)  // jump if false
OP___(jtbl,     40, Jtbl, V,    0)  // jump to address in table

OP___(label,    41, Op0,  V,    0)  // a jump target (no machine code is emitted for this)


// Guards
// 'xt' and 'xf' must be adjacent so that (op ^ 1) gives the opposite one.
// Static assertions in LIR.h check this requirement.
OP___(x,        43, Op2,  V,    0)  // exit always
OP___(xt,       44, Op2,  V,    1)  // exit if true
OP___(xf,       45, Op2,  V,    1)  // exit if false
// A LIR_xbarrier cause no code to be generated, but it acts like a never-taken
// guard in that it inhibits certain optimisations, such as dead stack store
// elimination.
OP___(xbarrier, 46, Op2,  V,    0)


// Immediates
OP___(immi,     49, I,    I,    1)  // int immediate
OP_64(immq,     50, QorD, Q,    1)  // quad immediate
OP___(immd,     51, QorD, D,    1)  // double immediate


// Comparisons

// All comparisons return an int:  0 on failure and 1 on success.
// Within each type group, order must be preserved so that, except for eq*, (op
// ^ 1) gives the opposite one (eg. lt ^ 1 == gt).  eq* must have odd numbers
// for this to work.  They must also remain contiguous so that opcode range
// checking works correctly.  Static assertions in LIR.h check these
// requirements.
OP___(eqi,      53, Op2,  I,    1)  //          int equality
OP___(lti,      54, Op2,  I,    1)  //   signed int less-than
OP___(gti,      55, Op2,  I,    1)  //   signed int greater-than
OP___(lei,      56, Op2,  I,    1)  //   signed int less-than-or-equal
OP___(gei,      57, Op2,  I,    1)  //   signed int greater-than-or-equal
OP___(ltui,     58, Op2,  I,    1)  // unsigned int less-than
OP___(gtui,     59, Op2,  I,    1)  // unsigned int greater-than
OP___(leui,     60, Op2,  I,    1)  // unsigned int less-than-or-equal
OP___(geui,     61, Op2,  I,    1)  // unsigned int greater-than-or-equal


OP_64(eqq,      63, Op2,  I,    1)  //          quad equality
OP_64(ltq,      64, Op2,  I,    1)  //   signed quad less-than
OP_64(gtq,      65, Op2,  I,    1)  //   signed quad greater-than
OP_64(leq,      66, Op2,  I,    1)  //   signed quad less-than-or-equal
OP_64(geq,      67, Op2,  I,    1)  //   signed quad greater-than-or-equal
OP_64(ltuq,     68, Op2,  I,    1)  // unsigned quad less-than
OP_64(gtuq,     69, Op2,  I,    1)  // unsigned quad greater-than
OP_64(leuq,     70, Op2,  I,    1)  // unsigned quad less-than-or-equal
OP_64(geuq,     71, Op2,  I,    1)  // unsigned quad greater-than-or-equal


OP___(eqd,      73, Op2,  I,    1)  // double equality
OP___(ltd,      74, Op2,  I,    1)  // double less-than
OP___(gtd,      75, Op2,  I,    1)  // double greater-than
OP___(led,      76, Op2,  I,    1)  // double less-than-or-equal
OP___(ged,      77, Op2,  I,    1)  // double greater-than-or-equal

// Arithmetic
OP___(negi,     78, Op1,  I,    1)  // negate int
OP___(addi,     79, Op2,  I,    1)  // add int
OP___(subi,     80, Op2,  I,    1)  // subtract int
OP___(muli,     81, Op2,  I,    1)  // multiply int
OP_86(divi,     82, Op2,  I,    1)  // divide int
// LIR_modi is a hack.  It's only used on i386/X64.  The operand is the result
// of a LIR_divi because on i386/X64 div and mod results are computed by the
// same instruction.
OP_86(modi,     83, Op1,  I,    1)  // modulo int

OP___(noti,     84, Op1,  I,    1)  // bitwise-NOT int
OP___(andi,     85, Op2,  I,    1)  // bitwise-AND int
OP___(ori,      86, Op2,  I,    1)  // bitwise-OR int
OP___(xori,     87, Op2,  I,    1)  // bitwise-XOR int

// For all three integer shift operations, only the bottom five bits of the
// second operand are used, and they are treated as unsigned.  This matches
// x86 semantics.
OP___(lshi,     88, Op2,  I,    1)  // left shift int
OP___(rshi,     89, Op2,  I,    1)  // right shift int (>>)
OP___(rshui,    90, Op2,  I,    1)  // right shift unsigned int (>>>)

OP_64(addq,     91, Op2,  Q,    1)  // add quad
OP_64(subq,     92, Op2,  Q,    1)  // subtract quad

