Raw File
Plot smoothed estimates

  Plot smoothed estimates of x vs. y, handling missing data for lowess
  or supsmu, and adding axis labels.  Optionally suppresses plotting
  extrapolated estimates.  An optional \code{group} variable can be
  specified to compute and plot the smooth curves by levels of
  \code{group}.  When \code{group} is present, the \code{datadensity}
  option will draw tick marks showing the location of the raw
  \code{x}-values, separately for each curve.  \code{plsmo} has an
  option to plot connected points for raw data, with no smoothing.

\code{panel.plsmo} is a \code{panel} function for \code{trellis} for the
\code{xyplot} function that uses \code{plsmo} and its options to draw
one or more nonparametric function estimates on each panel.  This has
advantages over using \code{xyplot} with \code{panel.xyplot} and
\code{panel.loess}: (1) by default it will invoke \code{labcurve} to
label the curves where they are most separated, (2) the
\code{datadensity} option will put rug plots on each curve (instead of a
single rug plot at the bottom of the graph), and (3) when
\code{panel.plsmo} invokes \code{plsmo} it can use the "super smoother"
(\code{supsmu} function) instead of \code{lowess}.  \code{panel.plsmo}
senses when a \code{group} variable is specified to \code{xyplot} so
that it can invoke \code{\link[lattice]{panel.superpose}} instead of
\code{panel.xyplot}.  Using \code{panel.plsmo} through \code{trellis}
has some advantages over calling \code{plsmo} directly in that
conditioning variables are allowed and \code{trellis} uses nicer fonts

When a \code{group} variable was used, \code{panel.plsmo} creates a function
\code{Key} in the session frame that the user can invoke to draw a key for
individual data point symbols used for the \code{group}s.  
By default, the key is positioned at the upper right
corner of the graph.  If \code{Key(locator(1))} is specified, the key will
appear so that its upper left corner is at the coordinates of the
mouse click.
plsmo(x, y, method=c("lowess","supsmu","raw"), xlab, ylab, 
      add=FALSE, lty=1:nlev, col=par("col"), lwd=par("lwd"),
      iter=if(length(unique(y))>2) 3 else 0, bass=0, f=2/3, trim, 
      fun, group, prefix, xlim, ylim, 
      label.curves=TRUE, datadensity=FALSE, lines.=TRUE, subset=TRUE,
      grid=FALSE, \dots)

#To use panel function:
#xyplot(formula=y ~ x | conditioningvars, groups,
#       panel=panel.plsmo, type='b', 
#       label.curves=TRUE,
#       lwd = superpose.line$lwd, 
#       lty = superpose.line$lty, 
#       pch = superpose.symbol$pch, 
#       cex = superpose.symbol$cex, 
#       font = superpose.symbol$font, 
#       col = NULL, \dots)
vector of x-values, NAs allowed
vector of y-values, NAs allowed
"lowess" (the default), "supsmu", or "raw" to not smooth at all
x-axis label iff add=F.  Defaults of label(x) or argument name.
y-axis label, like xlab.
Set to T to call lines instead of plot.  Assumes axes already labeled.
line type, default=1,2,3,\dots, corresponding to \code{group}
color for each curve, corresponding to \code{group}.  Default is
current \code{par("col")}. 
vector of line widths for the curves, corresponding to \code{group}.
Default is current \code{par("lwd")}. 
\code{lwd} can also be specified as an element of \code{label.curves} if
\code{label.curves} is a list.
iter parameter if \code{method="lowess"}, default=0 if \code{y} is binary, and 3 otherwise.
bass parameter if \code{method="supsmu"}, default=0.
\item{f}{passed to the \code{lowess} function, for \code{method="lowess"}}
only plots smoothed estimates between trim and 1-trim quantiles
of x.  Default is to use 10th smallest to 10th largest x in the group if the number of observations in the group exceeds 200 (0 otherwise).
Specify trim=0 to plot over entire range.
after computing the smoothed estimates, if \code{fun} is given the y-values
are transformed by \code{fun()}
a variable, either a \code{factor} vector or one that will be converted to
\code{factor} by \code{plsmo}, that is used to stratify the data so that separate
smooths may be computed
a character string to appear in group of group labels.  The presence of
\code{prefix} ensures that \code{labcurve} will be called even when \code{add=TRUE}.
a vector of 2 x-axis limits.  Default is observed range.
a vector of 2 y-axis limits.  Default is observed range.
set to \code{FALSE} to prevent \code{labcurve} from being called to label multiple
curves corresponding to \code{group}s.  Set to a list to pass options to
\code{labcurve}.  \code{lty} and \code{col} are passed to \code{labcurve} automatically.
set to \code{TRUE} to draw tick marks on each curve, using x-coordinates
of the raw data \code{x} values.  This is done using \code{scat1d}.
set to \code{FALSE} to suppress smoothed curves from being drawn.  This can
make sense if \code{datadensity=TRUE}.
a logical or integer vector specifying a subset to use for processing,
with respect too all variables being analyzed
  set to \code{TRUE} if the \R \code{grid} package drew the current plot}
  optional arguments that are passed to \code{scat1d},
  or optional parameters to pass to \code{plsmo} from
  \code{panel.plsmo}.  See optional arguments for \code{plsmo} above.
set to \code{p} to have \code{panel.plsmo} plot points (and not call \code{plsmo}), 
\code{l} to call \code{plsmo} and not plot points, or use the default \code{b} to plot both.
vectors of graphical parameters corresponding to the \code{group}s (scalars
if \code{group} is absent).  By default, the parameters set up by
\code{trellis} will be used.
\code{plsmo} returns a list of curves (x and y coordinates) that was passed to \code{labcurve}
\section{Side Effects}{
plots, and \code{panel.plsmo} creates the \code{Key} function in the session frame.
\code{\link{lowess}}, \code{\link{supsmu}}, \code{\link{label}}, \code{\link{quantile}}, \code{\link{labcurve}}, \code{\link{scat1d}},
\code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}}, \code{\link[lattice]{panel.superpose}}, \code{\link[lattice]{panel.xyplot}}
x <- 1:100
y <- x + runif(100, -10, 10)
plsmo(x,y,"supsmu",xlab="Time of Entry") 
#Use label(y) or "y" for ylab

#Add lowess smooth to existing plot, with different line type

age <- rnorm(500, 50, 15)
survival.time <- rexp(500)
sex <- sample(c('female','male'), 500, TRUE)
race <- sample(c('black','non-black'), 500, TRUE)
plsmo(age, survival.time < 1, fun=qlogis, group=sex) # plot logit by sex

#Plot points and smooth trend line using trellis 
# (add type='l' to suppress points or type='p' to suppress trend lines)
xyplot(survival.time ~ age, panel=panel.plsmo)

#Do this for multiple panels
xyplot(survival.time ~ age | sex, panel=panel.plsmo)

#Do this for subgroups of points on each panel, show the data
#density on each curve, and draw a key at the default location
xyplot(survival.time ~ age | sex, groups=race, panel=panel.plsmo,

#Use wloess.noiter to do a fast weighted smooth
plot(x, y)
lines(wtd.loess.noiter(x, y))
lines(wtd.loess.noiter(x, y, weights=c(rep(1,50), 100, rep(1,49))), col=2)
points(51, y[51], pch=18)   # show overly weighted point
#Try to duplicate this smooth by replicating 51st observation 100 times
      type='ordered all'), col=3)
#Note: These two don't agree exactly

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