#### Demo for a plot of two quantile functions of food expenditure ###-- short version of the rq *VIGNETTE* --- use that! data(engel) ## do *NOT* attach() ## Poor is defined as at the .1 quantile of the sample distn ## Rich is defined as at the .9 quantile of the sample distn x.poor <- quantile(engel[,"income"], .10) x.rich <- quantile(engel[,"income"], .90) z <- rq(foodexp ~ income, tau= -1, data = engel) ps <- z$sol["tau",] coefs <- z$sol[4:5,] qs.poor <- c(c(1,x.poor) %*% coefs) qs.rich <- c(c(1,x.rich) %*% coefs) ## now plot the two quantile functions to compare par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(c(ps,ps),c(qs.poor,qs.rich),type="n",xlab=expression(tau),ylab="quantile") plot(stepfun(ps,c(qs.poor[1],qs.poor)),do.points=FALSE,add=TRUE) plot(stepfun(ps,c(qs.poor[1],qs.rich)),do.points=FALSE,add=TRUE, col.hor = "gray", col.vert = "gray") ## now plot associated conditional density estimates ## weights from ps (process) ps.wts <- (c(0,diff(ps)) + c(diff(ps),0)) / 2 ap <- akj(qs.poor, z=qs.poor, p = ps.wts) ar <- akj(qs.rich, z=qs.rich, p = ps.wts) plot(c(qs.poor,qs.rich), c(ap$dens,ar$dens), type="n", xlab= "Food Expenditure", ylab= "Density") lines(qs.rich, ar$dens, col="gray") lines(qs.poor, ap$dens, col="black") legend("topright", c("poor","rich"), lty = c(1,1), col=c("black","gray"))