% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/dataSets.R \docType{data} \name{lifeExpGdp} \alias{lifeExpGdp} \title{life expectancy and GDP (2008) for EU-countries} \format{A data set on 27 compositions on 9 variables.} \source{ \url{http://www.ec.europa.eu/eurostat} and \url{http://unstats.un.org/unsd} } \description{ Social-economic data for compositional regression. } \details{ \itemize{ \item{\code{country }}{country} \item{\code{agriculture }}{GDP on agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing (ISIC A-B, x1)} \item{\code{manufacture }}{GDP on mining, manufacturing, utilities (ISIC C-E, x2)} \item{\code{construction }}{GDP on construction (ISIC F, x3)} \item{\code{wholesales }}{GDP on wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels (ISIC G-H, x4)} \item{\code{transport }}{GDP on transport, storage and communication (ISIC I, x5)} \item{\code{other }}{GDP on other activities (ISIC J-P, x6)} \item{\code{lifeExpMen }}{life expectancy for men and women} \item{\code{lifeExpWomen }}{life expectancy for men and women} } } \examples{ data(lifeExpGdp) str(lifeExpGdp) } \references{ K. Hron, P. Filzmoser, K. Thompson (2012). Linear regression with compositional explanatory variables. \emph{Journal of Applied Statistics}, Volume 39, Issue 5, 2012. } \author{ conversion to R by Karel Hron and Matthias Templ \email{matthias.templ@tuwien.ac.at} } \keyword{datasets}