import {DOCUMENT, Location, PlatformLocation, PopStateEvent, ViewportScroller} from '@angular/common'; import {Inject, Injectable, OnDestroy} from '@angular/core'; import {fromEvent, Subject} from 'rxjs'; import {debounceTime, takeUntil} from 'rxjs/operators'; type ScrollPosition = [number, number]; interface ScrollPositionPopStateEvent extends PopStateEvent { // If there is history state, it should always include `scrollPosition`. state?: {scrollPosition: ScrollPosition}; } export const topMargin = 16; /** * A service that scrolls document elements into view */ @Injectable() export class ScrollService implements OnDestroy { private _topOffset: number|null; private _topOfPageElement: Element; private onDestroy = new Subject(); private storage: Storage; // The scroll position which has to be restored, after a `popstate` event. poppedStateScrollPosition: ScrollPosition|null = null; // Whether the browser supports the necessary features for manual scroll restoration. supportManualScrollRestoration: boolean = !!window && ('scrollTo' in window) && ('scrollX' in window) && ('scrollY' in window) && isScrollRestorationWritable(); // Offset from the top of the document to bottom of any static elements // at the top (e.g. toolbar) + some margin get topOffset() { if (!this._topOffset) { const toolbar = this.document.querySelector('.app-toolbar'); this._topOffset = (toolbar && toolbar.clientHeight || 0) + topMargin; } return this._topOffset!; } get topOfPageElement() { if (!this._topOfPageElement) { this._topOfPageElement = this.document.getElementById('top-of-page') || this.document.body; } return this._topOfPageElement; } constructor( @Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: any, private platformLocation: PlatformLocation, private viewportScroller: ViewportScroller, private location: Location) { try { = window.sessionStorage; } catch { // When cookies are disabled in the browser, even trying to access // `window.sessionStorage` throws an error. Use a no-op storage. = { length: 0, clear: () => undefined, getItem: () => null, key: () => null, removeItem: () => undefined, setItem: () => undefined }; } // On resize, the toolbar might change height, so "invalidate" the top offset. fromEvent(window, 'resize') .pipe(takeUntil(this.onDestroy)) .subscribe(() => this._topOffset = null); fromEvent(window, 'scroll') .pipe(debounceTime(250), takeUntil(this.onDestroy)) .subscribe(() => this.updateScrollPositionInHistory()); fromEvent(window, 'beforeunload') .pipe(takeUntil(this.onDestroy)) .subscribe(() => this.updateScrollLocationHref()); // Change scroll restoration strategy to `manual` if it's supported. if (this.supportManualScrollRestoration) { history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'; // We have to detect forward and back navigation thanks to popState event. const locationSubscription = this.location.subscribe((event: ScrollPositionPopStateEvent) => { // The type is `hashchange` when the fragment identifier of the URL has changed. It allows // us to go to position just before a click on an anchor. if (event.type === 'hashchange') { this.scrollToPosition(); } else { // Navigating with the forward/back button, we have to remove the position from the // session storage in order to avoid a race-condition. this.removeStoredScrollInfo(); // The `popstate` event is always triggered by a browser action such as clicking the // forward/back button. It can be followed by a `hashchange` event. this.poppedStateScrollPosition = event.state ? event.state.scrollPosition : null; } }); this.onDestroy.subscribe(() => locationSubscription.unsubscribe()); } // If this was not a reload, discard the stored scroll info. if (window.location.href !== this.getStoredScrollLocationHref()) { this.removeStoredScrollInfo(); } } ngOnDestroy() {; } /** * Scroll to the element with id extracted from the current location hash fragment. * Scroll to top if no hash. * Don't scroll if hash not found. */ scroll() { const hash = this.getCurrentHash(); const element: HTMLElement = hash ? this.document.getElementById(hash) : this.topOfPageElement; this.scrollToElement(element); } /** * test if the current location has a hash */ isLocationWithHash(): boolean { return !!this.getCurrentHash(); } /** * When we load a document, we have to scroll to the correct position depending on whether this is * a new location, a back/forward in the history, or a refresh * @param delay before we scroll to the good position */ scrollAfterRender(delay: number) { // If we do rendering following a refresh, we use the scroll position from the storage. const storedScrollPosition = this.getStoredScrollPosition(); if (storedScrollPosition) { this.viewportScroller.scrollToPosition(storedScrollPosition); } else { if (this.needToFixScrollPosition()) { // The document was reloaded following a `popstate` event (triggered by clicking the // forward/back button), so we manage the scroll position. this.scrollToPosition(); } else { // The document was loaded as a result of one of the following cases: // - Typing the URL in the address bar (direct navigation). // - Clicking on a link. // (If the location contains a hash, we have to wait for async layout.) if (this.isLocationWithHash()) { // Delay scrolling by the specified amount to allow time for async layout to complete. setTimeout(() => this.scroll(), delay); } else { // If the location doesn't contain a hash, we scroll to the top of the page. this.scrollToTop(); } } } } /** * Scroll to the element. * Don't scroll if no element. */ scrollToElement(element: Element|null) { if (element) { element.scrollIntoView(); if (window && window.scrollBy) { // Scroll as much as necessary to align the top of `element` at `topOffset`. // (Usually, `.top` will be 0, except for cases where the element cannot be scrolled all the // way to the top, because the viewport is larger than the height of the content after the // element.) window.scrollBy(0, element.getBoundingClientRect().top - this.topOffset); // If we are very close to the top (<20px), then scroll all the way up. // (This can happen if `element` is at the top of the page, but has a small top-margin.) if (window.pageYOffset < 20) { window.scrollBy(0, -window.pageYOffset); } } } } /** Scroll to the top of the document. */ scrollToTop() { this.scrollToElement(this.topOfPageElement); } scrollToPosition() { if (this.poppedStateScrollPosition) { this.viewportScroller.scrollToPosition(this.poppedStateScrollPosition); this.poppedStateScrollPosition = null; } } updateScrollLocationHref(): void {'scrollLocationHref', window.location.href); } /** * Update the state with scroll position into history. */ updateScrollPositionInHistory() { if (this.supportManualScrollRestoration) { const currentScrollPosition = this.viewportScroller.getScrollPosition(); this.location.replaceState( this.location.path(true), undefined, {scrollPosition: currentScrollPosition});'scrollPosition', currentScrollPosition.join(',')); } } getStoredScrollLocationHref(): string|null { const href ='scrollLocationHref'); return href || null; } getStoredScrollPosition(): ScrollPosition|null { const position ='scrollPosition'); if (!position) { return null; } const [x, y] = position.split(','); return [+x, +y]; } removeStoredScrollInfo() {'scrollLocationHref');'scrollPosition'); } /** * Check if the scroll position need to be manually fixed after popState event */ needToFixScrollPosition(): boolean { return this.supportManualScrollRestoration && !!this.poppedStateScrollPosition; } /** * Return the hash fragment from the `PlatformLocation`, minus the leading `#`. */ private getCurrentHash() { return decodeURIComponent(this.platformLocation.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); } } /** * We need to check whether we can write to `history.scrollRestoration` * * We do this by checking the property descriptor of the property, but * it might actually be defined on the `history` prototype not the instance. * * In this context "writable" means either than the property is a `writable` * data file or a property that has a setter. */ function isScrollRestorationWritable() { const scrollRestorationDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(history, 'scrollRestoration') || Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(history), 'scrollRestoration'); return scrollRestorationDescriptor !== undefined && !!(scrollRestorationDescriptor.writable || scrollRestorationDescriptor.set); }