Raw File
Tip revision: 8a99f85649d80d06a6dddd61e1be5d38eac81997 authored by Alexander Nadel on 17 May 2023, 06:42:21 UTC
A major update, described in the SAT'23 paper Solving Huge Instances with Intel(R) SAT Solver
Tip revision: 8a99f85
// Copyright(C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
// SPDX - License - Identifier: MIT

#include "Topi.hpp"
#include "SetInScope.h"

#include <fstream> 
#include <numeric>

using namespace Topor;
using namespace std;

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
TUInd CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::AddClsToBufferAndWatch(const TSpanTULit cls, bool isLearnt)
	if (isLearnt && IsCbLearntOrDrat())

	TUInd clsStart = BadClsInd;

	if (cls.size() == 2)
		if (m_ParamExistingBinWLStrat == 2 || !WLBinaryWatchExists(cls[0], cls[1]))
			m_Stat.NewClause(cls.size(), isLearnt);
			WLAddBinaryWatch(cls[0], cls[1]);
			if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return clsStart;
			WLAddBinaryWatch(cls[1], cls[0]);
			if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return clsStart;
			assert(WLBinaryWatchExists(cls[1], cls[0]));
			if (m_ParamExistingBinWLStrat == 1)
				UpdateScoreVar(GetVar(cls[0]), m_ParamBinWLScoreBoostFactor);
				UpdateScoreVar(GetVar(cls[1]), m_ParamBinWLScoreBoostFactor);
	else if (cls.size() > 2)
		m_Stat.NewClause(cls.size(), isLearnt);
		// Long clause		

		WLAddLongWatch(cls[0], cls[1]);
		if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return clsStart;

		WLAddLongWatch(cls[1], cls[0]);
		if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return clsStart;

		auto PointFromWatches = [&](TUInd clsInd)
			const array<TUInd, 2> clsIndPtrs = { LastWLEntry(cls[0]), LastWLEntry(cls[1]) };
			*((TUInd*)(m_W.get_ptr() + clsIndPtrs[0])) = *((TUInd*)(m_W.get_ptr() + clsIndPtrs[1])) = clsInd;
			return clsInd;

		if constexpr (!Compress)
			const bool isOversized = isLearnt && cls.size() > ClsLearntMaxSizeWithGlue;

			const TUInd newBNext = m_BNext + (TUInd)cls.size() + EClsLitsStartOffset(isLearnt, isOversized);

			if (unlikely(newBNext < m_BNext))
				SetStatus(TToporStatus::STATUS_INDEX_TOO_NARROW, "AddClsToBufferAndWatch: too many literals in all the clauses combined");
				return clsStart;

			if (unlikely(newBNext >= m_B.cap()))
				if (unlikely(m_B.uninitialized_or_erroneous()))
					SetStatus(TToporStatus::STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED, "AddClsToBufferAndWatch: couldn't reserve the buffer");
					return clsStart;

			// The clause will start at m_BNext; point to it correctly from both watches
			clsStart = PointFromWatches(m_BNext);
			// Order of setting the fields is important, since ClsSetSize depends on ClsSetSize and ClsSetGlue depends on both
			EClsSetIsLearnt(m_BNext, isLearnt);
			ClsSetSize(m_BNext, (TUV)cls.size());
			if (isLearnt)
				ClsSetGlue(m_BNext, GetGlueAndMarkCurrDecLevels(cls));
				if (unlikely(m_BNext < m_FirstLearntClsInd))
					m_FirstLearntClsInd = m_BNext;
				if (m_ParamClsDelStrategy > 0)
			// Copy the clause from the input span
			memcpy(m_B.get_ptr(m_BNext + EClsLitsStartOffset(isLearnt, isOversized)), &cls[0], cls.size() * sizeof(cls[0]));
			// Update m_BNext
			m_BNext = newBNext;
			clsStart = PointFromWatches(BCCompress(cls, isLearnt, isLearnt ? GetGlueAndMarkCurrDecLevels(cls) : 0));

	return clsStart;


template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::UpdateAllUipInfoAfterRestart()
	if (m_ParamAllUipMode == 0 || m_Stat.m_Restarts <= m_ParamAllUipFirstRestart || (m_ParamAllUipLastRestart != numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() && m_Stat.m_Restarts >= m_ParamAllUipLastRestart))

	const bool allUipFailed = m_AllUipAttemptedCurrRestart > 0 && (double)m_AllUipSucceededCurrRestart / (double)m_AllUipAttemptedCurrRestart < m_ParamAllUipFailureThr;
	if (allUipFailed)
		m_AllUipGap = m_AllUipGap == 0 ? 0 : m_AllUipGap - 1;

	m_AllUipSucceededCurrRestart = 0;
	m_AllUipAttemptedCurrRestart = 0;

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::MinimizeClauseBin(CVector<TULit>& cls)
	[[maybe_unused]] const auto clsSizeBefore = cls.size();

	assert(NV(2) || P("Minimize-clause-binary start: " + SLits(cls.get_const_span()) + "\n"));


	CApplyFuncOnExitFromScope<> onExit([&]()

	TWatchInfo& wi = m_Watches[cls[0]];
	TSpanTULit binWatches = m_W.get_span_cap(wi.m_WBInd + wi.GetLongEntries(), wi.m_BinaryWatches);
	bool someMarked = false;
	for (TULit l : binWatches)
		if (IsSatisfied(l))
			someMarked = true;

	if (someMarked)
		cls.erase_if_may_reorder([&](TULit l)
			return IsRooted(l);
		}, 1);

	assert(NV(2) || P("Minimize-clause-binary finish; " + (cls.size() == clsSizeBefore ? "couldn't minimize" : "minimized and saved " + to_string(clsSizeBefore - cls.size()) + " literals") + ": " + SLits(cls.get_const_span()) + "\n"));

