#include "Reader.h"
#include "FractureBEM.h"
#include "MaterialModel.h"
#include "SubsampledCrackTip.h"
#include <tclap/CmdLine.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <sstream>
using namespace FractureSim;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
double t0=omp_get_wtime(), t1;
double startTime=t0;
MaterialModel* material=NULL;
try {
int ret;
printf("\n%% parsing command line ... ");
TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Fracture simulation with symmetric Galerkin BEM", ' ', "using HyENA 2.0 and OpenVDB 2.2 backend");
// simulation params (input file, boundary conditions, timesteps, output, stuff...)
TCLAP::UnlabeledValueArg<string> inpFile("input-file",
"Elmer format input files containing the BEM mesh", true, "default", "input-file",
TCLAP::UnlabeledMultiArg<string> bcStrings("boundary-condition",
"specifies a boundary condition on mesh-region i either i(fixed) for hom. Dirichlet, i(crack) for cracks or i(f_x,f_y,f_z) for tractions",
true, "boundary-condition", cmd
TCLAP::MultiArg<unsigned int> crackTipIDs( "c", "crack-tip",
"Boundary IDs of crack tips (must be line elements in the boundary file).", false,
"crack-tip", cmd
TCLAP::MultiArg<unsigned int> staticCracks( "", "static-crack",
"Region-IDs of cracks that are not allowed to propagate.", false,
"static-crack", cmd
// option to start cracks at user specified locations before the first timestep
TCLAP::MultiArg<string> startCracks("X", "start-crack",
"Start a crack at (p) with face normal (n) and tip normal (N)", false,
"(px,py,pz,nx,ny,nz,Nx,Ny,Nz)", cmd
TCLAP::SwitchArg is2D("", "two-d", "pseudo-2d computation, locks all displacements along z-axis" /*, cmd*/); // disabled
TCLAP::SwitchArg noSI("", "no-si", "disable crack self intersection testing", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<unsigned int> crackSteps("s","steps","number of crack propagation steps", false, 0,"steps", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<unsigned int> cpVersion("v","cp-version","select crack propagation algorithm (0..original, 1..improved, 2..experimental) default is 0", false, 0,"cp-version", cmd);
//output params
TCLAP::ValueArg<string> outFile("o","out","name of VTK/VDB output files", false, "","out-file", cmd);
TCLAP::SwitchArg outVDBsubstep("", "out-sub", "write VDB output for every substep (as opposed to full steps only)", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<double> outMeshQual("","vis-qual","quality parameter for hi-res output, in [0,1] use VDB adaptive mesh, < 0 decimate to quadric error tolerance, > 1 no hi-res output (default)", false, 2.0,"vis-qual", cmd);
TCLAP::SwitchArg outMeshNoU("", "vis-no-disp", "do NOT apply any displacements when producing hi-res output (use with --vis-qual)", cmd);
TCLAP::SwitchArg outMeshNoCOD("", "vis-no-cod", "do NOT apply crack opening displacements when producing hi-res output (use with --vis-qual)", cmd);
TCLAP::SwitchArg outMeshClose("", "vis-close", "make crack faces coincident for 0 COD in hi-res output (experimental) (use with --vis-qual)", cmd);
TCLAP::SwitchArg outMeshOBJ("", "vis-obj", "write hi-res output as .OBJ file (otherwise as .STL) (use with --vis-qual)", cmd);
// resolution params for BEM mesh and level-set
TCLAP::ValueArg<double> resMesh("r","res-mesh","resolution of BEM mesh, default is 0.1", false, 0.1,"res-mesh", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<double> resGrid("R","res-grid","resolution of VDB grid, default is 0.01", false, 0.01,"res-grid", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<double> cfSampl("", "cf-sampl","sampling density of high-res crack-fronts relative to grid size, default is 0.8", false, 0.8,"density", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<int> remeshTris("T","remesh","remesh input from level-set decimating to the given number of triangles; uses boundary regions definition from file 'input-file.region'", false, -1,"num-tris", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<int> nCracks("x","max-cracks","seeding cut-off for new cracks, set to 0 for no seeding and -1 (default) for unlimited seeding", false, -1,"max-cracks", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<double> offsetMesh("O","offset","offset coarse mesh by n-voxels along the vertex normals after remeshing (use with -T, default is 0)", false, 0.0,"n-voxels", cmd);
// material params (elasticity constants, fracture toughnes = max. stress intensity, tensile strength = max. principal stress)
