Who is using Cilium? ==================== Sharing experiences and learning from other users is essential. We are frequently asked who is using a particular feature of Cilium so people can get in contact with other users to share experiences and best practices. People also often want to know if product/platform X has integrated Cilium. While the [Cilium Slack community](https://cilium.herokuapp.com/) allows users to get in touch, it can be challenging to find this information quickly. The following is a directory of adopters to help identify users of individual features. The users themselves directly maintain the list. Adding yourself as a user ------------------------- If you are using Cilium or it is integrated into your product, service, or platform, please consider adding yourself as a user with a quick description of your use case by opening a pull request to this file and adding a section describing your usage of Cilium. If you are open to others contacting you about your use of Cilium on Slack, add your Slack nickname as well. N: Name of user (company or individual) D: Description U: Usage of features L: Link with further information (optional) Q: Contacts available for questions (optional) Example entry: * N: Cilium Example User Inc. D: Cilium Example User Inc. is using Cilium for scientific purposes U: ENI networking, DNS policies, ClusterMesh Q: @slacknick1, @slacknick2 Requirements to be listed ------------------------- * You must represent the user listed. Do *NOT* add entries on behalf of other users. * There is no minimum deployment size but we request to list permanent deployments only, i.e., no demo or trial deployments. Commercial or production use is not required. A well-done home lab setup can be equally interesting as a large-scale commercial deployment. Users (Alphabetically) ---------------------- * N: AccuKnox D: AccuKnox uses Cilium for network visibility and network policy enforcement. U: L3/L4/L7 policy enforcement using Identity, External/VM Workloads, Network Visibility using Hubble L: https://www.accuknox.com/spifee-identity-for-cilium-presentation-at-kubecon-2021, https://www.accuknox.com/cilium Q: @nyrahul * N: Acoss D: Acoss is using cilium as their main CNI plugin (self hosted k8s, On-premises) U: CiliumNetworkPolicy, Hubble, BPF NodePort, Direct routing L: @JrCs * N: Adobe, Inc. D: Adobe's Project Ethos uses Cilium for multi-tenant, multi-cloud clusters U: L3/L4/L7 policies L: https://youtu.be/39FLsSc2P-Y * N: Alibaba Cloud D: Alibaba Cloud is using Cilium together with Terway CNI as the high-performance ENI dataplane U: Networking, NetworkPolicy, Services, IPVLAN L: https://www.alibabacloud.com/blog/how-does-alibaba-cloud-build-high-performance-cloud-native-pod-networks-in-production-environments_596590 * N: Amazon Web Services (AWS) D: AWS uses Cilium as the default CNI for EKS Anywhere U: Networking, NetworkPolicy, Services L: https://isovalent.com/blog/post/2021-09-aws-eks-anywhere-chooses-cilium * N: APPUiO by VSHN D: VSHN uses Cilium for multi-tenant networking on APPUiO Cloud and as an add-on to APPUiO Managed, both on Red Hat OpenShift and Cloud Kubernetes. U: CNI, Networking, NetworkPolicy, Hubble, IPAM, Kubernetes services L: https://products.docs.vshn.ch/products/appuio/managed/addon_cilium.html and https://www.appuio.cloud * N: ArangoDB Oasis D: ArangoDB Oasis is using Cilium in to separate database deployments in our multi-tenant cloud environment U: Networking, CiliumNetworkPolicy(cluster & local), Hubble, IPAM L: https://cloud.arangodb.com Q: @ewoutp @Robert-Stam * N: Ayedo D: Ayedo builds and operates cloud-native container platforms based on Kubernetes U: Hubble for Visibility, Cilium as Mesh between Services L: https://www.ayedo.de/ * N: ByteDance D: ByteDance is using Cilium as CNI plug-in for self-hosted Kubernetes. U: CNI, Networking L: @Jiang Wang * N: Canonical D: Canonical's Kubernetes distribution microk8s uses Cilium as CNI plugin U: Networking, NetworkPolicy, and Kubernetes services L: https://microk8s.io/ * N: Capital One D: Capital One uses Cilium as its standard CNI for all Kubernetes environments U: CNI, CiliumClusterWideNetworkpolicy, CiliumNetworkPolicy, Hubble, network visibility L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwOpCKBaJ-w * N: CENGN - Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks D: CENGN