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
bool CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::GenerateAllUipClause(CVector<TULit>& cls)
	if (m_ParamAllUipMode == 0 || m_Stat.m_Restarts < m_ParamAllUipFirstRestart)
		return false;


	const auto initGlue = GetGlueAndMarkCurrDecLevels(cls.get_const_span());
	if (cls.size() <= m_AllUipGap + initGlue)
		assert(NV(2) || P("GenerateAllUipClause early exit: cls.size() <= m_AllUipGap + initGlue (" + to_string(cls.size()) + " " + to_string(m_AllUipGap) + " " + to_string(initGlue) + ")\n"));
		return false;

	assert(NV(2) || P("GenerateAllUipClause attempt #" + to_string(m_Stat.m_AllUipAttempted + 1) + " started with the following clause " + SLits(cls.get_const_span()) + "\n"));

	CVector<TULit> res;
	bool cancelAllUipClauseGeneration = false;

	for (auto l : cls.get_span())

	CApplyFuncOnExitFromScope<> onExit([&]()

		if (!cancelAllUipClauseGeneration)
			m_Stat.m_LitsRemovedByAllUip += cls.size() - res.size();
			assert(NV(2) || P("GenerateAllUipClause succeeded, exiting; the new clause is: " + SLits(cls.get_const_span()) + "\n"));
			assert(NV(2) || P("GenerateAllUipClause failed, exiting: " + SLits(cls.get_const_span()) + "\n"));


	auto [initMarkedDecLevelsCounter, decLevels] = GetDecLevelsAndMarkInHugeCounter(cls);
	if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return false;

	auto UnvisitedNum = [&](TUV decLevel)
		return m_HugeCounterPerDecLevel[decLevel] <= initMarkedDecLevelsCounter ? 0 : m_HugeCounterPerDecLevel[decLevel] - initMarkedDecLevelsCounter;

	while (!decLevels.empty())
		const TUV decLevel =;

		assert(UnvisitedNum(decLevel) >= 1);

		assert(NV(2) || P("Decision level " + to_string(decLevel) + " : started with " + to_string(UnvisitedNum(decLevel)) + " unvisited variables\n"));

		for (TUVar v = m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel[decLevel]; UnvisitedNum(decLevel) > 0; v = m_VarInfo[v].m_TrailPrev)
			if (IsRootedVar(v))
				assert(NV(2) || P("New rooted variable " + SVar(v) + "\n"));

				auto IsVPushedToRes = [&]()
					return res.size() != 0 && GetVar(res.back()) == v;

				auto PushVToRes = [&]()
					const TULit l = Negate(GetAssignedLitForVar(v));
					assert(NV(2) || P("Pushing the following literal to res " + SLit(l) + "\n"));
					assert(find(res.get_span().begin(), res.get_span().end(), l) == res.get_span().end());

				auto CancelAllUipClauseGenerationIfRequired = [&]()
					if (res.size() + decLevels.size() >= cls.size())
						assert(NV(2) || P("Canceled AllUIP clause generation sue to exceeding size\n"));
						cancelAllUipClauseGeneration = true;
						return true;
					return false;



				if (decLevel == m_DecLevel || UnvisitedNum(decLevel) == 0)
					// It's either the latest decision level, or 
					// We reached the UIP for a certain level (in which case the for loop will exit)
					if (CancelAllUipClauseGenerationIfRequired())
						return false;

				const auto parentSpan = GetAssignedNonDecParentSpanVar(v);
				assert(NV(2) || P("\tParent " + SLits((span<TULit>)parentSpan) + "\n"));
				for (auto lParent : parentSpan)
					if (IsRooted(lParent))
					const TUV lParentDecLevel = GetAssignedDecLevel(lParent);
					if (UnvisitedNum(lParentDecLevel) == 0)
						// The parent contains an unvisited level --> v will be included in the final clause as we don't want to resolve it away
						if (CancelAllUipClauseGenerationIfRequired())
							return false;

				if (!IsVPushedToRes())
					// Now we know that v can be resolved away without adding new levels
					assert(NV(2) || P("\tNow we know that " + SVar(v) + " can be resolved away without adding new levels\n"));
					for (auto lParent : parentSpan)
						if (IsRooted(lParent))
						const TUV lParentDecLevel = GetAssignedDecLevel(lParent);
						if (m_HugeCounterPerDecLevel[lParentDecLevel] > m_HugeCounterDecLevels)
							m_HugeCounterDecLevels = m_HugeCounterPerDecLevel[lParentDecLevel];

	return true;

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::MinimizeClauseMinisat(CVector<TULit>& cls)
	[[maybe_unused]] const auto clsSizeBefore = cls.size();

	assert(NV(2) || P("Minimize-clause-Minisat start: " + SLits(cls.get_const_span()) + "\n"));


	CApplyFuncOnExitFromScope<> onExit([&]()

	if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return;

	// After this function, all the decision levels in cls have m_DecLevelsLastAppearenceCounter[decLevel] == m_CurrDecLevelsCounter

	// All the variables in clause are the root
	// The minimization algorithm in a nutshell: for every root literal, if we reach the roots only by parent chain visiting, the literal can be removed
	if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return;

	for (auto l : cls.get_span())

	CVector<TUVar> toTestForRemoval;

	cls.erase_if_may_reorder([&](TULit l)
		if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return false;


		bool canBeRemoved = true;

		assert(IsAssigned(l) && GetAssignedDecLevel(l) != 0);

		if (IsAssignedDec(l))
			// The current literal is a decision literal, so it must have a marked decision level, and we cannot remove it
			canBeRemoved = false;
			auto ProcessParentDecideIfRemovalStillPossible = [&](TUVar currVar, const span<TULit> parent)
				for (TULit parentLit : parent)
					if (GetVar(parentLit) == currVar)

					if (!IsAssignedMarkedDecLevel(parentLit))
						canBeRemoved = false;

					if (!IsRooted(parentLit))
						if (IsAssignedDec(parentLit))
							canBeRemoved = false;
						if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return;

