Benchmarks to compare Linear_cell_complex with other libraries: In 2D: * Polyhedron_3 (from CGAL) * OpenMesh * SurfaceMesh * CGoGN In 3D: * OpenVolumeMesh * CGoGN INSTALLATION: ============== 1) Install all the following libraries: CGAL: CGoGN: OpenMesh: OpenVolumeMesh: 2) create links (or copy directory): * in the 2D directory: one link called cgogn through the install directory of CGoGN; one link called openmesh through the install directory of OpenMesh. * in the 3D directory: one link called cgogn through the install directory of CGoGN; one link called openvolumemesh through the openvolumemesh directory itself. 3) Compile the benchmarks * create a build directory; cd build; cmake -DCGAL_DIR=CGAL_BUILD_DIR .. CGAL_BUILD_DIR being the build directory of the CGAL library. 4) run the benchmarks. * In 2D, the programs take off files as input. * In 3D, lcc and cgogn take tetmesh and OpenVolumeMesh takes ovm. You can create a tetmesh file using tetgen programm with an off file as input ( with option -g to generate XXX.mesh file. Rename this file into XXX.tetmesh. Modify the file to keep only the two following sections: ********************** Vertices 26002 ... Tetrahedra 174445 ... ********************** And for each tetrahedra line, remove the last column. You obtain the tetmesh file. Then you can use the FileConverter/file_converter programm in the OpenVolumeMesh library to convert it into the corresponding ovm file.