/* * print.c logo printing module dvb * * Copyright (C) 1993 by the Regents of the University of California * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "logo.h" #include "globals.h" #include int print_stringlen; char *print_stringptr; int force_printwidth = -1, force_printdepth = -1; int x_margin=0, y_margin=0; void real_print_node(FILE *, NODE *, int, int); #ifdef mac BOOLEAN boldmode = 0; #endif void update_coords(char ch) { int i; #ifdef ibm #if !defined(__RZTC__) && !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(WIN32) check_scroll(); #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_WX int getTermInfo(int type); #if 0 int setTermInfo(int type, int val); int x_coord, y_coord, x_max, y_max; x_coord=getTermInfo(X_COORD); y_coord=getTermInfo(Y_COORD); x_max=getTermInfo(X_MAX); y_max=getTermInfo(Y_MAX); if (ch == '\n') { x_coord = 0; y_coord++; setTermInfo(X_COORD,x_coord); setTermInfo(Y_COORD,y_coord); for (i = 0; i < x_margin; i++) print_char(stdout,' '); x_coord=getTermInfo(X_COORD); y_coord=getTermInfo(Y_COORD); } else if (ch == '\b') { if (x_coord > 0) --x_coord; } else if (ch == '\t') { x_coord &= ~07; x_coord += 8; } else if (ch != '\007') x_coord++; if (x_coord > x_max && x_max > 0) { y_coord += x_coord/x_max; x_coord %= x_max; } if (y_coord > y_max) y_coord = y_max; setTermInfo(X_COORD,x_coord); setTermInfo(Y_COORD,y_coord); #endif #else if (ch == '\n') { x_coord = 0; y_coord++; for (i = 0; i < x_margin; i++) print_char(stdout,' '); } else if (ch == '\b') { if (x_coord > 0) --x_coord; } else if (ch == '\t') { x_coord &= ~07; x_coord += 8; #ifdef WIN32 } else if (ch == '\1' || ch == '\2') { #endif } else if (ch != '\007') x_coord++; if (x_coord > x_max) { y_coord += x_coord/x_max; x_coord %= x_max; } if (y_coord > y_max) y_coord = y_max; #endif } void print_char(FILE *strm, char ch) { if (strm != NULL) { if (interactive && strm==stdout) { #ifdef mac if (boldmode) { if (ch == '\2') boldmode = 0; else ch = ch | 0200; /* Not so good in Europe */ } else if (ch == '\1') boldmode = 1; #endif #ifdef ibm if (ch == '\1') ibm_bold_mode(); if (ch == '\2') ibm_plain_mode(); #if defined(__RZTC__) && !defined(WIN32) /* sowings */ ztc_put_char(ch); #elif defined(TURBO_C) if (in_graphics_mode && ibm_screen_top == 0) lsplitscreen(); if (ch == '\n' || in_graphics_mode) rd_putc(ch, strm); else if (ch != '\1' && ch != '\2') rd_putc(ch, stdout); /* takes advantage of bold attribute */ #else /* WIN32 */ if (ch != '\1' && ch != '\2') rd_putc(ch, strm); #endif /* ibm */ #else /* Unix */ rd_putc(ch, strm); #endif } else /* printing to stream but not screen */ rd_putc(ch, strm); if (strm == stdout) { if (dribblestream != NULL) rd_putc(ch, dribblestream); update_coords(ch); } } else { /* printing to string */ if (--print_stringlen > 0) *print_stringptr++ = ch; } } void print_space(FILE *strm) { print_char(strm,' '); } /*VARARGS2*/ void ndprintf(FILE *strm, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; NODE *nd, *ahead_node = UNBOUND, *next_ahead_node = UNBOUND; char *cp; long int i; char buf[30],ch; va_start(ap,fmt); while ((ch = *fmt++) != '\0') { if (ch == '%') { ahead_node = next_ahead_node; next_ahead_node = UNBOUND; ch = *fmt++; if (ch == '+') { /* swap arg order in error message */ next_ahead_node = va_arg(ap,NODE *); ch = *fmt++; } if (ch == 's') { /* show */ if (ahead_node != UNBOUND) { nd = ahead_node; ahead_node = UNBOUND; } else nd = va_arg(ap,NODE *); print_node(strm, nd); } else if (ch == 'p') { /* print */ if (ahead_node != UNBOUND) { nd = ahead_node; ahead_node = UNBOUND; } else nd = va_arg(ap,NODE *); if (is_list(nd)) print_help(strm,nd); else print_node(strm,nd); } else if (ch == 't') { /* text */ cp = va_arg(ap,char *); while ((ch = *cp++) != '\0') print_char(strm,ch); } else if (ch == 'd') { /* integer */ i = va_arg(ap, int); sprintf(buf,"%ld",i); cp = buf; while ((ch = *cp++) != '\0') print_char(strm,ch); } else { print_char(strm,'%'); print_char(strm,ch); } } else if (ch == '\\') { ch = *fmt++; if (ch == 'n') { print_char(strm, '\n'); } else { print_char(strm, '\\'); print_char(strm, ch); } } else print_char(strm,ch); } /* if (!strm) print_char(strm,'\0'); */ if (!strm) *print_stringptr = '\0'; va_end(ap); force_printwidth = force_printdepth = -1; } void dbprint(NODE *data) { ndprintf(stderr, "%p\n", data); } void