			ProcessParentDecideIfRemovalStillPossible(GetVar(l), GetAssignedNonDecParentSpan(l));
			if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return false;

			while (canBeRemoved && !toTestForRemoval.empty())
				const TUVar currTestedVar = toTestForRemoval.back();


				// We never add a rooted var to toTestForRemoval, but a tested variable may be marked as rooted after being successfully tested for removal
				if (!IsRootedVar(currTestedVar))
					size_t toTestBefore = toTestForRemoval.size();
					ProcessParentDecideIfRemovalStillPossible(currTestedVar, GetAssignedNonDecParentSpanVar(currTestedVar));
					if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return false;
					if (canBeRemoved && toTestForRemoval.size() == toTestBefore)
						// This line is unnecessary for correctness, since the next iteration would've removed currTestedVar from toTestForRemoval anyway,
						// since the variable is marked as rooted, but we save an iteration by doing it here


		return canBeRemoved;

	assert(NV(2) || P("Minimize-clause-Minisat finish; " + (cls.size() == clsSizeBefore ? "couldn't minimize" : "minimized and saved " + to_string(clsSizeBefore - cls.size()) + " literals") + ": " + SLits(cls.get_const_span()) + "\n"));

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
size_t CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::SizeWithoutDecLevel0(const span<TULit> cls) const
	return accumulate(cls.begin(), cls.end(), (size_t)0, [&](size_t sum, TULit l)
		return sum + (GetAssignedDecLevel(l) != 0);

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
pair<typename CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::TSpanTULit, TUInd> CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::LearnAndUpdateHeuristics(TContradictionInfo& contradictionInfo, CVector<TULit>& clsBeforeAllUipOrEmptyIfAllUipFailed, bool reachDecisionMaxLevel)

	if (m_ParamVerbosity > 0 && m_Stat.m_Conflicts % (decltype(m_Stat.m_Conflicts))m_ParamStatPrintOutConfs == 0)
		cout << m_Stat.StatStrShort();

	// Giving an alias to m_VisitedLits to reflect the current usage for readability
	CVector<TULit>& visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels = m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0];
	// Clear from any previous usage
	CApplyFuncOnExitFromScope<> onExit([&]()


	auto contradictingCls = CiGetSpan(contradictionInfo);

	assert(NV(2) || P("************************ Conflict #" + to_string(m_Stat.m_Conflicts) + "\n" + STrail() + "\n" + "Contradicting clause: " + SLits((span<TULit>)contradictingCls) + "\n"));

	// The other case is taken care of by the CDCL-loop in Solve
	assert(GetAssignedDecLevel(contradictingCls[0]) == GetAssignedDecLevel(contradictingCls[1]));
	// Again, any backtracking is taken care of by the CDCL-loop in Solve
	assert(GetAssignedDecLevel(contradictingCls[0]) == m_DecLevel);

	TUV varsToVisitCurrDecLevel = 0;

	auto VisitLit = [&](TULit l)
		TUVar v = GetVar(l);
		const TUV decLevel = GetAssignedDecLevel(l);

		if (!m_AssignmentInfo[v].m_Visit && decLevel != 0)

			if (decLevel == m_DecLevel)
				visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.push_back(IsSatisfied(l) ? Negate(l) : l);
			UpdateScoreVar(v, m_ParamVarActivityUseMapleLevelBreaker ? 0.5 : 1.0);


	auto VisitCls = [&](const span<TULit> cls, TUInd longClsInd, bool updateClsCounter)
		if (updateClsCounter)
			if (unlikely(m_CurrClsCounter < 0))
				m_CurrClsCounter = 1;

		for (TULit l : cls)
			if (updateClsCounter)
				m_CurrClsCounters[GetVar(l)] = m_CurrClsCounter;
		if (longClsInd != BadClsInd && ClsGetIsLearnt(longClsInd))
			const TUV newGlue = GetGlueAndMarkCurrDecLevels(cls);
			const TUV oldGlue = ClsGetGlue(longClsInd);
			if (newGlue < oldGlue)
				ClsSetGlue(longClsInd, newGlue);
			ClsDelNewLearntOrGlueUpdate(longClsInd, oldGlue);

	VisitCls(contradictingCls, contradictionInfo.m_IsContradictionInBinaryCls ? BadClsInd : contradictionInfo.m_ParentClsInd, false);

	bool contradictingIsLearnt = IsOnTheFlySubsumptionContradictingOn();
	// Used to maintain all the heuristics working if the contradicting clause manages to stay the 1UIP
	TUVar trailEndBeforeOnTheFlySubsumption = m_TrailEnd;


	TUVar v = m_TrailEnd;

	for (; varsToVisitCurrDecLevel != 1 || (reachDecisionMaxLevel && m_DecLevel != 0 && !IsAssignedAndDecVar(v)); v = m_VarInfo[v].m_TrailPrev)
		auto& ai = m_AssignmentInfo[v];
		auto& vi = m_VarInfo[v];

		if (ai.m_Visit)
			if (ai.IsAssignedBinary() || vi.m_ParentClsInd != BadClsInd)
				auto ContradictingTrinary2BinaryByResolvingCurrVar = [&]()
					const TULit l1 = contradictingCls[GetVar(contradictingCls[0]) == v ? 1 : 0];
					const TULit l2 = contradictingCls[GetVar(contradictingCls[2]) == v ? 1 : 2];
					contradictionInfo.m_IsContradictionInBinaryCls = true;
					contradictionInfo.m_BinClause = { l1, l2 };
					AddClsToBufferAndWatch(contradictionInfo.m_BinClause, true);

				auto Contradicting2BinaryByRemovingLevel0 = [&]()
					size_t currGoodLitInd = 0;
					for (TULit l : contradictingCls)
						if (GetAssignedDecLevel(l) != 0)
							contradictionInfo.m_BinClause[currGoodLitInd++] = l;
					assert(currGoodLitInd == 2);
					contradictionInfo.m_IsContradictionInBinaryCls = true;
					AddClsToBufferAndWatch(contradictionInfo.m_BinClause, true);