is using Cilium in multiple clusters including production and development clusters (self-hosted k8s, On-premises) U: L3/L4/L7 network policies, Monitoring via Prometheus metrics & Hubble L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXm7yZE2rk4 Q: @rmaika @mohahmed13 * N: Civo D: Civo is offering Cilium as the CNI option for Civo users to choose it for their Civo Kubernetes clusters. U: Networking and network policy L: https://www.civo.com/kubernetes * N: Cognite D: Cognite is an industrial DataOps provider and uses Cilium as the CNI plugin Q: @Robert Collins * N: CONNY D: CONNY is legaltech platform to improve access to justice for individuals U: Networking, NetworkPolicy, Services Q: @ant31 L: https://conny.de * N: Crane D: Crane uses Cilium as the default CNI U: Networking, NetworkPolicy, Services L: https://github.com/slzcc/crane Q: @slzcc * N: DaoCloud - spiderpool & merbridge D: spiderpool is using Cilium as their main CNI plugin for overlay and merbridge is using Cilium eBPF library to speed up your Service Mesh U: CNI, Service load-balancing, cluster mesh L: https://github.com/spidernet-io/spiderpool, https://github.com/merbridge/merbridge Q: @weizhoublue, @kebe7jun * N: Datadog D: Datadog is using Cilium in AWS (self-hosted k8s) U: ENI Networking, Service load-balancing, Encryption Q: @lbernail, @roboll * N: Deckhouse D: Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform is using Cilium as a one of the supported CNIs. U: Networking, Security, Hubble UI for network visibility L: https://github.com/deckhouse/deckhouse * N: DigitalOcean D: DigitalOcean is using Cilium as the CNI for Digital Ocean's managed Kubernetes Services (DOKS) U: Networking and network policy L: https://github.com/digitalocean/DOKS * N: Edgeless Systems D: Edgeless Systems is using Cilium as the CNI for Edgeless System's Confidential Kubernetes Distribution (Constellation) U: Networking (CNI), Transparent Encryption (WG), L: https://docs.edgeless.systems/constellation/architecture/networking Q: @m1ghtym0 * N: Elastic Path D: Elastic Path is using Cilium in their CloudOps for Kubernetes production clusters U: CNI L: https://documentation.elasticpath.com/cloudops-kubernetes/docs/index.html Q: @Neil Seward * N: Equinix D: Equinix Metal is using Cilium for production and non-production environments on bare metal U: CNI, CiliumClusterWideNetworkpolicy, CiliumNetworkPolicy, BGP advertisements, Hubble, network visibility L: https://metal.equinix.com/ Q: @matoszz * N: Exoscale D: Exoscale is offering Cilium as a CNI option on its managed Kubernetes service named SKS (Scalable Kubernetes Service) U: CNI, Networking L: https://www.exoscale.com/sks/ Q: @Antoine * N: finleap connect D: finleap connect is using Cilium in their production clusters (self-hosted, bare-metal, private cloud) U: CNI, NetworkPolicies Q: @chue * N: Form3 D: Form3 is using Cilium in their production clusters (self-hosted, bare-metal, private cloud) U: Service load-balancing, Encryption, CNI, NetworkPolicies Q: @kevholditch-f3, samo-f3, ewilde-form3 * N: F5 Inc D: F5 helps customers with Cilium VXLAN tunnel integration with BIG-IP U: Networking L: https://github.com/f5devcentral/f5-ci-docs/blob/master/docs/cilium/cilium-bigip-info.rst Q: @vincentmli * N: Giant Swarm D: Giant Swarm is using Cilium in their Cluster API based managed Kubernetes service (AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack, VMware Cloud Director and VMware vSphere) as CNI U: Networking L: https://www.giantswarm.io/ * N: GitLab D: GitLab is using Cilium to implement network policies inside Auto DevOps deployed clusters for customers using k8s U: Network policies L: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/clusters/applications.html#install-cilium-using-gitlab-ci Q: @ap4y @whaber * N: Google D: Google is using Cilium in Anthos and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) as Dataplane V2 U: Networking, network policy, and network visibility L: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/containers-kubernetes/bringing-ebpf-and-cilium-to-google-kubernetes-engine * N: IKEA IT AB D: IKEA IT AB is using Cilium for production and non-production environments (self-hosted, bare-metal, private cloud) U: Networking, CiliumclusterWideNetworkPolicy, CiliumNetworkPolicy, kube-proxy replacement, Hubble, Direct routing, egress