Tip revision: 2d95c15d3a2cc5984ffd4a9a2c4ad3496847ca9d authored by Oliver Contier on 28 February 2023, 15:15:53 UTC
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Tip revision: 2d95c15
Calculate the noise ceiling in single trial response estimates.
python <bids_path> <subject_ID> <betas_path> <output_path>
python 01 /home/user/thingsmri /home/user/thingsmri/betas_vol /home/user/thingsmri/noiseceiling
import os
import sys
from os.path import join as pjoin
from os.path import pardir
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import zscore
from nilearn.image import new_img_like
from betas import list_stb_outputs_for_mcnc
def kknc(data: np.ndarray, n: int or None = None, ignore_nans=False):
Calculate the noise ceiling reported in the NSD paper (Allen et al., 2021)
data: np.ndarray
Should be shape (ntargets, nrepetitions, nobservations)
n: int or None
Number of trials averaged to calculate the noise ceiling. If None, n will be the number of repetitions.
ignore_nans: bool
If True, ignore nans in data normalization and variance calculation.
nc: np.ndarray of shape (ntargets)
Noise ceiling without considering trial averaging.
ncav: np.ndarray of shape (ntargets)
Noise ceiling considering all trials were averaged.
if not n:
n = data.shape[-2]
nanpol = 'omit' if ignore_nans else 'propagate'
normalized = zscore(data, axis=-1, nan_policy=nanpol)
if ignore_nans:
normalized = np.nan_to_num(normalized)
noisesd = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(np.nanvar(normalized, axis=-2, ddof=1), axis=-1))
noisesd = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.var(normalized, axis=-2, ddof=1), axis=-1))
sigsd = np.sqrt(np.clip(1 - noisesd ** 2, 0., None))
ncsnr = sigsd / noisesd
nc = 100 * ((ncsnr ** 2) / ((ncsnr ** 2) + (1 / n)))
return nc
def calc_kknc_singletrialbetas(
sub: str,
bidsroot: str,
betas_basedirs: list,
out_dirs: list,
ns: list,
) -> None:
Calculate KKNC for different versions of our single trial betas.
sub = '01'
bidsroot = '/path/to/bids/dataset'
ns = [1, 12]
stb_derivnames = ['derivatives/betas_vol/']
out_derivnames = ['derivatives/nc/']
calc_kknc_singletrialbetas(sub, bidsroot, stb_derivnames, out_derivnames, ns)
assert len(betas_basedirs) == len(out_dirs)
for betas_basedir, outdir in tqdm(zip(betas_basedirs, out_dirs), desc='Iterating through betas versions', total=len(out_dirs)):
assert os.path.exists(betas_basedir)
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
betas, example_img = list_stb_outputs_for_mcnc(sub, bidsroot, betas_basedir=betas_basedir)
ncs = [kknc(betas, n) for n in tqdm(ns, desc='calculating noise ceilings')]
for n, nc in tqdm(zip(ns, ncs), desc='saving output files', total=len(ncs)):
img = new_img_like(example_img, nc)
outfile = pjoin(outdir, f'sub-{sub}_kknc_n-{n}.nii.gz')
if __name__=='__main__':
sub, bidsroot, betaspath, outpath = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]
ns = [1, 12]
betas_basedirs = [betaspath]
out_dirs = [outpath]
calc_kknc_singletrialbetas(sub, bidsroot, betas_basedirs, out_dirs, ns)