############################################################################### # Example user configuration file for ESMValTool ############################################################################### # # Note for users: # -------------- # Site-specific entries for different HPC centers are given at the bottom of # this file. Comment out/replace as needed. This default version of the file # can be used in combination with the command line argument # ``search_esgf=when_missing``. If only certain values are allowed for an # option, these are listed after ``---``. The option in square brackets is the # default value, i.e., the one that is used if this option is omitted in the # file. # ############################################################################### # # Note for developers: # ------------------- # Two identical copies of this file (``ESMValTool/config-user-example.yml`` and # ``ESMValCore/esmvalcore/config-user.yml``) exist. If you change one of it, # make sure to apply the changes to the other. # ############################################################################### --- # Destination directory where all output will be written # Includes log files and performance stats. output_dir: ~/esmvaltool_output # Auxiliary data directory # Used by some recipes to look for additional datasets. auxiliary_data_dir: ~/auxiliary_data # Automatic data download from ESGF --- [never]/when_missing/always # Use automatic download of missing CMIP3, CMIP5, CMIP6, CORDEX, and obs4MIPs # data from ESGF. ``never`` disables this feature, which is useful if you are # working on a computer without an internet connection, or if you have limited # disk space. ``when_missing`` enables the automatic download for files that # are not available locally. ``always`` will always check ESGF for the latest # version of a file, and will only use local files if they correspond to that # latest version. search_esgf: never # Directory for storing downloaded climate data # Make sure to use a directory where you can store multiple GBs of data. Your # home directory on a HPC is usually not suited for this purpose, so please # change the default value in this case! download_dir: ~/climate_data # Run at most this many tasks in parallel --- [null]/1/2/3/4/... # Set to ``null`` to use the number of available CPUs. If you run out of # memory, try setting max_parallel_tasks to ``1`` and check the amount of # memory you need for that by inspecting the file ``run/resource_usage.txt`` in # the output directory. Using the number there you can increase the number of # parallel tasks again to a reasonable number for the amount of memory # available in your system. max_parallel_tasks: null # Log level of the console --- debug/[info]/warning/error # For much more information printed to screen set log_level to ``debug``. log_level: info # Exit on warning --- true/[false] # # Only used in NCL diagnostic scripts. exit_on_warning: false # Plot file format --- [png]/pdf/ps/eps/epsi output_file_type: png # Remove the ``preproc`` directory if the run was successful --- [true]/false # By default this option is set to ``true``, so all preprocessor output files # will be removed after a successful run. Set to ``false`` if you need those # files. remove_preproc_dir: true # Use netCDF compression --- true/[false] compress_netcdf: false # Save intermediary cubes in the preprocessor --- true/[false] # Setting this to ``true`` will save the output cube from each preprocessing # step. These files are numbered according to the preprocessing order. save_intermediary_cubes: false # Path to custom ``config-developer.yml`` file # This can be used to customise project configurations. See # ``config-developer.yml`` for an example. Set to ``null`` to use the default. config_developer_file: null # Use a profiling tool for the diagnostic run --- [false]/true # A profiler tells you which functions in your code take most time to run. # Only available for Python diagnostics. profile_diagnostic: false # Rootpaths to the data from different projects # This default setting will work if files have been downloaded by ESMValTool # via ``search_esgf``. Lists are also possible. For site-specific entries and # more