\name{Constants} \alias{constants} \alias{RC} \alias{RC_ISOTROPIC} \alias{RC_ISO_NAMES} \alias{RC_TYPE_NAMES} \alias{RC_DOMAIN_NAMES} \alias{RC_MONOTONE_NAMES} \alias{RC_SPACEISOTROPIC} \alias{RC_CARTESIAN_COORD} \alias{RC_GNOMONIC_PROJ} \alias{RC_ORTHOGRAPHIC_PROJ} \alias{RC_EARTH_COORDS} \alias{RC_SPHERICAL_COORDS} \alias{RC_OPTIMISER_NAMES} \alias{RC_NLOPTR_NAMES} \alias{RC_LIKELIHOOD_NAMES} \alias{RC_EARTH_ISOTROPIC} \alias{RC_DOUBLEISOTROPIC} \alias{RC_EARTH_ISOTROPIC} \alias{RC_UNREDUCED} \title{Constants used in RandomFields (RC constants)} \description{ Several constants are provided that might make the use of some functions easier, e.g. \command{\link{RFgetModelNames}}. } \value{ \code{RC_TYPE_NAMES = c( "tail correlation", "positive definite", "variogram", "negative definite", "point-shape function", "shape function", "trend", "distribution or shape", "of manifold type", "process", "method for Gauss process", "normed process (non-negative values with maximum value being 0 or 1)", "method for Brown-Resnick process", "Smith", "Schlather", "Poisson", "PoissonGauss", "distribution family", "interface", "mathematical operator", "other type") } \code{RC_DOMAIN_NAMES = c("single variable", "kernel", "framework dependent", "submodel dependent", "parameter dependent", "", "mismatch") } \code{RC_ISO_NAMES = c("isotropic", "space-isotropic", "vector-isotropic", "symmetric", "cartesian system", "gnomonic projection", "orthographic projection", "spherical isotropic", "spherical symmetric", "spherical system", "earth isotropic", "earth symmetric", "earth system", "cylinder system", "non-dimension-reducing", "framework dependent", "submodel dependent", "parameter dependent", "", "") } \code{RC_MONOTONE_NAMES = c( "not set", "mismatch in monotonicity", "submodel dependent monotonicity", "previous model dependent monotonicity", "parameter dependent monotonicity", "not monotone", "monotone", "Gneiting-Schaback class", "normal mixture", "completely monotone", "Bernstein") } \code{RC_ISOTROPIC} gives the numerical code for option \code{"isotropic"} \code{RC_DOUBLEISOTROPIC} gives the numerical code for option \code{"space-isotropic"} \code{RC_CARTESIAN_COORD} gives the numerical code for option \code{"cartesian system"} \code{RC_GNOMONIC_PROJ} gives the numerical code for the gnomonic projection, see also \code{zenit} in \code{\link{RFoptions}}. \code{RC_ORTHOGRAPHIC_PROJ} gives the numerical code for the orthographic projection, see also \code{zenit} in \code{\link{RFoptions}}. \code{RC_EARTH_COORDS} gives the numerical code for option \code{"earth coordinates"} \code{RC_EARTH_ISOTROPIC} gives the numerical code for option \code{"earth isotropic"} \code{RC_SPHERICAL_COORDS} gives the numerical code for option \code{"earth coordinates"} \code{RC_OPTIMISER_NAMES} and \code{RC_NLOPTR_NAMES} give the names for the options \code{optimiser} and \code{algorithm}, respectively, \code{RFfitoptimiser}. \code{RC_LIKELIHOOD_NAMES = c("auto", "full", "composite", "tesselation")} gives the names of the ML variants: (i) internal choice according to the number of data, (ii) full likelihood, (iii) (pairwise) composite likelihood, and (iv) composite likelihood based on a tessellation of the space. } \seealso{ \link{RF}, \link{RM}, \link{RP}, \link{RR}, \link{R.}, \command{\link{RFgetModelNames}}, \link{RMmodelgenerator-class}, \command{\link{RMtrafo}}. } \me \keyword{spatial} \examples{\dontshow{StartExample()} RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set ## RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again RC_ISO_NAMES RC_ISO_NAMES[RC_ISOTROPIC:RC_CARTESIAN_COORD + 1] \dontrun{ RFgetModelNames(isotropy=RC_ISO_NAMES[RC_ISOTROPIC:RC_CARTESIAN_COORD + 1]) } \dontshow{FinalizeExample()}}