import numpy as np
import torch
def partial_prod_deformable_butterfly_supports(supscript, subscript, low, high):
Closed form expression of partial matrix_product of butterfly supports. We name S_L, ..., S_1 the butterfly supports of
size 2^L, represented as binary matrices. Then, the method computes the partial matrix_product S_{high-1} ... S_low.
:param supscript: list of sizes of factors
:param subscript: list of sizes of blocks
:param low: int
:param high: int, excluded
:return: numpy array, binary matrix
size_id_begin = supscript[low][0]
size_id_end = supscript[high-1][1]
size_one_middle_h = 1
size_one_middle_w = 1
for i in range(low, high):
b, c = subscript[i]
size_one_middle_h *= b
size_one_middle_w *= c
return np.kron(np.eye(size_id_begin), np.kron(np.ones((size_one_middle_h, size_one_middle_w)), np.eye(size_id_end)))
def bfly_supp(p, q, J):
""" Get binary matrices describing the supports of butterfly factors """
assert 1 <= p <= q <= J
size = 2**(q-p+1)
V_p_q = torch.kron(torch.ones((size, size)), torch.eye(2**(J-q)))
return torch.kron(torch.eye(2**(p-1)), V_p_q)