Tip revision: ef4202fc61e884dce81758e0f31c6f1ae429e523 authored by Emanuel P. Barbosa on 10 March 2010, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.6
version 0.6
Tip revision: ef4202f
\title{ Piston Rings Data Set. }
The Piston Rings data set was taken from Montgomery's book. It consists of 40 samples of size 5 each of values of the diameter of the piston rings.
\usage{ data(pistonrings) }
A data frame with 40 observations on the following 5 variables.
\item{\code{V1}}{The fisrt measure.}
\item{\code{V2}}{The second measure.}
\item{\code{V3}}{The third measure.}
\item{\code{V4}}{The fouth measure.}
\item{\code{V5}}{The fifth measure.}
Montgomery, D.C.,(2008)."Introduction to Statistical Quality Control".4th Ed. Wiley