examples, see below. Comment out these when using a site-specific path. rootpath: default: ~/climate_data # Directory structure for input data --- [default]/ESGF/BADC/DKRZ/ETHZ/etc. # This default setting will work if files have been downloaded by ESMValTool # via ``search_esgf``. See ``config-developer.yml`` for definitions. Comment # out/replace as per needed. drs: CMIP3: ESGF CMIP5: ESGF CMIP6: ESGF CORDEX: ESGF obs4MIPs: ESGF # Example rootpaths and directory structure that showcases the different # projects and also the use of lists # For site-specific entries, see below. #rootpath: # CMIP3: [~/cmip3_inputpath1, ~/cmip3_inputpath2] # CMIP5: [~/cmip5_inputpath1, ~/cmip5_inputpath2] # CMIP6: [~/cmip6_inputpath1, ~/cmip6_inputpath2] # OBS: ~/obs_inputpath # OBS6: ~/obs6_inputpath # obs4MIPs: ~/obs4mips_inputpath # ana4mips: ~/ana4mips_inputpath # native6: ~/native6_inputpath # RAWOBS: ~/rawobs_inputpath # default: ~/default_inputpath #drs: # CMIP3: default # CMIP5: default # CMIP6: default # CORDEX: default # obs4MIPs: default # Directory tree created by automatically downloading from ESGF # Uncomment the lines below to locate data that has been automatically # downloaded from ESGF (using ``search_esgf``). #rootpath: # CMIP3: ~/climate_data # CMIP5: ~/climate_data # CMIP6: ~/climate_data # CORDEX: ~/climate_data # obs4MIPs: ~/climate_data #drs: # CMIP3: ESGF # CMIP5: ESGF # CMIP6: ESGF # CORDEX: ESGF # obs4MIPs: ESGF # Site-specific entries: JASMIN # Uncomment the lines below to locate data on JASMIN. #auxiliary_data_dir: /gws/nopw/j04/esmeval/aux_data/AUX #rootpath: # CMIP6: /badc/cmip6/data/CMIP6 # CMIP5: /badc/cmip5/data/cmip5/output1 # CMIP3: /badc/cmip3_drs/data/cmip3/output # OBS: /gws/nopw/j04/esmeval/obsdata-v2 # OBS6: /gws/nopw/j04/esmeval/obsdata-v2 # obs4MIPs: /gws/nopw/j04/esmeval/obsdata-v2 # ana4mips: /gws/nopw/j04/esmeval/obsdata-v2 # CORDEX: /badc/cordex/data/CORDEX/output #drs: # CMIP6: BADC # CMIP5: BADC # CMIP3: BADC # CORDEX: BADC # OBS: default # OBS6: default # obs4MIPs: default # ana4mips: default # Site-specific entries: DKRZ-Levante # For bd0854 members a shared download directory is available #search_esgf: when_missing #download_dir: /work/bd0854/DATA/ESMValTool2/download # Uncomment the lines below to locate data on Levante at DKRZ. #auxiliary_data_dir: /work/bd0854/DATA/ESMValTool2/AUX #rootpath: # CMIP6: /work/bd0854/DATA/ESMValTool2/CMIP6_DKRZ # CMIP5: /work/bd0854/DATA/ESMValTool2/CMIP5_DKRZ # CMIP3: /work/bd0854/DATA/ESMValTool2/CMIP3 # CORDEX: /work/ik1017/C3SCORDEX/data/c3s-cordex/output # OBS: /work/bd0854/DATA/ESMValTool2/OBS # OBS6: /work/bd0854/DATA/ESMValTool2/OBS # obs4MIPs: /work/bd0854/DATA/ESMValTool2/OBS # ana4mips: /work/bd0854/DATA/ESMValTool2/OBS # native6: /work/bd0854/DATA/ESMValTool2/RAWOBS # RAWOBS: /work/bd0854/DATA/ESMValTool2/RAWOBS #drs: # CMIP6: DKRZ # CMIP5: DKRZ # CMIP3: DKRZ # CORDEX: BADC # obs4MIPs: default # ana4mips: default # OBS: default # OBS6: default # native6: default # Site-specific entries: ETHZ # Uncomment the lines below to locate data at ETHZ. #rootpath: # CMIP6: /net/atmos/data/cmip6 # CMIP5: /net/atmos/data/cmip5 # CMIP3: /net/atmos/data/cmip3 # OBS: /net/exo/landclim/PROJECTS/C3S/datadir/obsdir/ #drs: # CMIP6: ETHZ # CMIP5: ETHZ # CMIP3: ETHZ # Site-specific entries: IPSL # Uncomment the lines below to locate data on Ciclad at IPSL. #rootpath: # IPSLCM: / # CMIP5: /bdd/CMIP5/output # CMIP6: /bdd/CMIP6 # CMIP3: /bdd/CMIP3 # CORDEX: /bdd/CORDEX/output # obs4MIPs: /bdd/obs4MIPS/obs-CFMIP/observations # ana4mips: /not_yet # OBS: /not_yet # OBS6: /not_yet # RAWOBS: /not_yet #drs: # CMIP6: DKRZ # CMIP5: DKRZ # CMIP3: IPSL # CORDEX: BADC # obs4MIPs: IPSL # ana4mips: default # OBS: not_yet # OBS6: not_yet # Site-specific entries: Met Office # Uncomment the lines below to locate data at the Met Office. #rootpath: # CMIP5: /project/champ/data/cmip5/output1 # CMIP6: /project/champ/data/CMIP6 # CORDEX: /project/champ/data/cordex/output # OBS: /data/users/esmval/ESMValTool/temporary/obs/ # obs4MIPs: /data/users/esmval/ESMValTool/temporary/obs/ # ana4mips: /project/champ/data/ana4MIPs #drs: # CMIP5: BADC # CMIP6: BADC # CORDEX: BADC # OBS: default # obs4MIPs: default # ana4mips: BADC