Tip revision: b3d1d3be7c03cbb1a53aa7b68dac59b8c31f46e4 authored by Asad Hasan on 26 August 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.9.1
version 0.9.1
Tip revision: b3d1d3b
\title{Bayesian Regression of Generalized Linear Models}
A closure which generates a function, gradient, Hessian evaluator using for log-likelihood functions of 4 types of GLMs.
glmfgh(N, K, glmtype = "logistic", X=NULL, y=NULL)
\item{N}{Number of observations.}
\item{K}{Number of variables.}
\item{glmtype}{Must be one of \code{logistic}, \code{poisson}, \code{geometric}, \code{exponential}. }
\item{X}{Data matrix of the explanatory variable, must have \code{N} rows and \code{K} cols. If \code{NULL} then simulated data is used.}
\item{y}{Vector having the dependent variable (response) corresponging to \code{X}}
A function suitable for use in \code{} as a function, gradient, Hessian evaluator.
GLMs are distributions where a linear expression replaces the parameter in some `base' distributions. A general framework to compute the expanded Hessian from that of the base, following the `Log-concavity invariance theorem' (\code{Appendix A} of the preprint \emph{Mahani and Sharabiani (2013)}), is used to generate the Hessian and gradient.
\code{expand.1par.R} has the Hessian and gradient expander code for probability distributions derived from any one paramter base distributions. The derived distributions are guaranteed to be log-concave if the base distribution is log-concave as shown in the referred paper.
Mahani, Alireza S. and Sharabiani, Mansour T.A. (2013)
\emph{Metropolis-Hastings Sampling Using Multivariate Gaussian Tangents}
# Evaluator for Logistic log-likelihood, gradient, Hessian
fghEval <- glmfgh(N=100, K=2, glmtype="logistic")