Installing requirements ==================================================================== EasyCrypt uses the following third-party tools/libraries: * OCaml (>= 4.02) Available at * Why3 (= 0.85) Available at Why3 must be installed with a set a provers. See [] Why3 libraries must be installed (make byte && make install-lib) * Menhir [] * Yojson [] * OCaml Batteries Included [] * OCaml PCRE (>= 7) [] Installing requirements using OPAM (POSIX systems - preferred) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting with opam 1.2.0, you can install all the needed depdendencies via the opam OCaml packages manager. 0. Optionally, switch to a dedicated compiler for EasyCrypt: $> opam switch -A $OVERSION easycrypt where $OVERSION is a valid OCaml version (e.g. 4.02.1) 1. Add the EasyCrypt repository: $> opam repository add easycrypt git:// $> opam update 2. Add the EasyCrypt meta-packages: $> opam install ec-toolchain $> opam install ec-provers Opam can be easily installed from source or via your packages manager: * On Ubuntu and derivatives: $> add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ppa $> apt-get update $> apt-get install ocaml ocaml-native-compilers camlp4-extra opam * On MacOSX using brew: $> brew install ocaml opam Note that you MacOSX does not include `/usr/local/{lib,include}` in the system library/include path. Be sure to have the following environment variables set while compiling the Easycrypt dependencies C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/include LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" See [] for how to install opam. See [] for how to initialize opam Installing requirements using a local toolchain -------------------------------------------------------------------- ### On POSIX systems You can install a local copy of OCaml and all the needed libraries by running [make toolchain]. You only need [curl] and the [gcc] compiler. By default, the destination directory is ${PWD}/_tools. You can change this by setting the $EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT variable, e.g.: $> make EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT=/opt/ec-toolchain toolchain Note that $EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT cannot contain spaces. The toolchain is not activated by default. You have to: $> source ./scripts/ This command has to be repeated each time you start a fresh terminal. We also provide an automated way to install a set of core provers. After having installing the toolchain, type: $> make provers This also create a configuration file for Why3 in _tools/why3.local.conf. This file is automatically loaded by EasyCrypt when started locally. ### On Cygwin (POSIX over Win32) WARNING: the ocaml compiler currently shipped with cygwin64 is broken. You have to use the 32bits version of cygwin. First, install the following cygwin32 packages: git,wget,unzip,make,m4,gcc-core,gcc-g++,libmpfr4,autoconf,flexdll, libncurses-devel,curl,ocaml,ocaml-compiler-libs,patch,ncurses By default, the destination directory is ${PWD}/_tools. You can change this by setting the $EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT variable, e.g.: $> make EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT=/opt/ec-toolchain toolchain Note that $EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT cannot contain spaces. The toolchain is not activated by default. You have to: $> source ./scripts/ This command has to be repeated each time you start a fresh terminal. We do NOT provide an automated way to install provers. ### On Win32 WARNING: wodi is no more maintained. We are thinking on a new way of installing EasyCrypt requirements on Windows. WARNING: the instructions are given for the 32bit version of cygwin. Replace 32- by 64- if you are using the 64bit version. NOTE: The build process relies on cygwin. Still, the resulting EasyCrypt binary will by a native win32 program independent from the cygwin DLL. First, install cygwin32 && wodi32 (a package manager for OCaml targetting win32). Wodi is coming with an automated installer that install both. However, you may already have a installation and cygwin. In that case, you can install wodi32 in your cygwin32 installation as follows. Otherwise, jump directly to step 5. 1. Download The EasyCrypt webpage is hosting a copy of the archive: 2. Extract the archive. You will obtain a wodi32/ directory. Go to wodi32/ and run ./ Wodi will be installed in /opt/wodi32. The installer may require you to install some cygwin packages: bash bzip2 coreutils cpio cygwin dash diffutils dos2unix file findutils gawk getent grep gzip make mingw64-i686-gcc-core mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core mintty patch sed tar xz For easing their installation, you may want to use apt-cyg: $> lynx -source > /tmp/apt-cyg $> install apt-cyg /bin && rm /tmp/apt-cyg $> apt-cyg install See [] for more informations. 3. Some wodi packages expect to be installed in C:/wodi32. Create a win32 symlink from C:/cygwin (or wherever your cygwin base directory is) to C:/wodi32. For that, you may start a win32 shell command as an administrator and type $> mklink /D C:\wodi32 C:\cygwin 4. Restart a fresh cygwin shell to get a working wodi environment. Type: $> /opt/wodi32/lib/godi/ --add-startmenu-folder 5. Install the following wodi packages: godi-menhir godi-yojson godi-batteries godi-ocamlgraph godi-zarith godi-zip godi-pcre Use either the wodi32 package manager (from the start menu), or the CLI interface: $> godi_add 6. Install why3 0.85. Download why3 from [] Untar, go to the why3-0.85/ directory and type $> CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe ./configure --prefix=C:/wodi32/opt/wodi32/ \ --disable-coq-tactic --disable-coq-libs --disable-pvs-libs \ --disable-ide --disable-bench $> make opt byte $> make install install-lib You may have to apply some patches before configuring/building Why3. Check the following directories for patches: scripts/toolchain/patches/why3-0.85 scripts/toolchain/patches/why3-0.85/win32 After installation, you can check that why3 is correctly installed: $> ocamlfind list | fgrep -w why3 We do NOT provide an automated way to install provers. However, for a first test, you may want to install alt-ergo form the wodi package manager. Configuring Why3 ==================================================================== Before running EasyCrypt and after the installation/removal/update of an SMT prover, you need to (re)configure Why3. By EasyCrypt is using the default Why3 location, i.e. ~/.why3.conf, or _tools/why3.local.conf when it exists. If you have several versions of Why3 installed, it may be impossible to share the same configuration file among them. EasyCrypt via the option -why3, allows you to load a Why3 configuration file from a custom location. For instance: why3 config --detect -C $WHY3CONF.conf ./ec.native -why3 $WHY3CONF.conf Compilation ==================================================================== The shell commands $> make $> make install should build and install easycrypt. It is possible to change the installation prefix by setting the environment variable PREFIX: $> make PREFIX=/my/prefix install Proof General Front-End ==================================================================== Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------- * GNU Emacs (>= 23.3) Available at * ProofGeneral 4.2 Available at Installing locally -------------------------------------------------------------------- You can install a local copy of ProofGeneral by running: $> make -C proofgeneral local This process is trying to find emacs in different places and then searches it in the $PATH. You can change this by setting the $EMACS environment variable. To run this local copy, run [make pg]. Installing system-wide (manual installation) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Add the following entry to /generic/proof-site.el in the definition of `proof-assistant-table-default': (easycrypt "EasyCrypt" "ec") Copy the directory easycrypt/ to / If you have not done so, add the following line to your Emacs configuration file (typically ~/.emacs): (load-file "/generic/proof-site.el") If the EasyCrypt executable is not in your $PATH, set the path to the EasyCrypt executable by modifying the variable easycrypt-prog-name inside Emacs: Proof-General -> Advanced -> Customize -> EasyCrypt -> EasyCrypt prog name setting its value to: "/easycrypt -emacs" Installing system-wide (automatic installation) -------------------------------------------------------------------- The manual process can be automatized by running: $> make PGROOT=/path/to/proof-general-home install along with $> make PGROOT=/path/to/proof-general-home uninstall for uninstalling the EasyCrypt mode. If the EasyCrypt executable is not in your path, refer to the previous section to configure ProofGeneral properly.