gateway, hubble-otel, Multi Nic XDP, BGP advertisements, Bandwidth Manager, Service Load Balancing, Cluster Mesh L: https://www.ingka.com/ * N: Immerok D: Immerok uses Cilium for cross-cluster communication and network isolation; Immerok Cloud is a serverless platform for the full power of [Apache Flink](https://flink.apache.org) at any scale. U: Networking, network policy, observability, cluster mesh, kube-proxy replacement, security, CNI L: https://immerok.io Q: @austince, @dmvk * N: Infomaniak D: Infomaniak is using Cilium in their production clusters (self-hosted, bare-metal and openstack) U: Networking, CiliumNetworkPolicy, BPF NodePort, Direct routing, kube-proxy replacement L: https://www.infomaniak.com/en Q: @reneluria * N: innoQ Schweiz GmbH D: As a consulting company we added Cilium to a couple of our customers infrastructure U: Networking, CiliumNetworkPolicy at L7, kube-proxy replacement, encryption L: https://www.cloud-migration.ch/ Q: @fakod * N: Isovalent D: Cilium is the platform that powers Isovalent’s enterprise networking, observability, and security solutions U: Networking, network policy, observability, cluster mesh, kube-proxy replacement, security, egress gateway, service load balancing, CNI L: https://isovalent.com/product/ Q: @BillMulligan * N: JUMO D: JUMO is using Cilium as their CNI plugin for all of their AWS-hosted EKS clusters U: Networking, network policy, network visibility, cluster mesh Q: @Matthieu ANTOINE, @Carlos Castro, @Joao Coutinho (Slack) * N: Kilo D: Cilium is a supported CNI for Kilo. When used together, Cilium + Kilo create a full mesh via WireGuard for Kubernetes in edge environments. U: CNI, Networking, Hubble, kube-proxy replacement, network policy L: https://kilo.squat.ai/ Q: @squat, @arpagon * N: kOps D: kOps is using Cilium as one of the supported CNIs U: Networking, Hubble, Encryption, kube-proxy replacement L: kops.sigs.k8s.io/ Q: @olemarkus * N: Kryptos Logic D: Kryptos is a cyber security company that is using Kubernetes on-prem in which Cilium is our CNI of choice. U: Networking, Observability, kube-proxy replacement * N: kubeasz D: kubeasz, a certified kubernetes installer, is using Cilium as a one of the supported CNIs. U: Networking, network policy, Hubble for network visibility L: https://github.com/easzlab/kubeasz * N: Kube-OVN D: Kube-OVN uses Cilium to enhance service performance, security and monitoring. U: CNI-Chaining, Hubble, kube-proxy replacement L: https://github.com/kubeovn/kube-ovn/blob/master/docs/IntegrateCiliumIntoKubeOVN.md Q: @oilbeater * N: Kube-Hetzner D: Kube-Hetzner is a open-source Terraform project that uses Cilium as an possible CNI in its cluster deployment on Hetzner Cloud. U: Networking, Hubble, kube-proxy replacement L: https://github.com/kube-hetzner/terraform-hcloud-kube-hetzner#cni Q: @MysticalTech * N: Kubermatic D: Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform is using Cilium as a one of the supported CNIs. U: Networking, network policy, Hubble for network visibility L: https://github.com/kubermatic/kubermatic * N: KubeSphere - KubeKey D: KubeKey is an open-source lightweight tool for deploying Kubernetes clusters and addons efficiently. It uses Cilium as one of the supported CNIs. U: Networking, Security, Hubble UI for network visibility L: https://github.com/kubesphere/kubekey Q: @FeynmanZhou * N: K8e - Simple Kubernetes Distribution D: Kubernetes Easy (k8e) is a lightweight, Extensible, Enterprise Kubernetes distribution. It uses Cilium as default CNI network. U: Networking, network policy, Hubble for network visibility L: https://github.com/xiaods/k8e Q: @xds2000 * N: Liquid Reply D: Liquid Reply is a professional service provider and utilizes Cilium on suitable projects and implementations. U: Networking, network policy, Hubble for network visibility, Security L: http://liquidreply.com Q: @mkorbi * N: Magic Leap D: Magic Leap is using Hubble plugged to GKE Dataplane v2 clusters U: Hubble Q: @romachalm * N: Melenion Inc D: Melenion is using Cilium as the CNI for its on-premise production clusters U: Service Load Balancing, Hubble Q: @edude03 * N: Meltwater D: Meltwater is using Cilium in AWS on self-hosted multi-tenant k8s clusters as the CNI plugin U: ENI Networking, Encryption, Monitoring via Prometheus metrics & Hubble Q: @recollir, @dezmodue * N: Mobilab D: Mobilab uses Cilium as the