TCLAP::ValueArg<double> youngsMod("E","youngs-modulus","elastic modulus of material in Pa, default is 1.0", false, 1.0,"youngs-modulus", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<double> poissonsRatio("n","poissons-ratio","poisson's ratio of material, default is 0.2", false, 0.2,"poissons-ratio", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<double> density("d","density","density of material, default is 1.0", false, 1.0,"density", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<double> toughness("K","toughness","fracture toughness, ie. max. stress intensity at crack-tips", false, 1.0,"toughness", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<double> strength("S","strength", "tensile strength, ie. max. principal stress at surfaces", false, 1.0,"strength", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<double> compress("C","compressive", "factor by which the material is stronger and tougher under compression", false, 3.0,"compressive", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<string> matMdl("M","material","select a material model, default \"h\" (homogeneous), use \"?\" to print a list of options", false, "h","material", cmd);
// other stuff
TCLAP::ValueArg<int> method( "m","method","choose 0 .. full BEM solution (default) or 1 .. initial BEM solution with estimated SIFs", false, FULL_BEM,"method", cmd);
TCLAP::ValueArg<int> estFromElems( "e","est-elems","once the simulation contains more than the specified number of elements switch to faster estimated SIF evaluation (default -1=never) ", false, -1,"est-elems", cmd);
cmd.parse( argc, argv );
printf("\n%% ... input files are \"%s.*\"", inpFile.getValue().c_str());
printf("\n%% ... material parameters (E,nu) are (%.2le, %.2lf)", youngsMod.getValue(), poissonsRatio.getValue());
if(is2D.getValue()) printf("\n%% ... computing only 2d displacements in x-y-plane");
if(outFile.isSet()) printf("\n%% ... output files are \"%s_*.vtk/.vdb\"", outFile.getValue().c_str());
printf("\n%% ... %.4lfs CLI parsed",t1-t0);
printf("\n%% initializing simulation %s ... ", (method.getValue()==INITIAL_BEM)?"(using estimated SIFs from initial BEM solution)":"");
FractureBEM sim( resMesh.getValue(), (FRACTURE_METHOD) (method.getValue()) ); //resolution of crack-meshes (crack-tips will be subdivided, also "time-step" of propagation is chosen to match this)
material = createMaterialModel( matMdl.getValue(),
youngsMod.getValue(), poissonsRatio.getValue(), density.getValue(),
strength.getValue(), toughness.getValue(), compress.getValue()
if( material==NULL ) return -1;
printf("\n%% reading model ... ");
BEMReader reader(inpFile.getValue());
// reading model
set<unsigned int> region_ids/*leave empty to read all regions*/, crack_tip_ids/*read these line-elements as crack tips*/;
crack_tip_ids.insert(crackTipIDs.getValue().begin(), crackTipIDs.getValue().end()); //fill from CLI
sim.getElems(), sim.getRegions(), sim.getCrackTips(), sim.getCrackTipParents(), sim.getNodes(),
FractureSim::TRI, region_ids, FractureSim::LINE, crack_tip_ids
printf("\t%.4lfs - have %d elements and %d nodes",t1-t0, sim.getElems().size() ,sim.getNodes().size());
if(remeshTris.isSet()){ // do remeshing based on the level-set representation of the initial model to build the BEM model
RegionHandler regionHandler;
// if using remeshing, load the definitions and apply them to the input mesh
// as we remesh from a level-set, there can NOT be any initial cracks!
printf("\n%% initializing mesh regions from file %s.regions ...",inpFile.getValue().c_str());
regionHandler.assignRegions(sim.getRegions(), sim.getNodes(),sim.getElems());
printf("\n%% initializing VDB grids ...");
sim.initVDB(resGrid.getValue(), noSI.getValue() );
if(remeshTris.getValue()>3){ // remeshing to the desired resolution
printf("\n%% remeshing ... ");
sim.remesh(remeshTris.getValue(), 0.1, offsetMesh.getValue() );
regionHandler.assignRegions(sim.getRegions(), sim.getNodes(),sim.getElems());
printf("\t%.4lfs - have %d elements",t1-t0,sim.getElems().size());
printf("\n%% initializing BEM solver ... ");
ret=sim.initBEM(*material, is2D.getValue(), bcStrings.getValue());
if(ret!=0){ printf("\n%% initBEM returned %d!",ret); return ret;}
}else{ // work directly with the input mesh, supporting initial cracks
// since initial cracks are set by boundary conditions
// initialize the BEM first - parsing BCs in the process
printf("\n%% initializing BEM solver ... ");
ret=sim.initBEM(*material, is2D.getValue(), bcStrings.getValue());
if(ret!=0){ printf("\n%% initBEM returned %d!",ret); return ret;}
// if we have initial cracks, the BEM must be initialized first, because this will parse the boundary conditions and mark these regions as cracks
// once this has been done, the level-set representation can be built accordingly
printf("\n%% initializing VDB grids ...");
sim.initVDB(resGrid.getValue(), noSI.getValue() );
// allow the user to pre-arrest some cracks (for testing)
id_set staticCrackSet;
printf("\n%% initializing fracture model ... ");
sim.initFractureModel(*material, outVDBsubstep.isSet(),cfSampl.getValue());
// can add cracks manually here ...
