Raw File
Package: fOptions
Version: 200.10058
Date: 1996 - 2004 
Title: Financial Software Collection - fOptions
Author: Diethelm Wuertz and many others, see the SOURCE file
Depends: R (>= 1.9.0), fBasics, methods
Maintainer: Diethelm Wuertz <wuertz@itp.phys.ethz.ch>
Description: fOptions Library from Rmetrics -
	Rmetrics is an Environment and 
	Software Collection for teaching
	"Financial Engineering and Computational Finance"
License: GPL Version 2 or later
URL: http://www.itp.phys.ethz.ch/econophysics/R/2.0
Packaged: Fri Dec 10 19:17:29 2004; hornik
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