real_print_help(FILE *strm, NODE *ndlist, int depth, int width) { NODE *arg = NIL; int wid = width; while (ndlist != NIL) { if (!is_list(ndlist)) { ndprintf(strm, " . %s", ndlist); return; } arg = car(ndlist); ndlist = cdr(ndlist); if (check_throwing) break; real_print_node(strm, arg, depth, width); if (ndlist != NIL) { print_space(strm); if (--wid == 0) { ndprintf(strm, "..."); break; } } } } void real_print_node(FILE *strm, NODE *nd, int depth, int width) { int i; char *cp; NODETYPES ndty; BOOLEAN print_backslashes = (varTrue(Fullprintp)); if (depth == 0) { ndprintf(strm, "..."); return; } if (nd == NIL) { print_char(strm,'['); print_char(strm,']'); } else if (nd == UNBOUND) { ndprintf(strm, "%s", theName(Name_nothing)); } else if ((unsigned int)nd < 200) { /* for debugging */ char num[] = "{small} "; sprintf(&num[7],"%d",nd); ndprintf(strm,num); } else if ((ndty = nodetype(nd)) & NT_PRIM) { ndprintf(strm, "PRIM"); } else if (ndty == CONT) { ndprintf(strm, "[ %s]", cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)car(nd)), cdr(nd))); } else if (ndty & NT_LIST) { print_char(strm,'['); real_print_help(strm, nd, depth-1, width); print_char(strm,']'); } else if (ndty == ARRAY) { int i = 0, dim = getarrdim(nd), wid; NODE **pp = getarrptr(nd); if (width < 0) wid = dim; else wid = (dim > width ? width : dim); print_char(strm,'{'); while (i < wid) { real_print_node(strm,*pp++,depth-1,width); if (++i < dim) print_space(strm); } if (wid < dim) ndprintf(strm, "..."); print_char(strm,'}'); if (print_backslashes && (getarrorg(nd) != 1)) { char org[] = "@ "; sprintf(&org[1],"%d",getarrorg(nd)); ndprintf(strm,org); } } else if (ndty == QUOTE) { print_char(strm, '\"'); print_node(strm, car(nd)); } else if (ndty == COLON) { print_char(strm, ':'); print_node(strm, car(nd)); #ifdef OBJECTS } else if (ndty == OBJECT) { NODE *old_obj = current_object; NODE *printform; current_object = nd; /* printform = val_eval_driver(cons(theName(Name_representation), NIL)); */ printform = lrepresentation(NIL); current_object = old_obj; real_print_node(strm, printform, depth, width); #endif } else if (print_backslashes && (nd == Null_Word)) { ndprintf(strm, "||"); } else { int wid, dots=0; nd = cnv_node_to_strnode(nd); cp = getstrptr(nd); if (width < 0) wid = getstrlen(nd); else { wid = (width < 10 ? 10 : width); wid = (wid < getstrlen(nd) ? wid : getstrlen(nd)); } if (wid < getstrlen(nd)) dots++; if (!backslashed(nd)) for (i = 0; i < wid; i++) { print_char(strm,*cp++); } else if (print_backslashes == FALSE) { for (i = 0; i < wid; i++) { print_char(strm,clearparity(*cp++)); } } else { for (i = 0; i < wid; i++) { if (getparity(cp[i])) break; } if (i < wid) { /* word was in vbars */ if (strchr("\":", *cp)) { print_char(strm, *cp++); wid--; } print_char(strm,'|'); for (i = 0; i < wid; i++) { print_char(strm,clearparity(*cp++)); } print_char(strm,'|'); } else for (i = 0; i < wid; i++) { if (strchr(special_chars,(int)*cp)) { print_char(strm,'\\'); } print_char(strm,*cp++); } }; if (dots) ndprintf(strm, "..."); } } int find_limit(NODE *nd, int forced) { int val = -1; if (forced >= 0) return forced; if (nd == NIL) return(-1); nd = cnv_node_to_numnode(valnode__caseobj(nd)); if (nodetype(nd) == INT) val = getint(nd); return(val); } void print_help(FILE *strm, NODE *nd) { real_print_help(strm, nd, find_limit(Printdepthlimit, force_printdepth), find_limit(Printwidthlimit, force_printwidth)); } void print_node(FILE *strm, NODE *nd) { real_print_node(strm, nd, find_limit(Printdepthlimit, force_printdepth), find_limit(Printwidthlimit, force_printwidth)); } void print_nobrak(FILE *strm, NODE *nd) { if (is_list(nd)) print_help(strm, nd); else print_node(strm, nd); } void new_line(FILE *strm) { print_char(strm,'\n'); } NODE *lshow(NODE *args) { print_help(writestream, args); new_line(writestream); return(UNBOUND); } void type_help(NODE *args, int sp) { NODE *arg = NIL; while (args != NIL) { arg = car(args); args = cdr(args); if (is_list(arg)) print_help(writestream, arg); else print_node(writestream, arg); if (sp && (args != NIL)) { print_space(writestream); } } } NODE *ltype(NODE *args) { type_help(args,0); return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lprint(NODE *args) { type_help(args,1); new_line(writestream); return(UNBOUND); }