OP_64(andq,     93, Op2,  Q,    1)  // bitwise-AND quad
OP_64(orq,      94, Op2,  Q,    1)  // bitwise-OR quad
OP_64(xorq,     95, Op2,  Q,    1)  // bitwise-XOR quad

// For all three quad shift operations, only the bottom six bits of the
// second operand are used, and they are treated as unsigned.  This matches
// x86-64 semantics.
OP_64(lshq,     96, Op2,  Q,    1)  // left shift quad;           2nd operand is an int
OP_64(rshq,     97, Op2,  Q,    1)  // right shift quad;          2nd operand is an int
OP_64(rshuq,    98, Op2,  Q,    1)  // right shift unsigned quad; 2nd operand is an int

OP___(negd,     99, Op1,  D,    1)  // negate double
OP___(addd,    100, Op2,  D,    1)  // add double
OP___(subd,    101, Op2,  D,    1)  // subtract double
OP___(muld,    102, Op2,  D,    1)  // multiply double
OP___(divd,    103, Op2,  D,    1)  // divide double
// LIR_modd is just a place-holder opcode, ie. the back-ends cannot generate
// code for it.  It's used in TraceMonkey briefly but is always demoted to a
// LIR_modl or converted to a function call before Nanojit has to do anything
// serious with it.
OP___(modd,    104, Op2,  D,    1)  // modulo double

OP___(cmovi,   105, Op3,  I,    1)  // conditional move int
OP_64(cmovq,   106, Op3,  Q,    1)  // conditional move quad
OP___(cmovd,   107, Op3,  D,    1)  // conditional move double

// Conversions
OP_64(i2q,     108, Op1,  Q,    1)  // sign-extend int to quad
OP_64(ui2uq,   109, Op1,  Q,    1)  // zero-extend unsigned int to unsigned quad
OP_64(q2i,     110, Op1,  I,    1)  // truncate quad to int (removes the high 32 bits)

OP___(i2d,     111, Op1,  D,    1)  // convert int to double
OP___(ui2d,    112, Op1,  D,    1)  // convert unsigned int to double

// The rounding behavior of LIR_d2i is platform specific.
// Platform     Asm code		Behavior
// --------     --------		--------
// x86 w/ x87   fist            uses current FP control word (default is rounding)
// x86 w/ SSE   cvttsd2si       performs round to zero (truncate)
// x64 (SSE)    cvttsd2si       performs round to zero (truncate) 
// PowerPC                      unsupported
// ARM          ftosid          round to nearest
// MIPS         trunc.w.d       performs round to zero (truncate)
// SH4          frtc            performs round to zero (truncate)
// SPARC        fdtoi           performs round to zero (truncate)
// round to zero examples:  1.9 -> 1, 1.1 -> 1, -1.1 -> -1, -1.9 -> -1
// round to nearest examples: 1.9 -> 2, 1.1 -> 1, -1.1 -> -1, -1.9 -> -2
OP___(d2i,     113, Op1,  I,    1)  // convert double to int (no exceptions raised)

OP_64(dasq,    114, Op1,  Q,    1)  // interpret the bits of a double as a quad
OP_64(qasd,    115, Op1,  D,    1)  // interpret the bits of a quad as a double

// Overflow arithmetic
// These all exit if overflow occurred.  The result is valid on either path.
OP___(addxovi, 116, Op3,  I,    1)  // add int and exit on overflow
OP___(subxovi, 117, Op3,  I,    1)  // subtract int and exit on overflow
OP___(mulxovi, 118, Op3,  I,    1)  // multiply int and exit on overflow

// These all branch if overflow occurred.  The result is valid on either path.
OP___(addjovi, 119, Op3,  I,    1)  // add int and branch on overflow
OP___(subjovi, 120, Op3,  I,    1)  // subtract int and branch on overflow
OP___(muljovi, 121, Op3,  I,    1)  // multiply int and branch on overflow

OP_64(addjovq, 122, Op3,  Q,    1)  // add quad and branch on overflow
OP_64(subjovq, 123, Op3,  Q,    1)  // subtract quad and branch on overflow

// SoftFloat
OP_SF(dlo2i,   124, Op1,  I,    1)  // get the low  32 bits of a double as an int
OP_SF(dhi2i,   125, Op1,  I,    1)  // get the high 32 bits of a double as an int
OP_SF(ii2d,    126, Op2,  D,    1)  // join two ints (1st arg is low bits, 2nd is high)

// LIR_hcalli is a hack that's only used on 32-bit platforms that use
// SoftFloat.  Its operand is always a LIR_calli, but one that specifies a
// function that returns a double.  It indicates that the double result is
// returned via two 32-bit integer registers.  The result is always used as the
// second operand of a LIR_ii2d.
OP_SF(hcalli,  127, Op1,  I,    1)

#undef OP_UN
#undef OP_32
#undef OP_64
#undef OP_SF
#undef OP_86
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