				// If the clause is binary, the parent will contain only the other literal (without l), but we don't need l anyway
				// If the clause isn't binary, the parent will be complete, which is fine too
				auto parent = GetAssignedNonDecParentSpanVI(ai, vi);
				const auto psNo0 = parent.size() == 1 ? 2 : SizeWithoutDecLevel0(parent);
				assert(NV(2) || P("Visited var: " + SVar(v) + "; Visited clause: " + SLits((span<TULit>)parent) + "\n"));
				const auto visitedBefore = m_VisitedVars.size();
				VisitCls(parent, ai.IsAssignedBinary() ? BadClsInd : vi.m_ParentClsInd,
					IsOnTheFlySubsumptionParentOn() && psNo0 > 2 && (IsParentLongInitial(ai, vi) || psNo0 < m_ParamOnTheFlySubsumptionParentMinGlueToDisable));
				if (contradictingIsLearnt)
					if (GetVar(m_FlippedLit) == v)
						assert(NV(2) || P("Visited flipped var while still minimizing the contradicting clause, hence disable flipped recording for this conflict; var = " + SVar(v) + "\n"));
						m_FlippedLit = BadULit;

					const auto csNo0 = SizeWithoutDecLevel0(contradictingCls);

					if (m_VisitedVars.size() == visitedBefore &&
						((!contradictionInfo.m_IsContradictionInBinaryCls && !ClsGetIsLearnt(contradictionInfo.m_ParentClsInd)) ||
							csNo0 < (size_t)m_ParamOnTheFlySubsumptionContradictingMinGlueToDisable))
						// The contradicting clause can be subsumed!
						// Is the parent clause subsumed by the contradicting clause too?												
						const bool parentSubsumedByContradicting = psNo0 == csNo0;
						bool longInitParentSubsumedByLearntContradicting = parentSubsumedByContradicting && psNo0 > 2 &&
							!ClsGetIsLearnt(vi.m_ParentClsInd) && ClsGetIsLearnt(contradictionInfo.m_ParentClsInd);

						if (contradictingCls.size() == 2)
							// A binary clause --> it can be deleted						
							// We have a new unit clause, which will serve as the learnt clause
							assert(varsToVisitCurrDecLevel == 1);
							contradictingCls = span(&contradictionInfo.m_BinClause[v == GetVar(contradictionInfo.m_BinClause[0]) ? 1 : 0], 1);
							if (IsCbLearntOrDrat())
							// A trinary clause, which will now convert into a binary one
							if (contradictingCls.size() == 3)
								longInitParentSubsumedByLearntContradicting = false;
								assert(contradictingCls.size() > 3);
								DeleteLitFromCls(contradictionInfo.m_ParentClsInd, Negate(GetAssignedLitForVar(v)));
							contradictingCls = CiGetSpan(contradictionInfo);

						assert(NV(2) || P("Contradicting clause after reduction: " + SLits((span<TULit>)contradictingCls) + "\n"));

						if (parentSubsumedByContradicting)
							assert(NV(2) || P("Parent clause deleted, since subsumed by contradicting!\n"));
							if (parent.size() == 1)
								array<TULit, 2> binCls = { vi.m_BinOtherLit, GetAssignedLitForVar(v) };
								m_Stat.m_LitsRemovedByConfSubsumption += 2;
								if (longInitParentSubsumedByLearntContradicting)
									assert(NV(2) || P("Parent and contradicting swapped, being a long-initial and learnt, respectively!\n"));
									if (ClsGetSize(vi.m_ParentClsInd) == 3)
										DeleteLitFromCls(vi.m_ParentClsInd, GetAssignedLitForVar(v));
										swap(vi.m_ParentClsInd, contradictionInfo.m_ParentClsInd);
									contradictingCls = CiGetSpan(contradictionInfo);
								m_Stat.m_LitsRemovedByConfSubsumption += ClsGetSize(vi.m_ParentClsInd);

						while (m_TrailEnd != v)
						while (!IsVisitedVar(m_TrailEnd))
						if (m_CurrCustomBtStrat > 0)
							m_BestScorePerDecLevel[GetAssignedDecLevelVar(m_TrailEnd)] = CalcMaxDecLevelScore(GetAssignedDecLevelVar(m_TrailEnd));
						contradictingIsLearnt = false;
				else if (IsOnTheFlySubsumptionParentOn() && psNo0 > 2 && (IsParentLongInitial(ai, vi) || psNo0 < m_ParamOnTheFlySubsumptionParentMinGlueToDisable))
					bool parentSubsumedByCurrResolvent = visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.size() + varsToVisitCurrDecLevel + 1 <= psNo0;
					if (!parentSubsumedByCurrResolvent)

					const auto visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevelsSpan = visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.get_const_span();
					for (TULit l : visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevelsSpan)
						const TUVar vL = GetVar(l);
						if (m_CurrClsCounters[vL] != m_CurrClsCounter)
							parentSubsumedByCurrResolvent = false;

					if (!parentSubsumedByCurrResolvent)

