Tip revision: 23c6d135ae81f12205d4d57c22652628ecc2adf1 authored by Jean Kossaifi on 06 January 2017, 13:34:08 UTC
Better github ribbon (especially for mobiles)
Better github ribbon (especially for mobiles)
Tip revision: 23c6d13
Installing tensorly
Installing with pip
Simply run::
pip install tensorly
Cloning the github repository
Clone the repository and cd there::
git clone https://github.com/tensorly/tensorly
cd tensorly
Then install the package (here in editable mode with `-e` or equivalently `--editable`::
pip install -e .
Running the tests
Uni-testing is an vital part of this package.
You can run all the tests using the `nose` package::
nosetests -v --exe --doctest-tests tensorly