Raw File
\title{Class of Point Patterns}
  A class \code{"ppp"} to represent a two-dimensional point
  pattern. Includes information about the window in which the
  pattern was observed. Optionally includes marks.
  This class represents
  a two-dimensional point pattern dataset. It specifies
    \item the locations of the points
    \item the window in which the pattern was observed
    \item optionally, a ``mark'' attached to each point
      (extra information such as a type label).
  If \code{X} is an object of type \code{ppp},
  it contains the following elements:
    \code{x} \tab vector of \eqn{x} coordinates of data points \cr
    \code{y} \tab vector of \eqn{y} coordinates of data points \cr
    \code{n} \tab number of points \cr
    \code{window} \tab window of observation \cr
                  \tab (an object of class \code{\link{owin}}) \cr
    \code{marks} \tab optional vector of marks
  Users are strongly advised not to manipulate these entries
  Objects of class \code{"ppp"}
  may be created by the function
  and converted from other types of data by the function
  Note that you must always specify the window of observation;
  there is intentionally no default action of ``guessing'' the window
  dimensions from the data points alone.

  Standard point pattern datasets provided with the package
  \code{\link{simdat}} and
  Use \code{\link{data}(xxx)} to access the dataset \code{xxx}.
  Point patterns may be scanned from your own data files by
  \code{\link{scanpp}} or by using \code{\link{read.table}} and
  They may be manipulated by the functions 
  \code{\link{[.ppp}} and

  Point pattern objects can be plotted just by typing \code{plot(X)}
  which invokes the \code{plot} method for point pattern objects,
  \code{\link{plot.ppp}}. See \code{\link{plot.ppp}} for further information.

  There are also methods for \code{summary} and \code{print}
  for point patterns. Use \code{summary(X)} to see a useful description
  of the data.
  Patterns may be generated at random by

   Most functions which are intended to operate on a window
   (of class \code{\link{owin}})
   will, if presented with a \code{\link{ppp}} object instead,
   automatically extract the window information from the point pattern.
  The internal representation of marks is likely to change in the
  next release of this package.
  x <- runif(100)
  y <- runif(100)
  X <- ppp(x, y, c(0,1),c(0,1))
  mar <- sample(1:3, 100, replace=TRUE)
  mm <- ppp(x, y, c(0,1), c(0,1), marks=mar)
  # points with mark equal to 2
  ss <- mm[ mm$marks == 2 , ]
  # left half of pattern 'mm'
  lu <- owin(c(0,0.5),c(0,1))
  mmleft <- mm[ , lu]
  # input data from file
  qq <- scanpp("my.table", unit.square())

  # interactively build a point pattern
  X <- as.ppp(locator(10), unit.square())
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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