					TUV varsVisitedNum = 0;
					for (TUVar u = m_VarInfo[v].m_TrailPrev; varsVisitedNum < varsToVisitCurrDecLevel; u = m_VarInfo[u].m_TrailPrev)
						if (IsVisitedVar(u))
							if (m_CurrClsCounters[u] != m_CurrClsCounter)
								parentSubsumedByCurrResolvent = false;

					if (!parentSubsumedByCurrResolvent)

					if (parentSubsumedByCurrResolvent)
						if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.get_span(), BadClsInd);
						assert(NV(2) || P("On-the-fly subsumption will remove the pivot " + SVar(v) + " from this parent\n"));

	if (m_ParamMinimizeClausesMinisat && visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.size() > 1)
		if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.get_span(), BadClsInd);

	// Find the first UIP
	while (!m_AssignmentInfo[v].m_Visit)
		v = m_VarInfo[v].m_TrailPrev;
	const TULit firstUIPNegated = Negate(GetAssignedLitForVar(v));

	if (m_ParamAllUipMode == 1 || m_ParamAllUipMode == 3)
		clsBeforeAllUipOrEmptyIfAllUipFailed = visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels;
		bool allUipGenerated = GenerateAllUipClause(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels);
		if (!allUipGenerated)
		if (clsBeforeAllUipOrEmptyIfAllUipFailed.uninitialized_or_erroneous())
			SetStatus(TToporStatus::STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED, "clsBeforeAllUipOrEmptyIfAllUipFailed allocation failure");
		if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.get_span(), BadClsInd);

	// Forming the 1UIP conflict clause, ensuring that literal 0 has the highest decision level, while literal 1 is the second highest
	swap(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels[0], visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.back());

	if (visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.size() <= m_ParamMinimizeClausesBinMaxSize && GetGlueAndMarkCurrDecLevels(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.get_const_span()) <= m_ParamMinimizeClausesBinMaxLbd)

	if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.get_span(), BadClsInd);

	if (visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.size() > 2)
		auto highestDecLevelLitIt = GetAssignedLitsHighestDecLevelIt(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.get_span(), 1);

		if (*highestDecLevelLitIt != visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels[1])
			swap(*highestDecLevelLitIt, visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels[1]);

	assert(NV(1) || P("New-clause at level " + to_string(m_DecLevel) + " : " + SLits(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.get_const_span()) + "\n"));

	bool addInitCls = false;
	TUInd clsStart = BadClsInd;

	if (contradictingIsLearnt)
		assert(NV(2) || P("The contradicting clause was reduced all the way to 1UIP\n"));
		// The contradicting clause was reduced all the way to 1UIP

		// Disabling flipped clause recording
		m_FlippedLit = BadULit;
		if (!contradictionInfo.m_IsContradictionInBinaryCls)
			// Is clause initial
			addInitCls = !ClsGetIsLearnt(contradictionInfo.m_ParentClsInd);
		if (contradictingCls.size() > visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.size())
			assert(NV(2) || P("The contradicting clause was reduced further by minimization and/or binary-resolution\n"));
			if (contradictionInfo.m_IsContradictionInBinaryCls)
				m_Stat.m_LitsRemovedByConfSubsumption += 2;
				m_Stat.m_LitsRemovedByConfSubsumption += ClsGetSize(contradictionInfo.m_ParentClsInd);

			contradictingIsLearnt = false;
			assert(NV(2) || P("The contradicting clause will serve as the asserting clause, no need to record a new one!\n"));
			if (!contradictionInfo.m_IsContradictionInBinaryCls)
				clsStart = contradictionInfo.m_ParentClsInd;

	if (!contradictingIsLearnt)
		clsStart = AddClsToBufferAndWatch(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels, !addInitCls);

	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || WLAssertConsistency(false));

	if (m_ParamVarActivityUseMapleLevelBreaker)
		const TUV secondHighestDecLevel = visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.size() <= 1 ? 0 : min(GetAssignedDecLevel(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels[0]), GetAssignedDecLevel(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels[1]));
		TUV decLevelMinToUpdate = secondHighestDecLevel - m_ParamVarActivityMapleLevelBreakerDecrease;
		if (unlikely(decLevelMinToUpdate > secondHighestDecLevel))
			decLevelMinToUpdate = 0;
		for (TUVar vv : m_VisitedVars.get_span())
			if (m_VarInfo[vv].m_DecLevel >= decLevelMinToUpdate)
				UpdateScoreVar(vv, 1.0);

	const bool updateGlue = visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.size() > 2 && !addInitCls;
	const auto glue = updateGlue ? ClsGetGlue(clsStart) : 0;
	assert(IsOnTheFlySubsumptionContradictingOn() || trailEndBeforeOnTheFlySubsumption == m_TrailEnd);
	UpdateDecisionStrategyOnNewConflict(glue, GetVar(firstUIPNegated), trailEndBeforeOnTheFlySubsumption);

	if (updateGlue)
		ClsDelNewLearntOrGlueUpdate(clsStart, glue);

	return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevDecLevels.get_span(), clsStart);

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
pair<typename CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::TSpanTULit, TUInd> CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::RecordFlipped(TContradictionInfo& contradictionInfo, typename CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::TSpanTULit mainClsBeforeAllUip)
	// Giving an alias to m_VisitedLits to reflect the current usage for readability
	CVector<TULit>& visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels = m_HandyLitsClearBefore[1];
	// Clear from any previous usage

	if (m_ParamFlippedRecordingMaxLbdToRecord == 0 || m_FlippedLit == BadULit || GetAssignedDecLevel(m_FlippedLit) != m_DecLevel)
		return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_span(), BadClsInd);

	const TUVar flippedVar = GetVar(m_FlippedLit);
	for (TUVar v = m_TrailEnd; v != flippedVar; v = m_VarInfo[v].m_TrailPrev)
		assert(v != BadUVar);

