#! /bin/sh # Script to update base/inc/RVersion.h. # Called by main Makefile as soon as build/version_number has been updated. # # Author: Fons Rademakers, 28/4/2000 CINT=cint/main/cint_tmp SCRIPT=build/version.cxx $CINT $SCRIPT echo "New version is `cat build/version_number`. Updating dependencies..." # compile all files that were out-of-date prior to makeversion.sh make -o base/inc/RVersion.h # touch all files that don't need recompilation (need to do this 3 times # to walk through chain of dependencies) make -s -t; make -s -t; make -s -t # recompile only base/src/TROOT.cxx touch base/src/TROOT.cxx touch rootx/src/rootxx.cxx make echo "root-config --version reports: `bin/root-config --prefix=. --version`"