\name{eulersPhi} \alias{eulersPhi} \title{Eulers's Phi Function} \description{ Euler's Phi function (aka Euler's `totient' function). } \usage{ eulersPhi(n) } \arguments{ \item{n}{Positive integer.} } \details{ The \code{phi} function is defined to be the number of positive integers less than or equal to \code{n} that are \emph{coprime} to \code{n}, i.e. have no common factors other than 1. } \value{ Natural number, the number of coprime integers \code{<= n}. } \author{ HwB } \note{ Works well up to \code{10^9}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{ifactor}}, \code{\link{sigma}} } \examples{ eulersPhi(9973) == 9973 - 1 # for prime numbers eulersPhi(3^10) == 3^9 * (3 - 1) # for prime powers eulersPhi(12*35) == eulersPhi(12) * eulersPhi(35) # TRUE if coprime \dontrun{ x <- 1:100; y <- sapply(x, eulersPhi) plot(1:100, y, type="l", col="blue") points(1:100, y, col="blue", pch=20) grid()} } \keyword{ math }