	CApplyFuncOnExitFromScope<> onExit([&]()

	assert(NV(2) || contradictionInfo.m_IsContradictionInBinaryCls || P("Contradicting cls: " + SLits(Cls(contradictionInfo.m_ParentClsInd)) + "\n"));


	auto contradictingCls = CiGetSpan(contradictionInfo);

	assert(NV(2) || P("Will try to record a flipped clause\n"));

	// The other case is taken care of by the CDCL-loop in Solve
	assert(GetAssignedDecLevel(contradictingCls[0]) == GetAssignedDecLevel(contradictingCls[1]));
	// Again, any backtracking is taken care of by the CDCL-loop in Solve
	assert(GetAssignedDecLevel(contradictingCls[0]) == m_DecLevel);

	TUV varsToVisitCurrFlippedLevel = 0;

	auto VisitLit = [&](TULit l)
		TUVar v = GetVar(l);
		const TUV decLevel = GetAssignedDecLevel(l);

		if (!m_AssignmentInfo[v].m_Visit && decLevel != 0)

			if (IsRootedVar(v))
				visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.push_back(IsSatisfied(l) ? Negate(l) : l);


	auto VisitCls = [&](const span<TULit> cls, TUInd longClsInd)
		for (TULit l : cls) VisitLit(l);

	VisitCls(contradictingCls, contradictionInfo.m_IsContradictionInBinaryCls ? BadClsInd : contradictionInfo.m_ParentClsInd);

	if (varsToVisitCurrFlippedLevel == 1)
		assert(NV(2) || P("Flipped is skipped, since the contradicting clause has only one literal beyond the flipped (which might have happened because of on-the-fly-subsumption)\n"));
		return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_span(), BadClsInd);

	TUVar v = m_TrailEnd;

	for (; varsToVisitCurrFlippedLevel != 1; v = m_VarInfo[v].m_TrailPrev)
		auto& ai = m_AssignmentInfo[v];
		auto& vi = m_VarInfo[v];

		if (ai.m_Visit)
			if (ai.IsAssignedBinary() || vi.m_ParentClsInd != BadClsInd)
				// If the clause is binary, the parent will contain only the other literal (without l), but we don't need l anyway
				// If the clause isn't binary, the parent will be complete, which is fine too
				auto parent = GetAssignedNonDecParentSpanVI(ai, vi);
				assert(NV(2) || P("Visited var: " + SVar(v) + "; Visited clause: " + SLits((span<TULit>)parent) + "\n"));
				VisitCls(parent, ai.IsAssignedBinary() ? BadClsInd : vi.m_ParentClsInd);

	// Find the first UIP w.r.t the flipped level
	while (!m_AssignmentInfo[v].m_Visit)
		v = m_VarInfo[v].m_TrailPrev;

	if (m_ParamFlippedRecordDropIfSubsumed)
		bool isSubsumedByMain = true;
		for (TULit mainClsLit : mainClsBeforeAllUip)
			if (!IsVisited(mainClsLit) && GetVar(mainClsLit) != v)
				isSubsumedByMain = false;

		if (isSubsumedByMain)
			assert(NV(2) || P("Flipped is subsumed by the main clause: skipping; the clause so far: " + SLit(Negate(GetAssignedLitForVar(v))) + " " + SLits(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_const_span()) + "\n"));
			return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_span(), BadClsInd);

	// Must be clean before MinimizeClauseMinisat, since we don't need it anymore in this function, whereas MinimizeClauseMinisat uses it

	if (m_ParamMinimizeClausesMinisat && visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.size() > 1)
		if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable()))
			return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_span(), BadClsInd);

	if (m_ParamAllUipMode == 2 || m_ParamAllUipMode == 3)
		if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable()))
			return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_span(), BadClsInd);

	const TULit firstUIPNegated = Negate(GetAssignedLitForVar(v));

	// Forming the 1UIP conflict clause, ensuring that literal 0 has the highest decision level, while literal 1 is the second highest
	swap(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels[0], visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.back());

	if (visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.size() <= m_ParamMinimizeClausesBinMaxSize && GetGlueAndMarkCurrDecLevels(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_const_span()) <= m_ParamMinimizeClausesBinMaxLbd)

	if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_span(), BadClsInd);

	const auto glue = GetGlueAndMarkCurrDecLevels(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_const_span());
	if (glue > m_ParamFlippedRecordingMaxLbdToRecord)
		assert(NV(2) || P("Flipped glue " + to_string(glue) + " is higher than the threshold " + to_string(m_ParamFlippedRecordingMaxLbdToRecord) + ", so flipped recording will be skipped\n"));
		return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_span(), BadClsInd);

	if (visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.size() > 2)
		auto highestDecLevelLitIt = GetAssignedLitsHighestDecLevelIt(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_span(), 1);

		if (*highestDecLevelLitIt != visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels[1])
			swap(*highestDecLevelLitIt, visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels[1]);

	assert(NV(1) || P("New flipped clause at level " + to_string(m_DecLevel) + " : " + SLits(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_const_span()) + "\n"));

	auto clsStart = AddClsToBufferAndWatch(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels, true);

	assert(NV(2) || P("Flipped clause recorded: " + SLits(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_const_span()) + "\n"));

	if (visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.size() > 2)
		ClsDelNewLearntOrGlueUpdate(clsStart, glue);

	return make_pair(visitedNegLitsPrevFlippedLevels.get_span(), clsStart);