CNI for its internal cloud U: CNI L: https://mobilabsolutions.com/2019/01/why-we-switched-to-cilium/ * N: MyFitnessPal D: MyFitnessPal trusts Cilium with high volume user traffic in AWS on self-hosted k8s clusters as the CNI plugin and in GKE with Dataplane V2 U: Networking (CNI, Maglev, kube-proxy replacement, local redirect policy), Observability (Network metrics with Hubble, DNS proxy, service maps, policy troubleshooting) and Security (Network Policy) L: https://www.myfitnesspal.com * N: Mux, Inc. D: Mux deploys Cilium on self-hosted k8s clusters (Cluster API) in GCP and AWS to run its video streaming/analytics platforms. U: Pod networking (CNI, IPAM, Host-reachable Services), Hubble, Cluster-mesh. TBD: Network Policy, Transparent Encryption (WG), Host Firewall. L: https://mux.com Q: @dilyevsky * N: New York Times (the) D: The New York Times is using Cilium on EKS to build multi-region multi-tenant shared clusters U: Networking (CNI, EKS IPAM, Maglev, kube-proxy replacement, Direct Routing), Observability (Network metrics with Hubble, policy troubleshooting) and Security (Network Policy) L: https://www.nytimes.com/ Q: @prune * N: Nexxiot D: Nexxiot is an IoT SaaS provider using Cilium as the main CNI plugin on AWS EKS clusters U: Networking (IPAM, CNI), Security (Network Policies), Visibility (hubble) L: https://nexxiot.com * N: Nine Internet Solutions AG D: Nine uses Cilium on all Nine Kubernetes Engine clusters U: CNI, network policy, kube-proxy replacement, host firewall L: https://www.nine.ch/en/kubernetes * N: Northflank D: Northflank is a PaaS and uses Cilium as the main CNI plugin across GCP, Azure, AWS and bare-metal U: Networking, network policy, hubble, packet monitoring and network visibility L: https://northflank.com Q: @NorthflankWill, @Champgoblem * N: Overstock Inc. D: Overstock is using Cilium as the main CNI plugin on bare-metal clusters (self hosted k8s). U: Networking, network policy, hubble, observability * N: Palantir Technologies Inc. D: Palantir is using Cilium as their main CNI plugin in AWS (self hosted k8s). U: ENI networking, L3/L4 policies, FQDN based policy, FQDN filtering Q: ungureanuvladvictor * N: Plaid Inc D: Plaid is using Cilium as their CNI plugin in self-hosted Kubernetes on AWS. U: CNI, network policies L: [https://plaid.com](https://plaid.com/contact/) Q: @diversario @jandersen-plaid * N: PlanetScale D: PlanetScale is using Cilium as the CNI for its serverless database platform. U: Networking (CNI, IPAM, kube-proxy replacement, native routing), Network Security, Cluster Mesh, Load Balancing L: https://planetscale.com/ Q: @dctrwatson * N: Poseidon Laboratories D: Poseidon's Typhoon Kubernetes distro uses Cilium as the default CNI and its used internally U: Networking, policies, service load balancing L: https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/ Q: @dghubble @typhoon8s * N: PostFinance AG D: PostFinance is using Cilium as their CNI for all mission critical, on premise k8s clusters U: Networking, network policies, kube-proxy replacement L: https://github.com/postfinance * N: Radio France D: Radio France is using Cilium in their production clusters (self-hosted k8s with kops on AWS) U: Mainly Service load-balancing Q: @francoisj * N: Rancher Labs, now part of SUSE D: Rancher Labs certified Kubernetes distribution RKE2 can be deployed with Cilium. U: Networking and network policy L: https://github.com/rancher/rke and https://github.com/rancher/rke2 * N: Rapyuta Robotics. D: Rapyuta is using cilium as their main CNI plugin. (self hosted k8s) U: CiliumNetworkPolicy, Hubble, Service Load Balancing. Q: @Gowtham * N: SAP D: SAP uses Cilium for multiple internal scenarios. For examples for self-hosted Kubernetes scenarios on AWS with SAP Concur and for managed Kubernetes clusters provided with Gardener Project across AWS, Azure, GCP, and OpenStack. U: CNI , Overlay Network, Network Policies L: https://www.concur.com, https://gardener.cloud/, https://github.com/gardener/gardener-extension-networking-cilium Q: @dragan (SAP Concur), @docktofuture & @ScheererJ (Gardener) * N: Sapian D: Sapian uses Cilium as the default CNI in our product DialBox Cloud; DialBox cloud is an Edge Kubernetes cluster using [kilo](https://github.com/squat/kilo) for WireGuard mesh connectivity inter-nodes. Therefore, Cilium is crucial for low latency in real-time