function step3d_validation_pairwise_decoding200(bids_dir, toolbox_dir, participant, blocknr, n_blocks) %% Function to run pairwise decoding analysis for the 200 repeat stimuli % % @ Lina Teichmann, 2022 % % Usage: % step3d_validation_pairwise_decoding200(bids_dir,participant, ...) % % Inputs: % bids_dir path to the bids root folder % toolbox_dir path to toolbox folder containtining CoSMoMVPA % participant participant number % blocknr number of the chunk you want to run this analysis for % n_blocks how many blocks you want to run this analysis in (this is to make it faster by running stuff in parallel) % % Returns: % decoding_acc file that has the decoding accuracy for each decoding block ('PX_pairwise)decoding_200_blockX.mat') % decoding_pairs file that contains which pairwise comparisons were run so it can be stacked back together ('PX_pairwise)decoding_200_blockX_pairs.mat') %% folders preprocdir = [bids_dir '/derivatives/preprocessed/']; res_dir = [bids_dir '/derivatives/output/']; addpath(genpath([toolbox_dir '/CoSMoMVPA'])) load([preprocdir '/P' num2str(participant) '_cosmofile.mat'],'ds'); % make a pairwise decoding folder if it does not exist if ~exist([res_dir '/pairwise_decoding'], 'dir') mkdir([res_dir '/pairwise_decoding']) end outfn = [res_dir '/pairwise_decoding/P' num2str(participant) '_pairwise_decoding_200_block' num2str(blocknr) '.mat']; outfn_pairs = [res_dir '/pairwise_decoding/P' num2str(participant) '_pairwise_decoding_200_block' num2str(blocknr) '_pairs.mat']; %% pairwise decoding ds = cosmo_slice(ds,strcmp(,'test')); =; =; all_combinations = combnk(unique(,2); % split into blocks step = ceil(length(all_combinations)/n_blocks); s = 1:step:length(all_combinations); blocks = cell(length(s),1); for b = 1:length(s) blocks{b} = all_combinations(s(b):min(s(b)+step-1,length(all_combinations)),:); end combs = blocks{blocknr}; save(outfn_pairs, 'combs') nproc = cosmo_parallel_get_nproc_available; res = []; for pairs = 1:length(combs) tic disp([num2str(pairs) ' out of ' num2str(length(combs))]) ds_p = cosmo_slice(ds,ismember(,combs(pairs,:))); partitions = cosmo_nfold_partitioner(ds_p); measure_args=struct(); measure_args.classifier=@cosmo_classify_lda; measure_args.partitions=partitions; measure_args.nproc = nproc; nbrhood=cosmo_interval_neighborhood(ds_p,'time','radius',0); res{pairs}=cosmo_searchlight(ds_p,nbrhood,@cosmo_crossvalidation_measure,measure_args); toc end res_pairs = cosmo_stack(res); save(outfn, 'res_pairs','-v7.3') end