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::NewLearntClsApplyCbLearntDrat(const span<TULit> learntCls)

	auto userClsSpan = m_UserCls.get_span();
	transform(learntCls.begin(), learntCls.end(), userClsSpan.begin(), [&](TULit l)
		TUVar v = GetVar(l);
		TLit userLit = m_I2ELitMap[v];
		return IsNeg(l) ? -userLit : userLit;

	if (m_OpenedDratFile != nullptr)
		ofstream& o = *m_OpenedDratFile;

		if (!o.good())
			SetStatus(TToporStatus::STATUS_DRAT_FILE_PROBLEM, (string)"Problem with DRAT file generation: " +
				(string)((o.rdstate() & std::ifstream::badbit) ? "Read/writing error on i/o operation" :
					(o.rdstate() & std::ifstream::failbit) ? "Logical error on i/o operation" :
					(o.rdstate() & std::ifstream::eofbit) ? "End-of-File reached on input operation" : "Unknown error"));

		if (m_IsDratBinary)
			o << 'a';
			for (TLit l : userClsSpan)
				uint64_t ul64 = l > 0 ? (uint64_t)l << (uint64_t)1 : ((uint64_t)-l << (uint64_t)1) + 1;

				while (ul64 & ~0x7f)
					const unsigned char ch = (ul64 & 0x7f) | 0x80;
					o << ch;
					ul64 >>= 7;
				o << (unsigned char)ul64;
			o << '\0';
			for (TLit l : userClsSpan)
				o << l << " ";
			o << "0" << endl;


	if (M_CbNewLearntCls != nullptr)
		TStopTopor stopTopor = M_CbNewLearntCls(userClsSpan);
		if (stopTopor == TStopTopor::VAL_STOP)
			SetStatus(TToporStatus::STATUS_USER_INTERRUPT, "User interrupt requested during callback (new-learnt-clause)");

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
bool CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::CiIsLegal(TContradictionInfo& ci, bool assertTwoLitsSameDecLevel)
	const auto cls = CiGetSpan(ci);
	// The contradicting clause's size is at least 2
	assert(cls.size() >= 2);
	// All the literals in the contradicting clause must be assigned false
	assert(all_of(cls.begin(), cls.end(), [&](TULit l) { return IsFalsified(l); }));
	// The first two literals must have the same highest decision level(BCP ensures this invariant)
	assert(!assertTwoLitsSameDecLevel || GetAssignedDecLevel(cls[0]) == GetAssignedDecLevel(cls[1]));
	assert(cls.size() == 2 || GetAssignedDecLevel(cls[0]) >= GetAssignedDecLevel(*GetAssignedLitsHighestDecLevelIt((span<TULit>)cls, 2)));
	assert(cls.size() == 2 || GetAssignedDecLevel(cls[1]) >= GetAssignedDecLevel(*GetAssignedLitsHighestDecLevelIt((span<TULit>)cls, 2)));
	return true;

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
pair<uint64_t, priority_queue<typename CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::TUV>> CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::GetDecLevelsAndMarkInHugeCounter(TSpanTULit cls)
	priority_queue<TUV> decLevels;

	if (m_HugeCounterPerDecLevel.cap() <= m_DecLevel)
		m_HugeCounterPerDecLevel.reserve_atleast_with_max((size_t)m_DecLevel, GetNextVar(), 0);
		if (m_HugeCounterPerDecLevel.uninitialized_or_erroneous())
			SetStatus(TToporStatus::STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED, "GetDecLevelsAndMarkInHugeCounter: allocation failed");

	const auto initMarkedDecLevelsCounter = m_HugeCounterDecLevels;

	for (TULit l : cls)
		const TUV decLevel = GetAssignedDecLevel(l);
		if (m_HugeCounterPerDecLevel[decLevel] <= initMarkedDecLevelsCounter)
			m_HugeCounterPerDecLevel[decLevel] = initMarkedDecLevelsCounter + 1;

		if (m_HugeCounterPerDecLevel[decLevel] > m_HugeCounterDecLevels)
			m_HugeCounterDecLevels = m_HugeCounterPerDecLevel[decLevel];

	return make_pair(initMarkedDecLevelsCounter, decLevels);

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::RemoveLitsFromSubsumed()
	for (auto v : m_VarsParentSubsumed.get_span())
		if (!m_AssignmentInfo[v].IsAssignedBinary())
			auto parentCls = Cls(m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd);
			if (parentCls.size() == 3)
				assert(NV(2) || P("On-the-fly subsumption converted the long parent to a binary; pivot = " + SVar(v) + "\n"));
				const TULit l1 = parentCls[GetVar(parentCls[0]) == v ? 1 : 0];
				const TULit l2 = parentCls[GetVar(parentCls[2]) == v ? 1 : 2];
				array<TULit, 2> binCls = { l1, l2 };
				AddClsToBufferAndWatch(binCls, true);
				assert(NV(2) || P("On-the-fly subsumption deleted the pivot from the long parent; pivot = " + SVar(v) + "\n"));
				DeleteLitFromCls(m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd, GetAssignedLitForVar(v));

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::ConflictAnalysisLoop(TContradictionInfo& contradictionInfo, bool reuseTrail, bool assumpMode)
	while (m_Status == TToporStatus::STATUS_UNDECIDED && contradictionInfo.IsContradiction())
		//assert(NV(2) || P("************************ DEBUGGING (contradiction--first-line-in-while)\n" + STrail() + "\n"));
		// See the contradicting clause invariants asserted in GetContradictingClauseSpan
		const auto contradictingCls = CiGetSpan(contradictionInfo, 2);
		// BCP guarantees that the two first literals (comprising the watched literals) 
		// have the highest decision level in the contradicting clause			
		auto maxDecLevelInContradictingCls = max(GetAssignedDecLevel(contradictingCls[0]), GetAssignedDecLevel(contradictingCls[1]));

		if (unlikely(maxDecLevelInContradictingCls == 0))
			// Global contradiction!
			SetStatus(TToporStatus::STATUS_CONTRADICTORY, "Global contradiction!");

