Raw File
\title{Print Sparse Matrices Flexibly}
  Print sparse matrices flexibly. This is the \dQuote{workhorse} used by
  the \code{\link{show}} and \code{\link{print}} methods for sparse
printSpMatrix(x, digits = getOption("digits"), maxp = getOption("max.print"),
              zero.print = ".",
              col.names, note.dropping.colnames = TRUE,
              col.trailer = "", align = c("fancy", "right"))
  \item{x}{an \R object inheriting from class \code{\linkS4class{sparseMatrix}}.}
  \item{digits}{significant digits to use for printing, see
  \item{maxp}{integer, default from \code{\link{options}(max.print)},
    influences how many entries of large matrices are printed at all.}
  \item{zero.print}{character which should be printed for
    \emph{structural} zeroes.  The default \code{"."} may occasionally
    be replaced by \code{" "} (blank); using \code{"0"} would look
    almost like \code{print()}ing of non-sparse matrices.}
  \item{col.names}{logical or string specifying if and how column names of
    \code{x} should be printed, possibly abbreviated.  The default is
    taken from \code{\link{options}("sparse.colnames")} if that is set, otherwise
    \code{FALSE} unless there are less than ten columns.  When
    \code{TRUE} the full column names are printed.\cr
    When \code{col.names} is a string beginning with \code{"abb"} or
    \code{"sub"} and ending with an integer \code{n} (i.e., of the form
    \code{"abb... <n>"}),
    the column names are \code{\link{abbreviate}()}d or
    \code{\link{substring}()}ed to (target) length \code{n}, see the examples.
  \item{note.dropping.colnames}{logical specifying, when \code{col.names} is \code{FALSE}
    if the dropping of the column names should be noted, \code{TRUE} by default.}
  \item{col.trailer}{a string to be appended to the right of each
    column; this is typically made use of by \code{\link{show}(<sparseMatrix>)}
    only, when suppressing columns.}
  \item{align}{a string specifying how the \code{zero.print} codes
    should be aligned, i.e., padded as strings.  The default,
    \code{"fancy"}, takes some effort to align the typical
    \code{zero.print = "."} with the decimal points of the numbers
    printed,  whereas \code{align = "right"} just makes use of
    \code{\link{print}(*, right = TRUE)}.
% \details{
% }
  returns \code{x} \emph{invisibly}, see \code{\link{invisible}}.
\author{Martin Maechler}
\seealso{the virtual class \code{\linkS4class{sparseMatrix}} and the
  classes extending it;  maybe \code{\link{spMatrix}} as a simple
  constructor of such matrices.
f1 <- gl(5, 3, labels = LETTERS[1:5])
X <- as(f1, "sparseMatrix")
X ## <==>  show(X)  <==>  print(X)
t(X) ## shows column names, since only 5 columns

X2 <- as(gl(12, 3, labels = paste(LETTERS[1:12],"c",sep=".")),
## less nice, but possible:
print(X2, col.names = TRUE) # use [,1] [,2] .. => does not fit

t(X2) # suppressing column names
print(t(X2), col.names=TRUE)
print(t(X2), zero.print = "", col.names="abbr. 1")
print(t(X2), zero.print = "-", col.names="substring 2")

\dontshow{% show() was slow in 0.9975-8 because of slow adjust="fancy"
op <- options(max.print = 25000, width = 80)
M <- Matrix(0, 10000, 100)
M[1,1] <- M[2,3] <- 3.14
stopifnot((st <- system.time(show(M)))[1] < 1.0) # only 0.09 on cmath-3
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