% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/convoSPAT_summplot.R \name{evaluate_CV} \alias{evaluate_CV} \title{Evaluation criteria} \usage{ evaluate_CV(holdout.data, pred.mean, pred.SDs) } \arguments{ \item{holdout.data}{Observed/true data that has been held out for model comparison.} \item{pred.mean}{Predicted mean values corresponding to the hold-out locations.} \item{pred.SDs}{Predicted standard errors corresponding to the hold-out locations.} } \value{ A list with the following components: \item{CRPS}{The CRPS averaged over all hold-out locations.} \item{MSPE}{The mean squared prediction error.} \item{pMSDR}{The prediction mean square deviation ratio.} } \description{ Calculate three evaluation criteria -- continuous rank probability score (CRPS), prediction mean square deviation ratio (pMSDR), and mean squared prediction error (MSPE) -- comparing hold-out data and predictions. } \examples{ \dontrun{ evaluate_CV( holdout.data = simdata$sim.data[holdout.index], pred.mean = pred.NS$pred.means, pred.SDs = pred.NS$pred.SDs ) } }