		// The case of one literal of the highest decision level is taken care of in BCP
		assert(GetAssignedDecLevel(contradictingCls[0]) == GetAssignedDecLevel(contradictingCls[1]));

		CVector<TULit> clsBeforeAllUipOrEmptyIfAllUipFailed;
		auto [cls, assertingClsInd] = LearnAndUpdateHeuristics(contradictionInfo, clsBeforeAllUipOrEmptyIfAllUipFailed, assumpMode);
		//assert(m_ParamVerbosityLevel <= 2 || P("***** Learnt clause " + SLits(cls) + "\n"));
		if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return;
		if (assumpMode) m_FlippedLit = BadULit;
		auto [additionalCls, additionalAssertingClsInd] = RecordFlipped(contradictionInfo, clsBeforeAllUipOrEmptyIfAllUipFailed.empty() ? cls : clsBeforeAllUipOrEmptyIfAllUipFailed);
		if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return;

		if (!additionalCls.empty() &&
			((cls.size() > 1 && additionalCls.size() == 1) ||
				(cls.size() != 1 && additionalCls.size() != 1 &&
					GetAssignedDecLevel(additionalCls[0]) != GetAssignedDecLevel(additionalCls[1]) &&
					GetAssignedDecLevel(additionalCls[1]) < GetAssignedDecLevel(cls[1]))))
			// Swap the flipped clause with the 1UIP clause, since the former one is also an asserting clause of a lower 2nd dec. level
			assert(NV(2) || P("Swapped the flipped clause with the 1UIP clause\n"));
			swap(cls, additionalCls);
			swap(assertingClsInd, additionalAssertingClsInd);

		// The asserting clause must be non-empty
		assert(cls.size() > 0);
		// All the literals in the asserting clause must be assigned false
		assert(all_of(cls.begin(), cls.end(), [&](TULit l) { return IsFalsified(l); }));
		// The first literal's level must not be smaller than the rest
		assert(cls.size() == 1 || GetAssignedDecLevel(cls[0]) >= GetAssignedDecLevel(*GetAssignedLitsHighestDecLevelIt(cls, 1)));
		// The second literal's level must not be smaller than the rest, but the first one
		assert(cls.size() <= 2 || GetAssignedDecLevel(cls[1]) >= GetAssignedDecLevel(*GetAssignedLitsHighestDecLevelIt(cls, 2)));

		TUV ncbBtLevel = cls.size() > 1 ? GetAssignedDecLevel(cls[1]) : 0;
		if (!assumpMode && ncbBtLevel < m_DecLevelOfLastAssignedAssumption)
			// We don't want to backtrack lower than the assumptions to prevent assumption re-propagation
			ncbBtLevel = m_DecLevelOfLastAssignedAssumption;

		if (cls.size() > 2)
			if (m_CurrRestartStrat == RESTART_STRAT_LBD)
				// Might be initial because of on-the-fly subsumption
				RstNewAssertingGluedCls(ClsGetIsLearnt(assertingClsInd) ? ClsGetGlue(assertingClsInd) : GetGlueAndMarkCurrDecLevels(ConstClsSpan(assertingClsInd)));

		if (IsOnTheFlySubsumptionParentOn() && !m_VarsParentSubsumed.empty())

		// Determine how to backtrack 		
		const bool isChronoBt = assumpMode || (m_ConfsSinceNewInv >= m_ParamConflictsToPostponeChrono && m_DecLevel - ncbBtLevel > m_CurrChronoBtIfHigher) || maxDecLevelInContradictingCls <= m_DecLevelOfLastAssignedAssumption;
		const auto btLevel = isChronoBt ? (assumpMode || m_CurrCustomBtStrat == 0 || ncbBtLevel + 1 == m_DecLevel ? m_DecLevel - 1 : GetDecLevelWithBestScore(ncbBtLevel + 1, m_DecLevel)) : ncbBtLevel;
		Backtrack(btLevel, false, reuseTrail);
		Assign(m_FlippedLit = cls[0], cls.size() >= 2 ? assertingClsInd : BadClsInd, cls.size() == 1 ? BadULit : cls[1], cls.size() == 1 ? 0 : GetAssignedDecLevel(cls[1]));
		assert(NV(2) || P("***** Flipped former UIP to " + SLit(cls[0]) + "\n"));
		if (!additionalCls.empty() && !IsAssigned(additionalCls[0]) && all_of(additionalCls.begin() + 1, additionalCls.end(), [&](TULit l) { return IsFalsified(l); }))
			Assign(additionalCls[0], additionalCls.size() >= 2 ? additionalAssertingClsInd : BadClsInd, additionalCls.size() == 1 ? BadULit : additionalCls[1], additionalCls.size() == 1 ? 0 : GetAssignedDecLevel(additionalCls[1]));

		contradictionInfo = BCP();
		//assert(m_ParamVerbosityLevel <= 2 || P("************************ DEBUGGING (after BCP-conflict-loop)\n" + STrail() + "\n"));

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::MarkDecisionsInConeAsVisited(TULit triggeringLit)


	if (IsAssignedDec(triggeringLit))

	for (TUVar v = GetVar(triggeringLit); v != BadUVar && GetAssignedDecLevelVar(v) != 0; v = m_VarInfo[v].m_TrailPrev)
		if (IsVisitedVar(v) && !IsAssignedDecVar(v))
			const auto cls = GetAssignedNonDecParentSpanVar(v);
			for (auto clsLit : cls)
			if (v != GetVar(triggeringLit))
				m_AssignmentInfo[v].m_Visit = false;

	m_VisitedVars.erase_if_may_reorder([&](TUVar v)
		return m_AssignmentInfo[v].m_Visit == false;


template class CTopi<int32_t, uint32_t, false>;
template class CTopi<int32_t, uint64_t, false>;
template class CTopi<int32_t, uint64_t, true>;
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