//sim.startCrack( Eigen::Vector3d(0.0,0.8,0.2), Eigen::Vector3d(0.0,1.0,0.0), Eigen::Vector3d( 1.0,0.0,0.0) );
//sim.startCrack( Eigen::Vector3d(0.0,0.4,0.1), Eigen::Vector3d(0.0,1.0,0.0), Eigen::Vector3d(-1.0,0.0,0.0) );
if( startCracks.isSet() ){
bool needUpdate=false;
for(vector<string>::const_iterator it = startCracks.getValue().begin();
it != startCracks.getValue().end(); ++it){
Eigen::Vector3d p,n,m;
char c,d;
d=sscanf(it->c_str(), "(%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf%c",
&(p[0]),&(p[1]),&(p[2]), &(n[0]),&(n[1]),&(n[2]), &(m[0]),&(m[1]),&(m[2]), &c
if( c==')' && d==10 ){
printf("\n%% adding crack \"%s\"", it->c_str());
sim.startCrack(p, n.normalized(), m.normalized());
if( needUpdate ) sim.computeAddedCracks();
// *********** the simulation loop ***************
int newCracks=0, steps = crackSteps.getValue(); // number of crack propagation steps
bool doFracture=true; int k;
for(k=0; k<=steps && doFracture; ++k){
if( (sim.getMethod()==FULL_BEM) && estFromElems.getValue() > 0 )
if( sim.getElems().size() > estFromElems.getValue() ) sim.setMethodEstimated();
printf("\n%% computing SIFs ...");
// sim.dumpDebugData();
if( outFile.isSet() ){
printf("\n%% writing VTK & VDB output ...");
stringstream fileName;
fileName << outFile.getValue() << "_";
fileName.fill('0'); fileName.width(4);
fileName << k;
outMeshQual.getValue(), !outMeshNoU.isSet(), !outMeshNoCOD.isSet(),
outMeshClose.isSet(), outMeshOBJ.isSet()
printf("\t%.4lfs (%s)",t1-t0, fileName.str().c_str());
doFracture = true;
unsigned int numElems= sim.getElems().size();
if(k<steps && doFracture){
printf("\n%% simulating fractures ... ");
newCracks=0; // just for output
if( nCracks.getValue() < 0 ) // unlimited seeding
newCracks = sim.seedCracksAndPropagate();
else if ( sim.getCracks().size() < nCracks.getValue() ) // limited seeding
newCracks = sim.seedCracksAndPropagate( nCracks.getValue() - sim.getCracks().size());
else // no seeding
if(sim.getElems().size() == numElems) doFracture=false; // stop if no new elements have been added (in this the BEM solution will not change, so the next step won't do anything either)
printf("\t%.4lfs - have %d elements",t1-t0,sim.getElems().size());
if(newCracks>0) printf(", just added %d new fractures", newCracks);
if( outFile.isSet() ){ // write final state
sim.computeBEM(); // make sure we have a consistent state to start with
printf("\n%% writing final VTK & VDB output ... ");
stringstream fileName;
fileName << outFile.getValue() << "_";
fileName.fill('0'); fileName.width(4);
fileName << k;
outMeshQual.getValue(), !outMeshNoU.isSet(), !outMeshNoCOD.isSet(),
outMeshClose.isSet(), outMeshOBJ.isSet()
printf("\t%.4lfs (%s)",t1-t0, fileName.str().c_str());
printf("\n\n%% all done \n%% total time %.2lf seconds\n", t1-startTime);
if(material!=NULL){ delete material; material==NULL;}
}catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e) {// catch any exceptions
std::cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl;
if(material!=NULL){ delete material; material==NULL;}
return -1;
return 0;