\name{plot-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{plot-methods} \alias{plot,stpm2-method} \title{ plots for an stpm2 fit} \description{ Given an \code{stpm2} fit, return a plot } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{x = "stpm2", y = "missing"}{an \code{stpm2} fit} }} \usage{ \S4method{plot}{stpm2}(x,y,newdata,type="surv", xlab="Time",line.col=1,ci.col="grey", add=FALSE,ci=TRUE,rug=TRUE, var=NULL,...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an \code{stpm2} object} \item{y}{not used (for generic compatibility)} \item{newdata}{required list of new data. This defines the unexposed newdata (\emph{excluding} the event times).} \item{type}{specify the type of prediction: \itemize{ \item{"surv"}{survival probabilities} \item{"cumhaz"}{cumulative hazard} \item{"hazard"}{hazard} \item{"hr"}{hazard ratio} \item{"sdiff"}{survival difference} \item{"hdiff"}{hazard difference} } } \item{xlab}{x-axis label} \item{line.col}{line colour} \item{ci.col}{confidence interval colour} \item{ci}{whether to plot the confidence interval band (default=TRUE)} \item{add}{whether to add to the current plot (\code{add=TRUE}) or make a new plot (\code{add=FALSE}) (default=FALSE)} \item{rug}{whether to add a rug plot of the event times to the current plot (default=TRUE)} \item{var}{specify the variable name or names for the exposed/unexposed (names are given as characters)} \item{\dots}{additional arguments (add to the \code{plot} command)} } \examples{ ## The function is currently defined as setMethod("plot", signature(x="stpm2", y="missing"), function(x,y,newdata,type="surv", xlab="Time",line.col=1,ci.col="grey", add=FALSE,ci=TRUE,rug=TRUE, var=NULL,...) { y <- predict(x,newdata,type=type,var=var,grid=TRUE,se.fit=TRUE) ylab <- switch(type,hr="Hazard ratio",hazard="Hazard",surv="Survival", sdiff="Survival difference",hdiff="Hazard difference") xx <- attr(y,"newdata") xx <- xx[,ncol(xx)] if (!add) matplot(xx, y, type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...) if (ci) polygon(c(xx,rev(xx)), c(y[,2],rev(y[,3])), col=ci.col, border=NA) lines(xx,y[,1],col=line.col) if (rug) { Y <- x@y eventTimes <- Y[Y[,ncol(Y)]==1,ncol(Y)-1] rug(eventTimes) } }) } \seealso{\code{\link{stpm2}}} \keyword{methods} %%\keyword{ ~~ other possible keyword(s)}