communications environments. U: CNI, Network Policies, Hubble, kube-proxy replacement L: https://sapian.com.co, https://arpagon.co/blog/k8s-edge Q: @arpagon * N: Simple D: Simple uses cilium as default CNI in Kubernetes clusters (AWS EKS) for both development and production environments. U: CNI, Network Policies, Hubble L: https://simple.life Q: @sergeyshevch * N: Scaleway D: Scaleway uses Cilium as the default CNI for Kubernetes Kapsule U: Networking, NetworkPolicy, Services L: @jtherin @remyleone * N: Schuberg Philis D: Schuberg Philis uses Cilium as CNI for mission critical kubernetes clusters we run for our customers. U: CNI (instead of amazon-vpc-cni-k8s), DefaultDeny(Zero Trust), Hubble, CiliumNetworkPolicy, CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy, EKS L: https://schubergphilis.com/en Q: @stimmerman @shoekstra @mbaumann * N: SmileDirectClub D: SmileDirectClub is using Cilium in manufacturing clusters (self-hosted on vSphere and AWS EC2) U: CNI Q: @joey, @onur.gokkocabas * N: Snapp D: Snapp is using Cilium in production for its on premise openshift clusters U: CNI, Network Policies, Hubble Q: @m-yosefpor * N: Solo.io D: Cilium is part of Gloo Application Networking platform, with a “batteries included but swappable” manner U: CNI, Network Policies Q: @linsun * N: Sphere Knowledge D: Sphere Knowledge is using Cilium in AWS (self-hosted k8s & EKS) U: ENI Networking, Network policies, Service load-balancing, Hubble Q: @mvisonneau * N: Spherity D: Spherity is using Cilium on AWS EKS U: CNI/ENI Networking, Network policies, Hubble Q: @solidnerd * N: Sportradar D: Sportradar is using Cilium as their main CNI plugin in AWS (using kops) U: L3/L4 policies, Hubble, BPF NodePort, CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy Q: @Eric Bailey, @Ole Markus * N: Sproutfi D: Sproutfi uses Cilium as the CNI on its GKE based clusters U: Service Load Balancing, Hubble, Datadog Integration for Prometheus metrics Q: @edude03 * N: SuperOrbital D: As a Kubernetes-focused consulting firm, we have implemented Cilium on customer engagements U: CNI, CiliumNetworkPolicy at L7, Hubble L: https://superorbital.io/ Q: @jmcshane * N: Talos D: Cilium is one of the supported CNI's in Talos U: Networking, NetworkPolicy, Hubble, BPF NodePort L: https://github.com/talos-systems/talos Q: @frezbo, @smira, @Ulexus * N: Tencent Cloud D: Tencent Cloud container team designed the TKE hybrid cloud container network solution with Cilium as the cluster network base U: Networking, CNI L: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000040298428/en * N: T-Systems International D: TSI uses Cilium for it's Open Sovereign Cloud product, including as a CNI for Gardener-based Kubernetes clusters and bare-metal infrastructure managed by OnMetal. U: CNI, overlay network, NetworkPolicies Q: @ManuStoessel * N: uSwitch D: uSwitch is using Cilium in AWS for all their production clusters (self hosted k8s) U: ClusterMesh, CNI-Chaining (with amazon-vpc-cni-k8s) Q: @jirving * N: Utmost Software, Inc D: Utmost is using Cilium in all tiers of its Kubernetes ecosystem to implement zero trust U: CNI, DefaultDeny(Zero Trust), Hubble, CiliumNetworkPolicy, CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy L: https://blog.utmost.co/zero-trust-security-at-utmost Q: @andrewholt * N: Trip.com D: Trip.com is using Cilium in their production clusters (self-hosted k8s, On-premises and AWS) U: ENI Networking, Service load-balancing, Direct routing (via Bird) L: https://ctripcloud.github.io/cilium/network/2020/01/19/trip-first-step-towards-cloud-native-networking.html Q: @ArthurChiao * N: Tailor Brands D: Tailor Brands is using Cilium in their production, staging, and development clusters (AWS EKS) U: CNI (instead of amazon-vpc-cni-k8s), Hubble, Datadog Integration for Prometheus metrics Q: @liorrozen * N: ungleich D: ungleich is using Cilium as part of IPv6-only Kubernetes deployments. U: CNI, IPv6 only networking, BGP, eBPF Q: @Nico Schottelius, @nico:ungleich.ch (Matrix) * N: Wildlife Studios D: Wildlife Studios is using Cilium in AWS for all their game production clusters (self hosted k8s) U: ClusterMesh, Global Service Load Balancing. Q: @Oki @luanguimaraesla * N: Yahoo! D: Yahoo is using Cilium for L4 North-South Load Balancing for Kubernetes Services L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C86fBMcp5Q